Global Sage Era

Chapter 145

Chapter 144: Is This Your Full Strength? (Please subscribe!)

Above the fusion planet.

When Xu Sheng said this, the atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Then Mo Fei, who was opposite, seemed to have heard some joke, and shook his head and laughed: “Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng, I thought you were a more real person, but I didn’t expect you to be such a big talker.”

Big talk? Maybe.

Xu Sheng didn’t make any excuses, but looked at Mo Fei with such a faint smile.

Both of them are determined generations. In Mo Fei’s heart, unstoppable is a skill that belongs to his own people. In order to obtain this talent, he put in an unbelievable amount of effort.

Now Xu Sheng actually said to teach himself what is truly unstoppable. Isn’t this a joke?

He knew that Xu Sheng was not talking about skills, but general trends.

The battlefield below.

When hundreds of stone men used their talents to crash into the Universe of Huntuo Practitioner, it caused a panic at first, but soon, the remaining Practitioners stepped on the little Universe under the leadership of many Qi Sea realm captains. The pace, towards the nearest stone man, surrounded and suppressed.

In a very short time, a horrible howl of the Stone Man before his death came out.

The stone men behind have not kept up, and the hundreds of stone men who broke into the formation have been wiped out!

[Small Universe Steps]

Category: Heritage

Effect: Under the blessing of the Universe array, with three to seven people as an array, all people share the power of others

Exchange required: 1.21 million incense

This is one of Xu Sheng’s hidden hole cards!

It is also one of the very expensive things he exchanged for the equivalent of everything.

At the time of selection, his incense still has as many as 30 million. In the past ten years, the Huntuo tribe is still developing, and it has accumulated several million, which adds up to nearly 40 million.

With so many incense sticks, he began to exchange them on a purposeful basis based on the characteristics of the people of those strong opponents.

Like the little Universe step, it is designed to deal with people like Mofei who are mainly defense-oriented!

The effect of the small universe step is extremely powerful, and more importantly, it does not conflict with the universe array, and can be superimposed and used under the blessing of the universe array. This effect is too powerful.

The defense that the stone people were proud of, the power gathered by the Practitioners in Huntuo Practitioners could not resist for long. In the case of a continuous attack, it was quickly defeated and turned into white light and disappeared!

“Hi…what is your heritage?”

Mo Fei, who had a relaxed face, had a solemn expression on his face at this time. Although he guessed that Xu Sheng also had a hidden back hand, his sudden display of powerful strength still made him a little bit unbelievable.

He has talented skills, and his opponent has this incredible and wonderful formation.

Not only is it offsetting, but I’m even slightly at a disadvantage here!

The talents of the Stone Man cannot be released at will. It takes a long period of time to accumulate strength in order to carry out the second collision.

In addition, those little stone men who are not strong enough can’t use this skill. The collision just now is most of his power.

Xu Sheng smiled lightly: “It’s just a trivial step, not as good as your talent skills.”

Obviously, the tone was very peaceful, but Mo Fei felt some liver pain, because from Xu Sheng’s words, he felt a hint of ridicule.

He did not continue to speak, feeling that he only said that Xu Sheng could only speak big words not long ago, but at this time he was slapped in his face, and his face was a little hot.

“Go, kill the opponent’s Foundation Building cultivator head-on!”

He sent a message to the leader of the stone man below.

After the head of the stone man heard the words, he looked at Yin with huge eyes higher than human beings.

Standing on the ground, Yin smiled when it looked at it, and then his body disappeared from where it was.

The next moment.


The head of the stone man uttered a painful cry, and when he looked carefully, a Daoist shadow under the Spirit Power’s package was digging into its body at the position of its chest.

The purpose is obvious, that is its key!

“Don’t think about it!”

Although stone people are not flesh and blood life, they can also control their own body.

At the level of the head of the stone man, controlling the stone in one’s body is no different from controlling the muscles of the human body.

Therefore, the forward Yin quickly encountered layers of obstacles. Even with his perfect Foundation Building’s powerful strength, it was difficult to move within the body of the head of the stone man.


“It’s a hard rock.”

Yin’s eyes condensed. Just now he controlled the Magical Item long sword to slash on the dark stone in front of him, but he made the sound of gold and iron clashing. The hardness of the dark stone was the only thing he had seen in his life.

There is a deadlock between Yin and the leader of the Golem. Both belong to the best in this Realm, and it will be difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

Xu Sheng and Mo Fei above were focusing on the battle and giving instructions all the time, but most of their energy was still on the frontal battlefield.

Hun Tuo Practitioner’s damage has been close to one thousand, the original more than five thousand Practitioner array, now there are more than four thousand left.

The number of Stone Men has been reduced from about three thousand at the beginning to two thousand three.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce. After the stone man smashed Huntuo Practitioner with a punch, he was then pierced through the core by a big sword entwined with Spirit Power.

In the blink of an eye, the war lasted for two days.

The war has fallen into a state of anxiety.

Both Xu Sheng and Mo Fei above the battlefield had no time to talk and talk, focusing on the control of the people.

A little further behind, the six high sages were not chatting constantly as they did at the beginning, and their hearts were attracted by the battle.

For a long time, the elderly Gao Sheng sighed, “I originally thought Xu Sheng would be dragged to death by Mo Fei, but now it seems that Mo Fei’s battle damage was even higher.”

The young Gao Sheng also said helplessly: “I hope Mo Fei can come up with some other means of turning around, otherwise, if this continues, the loss is a foregone conclusion.”

Song Ming, who has always had little expression, has a faint smile on his face at this time, and he whispered: “I said, Xu Sheng’s strength is hidden a lot, even now, I can’t judge how much he shows.”

“What percentage? I think he showed at least 90%! That kind of pace is not easy to obtain. He estimated that he invested a lot of resources, and it should be his last trump card!” Middle-aged Gao Sheng said coldly.

“This is not good. I believe he will create surprises for us.” Gao Sheng, a peaceful woman, fixed her eyes on Xu Sheng. From beginning to end, her confidence in Xu Sheng has not been reduced.

“Let’s keep watching.” Ting Qiao female Gao Sheng said flatly. It is always unhappy to lose here, even if there are not many things.

Finally, when he saw that the loss of Own Stone Man had passed halfway, Mo Fei couldn’t help himself.

When Xu Sheng saw him, he immediately chuckled and asked, “Can’t help it?”

“Hmph, don’t be too early!”

Mo Fei snorted in his nose, and then sent a thought.

At the moment he gave the order, the Stone Man in any state in the entire battlefield immediately stopped moving.

Then a small stone man, his whole body shattered into countless small stones.

“This is…”

Xu Sheng’s eyes condensed and looked down.

In his gaze, the small stones shot quickly towards the larger unbroken stone man.

After receiving these broken stones that were divided by careful stone men, the larger stone men grew in size rapidly, and the aura on their bodies increased, and they soon reached a higher level.

In just a very short period of time, the threats posed by all the stone men are completely different. Each one has the strength to surpass Qi Sea realm, between Qi Sea realm and Martial Master!

Although there are only less than three hundred stone men remaining, these three hundred stone men are stronger than the 1,500 stone men before!

“These stones can even absorb the same clan and become bigger!”

Huntuo Practitioners were shocked. Someone tentatively chopped the Golem, but was kicked back by the Golem so that the white light disappeared.

“These big guys are so strong, everyone be careful!”

Hun Tuo Practitioner began to be careful.

Xuan Yi, who has been presiding over the large array, has a deep expression on his face. From the stone men, he actually feels a sense of threat!

As a strong Martial Master, he can feel threatened, and his strength can be imagined!

Not to mention the Practitioner, even the Qi Sea realm Practitioner is either dead or disabled!

“Avoid them and find their weaknesses!”

In the distance, Kuang Yuan, who was blocking the three-headed Realm stone man with his own strength, shouted at Xuan Yi Chuan Yin, making the latter react immediately.


There must be hidden dangers in the state of these stone men. Head-on collision is extremely unwise, and they need to be detoured from the side!

Xu Sheng above was about to give instructions, but found that the Huntuo Practitioners below had already started to take action. After observing for a while, he smiled with satisfaction.

Mo Fei was extremely upset when he saw that Xu Sheng could still laugh at this time.

Although he didn’t have any opinion on Xu Sheng, but now as opponents, even if they are on opposite sides, he pays great attention to any reaction of Xu Sheng.

“Xu Sheng, I originally wanted to stay behind with this trick, but I didn’t expect to be forced out of you. If you can lose with my all-out effort, you are honored to lose.”

As the number one in the South China District, Mo Fei also has arrogance in his heart. Even if he is the top scorer, his goal is to defeat everyone, become the number one, and win the top spot!

“You mean, this is your full power?”

Xu Sheng replied like this.

Mo Fei frowned: “What do you mean?”

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “I have been worried that you have more backs, but I didn’t expect to have two tricks… In this case, this battle can also be over. I will accept this point.”

“Humph! At this time, you are still talking big, don’t let me look down on you!”

Mo Fei stared directly at Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng no longer spoke, just a thought came out.

Then there was a blast on the battlefield, attracting everyone’s attention.

Mo Fei didn’t know what was going on at first, but soon, his expression changed drastically. He looked down and said, “Impossible!”

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