Global Sage Era

Chapter 153

Chapter 152 Are You Angry? Come hit me! (For subscription)

He saw that in the own base camp, Xu Sheng’s people did not directly explode the own energy crystal, but under the command of the Qi Sea realm Practitioner, they used a large array to change into an’S’ shape for a while, and then change for a while. Into the “B” type.

Then after a while, he sang and danced, and regarded own base camp as a playground!

Even with Gong Ziwen’s defense, he couldn’t accept the most direct ridicule like this.

He has never been so insulted when he grows up!

“No?” Xu Sheng smiled, “I can.”

It wasn’t like this when you stab me in the back just now. If you didn’t have a lot of cards in your hole, you really would have been overshadowed by you.

If you can’t vent it hard, this sulking breath will hurt yourself sooner or later!

Xu Sheng has never been a master who swallows his breath. He generally doesn’t hold grudges. If he finds grudges, he will avenge him on the spot!

“If you insult me ​​like this, are you not afraid that others will criticize you after seeing the battle record!” Gong Ziwen said sternly.

Xu Sheng said lightly: “Those who are clear will clear themselves.”

Of course he thought about this, but if he shrinks because of this, he can build a holy path and go home to farm.

In Gong Ziwen’s base camp, Huntuo Practitioner sang loudly under Xu Sheng’s instructions.

Not long ago, after they killed all the zombie races, they should have pushed Gong Ziwen’s energy crystal in a wave according to the normal rhythm.

They did it in the first place.

But just when there was a trace of blood left in the energy crystal, the ancestor’s order came.

Immediately everyone stopped, although they were puzzled, they still obeyed.

In addition to a trace of blood energy crystals, the remaining few zombies in the base camp were also surrounded by the Huntuo Practitioners, and then locked them with chains and placed them in the middle for everyone to watch.

“Tsk tusk, look at these zombie tribes are stupid, they just grin with us.” A young Practitioner in the body-refining realm smiled, and then stepped forward and kicked the zombie.

However, he overestimated his strength. The strength of the zombie in front of him was around the Qi Sea realm, and other strengths could not hurt it at all.

“Ouch, my feet.” The young Practitioner cried out with a pain in his feet, jumping and staggering.


The people around laughed loudly, all amused by him like this.


Although the Zombie has no wisdom, they still have some beast-like instincts, so they are struggling at this time, wanting to break the iron chain.

But no matter how they move, these chains will not move, they can only be tied in place, acting as the ‘monkey’ watched by the Huntuo Practitioners.

The entire battle has only lasted for more than a day.

Originally, the two sides should be cautious about testing without knowing the opponent’s opponent, but Gong Ziwen’s villainous actions directly detonated the battle in advance, so this battle was also the shortest duration of all enchanting students.

If it weren’t for Xu Sheng’s sulking heart, the fighting would have ended as early as a little more than a day earlier, and the duration of the theory of time could also arouse a large group of people in awe.

One day, two days…

Gong Ziwen had already stopped speaking, but his eyes were full of resentment, and he was roaring crazily in his heart, waiting for me, this hatred I will definitely return.

Gong Ziwen has always been hiding very well. With his talent and strength, normal people are not worth his use of this method. Only a strong like Xu Sheng can expose him to his true colors.

In his opinion, the victory of a battle is far more important than anything else. Xu Sheng is strong, but he is not weak. He has never thought of relying on Xu Sheng.

Moreover, no one knew of their dialogue during the war, and doing so would be completely useless.

I blame Xu Sheng for being too shameless. He even left behind in the base camp. You have won so many games, and what happened to yourself once you have won.

What Gong Ziwen didn’t know was that Xu Cheng was not the only one who knew what he did, but six others knew.

“Hehe, I saw something wrong with Gong Ziwen before, but I didn’t expect his nature to be like this.” There was a trace of disdain in the young Gao Sheng’s eyes.

“Thousands of people have thousands of faces, and people of any kind of personality may appear.” Song Mao’s expression was calm, and the students were not always kind.

“There is no pure white or pure black in the world. Students like him are also what we need.” The tall woman Sage said with her eyes down.

Everything has to be viewed from two sides. A student with a personality like Gong Ziwen will certainly pose a huge danger to the people around him, especially his companions, who must always be careful to be stabbed by him.

But to put him in those foreign civilizations, a person with his personality will bring more results than a person with a good personality like Xu Sheng.

So although the six high sages saw Gong Ziwen’s nature clearly, they didn’t have the idea of ​​letting him drop out. As long as he writes his character judgment on his record then, the school will naturally arrange for him accordingly. Content.

One thing is certain, Gong Ziwen can only take the path of a lone ranger, and his companions don’t need to think about it.

Every combat power of human beings is precious and should not be depleted in the slightest.

As for the disagreement between Xu Sheng and Confucius today, as long as the two no longer contact each other, when they both enter the holy realm, they will naturally have other opinions when they are higher in level.

The high sage’s level is high, and everything is a tall building.


In the extraordinary suffering, Gong Ziwen finally waited until the seventh day.


Xu Sheng looked up at him and responded with a pair of spiteful eyes.

“Blow it through.”

He gave instructions to the Huntuo Practitioners, and the Huntuo Practitioners who had been leisurely for a few days quickly became energetic, and then started bombarding the energy crystals. In just a few dozen breaths, the energy crystals were exploded.

Xu Sheng also received the message again, and his own total score was one more point.

“Xu Sheng, I will repay this grudge!”

When the phantoms of the two disappeared from above the fusion planet, Gong Ziwen’s bitter voice came.

Xu Sheng’s eyes were deeper, and then he whispered to himself: “You have no chance.”

The ghost is gone!

The 261st round of engagement is over!

“Gong Ziwen really lost. Xu Sheng has now defeated the three of them. It’s really strong.”

“I look forward to seeing the battle between him and Lu Shan. It must be very exciting.”

“I’m even more looking forward to Xiao Feng’s battle with him. Both of them are humans, so it must be more interesting.”

“Wu Su is also very strong. Of the five people still remaining, she is the only one female.”

Since Xu Sheng ended the fight at the last minute, when he came out, many people were already waiting.

After watching the rankings, many people can’t wait to watch the battle records.

It was fine at first, and even when Gong Ziwen sent a special zombie to attack the base camp, they secretly applauded.

But soon, everyone felt something was wrong, and the subsequent development made them doubtful.

What happened to Xu Sheng? Why do you want to humiliate Gong Ziwen so much?

“Too much deception! Even if you Xu Sheng is strong, you can’t humiliate people so much!”

“Students with such a character, no matter how good their grades are, I am ashamed to be with them!”

“Strongly request Qianjing University to cancel its admission qualification!”

“What a perfect score champion, I’m pooh!”

The people who came with Gong Ziwen were extremely angry. You can win, but you can’t insult people!

I have to say that Gong Ziwen’s usual performance is too much to buy people’s hearts, and many people who come into contact with him support him.

But no matter what these people say, there is no response from Ganjing University.


“We are not convinced!”

“He was not punished for beating people in public before!”

The conspiracy theory came out, and for a while, everyone seemed to be scolding Xu Sheng.

“I believe you are not such a person. It must be that Gong Ziwen is wrong. What did you do to provoke you!” Su Linrui’s eyes were firm, no matter what people outside said, she was on Xu Sheng’s side.

“Fart! Can’t you feel what kind of person Xu Sheng is? What can a record of battles tell?”

“I’m very curious, how can a student who takes a human path be forced to be like this!”

“Gong Ziwen villain! I have been in contact with him before, and his enthusiasm is pretended to be generous!”

“We can’t see the conversation between the two. Who knows what Gong Ziwen said? You only need to carefully analyze the battle records and you will know that Xu Sheng was definitely caught by Gong Ziwen!”

Soon, people who spoke for Xu Sheng appeared, and more and more.

These speakers came from various regions, and many people didn’t know each other with Xu Sheng. Even if they knew each other, they only said a few words.

But now, there is no organization, they spontaneously speak for Xu Sheng.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and the incident became more and more serious. In the end, some people even put forward the argument that it would be a fight.

Even the enchanting students like Lu Shan, Xiao Feng and others who didn’t care about this incident have refocused their attention on this matter.

Although they did not make a statement, they also restrained people around them from criticizing Xu Sheng.

At first, when he heard those discussions, Gong Ziwen was still very proud of it. Look, this is how you dare to humiliate me!

But as he listened, his expression became more and more ugly, and in the end he was even more angry with the pits and pits that destroyed his planet.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t have much contact with other people, in the previous two hundred rounds of battles, as long as the opponent said please accept mercy, he would release the water a little.

It is easy once or twice, and difficult once or twice.

This is word of mouth!

Bit by bit, his character has been recognized by too many people.


In own base camp, Xu Sheng said softly after hearing the support.

He didn’t expect this scene. He didn’t expect that it was just an act of venting that caused such a big turmoil, and almost everyone’s attention was attracted.

Of course, my heart is also very warm, and this feeling of being trusted is hard to tell in words.

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