Global Sage Era

Chapter 238

Chapter 234 Heartache Xu Sheng (fourth more seeking subscription!)

The power of the law is everywhere.

Two consciousnesses, one north and one south, exist in this secret realm.

The consciousness of the South is far stronger than that of the North.

After exchanging information with each other, Xu Sheng and Fang Su’s speed is extremely fast, Xu Sheng’s current law comprehension has reached 0.25%, while Fang Su’s is 0.12%.

The reason for this change is that in destroying these peculiar creatures, the role of will is immense.

Xu Sheng’s talent may not be good, but his will is not worse than anyone else!

“But so far I haven’t encountered anything too dangerous. According to the extent that the ancient sage said, I should have not encountered it yet.”

Xu Sheng looked around his area.

If you divide it in a circle like the second mode, you are probably in the middle of the outermost area.

In other words, now I have only penetrated half the distance of the outermost area.

As for Fang Su, he was still one-tenth away.

In the territory of the Ten Thousand Races, the central secret realm only occupies the middle area, which is not as big as the earth, and now he does not know how far he has traveled, so the outer space is completely different from the inner space.

Territory of ten thousand races.

Another five years have passed in the blink of an eye. It has been more than ten years since Xu Sheng entered, and it has been six years since Fang Su entered.

After such a long time, the lairs of the Ten Thousand Races in his area have been almost wiped out, and only the last five Nascent Soul lairs have not been wiped out.

These five Nascent Soul-class lairs, even with his assistance, the own people cannot destroy them. If you want to destroy them, he needs to directly erase them.

In this way, the rewards he could eventually get were very few.

Under this circumstance, it is naturally impossible for him to make such a decision.

“Unfortunately, although I have found a pattern before, but I have not been able to achieve it.”

Xiao Feng sighed. In the second year after Fang Su entered the central secret realm, he had already found a pattern.

Through a special way of elimination, the key to open the door of the secret realm is obtained.

Compared with Xu Sheng’s way of entering, this is a trick, so I have also made settings. If there is no pattern found at the beginning, even if you find it later, you will miss it.

There are five areas in total, all of which are outside of Minor World and do not participate in monster siege.

It also means that to open the door of secret realm in this way requires extremely keen insight.

No, it can’t be said to be keen anymore, it is to reach the level of horror!

It is a pity that because of Xu Sheng’s existence, he has always felt a kind of pressure, which has affected his own state of mind, otherwise he can be aware of his situation from the beginning.

He also thought about it and found that he did have feelings at the beginning, but they were ignored by him. This naturally made him regret it, but regret was useless. The past is the past.

“Forget it, no more delay!”

After seeing the five Nascent Soul lairs repeatedly, Xiao Feng finally made up his mind.

Cruelly gritted his teeth, the origin descended.

The five Nascent Soul lairs he was aiming at, even though the ten thousand races inside were not wise, their faces were full of fear at this time.

Then there was no squeak, and the den was wiped away directly.

Xiao Feng is naturally a little unwilling in his heart. If he is given decades of development time for his people, his brain is afraid that he will not be able to kill them in a face-to-face fight, but he can do it under his weakening, at least. And get some rewards.

And all the lairs of the Ten Thousand Races in his area were destroyed, prompting to appear.

Xiao Feng did not hesitate to choose, a huge portal appeared, which was also the third secret realm door.

Following the method Xu Sheng left behind, he separated a part of his own consciousness, and then the whole person stepped into the door of no secret realm.

“Xiao Feng also went in.”

In the area far away, Lu Shan’s face showed a trace of ruthlessness. At this time, in his area, there were only five ten thousand clan lairs left, and it was the Nascent Soul lair.

He is not much different from Xiao Feng’s strength, Baihe Jianxiu’s killing speed is faster, and what Xiao Feng can achieve, he can also achieve.

After Xiao Feng entered, he also cut off the last trace of hesitation.

The fourth portal rises!

But before he could enter, three portals appeared in the other three positions.

Four secret realm doors appeared at the same time!

A trace of surprise appeared on Lu Shan’s face, and then his face became gloomy. He didn’t expect that those people had made the same choice.

Two of the four secret realm doors belong to the West Campus, and the East and West campuses are evenly matched this time.

And the four of them are also the strongest group of students in the territory of ten thousand races.

Although the remaining people are not weak, there are still dozens of nests in the own area that have not been resolved.

The Nascent Soul-class lair can’t be destroyed by the people alone, and it can be cruel to bite the teeth. The Gold Core-class lair will not work. They are all rewards that can be obtained in time. No one will be such a “prodigal”.

The moment Xiao Feng came in, Xu Sheng knew.

Without him, the chat box lights up and is in a communicable state.

“A little faster than I thought, not bad.”

Xu Sheng sent a message directly.

What was received was news of Xiao Feng’s helplessness.

“Because I directly erased the Nascent Soul lair, now I think about it, my heart is still bleeding!”

Surprise appeared on Xu Sheng’s face, and then he sent over and asked: “You are crazy, didn’t I tell you that there is a group time house in the Nascent Soul lair!”

Even he felt distressed for a while, if you don’t want it, how good is it to arrange the Huntuo Practitioner to solve it in the past!

Although there is not much information that can be conveyed, it is still possible to send a ‘borrowing way’ to the own subconsciousness. In his current situation, if he borrows from others, there is no big problem at all.

Now the nests in each area are almost solved by the students. If he borrows the way, he can be unimpeded along the way, and it will not take long to reach Xiao Feng’s area!

“Stop talking, is there anything you want to tell me?”

There was a hint of amusement on Xu Sheng’s face. He didn’t expect Xiao Feng to get along with him for a long time now, and his face became thicker.

This is asking for information from yourself!

“Yes, yes, but you have to pay me back.”

As a joke, Chen Mo posted all the information he had compiled during this period.

In the entire East Campus, Xiao Feng and Su Linrui are the only ones who have gained his trust now.

Xiao Feng has a very good personality, he has been treated as a companion in the future, and he is very reliable.

“Say it again.”

Xu Sheng seemed to think of Xiao Feng’s appearance of Tsundere at this time, and couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

At the same time, I felt that there was a companion coming, and it was really different. If he was originally depressed in this secret realm, his mood is completely relaxed now.

Fang Su’s entry made him no longer lonely, but he did not feel relaxed. Only Xiao Feng’s entry brought an intuitive change.

But when Xu Sheng didn’t expect it, not long after Xiao Feng came in, four portals rose up at the same time.

“Is this all stimulated?”

Xu Sheng opened his mouth slightly, and didn’t know what to say in his heart.

At the same time, the feeling of heartache became stronger.

That’s twenty group time houses!

He was so heartbroken that he wanted to bleed!

Twenty Nascent Soul lairs, even with the strength of the Yin and Huntuo human races, are not so easy to solve. Without him, it is likely to fall into fierce battles, and it is impossible for him to stay in the territory of the ten thousand races to solve it slowly. .

So fish and bear’s paw can’t have both.

The world is always difficult to make both ends of the world.

“They have also come in, do you give them the information you gave me?” Xiao Feng immediately sent a message to ask.

“Wait for a while. Although the possibility of destroying this secret realm is unlikely, we still have to guard against it.”

Xu Sheng thought for a while, and decided to slow down for the time being.

Xiao Feng can be trusted completely, but Lu Shan and Wu Su can’t. If he has worked so hard to obtain information that is leaked by them and let the people in the West Campus know about it, then he really has to hit the wall with his head.

“I see.”

After Xiao Feng sent a message, there was no message. Xu Sheng was still a little confused at first, but soon learned that the latter was stuck in a strange place, which is also a place where Ascension can be obtained. Looking at it this way, The three of them who came in didn’t seem to be very lucky, and they didn’t even give them time to prepare, so they were directly allowed to enter the battle.

Lu Shan’s luck was good. At this time, what appeared in front of him was an extremely open area. He had been walking for a long time before a floating jellyfish-like creature appeared. After it was destroyed, the remaining tentacles could increase. Comprehension of the law.

However, the effect of these jellyfish is not as good as that of the serrated fish. He has been hunting in this area and barely increased his understanding of the law of own by 0.01%.

The luck of the other three people was not as good as that of him. Although they didn’t encounter any dangerous places, they didn’t encounter any creatures that can Ascension. They have been searching for a long time by relying on the law of own, but they have found nothing.

The two people in the West Campus obviously got Fang Su’s information sharing, and soon knew where some places were.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, and finally sent a message to Wu Su.

Wu Su was moving aimlessly in this area. When she received Xu Sheng’s message, she was taken aback. After reading the content, she was silent for a while, and then sent Xu Sheng a ‘thank you’.

“Come on, our East Campus must win this time.”

Xu Sheng replied, then closed the panel and stopped paying attention.

Wu Su is a rather weird person, so far he hasn’t figured out what her true character is like.

Naturally, the deepest impression was when Mo Fei mentioned him to himself during the selection process.

At that time, I deliberately prepared for a while to prevent losing to her in the battle.

At this time there are seven people in the central secret realm.

The four on the east campus and three on the west campus are the first echelon ever since.

The seven people knew in their hearts that next time they had to wait for someone to come in, it wouldn’t be the harmonious situation now.

The battle is bound to begin!

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