Global Sage Era

Chapter 218

Chapter 215: Exhausting Everything, Exchange!


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: 0.08%

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water

【Dojo】: Not obtained


【Sect】: None

[Subject]: Huntuo tribe

【Incense】: six thousand two hundred and thirty-one thousand

【Bonus】: Zero


In the 34th area of ​​the Ten Thousand Clan Territory, when Kuang Yuan brought Huntuo Practitioners to annihilate another Ten Thousand Clan lair, he opened his current information and glanced at it.

Five million six hundred and ninety thousand short!

The speed is gratifying, according to this posture, five more lairs are enough.

In order to obtain enough incense as quickly as possible, Xu Sheng arranged the weakest nests.

He now has a clear idea of ​​the reward mechanism of the Ten Thousand Clan Lair. For others, the stronger the lair, the better, and the lower it is, the better.

The lower the strength of the nest, the higher the probability of incense appearing. Although the incense obtained at a time is not much, it is very efficient in terms of elimination.

Each of these nests provided between 80 and 1 million incense, and it took only eight months for Xu Sheng to wipe out fifteen nests.

Yuan Hai only wiped out so many nests ten years ago. It took him only eight months. If the former knew about it, he would probably hit the wall knowingly, but now he’s probably also very worried, after all. It has been forced to withdraw from the competition, and it is the first one.

The strength of these lairs is very weak, not even the Harpy Lair, and the natural time house is not available.

The harpy lair is now a criterion. Those who are weaker than it will not have a time house, and those who are stronger than it have a certain chance. Generally, they will appear on the lair leader.

The special rewards are special because they are small in variety and small in quantity. Xu Sheng has always been very open-minded in obtaining the time house.

The 10,000 peoples in the 34th area were naturally affected.

They have never been threatened so much. When Yuan Hai was there, their little days were extremely comfortable, but now Xu Sheng and Huntuo people are here, and they live in the water every day.

Xu Sheng hasn’t touched the four guarding boss lairs yet, so they are also Gold Core-level lairs. They will consume a little of their own power, so there is no rush to clean them up for the time being.

“I’ll give you three days for the lair in front. If you can’t get it down, you can kneel outside my door.”

When Kuang Yuan said this, Xuan Yi’s face became bitter.

But what can he do? I can’t beat and beat, I can’t scold and scold, I can only suffer chanting.

Soon, Xuan Yi left with the Five Thousand Practitioner, and then spread all the qi on the target lair.

Only Yin and Kuangyuan remained in the big account.

“Hmph, if this kid doesn’t force him, he will be lazy. The first few times I changed my job to accomplish things within three days, he had to delay it for five days, so that I would lose my face in this way. It’s.” Kuang Yuan muttered to himself, as if he was just talking to himself, but also as if he was talking to Yin.

“Xuan Yi is no worse than you. You, a master, are too harsh on him.” Yin said with a calm expression, which is definitely a fair word.

Kuang Yuan waved his hand and said, “I came out of zero struggle. If this kid hadn’t had the help of his ancestors, he would still be stuck in the Martial Master Realm.”

“It’s like you and I are not helping the ancestors.” Yin glanced at him.

Kuang Yuan didn’t mean the slightest embarrassment. He took the wine jar on the side and poured it calmly. This spirit wine was soaked with thousands of materials. If it weren’t for the vast amount of materials in the territory of the ten thousand races, it would be really incomplete. The corresponding material.

Practitioner has a big hobby, and that is drinking.

In the Practitioner of the Huntuo tribe, most of them are good with this one. I usually get tired from practicing, but when I take a bite, I feel tired. At the same time, wine is also good for some Cultivation Technique training.

Kuang Yuan drank, but he was not addicted to wine, but he knew a lot about the method of making wine. He loved to do it himself when he had nothing to do. What he drank in his hand was brewed by himself, which is considered to be a kind of spiritual wine, even if it is Drinking the cultivator is also very helpful, even if you have nothing to do, you will drink a little.

“This kid, don’t think I don’t know that you are embarrassed by Yin.”

Xu Sheng in the sky looked at Kuang Yuan a little contemptuously. This guy is becoming more and more insincere now. He always likes to hold the Master’s shelf in front of his apprentices to see how nice the person is. He never asks Yuhu and Qianmin for this. Ask for that.

Two people are two completely different Master types, and they are also very representative.

This reminded him of Xie Hong, the head teacher in high school, but the latter is just that the teacher is not the Master, so he usually doesn’t care much.

It was Old Sage. Although the first impression he gave was a stern type, he found that his style was similar to Yin.

In a sense, these two styles can also represent the cultivator route and the Martial Master route.

The cultivator is based on indifference, and the Martial Master is based on pleasure and enmity.

Kuang Yuan’s ‘threat’ is still useful. It took only two and a half days before Xuan Yi destroyed a Foundation Building late stage nest.

The strength of the Foundation Building late stage is nothing to the current Huntuo Practitioner. Although the strength of Sylphy is only between the early stage of the Foundation Building and the middle stage of the Foundation Building, but relying on the blessing of the big array, Has he been able to put it right in front of the Foundation Building late stage? From the beginning to the end, Yin and Kuang Yuan didn’t make a move, and the opponent was killed by him.

This time is actually a test for Kuang Yuan. If he can leapfrog now, it will be more beneficial to his future. He also sees that Xuan Yi is now accumulating more and more and is moving towards the middle stage of Wuying.

The 16th nest that was wiped out brought Xu Sheng one and two hundred and fifty thousand incense, but what was left was four hundred and four million four hundred and four million… which is really an unlucky number.

After this nest was wiped out, within Yuanhai’s original location, there was no longer a nest with the strength of the Foundation Building, the lowest being the strength of Gold Core.

From then on, Yin and Kuangyuan stopped training the cultivator and Practitioner, and began to take the initiative.

Once the two of them shot, it was a thunder blow, and there was no one-to-one particularity. When the two people stood side by side, the only ten thousand clan in Gold Core’s lair was directly beheaded, and it was supported from beginning to end. After a cup of tea, this is incredible for the Gold Core level battle, and it is also confirmed from the side that the two are more powerful now.

Xu Sheng looked at the situation a little bit more, Kuang Yuan’s heroic soul became more and more condensed, and it was not far from the Martial Spirit Realm.

The seventeenth nest has a total incense of 66.67 million incense.

The eighteenth nest has a total incense of 68.10 million incense, and a 25-year-old time house.

The nineteenth nest has a total incense of 69.5 million incense, and a 30-year-old time house.

Twentieth lair, total incense…71 million incense! ! !

“Finally enough!”

Xu Sheng’s mood was extremely excited, he hadn’t ‘gathered’ incense like this for a long time.

In the past, I used as much as I had, and 70 million incense sticks were kept for the sake of redeeming one thing. How crazy it was in the past!

“Everything is equal… Exchange!”

Xu Sheng didn’t waste time, and directly called out the equivalent of everything in his mind.

The pages of the equivalent of everything kept turning, and soon the specific information of the Ninth Stage battle body appeared.

In Xu Sheng’s sight, he can see what the human race with the Ninth Stage body is like, it is holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, raising hands and feet, the world bows its head!

Inheritance exchanges are all light spots, this kind of talent is not.

At the moment of exchange, the prompt appeared immediately.

[Record]: You added a talent to your people

[Record]: The potential of your people has been greatly Ascension

[Record]: The probability of your people’s awakening talent is large Ascension

The awakening talent of the people belongs to the individual alone, not the one that Xu Sheng exchanged.

For example, a person may have an eye upgrade and possess a special ability. This upgrade may be inherited, or it may be cut off in a certain generation. Whether it can always exist is completely dependent on life.

The bloody battle body and the Ninth Stage battle body are not at all. They are just like a person’s ability to breathe when they are born.

As soon as the First Stage Ninth Stage battle body was loaded, the entire Huntuo tribe felt it.

Now they are no stranger to this feeling, the body of the last bloody battle has only passed for more than ten years, and they are still fresh in their memory.

But the difference is that the changes brought about this time are much stronger than the last time!

Yin and Kuangyuan looked at each other almost immediately, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Yin is okay. After all, he is following the path of cultivator. He also understands that this change is more of a Practitioner aspect, but this still makes him feel such a big change, which can be imagined how amazing it is.

Kuang Yuan is the person with the deepest perception. He feels that Spiritual Qi’s absorption is easier when he breathes the most. He is now Wu Ying’s great perfection. If you change to those Practitioners, the effect will be terrifying!

The entire Huntuo race is indeed undergoing a great change at this time.

There is a breakthrough momentum everywhere.

In a short period of time, no fewer than 100 shares have appeared!

It’s all exercises Ninth Stage breakthrough Qi Sea’s momentum!

Many Practitioners who encounter bottleneck in the Ninth Stage may have broken through for several years, but now they break through immediately.

Some accumulations are not enough, but also greatly speed up the breakthrough process. You can try to enter the Qi Sea realm after a while!

Of course, this is also because the Ninth Stage battle body has just been loaded, and the first time the effect is always amazing. This kind of explosive situation will not appear in the future, but the thin water and long flow will slowly let the Qi Sea realm Practitioner grow.

Xu Sheng watched with a smile on his face, but soon the smile became painful.

70 million incense, that’s it.

Looking at the number that grew up a little bit, it turned into one hundred again, and he felt that life was not easy.

But this emotion only lasted for a while, and soon his eyes became firm.

Earn if the incense is gone!

I have to redeem more and better things!

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