Global Sage Era

Chapter 151

Chapter 150 The Unfathomable Xu Sheng (third more seeking subscription!)

On a planet, the ape tribe, thousands of two meters high, is waving a stick.

These apes have a healthy body, not only playing a good club, but also climbing mountains and ridges with ease.

Although it is taking the path of Practitioner, it is completely different from the human Practitioner. It has its own unique advanced system, which is truly powerful.

And in the base camp behind them, a man wearing a strong suit with a high pectoralis major muscle is sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, Lotus Position.

Said to be a man, in fact, he is only eighteen years old this year, but his over-mature body makes him look like a young man in his twenties.

This person is Lu Ba, from Qilu province, a major education province. His strength is so powerful that he is extremely competitive among the eleven enchanting students.

He was the one who fought Chen Yuruo before. The two fought fiercely for seven days. In the end, his ape clan stick Practitioner won slightly, and finally won a match with a smaller loss.

But at this time, his heart was full of solemnity.

What I replayed in my mind was the scene of the Gold Core Great Witch in the record of the battle just now.

He asked himself inwardly, if the Gold Core witch among Chen Yuruo’s people appeared in the previous battle, would he still win the final result?

Whether the result is.

It’s not to be ignorant of oneself, but to have a clear judgment of own strength.

He knew where his own limit was. In the battle with Chen Yuruo that day, he had already exhausted everything, but even so, he only narrowly surpassed it in the end.

If today, it is not Xu Sheng who is fighting her but himself. He has no possibility of defeating her.

The opponent’s Gold Core realm mighty witch was enough to crush several of his people head-on, thus allowing himself to slip into the abyss of failure.

“No, I can’t go any further.”

His complexion suddenly became firm, and he wanted to do the idea that he hadn’t tried before.

Chen Yuruo’s Gold Core witch must not have appeared at the beginning. In other words, her strength has gained a great Ascension after fighting with herself!

She is like this, so what about the others?

Maybe at the beginning I am not weaker than others, but this does not mean I will always be safe, do not go to higher places, wait for own only to fail!

Especially that…Xu Sheng!

The pressure it brought to him was too great, and every time he thought of this person’s battles, all he could feel was unfathomable!

Like a vast ocean, you can never see what is hidden at the bottom of him!

Even now, he has a foreboding that he still has more cards to use.

Those unused hole cards are likely to be no weaker than the three already shown!


If the next opponent he meets is Xu Sheng, he has no idea how to win.

No matter how he calculates, his probability of winning is infinitely close to zero!

“But… I will never give up! Xu Sheng, maybe you are stronger than Lu Shan, Xiao Feng and others. You are the real strongest person in this selection, but I will still seize every opportunity!”

“Now that I still have time, who said that I can’t use a weak attack to be strong?”

“Miracle is used to create!”

“As usual several times, I will create miracles again!”

Lu Ba clenched his fists, and with this declaration, he felt that Xu Sheng’s heavy pressure on own had disappeared a lot from just now.

He looked at his ranking on the central star monument in the distance-fourth place.

I must be able to go further!


“Fifth place… isn’t it ascending?”

Xu Sheng retracted his gaze from the central star monument, slightly surprised.

Now there are four people ahead of him, namely Lu Shan, Wu Su, Xiao Feng, and Lu Ba.

These four people, if he is really ranked, the top three will not be ranked, but the fourth place is definitely Lu Ba.

Even strictly speaking, Lu Ba’s strength is not as good as the defeated Kong Yan, Shen Shi, Gong Ziwen, Wei Hang, and Chen Yuruo.

Only with Murphy in the first place.

He has experience fighting against Mo Fei, and he does feel that the latter is weak.

But this is only in relative terms, and the gap between them is actually not that big.

Just like the battle between Mo Fei and Shen Shi, Mo Fei won in the end.

In fact, the arrangement of the battlefield still has a great influence, maybe it can help oneself gain some advantages here and get the final victory.

But there is no doubt that Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, and Wu Su are absolute powerhouses, and it is very difficult for others to defeat them.

Lu Shanqiang was under Baihe Jianxiu’s attack, Xiao Fengqiang was under his personal command, and Wu Suqiang was under the power of the Wu clan.

Xu Sheng knew that everyone shouldn’t be underestimated, but the emphasis must be different.

The fighting continued.

Only after one round, in the 259th round, Wei Hang and Gong Ziwen ran into each other.

One of the two people was a blood clan, and the other was a zombie clan. The scene of the fight was so bloody that it made people feel uncomfortable to watch.

At the end of the battle, many girls almost vomited when looking at the battle records. Even Zheng Jingjing, who had always been above the top, turned pale after reading it. The fighting between these two inhuman races was nothing short of a fight. It is to challenge the physical limits of people.

“These two races are not easy to deal with…”

In the battle record, Xu Sheng could not help thinking deeply as he watched the sight of blood flowing down below.

The blood race and the zombie race are forced to have extremely strong recovery capabilities, as long as they have blood, they can continue to recover, while the latter has a strong defense and no pain.

As far as the strength of simple people is concerned, Wei Hang’s blood clan is stronger than Gong Ziwen’s zombie clan, but what is terrible is the zombie Tianke blood clan.

Among all the people, Wei Hang has never encountered Gong Ziwen so uncomfortable. The blood-sucking recovery ability of the blood clan’s talent has become a decoration when facing the zombie clan.

Without the ability to recover from bloodsucking, Wei Hang’s blood clan broke his arm at the beginning. Although he used various methods to gain an advantage for the own blood clan in the battle, he was completely and neatly cracked by the zombie clan in the end. .

Therefore, this battle is also rarely an example of not lasting until the seventh day. On the third day, Gong Ziwen commanded the Zombie to tear through the blood line of defense, attacked Wei Hang’s base camp, and won the final victory.

“Although Wei Hang was unfavorable in this battle, it was just that he happened to meet Gong Ziwen. If he changed to another flesh and blood race, the result would be hard to say…” Xu Sheng suddenly thought of Mo Fei, the latter. His people are stone people, and there is also no blood in their bodies. If the two meet, maybe Mo Fei can win for a while.

From this point, it fully reflects the restraint of race. As long as the gap is not so big as the first and second steps, anything can happen.

What Xu Sheng didn’t expect was that when he had just finished studying the battle between Gong Ziwen and Wei Hang, in the 261st round, he ran into Gong Ziwen.

Gong Ziwen encountered two enchanting opponents in three games, and he didn’t know if his luck was good or bad.

The only thing he knew was that when Xu Sheng saw the other person, the latter’s face was as black as Carbon.

Gong Ziwen has a little white face and looks a little uncomfortable. When he first showed up, his expression was not good, but when he saw Xu Sheng, he looked like a chameleon with a smile on his face: “Hi , Xu Sheng, long time no see.”

“It’s been a long time.” Xu Sheng smiled faintly. The last time the two met was at the end of the 200th round, now sixty-one rounds have passed since the meeting, and the star chart time is two and a half years.

Gong Ziwen had left him with the impression that he was more enthusiastic. When Song Ming Gaosheng called them over, he talked the most along the way, and he had a few conversations with almost everyone, as if he was familiar with him.

Among the people Xu Sheng knew, he felt that Sun Hang looked a lot like him, but Sun Hang was not as smooth as his sometimes.

“I haven’t congratulated you on your winning streak.” Gong Ziwen is still looking for topics, as long as there is a place where he is, the atmosphere will never cool down.

Xu Sheng also said: “I also congratulate you on winning Wei Hang in the last round of battle.”

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and it was quite pleasant to get along with Gong Ziwen, unlike the other nine people, each of them had a weird temper, unlike a normal person.

“Hehehe, look at our relationship, please show mercy later.” Gong Ziwen winked and spoke, showing no enchanting student’s bearing.

Xu Sheng smiled nonchalantly: “I don’t dare to show mercy. A strong man like you can steal my energy crystal at any time.”

“Hehehe, how can it be done?” Gong Ziwen said harmlessly, scratching his head.

The atmosphere of the two of them does not look like they are going to participate in a battle at all, but rather like chatting with old friends.

But not everyone bought Gong Ziwen’s account. Just like the last round, when facing Wei Hang, no matter how friendly he behaved, the latter didn’t pay attention to him at all, and even looked up at him and didn’t even bother to do it.

I don’t know if it is because of Wei Hang’s cold personality or dissatisfaction with Gong Ziwen’s people.

“Okay, time is almost up, let’s get started.”

After Gong Ziwen spoke to Xu Sheng, he began to direct the Own Zombie to go out.

“The two of us must be upright, and we are not allowed to do that kind of villainous behavior!”

He shouted again at Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “Okay, let’s have a show up.”

Hun Tuo Practitioner came out of the base camp, and almost three-quarters of his power was mobilized by him.

There is still a quarter of the strength left behind, even if Gong Ziwen made an agreement with him, he would not be completely defensive.

There must be no harm to others, and no defensiveness.

He is not familiar with Gong Ziwen in the end, knowing people and knowing his face and not knowing his heart, just based on some brief exchanges, he will not completely trust each other.

“One-quarter, one-half, three-quarters…”

Gong Ziwen, who had always been smiling on the opposite face, gradually revealed a haze after Huntuo Practitioner’s full appearance.

The haze was fleeting, and it was well hidden, even Xu Sheng who was not far away didn’t notice it.

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