Global Sage Era

Chapter 157

Chapter 156 Sweep the evildoer! (Please subscribe!)

Lu Ba had been in the fourth place for a long time, and he had been close to Xu Sheng’s name.

But later he lost to Zhao Tongkai.

Xu Sheng was quite familiar with Lu Ba’s appearance, but when he saw him, he was slightly surprised, because Lu Ba, who always looked confident and confident, was a little discouraged at this time.

“Xu Sheng, it is not so easy to beat me.”

“Go all out.”

The two were not familiar with each other, they just started fighting after a few words.

The Practitioner of the Ape Race is very powerful, and the two people playing with the stick in one hand are dazzled. In addition, the cooperation between them is also excellent. Although not as good as the human race, it is already one of the few special races.

The ape clan’s battle formation changes, single attack, and raid and harassment are all very strong. Xu Sheng has studied Lu Ba’s path and knows what level of his strength is.

However, this time it gave him the feeling that Lu Ba’s offensive lacked a wave of indomitable domineering, and sometimes when it was obvious that he needed a long drive, the ape clan’s camp seemed to shrink and dare not move forward.

This naturally gave him a chance, and he couldn’t let go of such a flaw, so whenever the ape clan’s performance was wrong, he could command the Huntuo Practitioner to establish a significant advantage.

After a few times like this, the advantage was like a snowball, and soon from a small advantage to a big advantage that Lu Ba couldn’t resist.

Lu Ba’s face became more and more ugly. Just when Xu Sheng thought he could not help speaking, he didn’t expect the former to just press his lips, and the whole person became more silent.

“It seems that the defeat in the battle with Zhao Tongkai has dealt a great blow to him.” Xu Sheng understood the reason for all this and sighed in his heart. Although these people looked beautiful, they were under pressure that ordinary people could not imagine.

One of the most powerful ape clan stick Practitioners is the ape clan of the Foundation Building late stage. What is surprising is that compared to the same clan’s height of two meters, it is only about 1.8 meters, which can be regarded as’petite and thin’. But this is not as strong as the clan, but it is the most powerful stick Practitioner in the entire ape clan, which is also an inspirational thing.

Xu Sheng also saw some characteristics from it. Perhaps this ape clan will have a higher development in the future, which will continue to grow with Lu Ba for a long time.

In any case, Lu Ba’s strength lies here. He has no more means to reverse the situation. In the end, Xu Sheng did not allow Yin and Kuang Yuan to sublimate.

The victory of this battle came to be plain, far less thrilling than the previous few games.

At the end of the battle, Xu Sheng looked at the rankings, his own ranking remained unchanged, and the three in front also won.

In the 375th round, Xu Sheng ran into his sixth opponent, Wei Hang.

Wei Hang’s people are of blood. He failed in the battle with Gong Ziwen before, but he won all the battles afterwards. His current record is four wins and one loss, only one rank lower than him and fifth.

The moment the two sides appeared, their eyes met each other.

From the eyes of the other party, Xu Sheng saw a trace of tyrannical killing intent, which made him feel sinking.

This killing intent was not aimed at him, but Wei Hang’s own character was like this. Among the eleven enchanting students, he was the most maverick. He had not had any communication with ten of them before.

The battle began in this silence.

For the first time, Xu Sheng did not have any communication with his opponent.

Wei Hang’s strength is very strong. Among his subordinates, there is a Gold Core-powered citizen. In the previous battle with Gong Ziwen, the latter also spent a lot of effort to kill this Gold Core blood clan, thus winning The former won.

And Xu Sheng naturally paid attention to this kind of blood clan. He first asked Yin to pay attention to Kuang Yuan, and then asked Xuan Yi not to be too impulsive.

Even if the kinsmen are trapped in a siege, they can incarnate themselves in a blood pool and leave the ground where the Huntuo Practitioner can’t attack. Although such talent skills are expensive and can’t be used often, they have a very strong ability to change the battle situation at critical times. .

In addition, the kinsmen can also draw blood from the flesh and blood to restore their own injuries, and the targets they draw will themselves fall into weakness, so that the advantages will be expanded when one trades and the other grows.

Even if the Huntuo Practitioners are already very good, they continue to achieve success in the face of the blood race, but as long as they are approached by the opponent for a while, their own blood will be sucked in a large amount. This feeling of blood loss from the body is very scary. , And gradually caused a shadow in Huntuo Practitioner’s heart.

The situation has lasted for a long time. Although the damage to the Huntuo Practitioner is not too great, it has not gained much advantage.

At this moment, Xu Sheng, who had been observing for a long time, was finally able to be sure that Wei Hang had no extra means, and he was completely relieved.

In the process of fighting just now, he specially sold a few flaws to create a chance for Wei Hang. Although the latter found out, he tried to seize these opportunities, but in the end he didn’t succeed because of lack of strength.

Such performance can fully show that Wei Hang’s strength has been fully utilized, so he no longer hesitates, and directly orders Yin and Kuang Yuan to sublimate as much as possible.

At the same time that Yin and Kuang Yuan’s strength increased sharply, Wei Hang’s face, which had always been gloomy, became even more ugly.

After both Yin and Kuangyuan had the strength of the Gold Core realm, they joined forces to attack the blood clan with the strength of Gold Core. The latter obviously got instructions from Wei Hang and desperately wanted to delay time, and wanted to delay the time between Yin and Kuangyuan. It’s time.

However, the power of the Heaven-shading Seal was stronger than it had predicted, and it was stronger than Wei Hang’s prediction. Even if it tried to escape, it was still locked by the Seal of the Heaven-shaking Seal under the control of Kuang Yuan, and was subsequently suppressed. It turned into white light and disappeared within a time.

The delay was a bit long, and the duration of Yin had come to an end, so after he nodded to Kuangyuan, it turned into white light and disappeared.

However, the absence of him will not affect the final victory. After Kuang Yuan tried his best, he almost wiped out the top-level combat power of the blood clan, leaving only the blood clan with the highest Qi Sea realm.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally no longer able to resist the Practitioner, and soon the base camp was led by Xuan Tuo Practitioner to breakthrough, and then in unison shouts, the energy crystal was blasted through.

The moment the energy crystal was blasted through, Xu Sheng in a very good mood suddenly felt an icy feeling falling on him. He followed and found that Wei Hang was looking at him facelessly.

Compared with the beginning of the battle, the tyrannical and killing intent in his eyes was much less, only gloomy, but this did not make Xu Cheng relaxed. Instead, he was vigilant and remembered Wei Hang in his heart. Not surprisingly , He should not have any contact with each other in the future.


The fourth one hundred round is over.

At this time, the selection of places has come to an end.

On the central star stele, one by one is listed in order, and everyone finds their own position.

The lower the ranking, the smaller the score difference, and the higher the ranking, the greater the score difference.

The top four are still unshakable.

Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, Wu Su, and Xu Sheng have been recognized for their strengths.

From the fifth to the fifteenth, everyone had their own opinions. Originally there were only eleven people. At this time, as the fighting continued, it became fifteen people.

Zhao Tongkai, Lan Ying, Ruifeng, and Zhang Ziyou have been promoted from the second echelon and have the strength to rival those of the first echelon.

There is also a saying that there are only four people in the first echelon, and Wei Hang and others are all classified as the second echelon.

However, no matter how it is divided, the arrival of the fifth one hundred round is not for everyone’s will.

Xu Sheng’s seventh evildoer-level opponent, as he thought, was Kong Yan.

Ganjing University obviously didn’t want the four of them who hadn’t lost to run into it prematurely.

Kong Yan is also a person with a very leadership temperament. He is a bit similar to Xiao Feng. He has a very strong personality. As soon as the two sides showed up, Xu Sheng heard the other’s hearty laugh: “Xu Sheng, I wanted to fight you a long time ago. .”

“I also looked forward to it for a long time.”

The previous six people were all foreign races. Among the ten people, the only people who were of human race were him, Xiao Feng, and Kong Yan.

Xiao Feng’s strategy impressed him deeply, and Kong Yan’s strategy is not weak, but his overall strength is weaker than Xiao Feng.

Although both sides are human races, the bloody level of the battle is no less than that of any one. The people of both sides yelled and rushed towards each other as soon as they saw each other.

This battle Xu Sheng fought extremely hard, he and Kong Yan fought until the seventh day, and finally, under the surprise attack of Yin and Kuang Yuan, Kong Yan’s energy crystal was stolen.

It was not just him who did this. When he stole Kong Yan’s home, Kong Yan was also stealing his home, but Kong Yan’s base camp was not guarded by a formation teacher like Qian Min, so he could only sigh helplessly. , Accepted the fact of failure.

“Although other people outside said that the four of you are the strongest and cannot be defeated, I have been holding a sigh of breath in my heart, trying to prove the mistake of this sentence, but in the end it was not successful.” Kong Yan laughed at himself and defeated him before. It was Xiao Feng. That battle gave him a taste of failure for the first time in his life. At that time, he vowed that he would never fail again, but he did not expect that failure would come again after only a few days.

Kong Yan is very strong. In addition to losing to Xiao Feng, he has won against five other people. He has the same points as Wei Hang and ranked sixth.

Xu Sheng smiled and didn’t speak. He knew that Kong Yan hadn’t thought of getting any response from his side. It’s roughly a kind of vent, and this state won’t last long.

Sure enough, after Kong Yan finished saying these words, the expression on his face returned to before, once again possessing strong self-confidence. From this point of view, he is stronger than Lu Ba.

After defeating Kong Yan, Xu Sheng only had three opponents.

He looked at the three names above him on the star tablet.

The infinite Star surrounds the star stele, the scene that he has been used to, now it seems to be a little different in his eyes.

Who will you meet first?

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