Global Sage Era

Chapter 196

Chapter 193 Crazy Exchange

Various materials appeared around Xu Sheng.

A full 1.3 million incenses were used by him, and the last remaining incense was only single digits!

But I didn’t panic at all, because a large amount of incense would be paid soon.

Among the hundreds of thousands of nests nearby, the one that is slightly stronger than the Gang Temple is the Golden Rat.

The Golden Rats are a group that feeds on metals. Their individual combat effectiveness is extremely weak, but the number is indeed as high as tens of thousands, so in the end, the overall strength is higher than the Gangside race.

Choosing him as the third target of attack, Xu Sheng also made some arrangements, arranging various means to weaken the population of the Golden Rats before going on the conquest.

And just as he quietly cleaned up the third lair, someone was talking in the team’s conversation, and then the pot was fried.

“This is too difficult. I have just wiped out a group of people, and I have lost hundreds of people, and the rewards I received are still rubbish.”-Ruifeng.

“Yes, the proportion of incense is too high, right? Occasionally getting some rewards that are not incense is also very tasteless.” -Mu Fei.

“Everyone worked hard, and now the score is behind the West Campus, and there is a big increase there.”-Xiao Feng.

“Huh, I just finished solving the second lair, and now I am going to the third one. I will definitely catch up with the points!”-Lu Shan.

“Where is Xu Sheng? Why doesn’t he speak?” —Xiao Yalin.

“He should be busy.”-Zhao Tongkai.

The east and west campuses have their own team voices, in which you can send texts and videos.

In addition to the team voice, there is also a global voice, which means that other campuses can see what they say. In fact, they are used to mock and ridicule.

The 30 people in the champion class are already familiar with each other. Compared with the people in other classes, they still have some advantages in this respect. Of course, some of them are not liked by others, such as Xiao Yalin, Gong Ziwen, and Wei Hang such an unsocial person.

But overall, everyone’s atmosphere is still good. Not only are there no conflicts with each other, but they are also a community of interests. They are all geniuses who know what choice is best for them.

Xu Sheng only thought of the team’s voice in some accident. When he opened it and found that there were tens of thousands of messages, it took a while to see the end from the beginning.

With the number of 30 of them, there were only so many messages in almost ten days. It can be said that they have sent very few messages.

After reading it, he thought about it and didn’t speak.

Using the equivalent of everything in a timely manner to transform incense into strength is his greatest advantage, and he is the least able to be known to others. At this time, he only needs to make a fortune in a muffled voice.

As for other people’s arguments…Look at the long-term perspective, as long as you prove that you have a lot more territory than everyone else, then everyone will naturally think of excuses for themselves.

Students can also trade between students. For example, some of the ordinary materials produced by Minor World may not be appreciated by themselves, but they are excellent resources for others.This kind of thing is generally like a business, and it needs some bargaining.

It’s like Murphy’s stone man. For some herbal materials, they will definitely not be used. What will naturally appear in Minor World is beyond his control. At this time, it would be great if he could trade. Thing.

In the past, everyone developed their own development, and they couldn’t fight each other’s Minor World, so there is no need to think about this, but now it is different. Everyone’s Minor World is on a continent, and it won’t take long to be in contact with each other. Materials that are not needed are a good thing for both parties.

Of course, no one will say everything they have. Brothers will settle accounts, let alone some classmates who haven’t been together for a long time. It’s unavoidable to try something like that.

Some people’s materials in Minor World are also useful to Xu Sheng…but he doesn’t need it. It’s a lot more cost-effective to exchange everything for him directly, in other words, he can be self-sufficient!


When he was thinking, he kept hearing the missing sound of the rodent below in his ears.

In the huge labyrinth-like nest below, Huntuo Practitioner is under the leadership of Yin and Kuangyuan to encircle and suppress Life’s gold-eating rats here.

[Record]: You killed the Golden Rat and gained nine incense

[Record]: You killed the Golden Rat and gained seven incense

[Record]: You killed the Golden Rat and got twelve points of incense

The incense given by the Golden Rat is extremely small, and the incense that Xu Cheng is living alive now can be accumulated purely on the basis of quantity.

What each lair can obtain is proportional to the strength of the lair. Since the last incense obtained in the harpy lair is more than one million, the golden rat lair will not exceed this amount!

According to current estimates, if all this golden rat’s lair is encircled and suppressed, it will be about 750,000 incense sticks.

The damage caused by Golden Rats to Huntuo Practitioner is extremely limited. Now Huntuo Practitioner is extremely strong in all aspects, and the number is more than 10,000. There are also Gold Core combat powers such as Yin and Kuangyuan. It is very simple to kill them.

In just a few days, tens of thousands of Golden Rats in the entire Golden Rat’s lair were killed, and there was no storm from beginning to end.

“You got 108 points, the current points are 422 points, the total points of the East Campus: 3794.”


Xu Sheng frowned. He looked at his own total points, and basically nothing changed after he wiped out the Harpy Clan.

Other people are too slow.

He was a little unhappy in his heart. Now he has finished solving the third lair, but according to this situation, almost all other people have just completed a lair. According to his original estimate, the current score is at least 6,000.

But after seeing the points on the West Campus, he felt better.

“The current total points of the West Campus: 4023.”

The increase in the West Campus is also very small, basically unchanged

“It seems that I am faster.”

Xu Sheng muttered to himself, probably clarifying the situation.

He glanced at his current incense again.


[Sage interface]


【Incense】: Seventy-six thousand three thousand four hundred twenty-four



The incense has increased quickly, almost how hard it was spent before, how hard it is now earning.

I have to say that this feeling is really comfortable to the extreme, and I feel that own incense is like a fountain with a large capacity, with incense constantly spraying out from below.

After solving the lair of the Golden Rat clan, the casualties of the Practitioner of the Huntuo tribe were very small. Corresponding to this, there were many people who felt in the battle. Realm got Ascension, so until now, the overall strength has not decreased. Also added!

The more the war, the stronger!

This is naturally a great thing for Xu Sheng, and he hopes that the stronger the Practitioner, the better.

The fighting for only a few days was the intensity of a big battle from beginning to end, so there was no need for Xu Sheng to say, Yin and Kuangyuan arranged for people to go to the next lair.

While they were on the move, Xu Sheng was madly redeeming them.

【Hundred Refined Armor】

Category: Equipment

Description: A treasure made of meteorite iron can greatly increase the defense of the Practitioner

Consumption: 30 incense sets


The price of cabbage!

Here are five thousand sets!

Things like the Hundred Refining Armor only have a greater effect on the Body Refining Practitioner, but this is what Xu Sheng wants. The Body Refining Practitioner is still weak in this battlefield, and it is easy to die. He is about to strengthen his own defense.

Five thousand sets of one-hundred-forged armor is only one hundred fifty thousand incense, and now he is familiar with the cost of millions of dollars. At this time, not only does he not feel ghosts at all, he also feels that it is extremely cheap.

What? Sometimes the bow and arrow are not powerful enough?


【Wear a golden bow】

Category: Weapon

Description: Ten thousand catties of power can easily penetrate metal plants

Consumption: Fifty cards

Here are three thousand sets!

One hundred and fifty thousand incense!

Direct exchange is actually a bit more expensive than the raw materials, but for items such as refined armor and golden bows, there are not many craftsmen in the Huntuo tribe that can make them, and there is no time to wait.

Qian Min can naturally create it, but he doesn’t even have enough time to create Magical Items for cultivators. Where does the time come to manage the Practitioner equipment?

Both things were considered for the Body Refining Realm Practitioner, and it cost only 300,000.

Xu Sheng would not keep the remaining 460,000 incense sticks.


All exchanges!

He now has the proper “Moonlight Clan”, as long as there is incense, it will be exchanged immediately.

So Huntuo Practitioner was surprised and thankful at first, and now numbness has become a habit.

“The next lair is the lake to the east. At that time, I will use spells to force out the alien races in it, and then you will kill them all with the Practitioner.”

Yin and Kuang Yuan are discussing.

The benefits of the extermination of the first three ethnic groups are very intuitive. Although the Harpy has nothing to use on her body, both the temples and the gold-eaters can be used, so that the blacksmiths in the tribe have a lot to practice. Material.

There is also the Practitioner itself. Because of this, because of the Ascension, the combat experience has increased rapidly. Many young Practitioners who have only worked hard before and have no experience have grown rapidly in these few battles.

Because the fourth nest is aquatic, it brings some troubles to Huntuo Practitioners.

However, in the end it was successfully wiped out. For this, more than 100 casualties were paid. When more than 100 casualties appeared, more than 200 people from the Huntuo tribe also met the conditions for participating in the war and added them. In large teams, so the number has not decreased but is increasing.

This is a benign development direction!

This is what Xu Sheng has always wanted to see!

Regardless of the casualties on the front line, there is a steady stream of cultivator and Practitioner in the rear to add up, always maintaining ample combat power, this situation is the most healthy state!

The fourth nest brought 115 points to Xu Sheng, and his total points also came to 537 points.

In terms of incense, he won another eight hundred and one hundred thousand!

Then… continue to redeem!

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