Global Sage Era

Chapter 193

Chapter 190 Add a second talent, [Blood Battle Body]!

The Gang Temple ethnic group is the weakest ethnic group outside of Xu Sheng Minor World.

The number of three thousand is relatively small, after all, it is now a race war at every turn, and hundreds of thousands of millions should be the norm, just like in the world of the demon race.

“Your current score is 100, and the current total score of the East Campus: 547.”

A reminder appeared in Xu Sheng’s ear that the Gang-temple tribe is the weakest race, and it occupies a small territory. He scored 100 points, which means that the following is roughly based on it as a benchmark.

So soon, Xu Sheng estimated the scores of dozens of surrounding ethnic groups.

Ranging from 100 to 2000, if you finish all of them, you should be able to get around 10,000 points in the end.

He looked at the current total score of the West Campus, 555.

The gap is not big, but you must be cautious. You should fall behind at the beginning, and you can’t let this trend expand, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up later!

Now that he is determined to brush a lot of incense later, he must quickly turn the incense he obtained into strength.

“Everything is equal!”

Xu Sheng called out in his mind, everything appeared equivalent, and started to turn the page, countless things appeared inside.

Everything is equivalent without Xu Sheng’s order, as long as it is called out, it will give priority to the things that are currently more suitable for him to exchange.

Hmm… Xu Sheng is called the “Recommended Directory”.

According to the recommended catalog, it is the kind that has no merit and is the most moderate development.

Xu Sheng sometimes adopts some exchanges from above, but more often he considers the overall situation and recommends according to his own ideas.

After all, some people do not know that everything is equivalent.

“Talents…Huntuo tribe hasn’t exchanged talents for a long time. I thought that low-level exchanges were useless. Now it seems that even low-level exchanges can’t be broken.”

To be honest, Xu Sheng actually pays far less attention to the Practitioner than the cultivator. Most of the incense he usually consumes is used on the cultivator.

Although there are many things exchanged for Practitioner, they are all worthless things.

Talent, there is only one kind of talent in the Huntuo human race, and that is the bloody body.

The blood bath is generally suitable for ordinary people and Practitioner.

Although Qi Sea realm Practitioner is also useful, it has very little use.

After thinking about it, Xu Sheng felt that the talent of the blood bathing body was quite useful, so he finally chose a talent equivalent to its advanced version.

【Blood Battle Body】

Category: Talent

Description: 1. When the health value is lower than 50%, all attributes are ascending. The lower the health value, the greater the range, up to 100%. 2. Exempt from the same Realm negative state attack, weaken the impact of the high one Realm by 70%, and weaken the impact of the high two Realm by 30%. 3. At the time of life and death, the probability of breakthrough is 10%

Exchange required: 1.73 million incense

The bloody body is an all-round enhanced version of the bloody body, and it is also extremely useful among the wild-class humans. Although the current Huntuo human race is about to enter the Hong-class, it is still within this range.

After a while, after the Huntuo human race enters the Hong level, its role may be much less.

But Xu Sheng felt that it was useful to exchange it at this time. Although it was equivalent to another virtual Spiritual Roots cultivator, it was applicable to a wider range after all.

The body of bloody battle is also about fighting, and the brave wins if you meet on a narrow road, the more you dare to work hard, the greater the possibility of victory in the end.

Of course, it can also greatly increase the survival rate of the Ascension Practitioner in the territory of these tens of thousands of races, which is a very cost-effective thing.

But talent, it’s impossible to add unlimitedly. It involves blood and other things. When there is less, it can still be harmonious, and once there is more, it is easy to conflict.

This is why Xu Sheng wants to exchange for an advanced version of [Blood Bathing Body].

Another thing is that if the physique talent is too strong, it is easy to oppress people with poor physiques, which may make their bloodline unable to drain, and eventually cause some bad effects.

What’s even more frightening is that too many talents are added, causing the bloodline to collapse directly, and then the entire Minor World will become The Underworld!

Xu Sheng didn’t want to appear in such a scene!

Because of this, he has always been cautious about adding talent. Although he can also wash away this talent, the price paid is extremely high.

With the increase of the population, his incense consumption is also ascending in the form of powers. Now the consumption of tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of incense is a ‘trivial’ in his eyes, and only a million-level exchange is worth his caution.

However, there must be tens of millions of exchanges in the future…everything like that is now serious when he thinks about it, and he has to be more cautious then.

Every bit of incense is accumulated through hard work, if it is wasted, it is extremely shameful!

[Record]: You added a talent to your people

According to the simulation, as long as the talents are not too conflicting, such as exchanging the body of flame on the one hand and the body of ice on the other hand, nothing will happen normally in the early stage.

Especially [Blood Battle Body] is incomparably compatible with [Blood Bathing Body]. If this can cause bloodline breakdown, then Xu Sheng will also admit it.

After all, the flesh and blood of human beings are very fragile. It is not a string of code, and it is impossible to fiddle with it at will.

Even if Xu Sheng possesses the ability to drastically change them, the basic laws still cannot be changed-unless he makes the Huntuo race cease to be ‘human’ and become another race.

Different races have different genetic resistances. Perhaps the human race can only accommodate a few talents to the limit, but some powerful races can accommodate hundreds of thousands of them. This is completely existent.

But Human Race is irreplaceable after all, he has more unique characteristics.

In Minor World, Huntuo Practitioners are victorious and return, and everyone’s face is full of smiles.

Although some casualties were paid, it can be called a complete victory.

Since doing the practice of Practitioner, casualties are inevitable. Even the Qi Deviation will die in the daily practice, and everyone is used to it.

Of course, there must be many children like “Xiaoyuhua” appearing, but this is unavoidable. The development and expansion of human beings is accompanied by Death. There is no strong for no reason. All power must be produced by sweat or even life. exchange.

But at this moment, everyone felt a throbbing from the depths of their blood.

It seemed that some changes were happening rapidly, a tingling sensation appeared, but it quickly disappeared.

More than 10,000 Practitioners, look at me and I look at you, but I don’t even know why this happened suddenly.

And there is only one person who knows what it is!

Yin felt the change in his bloodline. He had never thought that after he became a cultivator, he would even reach the Gold Core stage, and one day he could have such an experience again!

It is the ancestor’s help to the Huntuo people!

Back then, when Xu Sheng added the talent of [Blood Bathing Body], he was still young, only a few years old, but now in a blink of an eye, nearly two hundred years have passed.

The old deceased had all returned to the dust, and he was the only one who was still leading the tribe to keep advancing.

The years have never been so clear before his eyes.

His thoughts became extremely transparent.

Xu Sheng above saw a sigh, but he didn’t expect Yin to enter a state of epiphany at this time.

“Xie Ancestor!”

When the epiphany was over, Yin had a lot of sentiment in his heart.

He slapped the sleeves of own with a very respectful attitude, and then deeply saluted the position of the tablet in the Huntuo tribe.

The voice was extremely loud, and it appeared in the ears of all the Huntuo tribes.

Some people reacted quickly and knew what to do right away.

“Xie Ancestor!”

Some people were stunned, but they understood after hearing the voices one after another.

“Xie Ancestor!”

Huntuo tribe, Tongtian city, Xianwu city, countless villages…

“Xie Ancestor!”

All the sounds condensed into one piece, resounding above the entire Minor World.

The movement was so loud that even dozens of students in other places noticed it.

But they don’t know what happened, they only know that in a certain place, it seems that a certain student’s people have undergone good changes.

Naturally, they were envious in their hearts, but envy was useless, so they then spent more energy on the ten thousand races they were working on.

All of a sudden, the blood flowed more.

Gao Sheng Yuan Susong also noticed the situation outside the “Baobao” where the Ten Thousand Clan Territory was located, and raised his brows after taking a look.


Gu Shiyi’s figure is not there, and I don’t know if he disappeared or left here.

Hun Tuo Practitioner didn’t feel much change at first after getting the talent of Blood War.

But with the arrival of the second expedition, they immediately felt the power of this talent!

Invisible sound waves appeared, and many practitioners covered their ears because of uncomfortable feelings, but when they were waiting for the coming pain, they found that everything disappeared and invisible, and it did not cause much influence on themselves!

There are some eagle-faced races living in this lair in front of them, and Xu Sheng’s Sage panel shows that they are called ‘harpy banshees’.

However, he is familiar with the Harpy, because one of the champions in the class now has his people as the Harpy, who left a deep impression on him when he fought.

Although these things in front of him are also called ‘Harpies’, they still have many differences in his opinion. The two harpies are similar to the difference between humans and elves.

Speaking of elves… such ethnic groups also exist. In fact, there are many different kinds of people of the students. There are all kinds of races in Eastern legends, and there are many different ethnic groups in the West.

For example, Wei Hang’s kinsmen are actually similar to the vampires in Western legends, and they can almost be exchanged for equal signs.

There are also dragon vein kobolds, whose dragon veins are not the blood of the eastern dragon, but the blood of the western dragon.

Although the two harpies are of different species in his opinion, their most powerful attack methods are still the same.

That is, the harsh sound waves from the open mouth!

It will plunge the target into various negative states in an instant!


It happened to be restrained by the Huntuo Practitioner who added the [Blood Battle Body] at this time!

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