Global Sage Era

Chapter 174

Chapter 171 Exchange Spiritual Roots!

“The situation in the tribe recently seems to be a little different from the past?”

In the residence, Kuang Yuan looked at the Practitioner who was reporting the information and asked subconsciously.

The Practitioner he asked about was a middle-aged man in his thirties, who looked quite like a scribe. After hearing Kuang Yuan’s words, he chuckled and said: “Spring is here, everything should grow.”

This statement naturally has some meaning in it.

Kuang Yuan understood the meaning, but he wanted to know the deeper reasons. He had a guess in his heart that these should be the ancestors’ methods, but why didn’t the ancestors tell them?

In the afternoon, after dealing with the matter at hand, Kuang Yuan got up and went to Yin’s residence.

Because of the arrival of Kuang Yuan, Yin withdrew from the practice.

“It should be the handwriting of the ancestors…In the beginning, the ancestors rarely gave us an encyclical, but now it is just back to that time.”

After hearing this, Yin smiled and explained to the strange Kuang Yuan.

The kid Kuang Yuan was born a little late. He didn’t experience the most difficult period of the tribe. At that time, they couldn’t even eat enough.

The turning point for everything seemed to be the snowy winter. The ancestors told them where the prey was, giving them the capital to survive.

The Huntuo tribe now has a population of roughly 10,000 at the critical point.

In fact, it is equivalent to a small city.

However, with the ‘knowledge from the past’ of Tongtian City, Yin and Kuangyuan had made up their minds a long time ago, not to change the current form and let the Huntuo tribe survive for a long time.

Because it is a tribal form, there is no difference in what everyone lives in, and there are no high-rise houses. Those who don’t know will feel embarrassed when they see it.

Some people who came to ‘seeking root’ in Tongtian City saw it, their first reaction was disappointment.

But when they turned a punch in the tribe and knew how powerful the people in Life were, naturally all thoughts were dispelled.

Although there are many people in Tongtian City, but in terms of the number of strong people, it is far inferior to the Huntuo tribe. The existing cultivators and Practitioners above Qi Sea realm almost all stay in the Huntuo tribe.

Like the previous City Master Xuhang, they all made breakthroughs later, but some of their talents were wasted. If they were in the Huntuo tribe, their achievements would definitely be higher.

They can also get the opportunity to use things like the Seven Great Medicines and the good fortune pool.

Except for things like the Seven Great Medicines and the good fortune pool, Xu Sheng also didn’t know the existence of several kinds of backgrounds. The prices of these things were about the same as the prices of the Seven Great Medicines, and it cost about 5 million incense in total.

It is not a one-time exchange, but a final decision made in the previous development process, or based on needs or long-term planning.

The valley where the Seven Medicines is located has long been a forbidden area. It used to be in charge of the Practitioner, but now it is in charge of the cultivator.

There are cultivators guarding the valley all year round, and some Qi Sea realm Practitioners are arranged for patrols by foreign objects.

There are only a few hundred Qi Sea realm Practitioners up to now, and almost all of them have been taught by Kuang Yuan. They will not have any bad thoughts in their hearts. Even if they have, they will be picked out immediately.

In the entire Huntuo tribe, there are four places that are most different.

One is Yin’s residence. He looks like an ordinary house from the outside, but as long as he gets close to a certain distance, people who are not allowed will lose their way.

One is the residence where Kuang Yuan is located. It covers an area several times larger than that of the surrounding area. This is because his strength is too strong. Even if he exercises, it will affect the larger surrounding areas.

One is the beautiful pill refining room. There is a strange fragrance floating all year round. People who pass by can’t help but take a few deep breaths and feel like they are going to rise to the sky.

The last place is Qianmin’s refining room. This is a dangerous place recognized by everyone. For most of the year, there are various noises and sometimes exploding photos. Several people approached curiously and happened to encounter it. The explosion, it’s best if it wasn’t for Yuhuan’s shot, the last life might not be saved, so I was lying in bed for a few months.

In the sea of ​​the world, most of Xu Sheng’s eyes fell on these four places.

In addition to the four of them, although Xuan Yi is also an important figure in the clan, the residence is really no different from the general Martial Master Realm Practitioner, which is somewhat different from the style he has always shown.

But at this time, no matter whether it was Yuhua’s pill refining room or Qianmin’s refining room, nothing happened.

At this time, the two also entered the Closed Door Training state, and began to break through to the Foundation Building period.

Xu Sheng glanced at the specific situation of the two of them now.

[Tribe people]: Yuhuan

Destiny Level: Desolate Level Nine

Age: ninety-nine

Spiritual Roots: Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots (Mizuki attributes, five inches six)

Talent: the body of blood

Root: Yellow fifth rank

Perception: Yellow first rank

Luck: Green

Ability: third rank pill refining

Realm: Dzogchen

[Tribe people]: Qianmin

Destiny Level: Desolate Level Nine

Age: ninety-nine

Spiritual Roots: Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots (metallic, five inches and five inches)

Talent: the body of blood

Root bone: yellow third rank

Perception: Yellow first rank

Luck: Green

Ability: Refining tool outline

Realm: Dzogchen

These are the most important information, some of the details are not shown on the first side, and need to be confirmed again.

Compared to the meeting where they were born, all aspects of the situation are a bit more Ascension.

But the most important thing is that Spiritual Roots has not changed at all.

This is very normal. Among all the qualities, Spiritual Roots are undoubtedly the most difficult to be Ascensioned. Even the items that are as long as the Seven Medicines have no effect on Spiritual Roots.

Things related to Spiritual Roots are extremely expensive in the equivalent of everything.

Because it not only represents the Ascension of qualifications, but it is also possible that an extremely powerful cultivator will appear among the people in the future!

If there is one day Spiritual Roots, then under Xu Sheng’s vigorous cultivation, as long as he does not fall, it can be said that there is a high probability that he can follow him in the future until he opens up the immortal world, and then soars as Immortal Ascension.

From this point, we know that it makes sense that the exchange of Spiritual Roots is expensive!

This is to redeem a powerful cultivator in the future!

“Equality of Everything”, this time is just like his name, everything is equivalent.

However, even if Spiritual Roots are more expensive, Xu Sheng is still ready to exchange Ascension Spiritual Roots items for Yuhuan and Qianmin after the measurement.

Let’s not talk about emotions. From the point of view of interests alone, the importance of a pill refining master, a refining master and a formation master needless to say.

Xu Sheng still has only more than 3 million incense points left. During this period of time, he exchanged for Spiritual Qi, and his subjects provided incense.

These more than three million incenses must be used on steel blades. Now Yuhua and Qianmin have begun to make a breakthrough in the Foundation Building, and the time has come.

Open the equivalence of everything in your mind.

Something about Spiritual Roots Ascension soon appeared.

【天 Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: You can make the target 100% have Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Exchange requirement: 10 billion incense starts

【地 Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: It can make the target 100% own Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Redemption required: 300 million incense starts

【People Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: Can make the target 100% owner of Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Redemption required: 20 million incense starts

【Virtual Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: Can make the target 100% have virtual Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Exchange requirements: 1.5 million incense fires

【Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: It can make the target 100% have miscellaneous Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Redemption required: fifty incense sticks

These five are the most simple and rude, and the gap between each level is getting bigger and bigger.

Even the most garbage miscellaneous Spiritual Roots need half a million incense.

But when you think about it, the price is not really outrageous.

Because this is equivalent to half a million incense sticks, a Dzogchen or even a Foundation Building cultivator can already be produced.

As for the gains in the Yaozu world, there will be two hundred more cultivators in the end!

What is the concept of two hundred cultivators?

Until now, Xu Sheng has only more than 20 cultivators.

Nearly ten times the gap!

The beginning of the word means that you can increase the consumption to make the quality higher. After all, in addition to the grade, the Spiritual Roots also has a length division.

In the case of direct exchange, Xu Sheng’s belongings will be directly bottomed, because even the minimum length of virtual Spiritual Roots, two will cost three million incense!

This is also the reason why he has never exchanged it. As long as the items related to Spiritual Roots are involved in the equivalent of everything, the price is completely ascending.

A talent that can be exchanged for 30,000 yuan like a bloody body is even more impossible.

However, with the strength of Practitioner’s Ascension, the effect of the blood bathing body is basically very small, and when it comes to the Realm of Martial Master, it has almost no effect.

Xu Sheng was also planning to exchange better talents, but he temporarily delayed it a bit in order to cope with the quota assessment.

The development of Minor World is important, and it is equally important to obtain the position of the champion class monitor, because this is equivalent to getting a relationship with a true sage.

The last three of these five may be used in the future, but for Xu Sheng now, it just makes him greedy, and soon he will use his mind to wave away the last three.

Seeing is believing!

The only remaining are virtual Spiritual Roots and mixed Spiritual Roots. In addition, there are also some types of swords that are slanted, completely uncontrolled [Spiritual Roots upgraded], or some kind of peculiar drug that can make the current Spiritual Roots Roots have a certain chance of Ascension.

After Xu Sheng hesitated for a while, he finally swept away all these things.

Only virtual Spiritual Roots and miscellaneous Spiritual Roots are left.

The highest price of miscellaneous Spiritual Roots is one million, which is nine inches in length.

And add another 500,000 to get a minimum length of virtual Spiritual Roots.

“It seems that I am going to return to the state of a pauper…” Xu Sheng finally glanced at his remaining incense and gritted his teeth cruelly.


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