Global Sage Era

Chapter 209

Chapter 206 The Extremely Cruel Hun Tuo Practitioner

“A mere lizard, dare to invade the world?”

“Kill them all!”

Outside of Minor World, the Huntuo Practitioners are all beards and hairs.

They have always taken the initiative to attack the lair of the ten thousand races, but now they dare to take the initiative to invade?

There is no need to mobilize people at all. They are all fighting spirits, shouting and rushing towards the lava dragon in front.

Unlike the other fifty-nine areas, Xu Sheng’s thirty-fifth area, as the fifty-six nests around him have been solved fifty-five, now only the last one can carry out the “monster siege”. Lava dragon lair.

In terms of strength, the Lava Dragon Lair is the most powerful among the fifty-six lairs. Although the number is only 500, each individual is very strong.

The smallest of them is more than ten meters high and thirty meters long. The one with Gold Core strength is more than one hundred meters long. When moving, it is completely a hill running towards you, that kind of vision. The impact on it is extremely strong!

But this is of no use!

No matter how strong they are, they are only slightly stronger than the three lairs of Great Sun Thunder Eagle, Elemental Destroyer, and Devouring Tiger. They are essentially the same level. Since the Huntuo tribe can wipe out the first three at a small cost, then The same goes for the lava dragons.

“It seems that a lava dragon lair can’t satisfy them.”

Xu Sheng shook his head and laughed at the top of the sky. Originally, the Huntuo Practitioners should have reached the range of the Lava Dragon Lair at this time, but unexpectedly the latter would take the initiative to deliver it.

They don’t need to be restrained when they are out of the nest, but they also lose their home court advantage.

The Lava Dragon’s lava lair is full of scorching lava. Under such circumstances, the Practitioners will be affected in their strength. This situation is now more cost-effective for him.

But Xu Sheng also watched the team channel. The situation on his side was good, but the others were miserable.

He could also think of the situation like that, if he only attacked 20 or 30 lairs now, and had to face the attack of more than 30 tens of thousands of lairs at once, he would be in a hurry now.

After all, that meant that at least a dozen Gold Cores invaded him at the same time, which was ten to twenty times the strength of his own people.

“But they should be able to persevere. Everyone has at least tens of thousands of points. There is a high probability that there is no danger.”

Xu Sheng used his own source to estimate that other people’s sources should be only a lot more than his. From the end of the college entrance examination to the present, everyone has never had the opportunity to use the source.

Moreover, in the territory of the ten thousand races, the speed of the source replenishment is also extremely impressive, and the source will occasionally be obtained in the reward. Can be a great supplement.


The roar of the lava dragon is like a bull like a bear, with shocking power, and a ring of red crystals on its neck can emit energy attacks. If it is accidentally attacked, even the cultivators will not please.

Xu Sheng started preparations more than a day ago. With the home court advantage, he spent a full 500,000 incense to arrange various traps.

There are many types of these traps. Although many of them are not fatal to the lava dragon, they will quickly behead the lava dragon trapped in it under the eyes of the Practitioner nearby.

Almost two hundred lava dragons died from this trap, and the remaining three hundred lava dragons were also affected to varying degrees.

These 500,000 incense sparks are very worthwhile!

Even if only about 60% of the rewards provided by the five hundred lava dragons are incense, the final incense will still exceed three million, with each head having a minimum of 10,000 incense.

The heads of lava dragons looked at Xu Sheng, they are simply big “experience babies”. In addition, the body of the lava dragon is also very useful. It contains a lot of energy, although it takes a lot of effort. Remove the harmful Impurities, but the final gain is completely worth it.

During this time, the children in Minor World were the most comfortable. Everyone will receive subsidies. Three meals a day are made of meat from various ethnic groups.

The Tongtian City also treats them equally, and has obtained too many bodies of the ten thousand races, even if the most essential part is stored, there are still a lot of common parts that need to be consumed quickly.

They are not incapable of decay, as long as they exceed a certain period of time, they can no longer be eaten, which is undoubtedly a waste.

Ordinary chefs simply cannot fully utilize the energy in these meats. In the end, it is estimated that only one-hundredths of them can be absorbed by the human body. The pill refining division is not bad at all.

Xu Sheng also spent tens of thousands of incense in exchange for the culinary heritage, and chose a few fairly talented people to pass on, but the effect is not very good so far. The martial arts among the Huntuo race is very strong, unless There is no choice, otherwise most people would not choose another path.

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and got 11,111 incense

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and got 1034 incense

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and got 10,524 incense

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and got a special reward time house

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and got a special reward time house

[Record]: You killed the lava dragon and obtained the lava nucleus

Xu Sheng looked at the information that appeared on his Sage interface, and it had to be said to be a pleasing thing.

The reward given by the lava dragon is so good. When the last lava dragon was killed, he felt a sense of reluctance… just thinking of another wave of the lava dragon.

This time, because he had prepared enough in advance, there were very few casualties, and only less than one-third of the first three guarding boss lairs. This is definitely a big victory.

It is equivalent to using half a million incense to get ten times the income, and he is willing to do such things often! Keep doing it!

Not only Xu Sheng, but the Huntuo Practitioners below are also extremely dissatisfied.

This time the number of lava dragons was too small. The trap was solved almost half of the time. Elder waited for Elder and the clan elder to solve more than half of the remaining half. Very few actually died in the hands of the Practitioner, which is equivalent to just I ignited the fighting spirit, but found that there were no enemies in front of him.

What’s the difference between being half cool and not being cool? !

So Huntuo Practitioners rioted!

First stepped down the Lava Dragon Lair, and wiped out all the old, weak, sick and disabled in it, and then crossed the Lava Lair and went to the wider world outside.

And at the moment they crossed the lava lair, Xu Sheng, who was located in the sky, also shared his vision simultaneously and learned about the situation outside.

He glanced at it and was a little surprised to find that the ten thousand races here were actually in a melee.

As long as you swipe in any direction, you can see that the tens of thousands of races in the lair are fighting each other, and the level of brutality is far greater than when the Huntuo races attacked the lair.

However, such a scuffle scene is extremely beneficial to him. As long as Huntuo Practitioners act carefully and don’t provoke a large number of enemies at the same time, they can fish in troubled waters and kill enough tens of thousands of races!

“It seems that there is no need to stop it, it seems that the ancestors are blessing us.”

In the sky, two figures stand side by side, and on the right is a burly man, his eyes are like copper bells, and the light in it is blazing.

The Daoist Spiritual Sense on the left has been spreading far and wide, and there is no immediate response. After clarifying the surrounding situation, he nodded and said: “The scene here is indeed very different. It is suitable for my Huntuo people.”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that after solving all the surrounding lairs, I would completely remove all the shackles.” Kuang Yuan laughed.

In terms of strength alone, these ten thousand races outside are more powerful, and there is no shortage of Gold Core middle stage and late stage.

But no matter how strong it is, there will be no problem as long as it does not provoke it, and now the initiative is on the side of the Huntuo human race.

All races have no wisdom. They can only act on their instincts. All kinds of behaviors can be seen through with a little research. With care, the danger can be reduced to a minimum.

Xuan Yi, who led the Practitioners, quickly got the news, and his eyes were as bright as light bulbs.

“Everyone is here, let me attack!”

The Huntuo Practitioners at the back were suppressing their own fighting spirit all the way, and at this time they were finally able to get what they wanted, and they all roared in excitement.

“Have fun!”

“Exterminate all these ten thousand races!”


Thousands of Practitioners, like evil tigers out of the cage, rushed towards the nearest ten thousand races.

The ten thousand races didn’t even know what was going on, they felt the terrifying laughter that made them stand upright, and then, their eyes went dark and their consciousness fell into eternal silence.

[Record]: You killed the fire chick and got 3,720 incense

[Record]: You killed the Templar and got 5891 incense

[Record]: You killed the poisonous marsh crocodile and gained forty-seven origins

At this time, the information of the ten thousand races that appeared on Xu Sheng’s Sage panel was different, and even at the same time, there were news that several ten thousand races were killed.

That’s all because the tens of thousands of races who were in a state of fighting each other were spotted by the Huntuo Practitioners, and then they were caught in a pot.

Huntuo Practitioners don’t care what race you are, anyway, as long as all the creatures that appear on this land are hunters, you don’t have to think about anything at all, just go up and kill them all!

The advanced effects of [Blood Battle Body] are also constantly appearing. Many Practitioners have made breakthroughs during this period. In just three days, four Qi Sea Dzogchen Practitioners have entered the Martial Master Realm!

After entering the Martial Master Realm, these Practitioners naturally aimed at those powerful ten thousand races, and they wanted to turn them into their own Martial Soul!

Therefore, he was more brutal and plunged into the battle!

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