Global Sage Era

Chapter 256

Chapter 252 The Seventh Citizen!

How much is the outside world?

Some people say it cannot be exhausted.

This is naturally impossible, but at least there are more planets than the universe where the real world is located.

With such a huge number, various situations are possible.

But it can be divided roughly.

First, whether there are humans in this outer world is divided into two categories.

Subsequently, the division continued in these outer worlds where humans existed, and they were divided into three categories: human superiority, human balance, and human inferiority.

There are four in total.

And what Xu Sheng wants to choose now is that the world of human race’s advantage needs to be crossed out, because after such a world enters, it will be a war with the indigenous human race.

Other people may not choose this. After all, they are following the holy way, as long as they can make their own power Ascension, it doesn’t matter what the method is.

But Xu Sheng was different. The way of human nature made him avoid these worlds subconsciously.

The balance of power of the human race, the disadvantaged of the human race, and the world of the unmanned race can all enter, but the number of the first two combined is far less than one percent of the world of the unmanned race.

The unmanned world still occupies the majority. After all, in the strict sense, the human race is just one of the many races—just extremely powerful.

The world of Greystone is a world of no one, and the world of a demon is a world of human inferiority.

This time, Xu Sheng still chose the uninhabited world.

The uninhabited world can also be called an alien world. In such a world, any race may appear, for example, the blood races, zombie races, and witch races encountered in the selection of places will all appear.

What is different from the students is that in such a world, everything is in a system, the number is extremely large, and the combat power recovers extremely quickly.

The only disadvantage of the Huntuo people’s conquest of such a world is the lack of numbers. After all, the Huntuo people can fight only about 30,000 people now.

Those below Qi Sea realm are not within his consideration. They are all underage half-and-half children. Their combat power is in a period of rapid progress. Ascension strength is the kingly way in the Minor World. Beware of growth. It’s not too late to join the team and conquer together.

One month later.

The world channel appears on the east side of Minor World.

Twenty thousand people lined up neatly in front of the world channel.

The 20,000 people are Qi Sea realm Practitioners, and Martial Master Realm is the team leader, leading a hundred people.

Wu Ying Realm and Martial Master Dzogchen are commanding ten teams, which is 1,000 people.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng each received 10,000 people and were directly responsible to Kuang Yuan.

What is used is already the battle formation of the army, but the strength of the Practitioner has been changed from body refining to the lowest Qi Sea realm.

The eyes reveal that Xu Sheng looked at from above showed that this change of Huntuo Practitioner was not caused by his exchange. It was completely the battle formation that was most suitable for Huntuo Practitioner by themselves after so many years of summary and summary.

For him, such a scene is much more gratifying than redeeming from the equivalent of everything. This is what he has been working on and hopes to see. It shows that even if he does not have himself, Huntuo Practitioner has its own growth direction!

The cultivator is excluded from this battle. It is also normal. After all, there are two different cultivation routes. The Practitioner pays attention to Blood Qi and bravery. This set is not only useless for the cultivator, it may even be yelled by the cultivator. “Chaotic my Dao heart”.

Under normal circumstances, the Huntuo cultivator is now performing spell bombardment on the flanks, and the latter grants Magic power assistance in the rear, or grants status blessings at critical times.

It’s a bit like the infantry coordination in technological warfare. This kind of power can be much more terrifying than a single arm, and it can maximize their respective advantages.

Cultivator and Practitioner, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, cultivator is strong, yes, but if it is not a professional trainer, its defensive ability is far inferior to Practitioner.

After the Practitioner reaches a certain Realm, it is an instinctive means to rebirth with broken limbs and indestructible blood. The cultivator will be a lot more troublesome. Although it can achieve the same effect, it may cause the lack of Taoism. This feature is also It is destined that in most cases, it is not suitable for a frontal attack.

At this time, Huntuo cultivators are all following Yin. After entering the world channel, they will freely combine to complete the final goal in their own way.

There are many ways to cultivator, and there are various ways to get through even if you are in danger.

“Wang Fan, what do you say you join in the fun? The crusade in the outer world will kill you! With your qualifications, it’s not good to stay in the tribe.”

When the Practitioners walked into the passage of the world, some young people in the team began to whisper.

The speaker is a tall and lanky young man with Qi Sea level three in strength. At his age, he is still not weak, and beside him, a young man who is half a head shorter than him, Cultivation Base is taller than Qi. On the first floor of Sea, depending on the breath, it should be a short time after breakthrough.

This kind of aptitude is already considered weak in the Huntuo race.

The young man called Wang Fan didn’t get angry, because he knew that there was no malice in the words of the young man next to him… his qualifications were indeed bad.

But he doesn’t want to end his life like this. Being able to enter the Huntuo tribe is already a great luck, which many people can’t ask for, but he wants to go further, just like Elder and the others!

This young man named Wang Fan is no one else, but the thin young man back then!

Now five years later, his Cultivation Base has also come up as Ascension. In terms of his aptitude, it is incredible. In order to achieve his current strength, he has paid several times the hardships of ordinary people.

The eyes of Xu Sheng in the world were bright, and all the information of this young man appeared before his eyes.

[Tribe people]: Wang Fan

Destiny Level: Desolate Tier 3

Age: 21

Spiritual Roots: None

Talent: Ninth Stage First Stage, Bloody Body, Bloody Body

Roots: Quasi-yellow

Perception: Quasi-yellow

Luck: White

Ability: None

Realm: Qi Sea first floor

From the data point of view, it can be horrible.

Except for Realm, everything is the same as it was five years ago.

Even compared with the Huntuo people more than a hundred years ago, he is still a very poor grade.

At present, the talents of the Huntuo race are relatively average, and their basic understanding is also above the fifth rank of the yellow rank.

With such qualifications, he could become a Qi Sea realm Practitioner at the age of 21. Although Xu Sheng has not been staring at it all the time, he can still imagine how desperate he is for this.

During the past five years, his intermittent attention has been able to see images of young people never giving up.

“It’s almost time… this outer world is where you emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly!”

Xu Sheng had already made a decision in his heart, even if the aptitude was poor, he would give him a chance.

At this time, Wang Fan, who was in the battlefield, didn’t know that the opportunity to change his destiny had arrived.

He was thinking about how to use this opportunity to Ascension own strength.

In his heart, he knows the danger better than anyone else. Others may gain a breakthrough in a crisis and grow rapidly, but he can’t. Since childhood, his growth has not been able to keep up with other people, if not in Huntuo. In the tribe, in the’climbing ladder’ that year, he received some attention, he may not even reach the late stage of body refining now!

Huntuo cultivator and Huntuo Practitioner have stepped out of the world channel.

What appeared in front of them at this time was a dull world, above their heads, a round of bloody moon hung high, making their minds a little bloated.

But it didn’t take long for the effects of the bloody body to take effect, and the mind became clear again.

“The environment in this world is not right.”

Wang Fan became vigilant in an instant. In the past two years, he had also been to the Yaozu world to experience, but the feeling it gave him was far less than the current anxiety.

He is very clear about own strength, is the lowest group of all people who come here, if you don’t act carefully, then he is the first to die!

“Be careful.”

Wang Fan reminded the thin and tall young man next to him.

“I know.” The thin and tall young man murmured. Although he knew that Wang Fan was kind, his heart was a little irritable.

“Everyone is vigilant, and are not allowed to leave the battlefield until they have figured out the surrounding conditions.”

Kuang Yuan’s voice appeared in everyone’s ears.

Xu Sheng has some basic understanding of the situation in this world.

The original name of this world was a creature called ‘Night Dire’, which is somewhat similar to the previous night practitioners in the territory of the Ten Thousand Races, but they have a unique ability: to invade dreams.

In other words, as long as the target falls into a drowsy state, they can sneak in and damage the target!

This ability is very powerful, and it just bypasses the effect of the bloody body. After all, the bloody body can resist abnormal conditions, but it can’t make people sleep.

At best, the Huntuo race has a little higher resistance than ordinary races.

“It’s still the sleep time of Dire, and I specially chose a place far away from their gathering place, enough buffer.”

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Before he came to this world, he didn’t tell the Huntuo people the news here. The most important thing is that the strength here is not strong. Although the nightmare is strong, it can be against the Qi Sea realm Practitioner. Inflict damage, but it is not so easy to kill the Huntuo tribe directly in the dream.

On the contrary, he wanted to use this opportunity to exercise his own people. After all, there would be more and more strange alien races in the future, and the sooner he grew up, the better.

Half a day passed quickly, and after another blood moon appeared on that day, the atmosphere of the whole world suddenly became weird.


Kuang Yuan immediately noticed the difference, and Chong Huntuo Practitioners warned.

The invisible wind blows from the periphery, and some hissing sounds appear at the same time, making people feel creepy.

“Ah! My hand!”

“My body is out of control!”

A scream came from the side!

Wang Fan’s face became ugly in an instant, because he discovered that, at some unknown time, his own hands and feet started to become stiff. Although he could still move, his sensitivity was greatly reduced!

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