Global Sage Era

Chapter 178

Chapter 175 True Saint!

Xu Sheng thought about the credits for a while, but didn’t think of a reason.

Everything will be discussed when I go to the class tomorrow. If I can see the true saint at that time, he will definitely tell them what their strength should be in their freshman year.

There is a maintenance cabin in the dormitory. After Xu Sheng synchronized various data, he entered the world to develop his own Minor World.

One night passed quickly, and at six o’clock the next morning, Xu Sheng came out of the maintenance cabin and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Coincidentally, when he opened the door, the door of the left dormitory also opened, and Xiao Feng came out of it.

After the two looked at each other, they were a little surprised, but they didn’t expect to be neighbors.

“Eat breakfast?”

“Well, together?”

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng had good impressions of each other, so after a few words of greeting, they walked out of the dormitory building and headed to the second dining hall.

Along the way, I can’t help but talk about what I have done in the past ten days.

The lives of the two are similar. They are both in development and rarely go out. However, Xiao Feng has family members and he also spends some time with them.

“Have you finished reading the Freshman Handbook?”

Xiao Feng asked when he sat down at the dining table after dinner.

“Are you trying to talk about credits? It does have a headache.” Xu Sheng sat down opposite.

“The five towers are the top priority of Qianjing University, but I asked my high school classmates last night, they also have corresponding arrangements in the university.” Xiao Feng said a message.

“Other schools also have…” Xu Sheng pondered for a while, and soon figured out that something like the five towers should be the standard equipment of each university. It is the most important and also the most basic.

“However, the five towers of each university seem to be different, and there seems to be a gap in the content included.”

The two discussed quietly here, and soon finished their breakfast.

During this period, some people saw them, but after hesitating, they didn’t come to say hello.

One first, one second, just sitting there and eating makes people feel pressure.

Just as the scumbag saw the tyrant who was discussing Mathematical Olympiad problems, he was awed in his heart.

Those who can enter Qianjing University are naturally the masters of their respective schools.

However, learning scumbags are also relative. A group of learning tyrants get together, and compared to the most powerful ones, the others are naturally ‘learning scumbags.’

At this time, a familiar face appeared in the peripheral light.

Xu Sheng looked over and found that Lu Shan was sitting at a few tables with a meal.

Lu Shan himself has a relatively proud personality. Whether it is Xu Sheng or Xiao Feng, he has defeated him in the battle, and he must have a grudge in his heart.

It must be impossible for him to come over and eat together.

Another figure appeared, and a girl with an indifferent expression sat down at another table, Wu Su.

There are more and more familiar faces around, and for a while, there is a feeling that they are still being evaluated.

After Xu Sheng thought about it, he realized that the second canteen is the closest place to their dormitory. It will be school time later, and it is normal to see it now.

He also saw Gong Ziwen. As soon as this guy appeared, he stared at him with a bitter look, and finally chose a corner position.

Gong Ziwen’s current situation can be said to be everyone shouting and fighting. Before the battle with Xu Sheng, he was known for his extensive contacts, and many people had a good impression of him.

But after the incident happened, most people stood by Xu Sheng’s side, and correspondingly, they were a little bit disgusted with Gong Ziwen.

But the second canteen is not occupied by them.

There are more than 5,000 freshmen and more than 20,000 in the four grades.

Gradually, the sophomores and juniors came to have breakfast, and then Xu Sheng and the freshman students felt what is half-sacred everywhere…

Although most of the sophomore students have not yet entered the semi-sage level, there are some excellent ones, not far from the semi-sage level.

And the juniors are already quite a bit.

The lowest grade of seniors is half holy, and many people are close to quasi-sages, and even have true quasi-sages.

In Qianjing University, the students are in that grade, which can almost be judged by Realm.

Now is the time for freshmen to enter the school. If you change to June next year, almost all juniors are semi-sages and seniors are almost all quasi-sages.

Freshman and sophomore is the stage of laying the foundation. In the past two years, I have focused on the laws and sentiments, striving to master the road as soon as possible and become a semi-sage.

Some very good people can become semi-sages in their sophomore year. Such people almost all become high-sages or higher after graduation.

“Is this this year’s freshman? It doesn’t look great.”

Not far away, some sophomores were talking quietly.

After being ‘oppressed’ for a year, I finally turned to be a serf and sang. When the new pupils and younger sisters enrolled, I naturally felt a sense of exuberance.

At this time, many people were eager to move, making small ideas.

They can’t be blamed for this, because they have been here in previous years.

The juniors and seniors are not very concerned. They are at a different level now, and their horizons have changed from a year ago. They will never do naive things at all.

Xu Sheng and the others quickly felt some ‘ill-intentioned’ gazes.

They have felt this look before, when elementary school was promoted to junior high school, when junior high school was promoted to middle school…

A few sophomores came over, and Xu Sheng felt helpless and was ready to deal with it.

But at this moment, a person walked in from outside.

This is a young man in a trench coat. There is no expression on his face, and he moves vigorously.

Xu Sheng saw the sophomores who were walking towards them. At this time, the trajectory had been deflected by 30 degrees. Then, if nothing had happened, he passed them by and ran to the window to have another meal.

who is he?

Both Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng felt that this young man was extraordinary. Judging from the breath of each other, he was obviously a semi-sage!

Passing by, the man walked by Xu Sheng’s side. From the beginning to the end, the two people had no opponents. In this person’s heart, Xu Sheng was an ordinary passerby.

After eating and coming out of the cafeteria, Xu Sheng was still thinking about who that person was just now.

Few people would make them care so much. The person who gave him this feeling last time was Cheng Chuyang.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the young man is definitely the man in the Qianjing University, otherwise the sophomores would not behave.

Xiao Feng next to him was also thinking, but he didn’t care so much about Xu Cheng, and finally turned his attention to the upcoming class meeting.

The two of them walked to their teaching building. From the outside, they looked like a huge sword, with great momentum.

In the classroom, someone has already arrived and is chatting with the people next to him. Xu Sheng has an impression of him. His name is Ruifeng. He is very quiet on weekdays, but once the conversation is provoked, he will become nagging. When fighting with her at that time, Xu Sheng was dizzy because of the quarrel.

There are thirty seats, and the layout is the same as that created by Song Miao at that time. Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng looked at each other and sat down in the middle of the first row with the second from the left.

At half past eight, all thirty people arrived.

Although there is still half an hour before class, everyone feels nervous.

I will see a true saint with my own eyes later, don’t know what he will be like?

Everyone naturally has various imaginations in their hearts.

Time gradually passed.

Xu Sheng could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

What is the true saint?

Although I have seen a higher Extreme Sage before, the contact was too short, and the opponent’s appearance was too vague. Apart from a sense of awe, he didn’t feel much after thinking about it.

Patter, patter.

There were footsteps coming from the corridor, The next moment, a figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

Xu Sheng looked up. The first thing he met was those deep eyes. There seemed to be sun, moon and stars floating in it, and endless time flowed in Samsara.


But then everything was gone. When Xu Sheng recovered, there was already a person standing on the podium more than half a meter in front of him.

“Hello classmates, I am Gu Shiyi. From today, I will serve as your class guide. I hope that in the next four years, I can work together with you.”

The loud voice sounded, in which there was a kind of precipitation and stability, and of course, it had the effect of soothing the restless heart.

Xu Sheng finally saw what this true saint looked like.

He was about sixty years old, he was straight, his clothes were meticulously taken care of, and he stood there with a breath of iron and blood rushing over his face.

As long as you see him for a moment, you will understand that he is a very hard-line character.

“This is the true saint… the ancient times Yi…”

Xu Sheng said silently in his heart, his eyes getting brighter and brighter. Such a class guide is exactly what he wants!

“You are the monitor Xu Sheng, aren’t you?”

In ancient times, Yi looked at the young boy closest to own. From him, he felt a breath similar to his own, and at the same time he was full of vigor.

Then he saw the boy getting up from his seat, and said to himself: “Report to the class leader, I am.”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he nodded and said, “Student Xu, please sit down.”

“Next, I want to read the list one by one, let’s get acquainted first.”

On the first day of school, the first class is naturally the class meeting.

As the names were pronounced from Gu Shiyi’s mouth, Xiao Feng, Lu Shan, Wu Su and others also began to introduce themselves.

They are already familiar with each other, and this kind of introduction now is more to make Gu Shiyi leave an impression on himself.

Gu Shi Yihe listened carefully to each student’s self-introduction, and he had already recorded everyone in just one hour.

“It’s a pleasure to be your head teacher.”

When the last person introduced himself, Gu Shiyi smiled and took the lead in applauding.

At this time, the students in the champion class realized that the true sage was not as serious as they thought.

His style is very hard-lined, but he is also not much different from the former high school head teacher.

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