Global Sage Era

Chapter 163

Chapter 161-Invincible

At this moment.

Xiao Feng and Wu Su, who were fighting in another part of the star map, tried their best to command their own people.

The strength of the two also showed off.

For a long time, Xiao Feng, who has beaten others by strategy, has a Gold Core Realm cultivator among the people of this battle!

Unexpectedly, it makes sense.

As the champion of Kunhai City, he should be no worse than Lu Shan in all aspects. Since the latter has the Gold Core Realm’s white crane sword repair, then he should also have the Gold Core Realm cultivator.

On Wu Su’s side, it showed the strength that truly belonged to the Wu Clan. If Chen Yuruo’s Wu Clan could only borrow power from her, then Wu Su had created several ‘gods’!

Among them are the big fire-breathing birds, the powerful and infinite giants, the shadowy ghost faces that fly to the sky and escape the ground…

Although the strength hasn’t increased too much, the different kinds of choices made Xiao Feng’s original methods for her all useless.

For a moment, she was actually fighting against Xiao Feng, and she was even more likely to win.

But Xiao Feng deserves to be Xiao Feng, even in such adversity, he did not give up in the slightest, looking for possibility in impossible.

He was obviously inferior to the Wu Su’s Wu Clan in positive power, but he was forced to rely on various cooperation and strategies to form a deadlock.

The battle between the two fell into anxiety for a while, and no one showed any sign of defeating the other.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, the two attacked and defended each other, and even each other’s base camp was in crisis. At the most dangerous moment, the energy crystals of both sides were only almost exploded.

But they all managed to survive until the seven days were exhausted, and there was no division of the victory or defeat.

The results are all handed over to the star chart for judgment.

Whether it is Xiao Feng or Wu Su, all they can do at this time is to wait quietly for the result.

The victory this time is very important.

The victorious side still has the hope of competing with Xu Sheng for the first place… but the losing side can be said to have no chance.

The final result is-the ranking remains unchanged.

“Xiao Feng won?”

When everyone saw this result, they were a little surprised, but they didn’t expect that Xiao Feng really relied on his own strategy to keep his own ranking.

“Did Xiao Feng win…” Xu Sheng didn’t know what his mood was after seeing this result. For Wu Su, he paid close attention to Wu Su for a period of time, because after winning against Mo Fei, the latter Said that there is one person who can definitely beat herself, that is, Wu Su, but she didn’t expect that she would be defeated by others before she met her.

So far, there are only two people who have maintained a complete victory.

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng.

It is very interesting to say that out of the eleven enchanting students, there are obviously only three human races, and special races account for the majority, but in the end, two students who are human races succeeded in ‘teaching’.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why the human race is so powerful.

Even if it is the weaker of the three, Kong Yan is not weak. Now he is fighting for the fifth place with Wei Hang. If he succeeds, three of the first five people will be humans!

Therefore, you can’t be deceived by appearances. At first glance, the human race seems to be weak, and only a small part of the enchanting level students, but as long as they can get in, they are all strong, and there are not many nobles.

There was a person whose mood was extremely complicated, and that was Mo Fei. He couldn’t imagine how such a powerful Wu Su was defeated in the battle.

In the battle record, Xu Sheng stood tall above the planet, watching the human race and the Witch race below fight each other.

He couldn’t see Xiao Feng and Wu Su, nor could he hear the conversation between them, and he didn’t know how their orders were given.

But in this trend, he was able to roughly restore the situation.

He couldn’t help sighing that it was really not easy to defeat Wu Su under this situation.

Although the final result of the two was determined by the star chart, it did not mean that it was based on luck. Xu Sheng could feel that everything was in Xiao Feng’s calculations. Even the final result was long ago. He simulated it.

Such a person does not think that he is a handsome talent and is suitable to be a commander in command. Maybe after dozens of hundreds of years, he will have a place in the top military.

If only on this point, Xu Sheng sighed.

However, even if he admires the opponent again, he will not keep his hands when he meets him. Xiao Feng’s strength has undoubtedly been fully demonstrated. With his current situation, facing the Huntuo Practitioner, he will undoubtedly lose.

The only variable is whether he can continue to improve in the remaining time-this is not easy, because he Xu Sheng is not standing still, he will become stronger when others become stronger.

In the 500th round, Xu Sheng, Xiao Feng, Lu Shan, and Wu Su met on this extremely meaningful number at the same time.

Xu Sheng VS Wu Su.

Xiao Feng VS Lu Shan.

As soon as the combination came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Although there have been speculations before, it has not been confirmed after all, but now this match obviously tells everyone that random matching is not a perfect match.

But few people care about it.

Because no matter how the match is made, everyone has to meet everyone else once, and the fairness is still fair.

At the beginning of the 500th round of battle, the phantoms of Xu Sheng and Wu Su condensed from the top of the planet.

At this time, Xu Sheng’s general trend has been established. His strength and previous record are almost considered by everyone as the biggest favorite to win the first place.

Although Wu Su was strong, he lost to Xiao Feng not long ago. When the two met, most people just liked Xu Sheng.

In this battle, Wu Su wanted to win Xu Sheng, but the difficulty was too high.

Wu Su’s expression is extremely solemn, no longer the indifference she used to be. In the past, she has been reflecting on herself, and she is clearly stronger in terms of hard power. Why did Xiao Feng win in the end?

In addition, she also thought of many ways to face Xu Sheng, but no matter which one, she did not have much confidence.

For her this time… it was a lasting fight.

At the beginning of the battle, the Huntuo Practitioner quickly ran into the Wu clan. After having experience in fighting Chen Yuruo, the Huntuo Practitioner was able to deal with it more easily, but soon they also found that the Wu clan this time had followed the previous one. Different, their capabilities vary more.

But it didn’t matter. With the town of Yifang Great Seal, belonging to the Witch Clan camp, the Great Witch screamed before his death.

Wu Su also has the big witch people of Gold Core Realm, but this kind of strength is not enough to face today’s Yin. Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu is already strong enough, but in front of Yin, it can’t even do a few tricks.

Although Gold Core Realm’s great witch embodies the original blessing of Wu Su, it just delays his own demise.

You don’t need to consume life to activate the Heaven-shaking Seal. For Yin, no one in Realm can stop him. After only a short period of time, the Gold Core Witch of the other party was killed by him in unwillingness and turned into white light and disappeared.

Resolving the opponent’s top-level combat power, Yin’s next moves seem to be a bit sloppy. In most cases, he does not make a shot. It has an overview of the battlefield and only makes a few shots when necessary.

This is already a crushed situation.

Wu Su knew better than anyone. She clenched her teeth and felt powerless for the first time. She used to treat others this way, but finally today, she also tasted the same.

Is he so strong?

Wu Su looked over and saw that the person’s expression remained the same, as if there was always a faint smile on his face. She didn’t think how this smile was before, but at this time she only felt dazzling.

Before the battle, she still had the idea that she could change the situation of the battle through some methods, but after the battle, she found that the idea was so ridiculous.

This battle… I lost myself from the beginning.

The duration of this battle was not long. On the fourth day, the Huntuo Practitioner had already flattened the Wu clan side.

In the battle between Xiao Feng, the Wu Clan, whose single strength surpassed the Human Race, faced the Huntuo Practitioners but looked like thin women, shivering so that they would not come over, and finally they were overthrown.

When the energy crystal was exploded, Wu Su closed his eyes.

There is no hope, and it is impossible for me to win the first place.

But she couldn’t make a sound except for her weakness. The young man named Xu Sheng was so powerful that she had nothing to say.

Xu Sheng won.

This result is expected.

Xiao Feng won, and it was still acceptable.

However, many people are still curious about how Xiao Feng defeated Lu Shan.

Lu Shan, who once firmly occupied the star monument, was defeated twice in a row. This kind of blow should have been quite big.

Soon, everyone knew how the victory was decided through the battle record.

On Xu Sheng’s side, all they had was sighing. Such a powerful Wu Su didn’t even turn the wind and waves up in front of him. He firmly grasped the situation from the beginning. This terrifying strength suffocated them.

The battle between Xiao Feng and Lu Shan was exceptionally brilliant. Both sides attacked and made strange moves frequently, and didn’t know what the result would be until the last moment.

However, he didn’t wait until the night of the seventh and sixth day. Xiao Feng took advantage of the night and attacked Lu Shan’s base camp in the dark, and successfully exploded his energy crystal despite a large number of casualties.

“Now all that remains is the battle between Xu Sheng and Lu Shan…”

“Yes, according to the previous practice, it is estimated that it will be the last one.”

Everyone has their own opinion.

After all, the dark horse in anticipation did not show up. Compared with the four people, the strength of the people behind is still a bit weaker. Although they have their own victories and strengths, they also have Ascension compared to the previous ones. It’s possible to win.

In all kinds of voices, the end of the selection has finally arrived.

Five hundred and one, five hundred and two… Five hundred and nineteen.

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng have never met, but no one is anxious, because this has been expected.

And this final battle stayed in the final round, it also seemed quite meaningful, at least they didn’t dislike it in their hearts.

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