Global Sage Era

Chapter 182

Chapter 179 The Creator

It takes a long time.

Throughout the past and the future, it represents the collection of time. In this river, everything beyond the imagination of ordinary life will exist.

Xu Sheng doesn’t know whether there is such a river in the world, but now he is indeed standing in the long river of time.

This long river is a means arranged by Qianjing University.

The endless water is washing him, and the countless waves are beating him. From the pain at the beginning to the numbness now, Xu Sheng has forgotten the passage of time.

In the previous Tower of Laws and Strategy Towers, time disappeared extremely quickly. It seemed that it was just a stunned time, half an hour has passed.

In this time tower, the situation was completely different. Here, Xu Sheng felt the slowness of time, much slower than usual.

The set time is half an hour, and when the time is not up, he will always be in this long river of time.

He went upstream, wanting to go to the source.

But after only a dozen steps, he couldn’t walk anymore, not only because of mental pain, but also from the powerful impact of the body.

The turbulence of the river here has prevented him from advancing at all.

I don’t know how long it took, and with the sound of “time is up”, everything in front of him has disappeared, and Xu Sheng found that he had been far away from the long river of time.

In the distance, I was beating the own river, where it was flowing quietly.

“This is a long river… this time I just feel it.”

Xu Sheng took a look at his own record. At this time, there was no Ascension that increased his time flow. That is, he still could only endure a time difference of one to 365 in the world.

Opening the list as usual, Xu Sheng quickly jumped to the top of the grade list.

What surprised him was that the list at this time was blank, without a word.

“How is this going?”

Xu Sheng asked the Time Tower.

“No one has reached the qualifications for being on the list.”

The Time Tower’s response sounded almost immediately, and Xu Sheng couldn’t help feeling a little dumb after hearing it.

From this point of view, the difficulty of the time tower is much more difficult than the law tower and the strategy tower.

However, it is understandable. After all, to withstand things like the flow of time, you need a more aspect of Ascension. Even if someone in the West Campus has a higher understanding of the law than others, it is impossible to be much higher, at most 0.06%0.07 % Like this.

After almost, Xu Sheng walked out of the time tower.

I have experienced three of the five towers, and for Xu Sheng, each tower is a brand new experience.

The fourth tower was chosen as the Children’s Tower. Although the warring tower has not been visited before, he already knows what its role will be from the name, so it was decided at the beginning to be the last.

Entering the Zimin Tower, Xu Sheng’s eyes were dotted with dots.

Like a shining starry sky, he touched a broad spot with his mind, and information flooded in.

He soon knew that these dots represented various racial information.

Each light spot contains a piece of genetic information, which can be combined at will to create a brand new species.

This means is entirely the means of the Creator.

For example, some creatures that are almost impossible to appear under normal circumstances-zombie dragons combined with zombies and dragons have extremely powerful dragons and strong defenses of zombie races. Although they have lost some potential, they are in the same rank situation. Down, it is even stronger than the dragons.

The ideas are endless, and every student can combine them at will. After choosing the race information, the Children Tower will create a brand new race based on the information.

They are not just a piece of data, they are real.

No matter how good the data is, it will be inaccurate, so in the case of direct creation, everything is completely in line with the real situation.

However, for freshmen, the subjects do not need to be replaced, and more is to do some enhancements on the own subjects. For example, taking the human race as an example, you can add some powerful monster bloodlines in it, so that they are born with monsters. The strong strength of the clan quickly overcomes the weakness of the early stage.

Xu Sheng has also seen some information that the souls of certain beasts can be stripped off, and then integrated into the genes of the human race. Then when humans reproduce their offspring, they can awaken these beasts after reaching a certain age. Soul, known as’Martial Soul’, Martial Soul is a bit similar to the situation of the Wu Clan. The person who created this method at that time should refer to the situation of some Wu Clan.

There is also the integration of the blood of the dragon into the human body. Every time a certain strength is reached, the blood of the dragon can be awakened. These Practitioners are called “Dragon Practitioners”. The dragon Practitioner is based on the process of humanizing the dragon. , But also discarded the pure identity as a person.

The people can do this, but the people on earth are very disdainful. In their view, all alien races are far less powerful than humans. Although humans are weak and weak, their development potential is not comparable to any race.

In the process of trying, time can already pass. Xu Sheng first thought about it and chose the human race, and then chose the monster race, stripped some of the blood power, to see if the strength of the human race can be strengthened.

“The current plan increases Terran’s strength by 10%. As Realm Ascension decreases, the final potential is reduced by 20%. It is not recommended.”

When Xu Sheng finally came up with a plan, the Zimin Tower quickly created the Zimin Tower, and after it had survived for a period of time, he gave a judgment.

Xu Sheng smiled bitterly and shook his head when he saw the three words not recommended at the back. It seems that this life-creating thing is not easy to do. Maybe the Sages can easily create some powerful and perfect races, but for his current level It’s too reluctant to say.

Xu Sheng turned the list out and looked at the grade list.

Immediately sighed.

As he thought, the top ten were all occupied by the West Campus.

These are about insights. In daily communication, Gao Sheng’s sons must have learned something from their parents and elders. They may not even be considered a fur, but their horizons have been opened up. This advantage is facing the children of ordinary people. Time is too big.

The Zimin Tower is very powerful. It already has a strong position in Xu Sheng’s heart. He does not know what effect will be caused when he exchanges some things that are equivalent to everything. For example, when he exchanges some powerful talents, although it is not It may fail, but he doesn’t know if the development potential of the Huntuo race will be lost.

It doesn’t matter when the strength is low. Elementary talents such as the blood bathing body are relatively commonly used. He naturally felt powerful at that time, but now, the effect has been getting smaller and smaller.

When the strength of the Huntuo human race continues to be strong, if one day’s strength is generally mentioned above Wu Ying, then the bloody body will have no effect at all.

With the existence of the Zimin Tower, he can come here to experiment first when choosing some powerful talents to add a layer of protection to the Huntuo race.

But this time is still far away. Not only does he not have enough incense, but the credits are also very insufficient.

Walking out of the Zimin Tower, Xu Sheng walked to the last warring tower.

From the outside, the warring tower is the most sharp, and the reality is a giant sword that pierces the sky, which also fits its own name.

After entering the warring tower, everything that appeared right now was different from the previous towers, and there were other people in it.

The four towers in front are all personal spaces, and there is no intersection with each other, but here is where everyone is in one space.

“Hurry up, hit him and hit him!”

“Your rule is wrong. Just stop using it for a minute, and the opponent will be defeated by you.”

“Let’s play together in a while?”

Various voices, judging from the aura of many people, Xu Sheng found that most of them were senior sophomores and juniors, and occasionally I could see some freshman students and stay silent in the corner. Silent.

Xu Sheng soon knew the reason for this situation.

In the distance of the line of sight, there is a huge arena-like existence. There are two men competing for the rules of the road. At this time, their fighting is no longer invisible and untouchable, but condensed into various substantive existences. !

Two small planets appeared in front of the two of them, and then they smashed into each other fiercely!

The planet was condensed by law, and from the perspective of Xu Sheng’s current strength, it was extremely powerful!

The battle between mortals is to compete with the flesh, even if it is Immortal Ascension, the immortals will also fight in close quarters.

But they are different on the path of the holy way. They don’t need close combat. Everything speaks by law, and all the ways of fighting are external manifestations.

If you really want to fight, you only need to break the opponent’s law.

The freshman manual also said that when facing foreign races on the outer battlefield, the way of fighting is not two sides, one sword and one sword, but they use the rules of understanding here, while the other side uses the power of rules.

Only the Sages on earth use the law of comprehension, knowing it and knowing why, but those alien races are different. They only know how to use this power, but they don’t know the nature of this power.

This is the gap. In the cultivation system, the earth must completely surpass those people!

In the entire battle tower, there are now no less than three hundred people, and some people disappear from time to time, and then the next moment the battle took place.

After Xu Sheng watched it for a while, he also tried it.

“Please choose the mode of engagement: rule-based engagement, civil engagement, full-scale engagement.”

“The law is at war.”

“Please choose an opponent: random characters, match opponents, specify opponents.”

“Random characters.”

“Please choose your opponent’s strength.”

“Same as me.”

“Please choose a location.”

“Endless Void.”

“All choices have been completed, and the battle will begin in ten minutes.”

Random characters are those randomly created by the battle tower. Matching opponents are randomly matched with other people in the law tower. Designated opponents are to challenge the target. As long as the opponent agrees, the battle link can be carried out.

As the selection of one item was finished, Xu Sheng’s figure disappeared from the place.

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