Global Sage Era

Chapter 180

Chapter 177 You Are Nothing Without Resources!

Xu Sheng saw a familiar name.

Easy in ancient times.

Ranking… Ninety-seven!

“Old Sage has just entered the top 100?”

Xu Sheng hissed, the Law Tower, which hadn’t felt anything before, suddenly became unpredictable.

In ancient times, Yi existed as a true saint, and in the entire Qianjing University, he was a few people with the highest status.

And a person like this has just entered the top 100, and he becomes extremely awed when he looks at the names in front of him.

Especially the top three names, I felt a sense of awe.

But it’s just a goal, like he has just entered university now, it’s certainly impossible to get a place, only wait for the third and fourth year before he can give it a try.

Among these names on the ranking list, Xu Sheng has also heard of them. They are active in all walks of life, but most of them have never heard of the news.

Especially the number one’Li Chongtian’ has no impression.

Able to occupy the first place on the Tower of Laws, at this time, he should already be a big shot, isn’t it…

Bah bah bah…what are you thinking about?

Xu Sheng looked at one name after another, and he naturally wanted to be one of them, but he knew how many catties he had.

In addition to this overall list, there are two sub-lists.

One is the list of current students, and the other is the grade list.

The list of current students is based on statistics from freshman to senior year. On the one hand, students who are in the lower grades know the gap between themselves and the senior elder sisters, and on the other hand, they are also spurring the senior students.

If the schoolmates in the ranking monument surpassed them, they would not be able to hold their face, especially those who didn’t deal with them, they would be ridiculed to death.

In Qianjing University, the competition for ranking is not only about credit awards, but also about face.

People live a face, and they have not yet become Sages. They are still ordinary people. Faces are naturally very important.

After Xu Sheng had read the overall list, he no longer had the mind to watch the students in the school run the list, so he jumped directly to the grade list.

The grade list quickly came up with some rankings, but not many, there were only a few hundred in total, and more people still did not conduct the assessment.

The existence of the Law Tower is very special. Everyone comes in a special space. At this time, there is no one around Xu Sheng, but the time tower has actually accommodated no less than a few thousand people. Many freshmen are finishing classes. After all came here for the first time.

Xu Sheng looked at the ranking of the school students list.

At this time, the person in the first place was called Xiao Lei, and it was written that he belonged to the first class of Xitian.

“Is it the son of Gao Sheng…”

Xu Shengduo glanced at the name Xiao Lei when he saw the character for’West’.

However, there is only one first place in the current ranking, and nothing else.

Looking down, Xu Sheng’s brows gradually wrinkled, and the first to eighth students turned out to be Gao Sheng children from the West Campus of the whole body. The classes behind them were different, and there were even prefecture-level ones.

Only the ninth belongs to their east campus-Lu Shan.

The Tower of Law only thinks about it. Lu Shan’s understanding of the law should be on the same level as him, but now he is only shooting ninth. If you think about it, his own ranking is probably only in this position, or a little higher.

But the first few people…

Gao Sheng’s children are so strong?

Although he had always been psychologically prepared, Xu Sheng still felt a heavy pressure at this time.

Like the current ranking, it was like a slap in the face of Gao Sheng’s children.

He believes that Lu Shan’s ranking was done after he saw the people in front of him. He also wanted to prove his strength on behalf of the East Campus, but the final result was not good.

Thinking about it, Xu Sheng sent a message to Xiao Feng. Originally, the two of them had arranged to come together, but after the end, the ancient times Yi called him down, and he let Xiao Feng go first.

“Have you seen the ranking?”

Xiao Feng, who was sitting in another chaotic space, felt his wrist ring tremble. He called out the news and found that Xu Sheng had sent it.

At this moment, a light curtain appeared in front of him, and the information on it was nothing else, it was the grade ranking.

He just had Xu Sheng’s reaction similar. Originally, he was thinking of sending Xu Sheng a message, but he didn’t expect the two of them to have their ideas together.

“I’m watching… the situation is not very optimistic.” What Xiao Feng showed in the selection of places is to focus on strategy, so he himself is also a strategic figure, and usually thinks a lot when thinking about problems.

Originally a ranking was nothing, but now it is too ugly.

More importantly, the comparison of the strength of the students on both sides is directly related to the competition for resources. If they win here, they will get more resources.

The ranking is not just a fictional name, but is related to vital interests.

Neither he nor Xu Sheng were dumb people, and they felt the thorny problems for the first time.

Gao Sheng’s children, although they have never dealt with them before, they can feel their difficulties from the national policy on them. This is not because I think they can surpass them. With their current vision, can they surpass a group of people? Sage?

“We don’t want to conduct assessments for the time being, otherwise, if the rankings we get are not ideal, it may hit our entire East Campus.” After thinking about it, Xu Sheng sent a message to Xiao Feng.

At this time, there can be no quarrels of anger. Many things about confidence are extremely important.

He doesn’t belittle himself, but he can’t be arrogant. The Gaosheng children may be similar to Xiao Feng in terms of aptitude, but the resources are not comparable to them.

Although he himself has the equivalence of all things, the equivalence of all things can only affect the Minor World, but he himself cannot be improved by the equivalence of all things.

Before the second model, the Bodhi fruit given by Old Ban Xie Hong had such an ascension effect on him. He didn’t believe that Gao Sheng couldn’t get something similar.

Maybe those people eat Bodhi fruit as a snack!

“I think so, let’s take a look at the situation first.” After Xiao Feng returned this sentence, he sent a message to Lu Shan.

Although Lu Shan didn’t have any intersection with him after being defeated by him, it was not the time to care about these things now.

If Lu Shan is still thinking about those things, then this person is not worth paying attention to, and he will be drawn out of his heart.

at this time.

Lu Shan was in his own space, adjusting his breathing. The test just now made his head aching. Those laws attacked too strongly, he had never experienced such a feeling.

“What do you think now?”

Xiao Feng’s message appeared in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and the ranking naturally appeared in his mind.

Before his assessment, the ranking was worse than it is now. The top ten were students from the West Campus. He originally wanted to win the first place to prove the strength of the East Campus, but the final result was that he clenched his fists. The ninth place.

“They are very strong, and they can’t do false assessments. Now my understanding is not as good as them… But as long as I give me time, I will definitely be able to surpass them!” Go to the position of the door.

The ones that should be seen have been seen, and the ones that should be assessed have been assessed. He can’t waste time here. He wants to see what the other four towers look like.

“Overtake them… naturally overtake them, but there is not enough information now.”

As the college entrance examination champions in Qianjing City and Kunhai City respectively, Lu Shan and Xiao Feng are both proud. They don’t think that they are inferior to others.

Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military, as long as it catches up later.

But now facing Gao Sheng’s children, it is not enough to work hard, and the gap in resources needs to be bridged.

Xiao Feng had long assumed in his mind that if he competes with another himself, as long as the opponent has 20% more resources than himself, the difference in strength between each other will exceed 10% in one month. This range will continue to change as resources increase. Big.

If it weren’t for the incomplete laws of Minor World, it would only be able to withstand a certain amount of external resources for a certain period of time. It is estimated that nothing will happen to them. The high-levels are all monopolized by Gao Sheng’s children.

Xu Sheng quickly got a transfer from Xiao Feng. After seeing what Lu Shan said, his heart sank.

Lu Shan is undoubtedly extremely proud, and at the same time he is able to speak out about the gap between them. Now that he has experienced the assessment, he has seen the gap with those people. To be honest, he now has a very strong idea of ​​assessing. .

But in the end he held it back, and it was useless to brave for a while.

Walking out of the Law Tower, Xu Sheng turned and glanced at the top of the tower, where was his ultimate goal.

The location of the gate, people walk out from time to time.

Some of these people who appear occasionally have a very different temperament from those of others, and the clothes they wear are all good.

In contrast, although Xiao Feng and others are descendants of Sage, they can be distinguished from each other at a glance.

Those Gao Sheng children seem to be familiar with each other. Sometimes when they look at the people next to them, although there is no disdainful look in their eyes, there is also a kind of high above.

This kind of gaze made Xu Sheng extremely uncomfortable only when he first came into contact with him. He thought of Deng Huan.

Once upon a time, Deng Huan’s eyes were the same as those of these people, and he always looked like these when he looked at students who were not from a bad family.

That was also the period when he was most disgusted with Deng Huan.

But there is a faint difference, the disparity in the strength of their parents and elders, and the temperament they bring is also very different.

“Did you see that the top ten are all covered by us. Before I came, I said that the strength of those civilian students is not good at all, and our rankings are suppressed by us every year.”

“Hey, Fang Su hasn’t taken a shot yet, but Xiao Lei won the first place with a shot. I think this year’s class of civilian students is the worst in so many years.”

“Haha, I think so too.”

Although their voices were not loud, they were not small, so they quickly attracted the glaring gaze of the people next to them.

“What are you talking about? Don’t you rely on the resources of your parents? Without resources you are nothing!”

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