Global Sage Era

Chapter 141

Chapter 140 Are Not People


Xu Sheng and Su Linrui were sitting together and eating.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a side… I have to say that you are pretty handsome.” Su Linrui blinked and joked.

“People have a lot of faces, and I’m not afraid of you jokes when I say it. I have been fighting a lot since I was a kid.” Xu Sheng said while pulling the rice.

Normally, when facing girls, especially beautiful girls, boys will always pay attention to their own image.

But Xu Sheng is an exception. Even if he eats with a beautiful woman like Su Linrui, there is no change for him.

Su Linrui grinned, she looked at Xu Sheng who was concentrating on eating, her eyes were extremely focused.

The previous classmates who took the human course parted ways after they came to the cafeteria. In their hearts, disturbing others is a very bad thing, and they are more discerning.

But this is simply because they think too much. The relationship between Xu Sheng and Su Linrui is purer than everyone’s imagination.

Xu Sheng didn’t even go to Su Linrui’s room to be a…guest.

The break time is four hours.

It’s very short, so students cherish it very much.

Eating and eating, chatting, thinking about how to proceed in the next battle, time has passed.

“Then I wish you continued winning streak.”

“I also wish you better and better record.”

When the time came, Xu Sheng and Su Linrui sat together and blessed each other in a low voice.

The next moment.

The star map appeared, and everyone’s consciousness shuttled back to planet Own again.

Only 27 people have maintained a 100-game winning streak.

The 27 people who have been noticed by everyone at this time are trying to keep own winning streak a little longer.

As for whether it can keep winning streak, no one dares to guarantee votes.

At the end of the entire 520 round of battles, at most only one person can win a streak, and it is more likely that the entire army will be wiped out.

Think Xu Sheng, Lu Shan, and Xiao Feng, who are regarded as the strongest eleven by the vast majority of people, dare not say that they will be able to defeat all other evil spirits.

Although Lu Shan’s white crane sword repair is powerful, Wu Su’s Wu Clan is equally powerful, especially the trick of asking the ancestor’s spirit is simply a bug, which can greatly increase his own power.

“No matter who these ten people meet, it will be a tough battle…”

When starting to match his opponents in the one hundred and first round, Xu Sheng looked at the beating names, and such a thought came to his mind.

The opponent in this round is still a relatively low ranking-for him, in addition to the 27 people, or to shorten the range, for the ten people, even the other students are in the second echelon. In his mind, they are all low-ranked students.

So far, no one has been able to force his true strength, to be precise, he has not even approached his energy crystal.

Han Qi’s Fire Spirit and Sun Han’s Treemen are very powerful races, but they were suppressed by the Huntuo Practitioner on the frontal battlefield. Only Ximenqing, who relied on his superiority in flight, had his son Thunderbirds approached the base camp. , But in the end it was only suppressed face-to-face and collapsed.

“It’s Xu Sheng!”

“So strong!”

“I lost so soon?”

“Please be merciful.”

“Can you put a little bit of water on the grounds that they are girls?”

All kinds of opponents, all kinds of performance.

In each round of battle, Xu Sheng had a long or short exchange with his opponent.

Almost everyone, at the moment they showed up, expressed the hope that Xu Sheng would show some mercy, and at least not to crush it so hard.

For these words, Xu Sheng agreed to a limited extent. Just like the table tennis of the previous world, it can be waterproof for one or two goals in the case of absolute victory. When the overall situation is settled, he let the Huntuo Practitioners deliberately reveal Some flaws.

The end of the battle will affect the ranking.

Xu Sheng knew this, but he didn’t care, because in the end, it was decided by the strength of each other, and the temporary fame did not mean much.

Just like Lu Shan who has been occupying the first place now, everyone admits that he is strong, but no one would think that he is the strongest among all the students.

Four years of star chart time passed quickly.

The battle went from one hundred to two hundred.

The ranking of the star tablet has also become as follows:

[Ranking at the end of the 200th round of selection]

First place, Lu Shan, with 200 points.

Second place, Wu Su, 200 points.

Third place, Kong Yan, 200 points

Fourth place, Xiao Feng, 200 points

Fifth place, Chen Yuruo, 200 points

Sixth place, Wei Hang, 56 points

Seventh place, Shen Shi, 56 points

Eighth place, Gong Ziwen, 56 points

Ninth place, Lu Ba, 56 points

Tenth place, Murphy, 56 points

11th place, Xu Sheng, 200 points

So it is expected that when the battle turns into 200 games, only these eleven people can continue to maintain a winning streak.

The other 16 students who had won a hundred consecutive victories encountered some of these eleven in the next 100 battles.

Compared with the ranking during the 100-game winning streak, Xu Sheng has not only not risen, but has dropped by one place instead.

But his decline was expected by everyone.

Because Xu Sheng’s “easy to talk” is already well known by everyone. As long as he has a good attitude and basically asks for water release, he will be satisfied by Xu Sheng.

This also accumulated a wave of favorability for Xu Sheng.

Although Xu Sheng himself didn’t care about these, he was just in the original intention of owning (from the great power of the previous life), but at Qianjing University, the evaluation was even higher.

And Sages can see more clearly, whether Xu Sheng pretends or is instinctive and can tell at a glance. During the discussion, he couldn’t help but laugh and said that he is a student who is on the path of human nature. This personality is good.

Of course, this does not offset the previous ‘fighting incident’. The reason why Xu Sheng has not been contacted now is because this assessment is ending and it is necessary to wait until all is over before announcing punishment measures.

No matter who provokes someone, it is wrong to beat people face-to-face under a large number of people. They understand Xu Sheng’s feelings, but the school has school rules, even for prospective students.

“In this hundred rounds, the confrontation is stronger than the previous ones… also, the remaining battles are getting less and less, and it is inevitable to run into those people.”

In own planet, Xu Sheng is doing a summary of the past one hundred rounds.

In the past 100 rounds, he has encountered five powerful opponents.

This is based on Ximen Qing as a reference standard, the worst is better than Ximen Qing.

Among them, Qianjing and Kunhai are respectively Nanchang and Zhang Meng, whose subjects are bears and iron-eaters.

Nantan’s origin is fire, and his bear is specifically a flame bear. There is a raging fire burning all over the bubble, and its high temperature is faintly higher than Han Qi’s fire spirit. There are many Huntuo Practitioner. It was burnt to death on the spot, it was absolutely uncomfortable, and it was trembling to think about being burned to death.

But in the end, Xu Sheng’s hard power was even higher, and he didn’t show a higher strength than before. Just like that, he used the Universe array to kill all the flame bears, making Nan Taste lose convinced.

Zhang Meng’s origin is wood, and his Realm, the tallest iron-eater, is already on the edge of the breakthrough Gold Core. It is the strength of Yin and the price of serious injuries that he beheaded after the fierce battle. During a great battle, Xu Sheng was impressed by the iron-eater’s strong skin defense. They once approached the base camp, but they were blocked by Qian Min’s large formation, and there was no rush outside. In the end, Kuang Yuan led the Huntuo Practitioners to kill one by one, and won the battle.

The third person is Lan Ying from other provinces in China. His people are the Shadow Mantis, whose origin is also a very rare shadow. With the cooperation, the Shadow Mantis has extremely powerful attack power, speed, and concealment.

In this battle, Xu Sheng felt a great deal of pressure, and finally had to expose some of his hole cards. The [Development Dust] exchanged from the equivalent of everything has done a great job. As long as it is scattered, the shadows hidden in the shadows The praying mantis had nowhere to hide, and then the weakness of the blood and the skin was exposed, and the number disappeared quickly.

One thing worth mentioning is that Lan Ying, a gloomy-looking opponent, did not give Xu Sheng a good impression at first, but in the subsequent battle, Xu Sheng found that he did not see this gloomy opponent. With a soft heart, he felt distressed in his eyes many times when he saw the people of his own being killed, which made him feel that this guy had hope to take the road of humanity, and maybe he would change the way of his own in college.

The fourth person is a money list from Xihua District. His race is also a human, and his people’s Realm is not high, only the Foundation Building middle stage. But unexpectedly, his understanding of the law is extremely high, and Xu Sheng feels him Even better than himself, Shengsheng used the origin of own gold to gain a great advantage for his people, causing him to lose nearly half of the battle.

The fifth person is Teng Qingxuan from Donghua District.

Speaking of Donghua District, there is a very meaningful point, that is, the top three who came this time are all girls, and their race and origin are quite special.

Needless to say, the number one Wusu race is the Wuzu race. Her origin is essence, that is, spiritual power.

The second Teng Qingxuan race is the light race, whose origin is light.

The third Peng Susu race is the medicine race, whose origin is life.

The so-called light race is a race similar to the fire spirit. It is an energy type. The whole body is made up of light. However, they do not have a heart core. They are still the crystals of the brain. They are good at various light skills. All are scope attacks.

Looking at it this way, four of the five powerful opponents are not human races.

At first glance, something is wrong, but if you think about it, you will know that there is nothing unreasonable.

Because like this special race with a special origin, either the strength cannot develop, or the strength develops to become strong, there is also a part of the race quality.

But the performance of Human Race is not weak, and they occupy a lot of places, but these people do not impress Xu Sheng deeply.

More importantly, the human potential is recognized as more and more sufficient, the more late stage, the faster the speed of Ascension.

Have a long-term vision.

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