Global Sage Era

Chapter 132

Chapter 131 The first round of rankings is released (subscribe!)

The huge gap between the opponent and his own strength made Xu Sheng choose to actively invade.

The defender is naturally more advantageous, but he will lose if he defends for a long time. Xu Sheng feels that he has twice the strength to attack the opponent, and the chance of success is still very high.

Of course, he did not let his subjects attack in a intensive manner, which would only become Wang Ke’s target.

Under the opponent’s original use, although it is impossible to wipe out the entire army of his own people, it is not impossible to damage one-third or even half of his strength.

The wind was whistling, and at the same time Xu Sheng thought so, Hun Tuo Practitioner was moving forward with a strong wind. This wind rolled up the dust and sand in the sky, and soon formed a tornado not far away.


Xu Sheng’s heart shuddered, and then he did not hesitate to use the source of water to protect his own people.

Compared with before, this time his rules are more flexible. The weak water area originally used to slow down the enemy has turned him into a means to stabilize the people, and it is accurate.

In addition, in order to prevent the impact of sand and dust, he also formed a water curtain above the people. The sand was rustling on the water curtain, but it failed to cause the Practitioner in the protection of the water curtain. Any impact.

This kind of majestic method has long awed Huntuo Practitioners.

The individual’s strength seems so insignificant in this heavenly power.

They knew that if it were not for the protection of their ancestors, they would definitely not be able to go long in this kind of heavenly power.

“I won’t let you pass!”

Wang Ke gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Sheng.

“That can’t be you.”

Xu Sheng smiled at him. Although the opponent’s law comprehension is not bad, it is still a lot worse than his own. He has only used 30% of his power and has completely blocked the opponent’s offensive.

“It’s too strong.” The lucky one who was watching the battle continued to sigh. He was not talking about Wang Ke, but Xu Sheng’s methods. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Xu Sheng far surpassed Wang Ke in the application and change of the law.

“It deserves to be the top scorer, there is a big gap between me and him…” Although I don’t want to admit it, the lucky guy knows that if he is in Wang Ke’s position at this time, he will not do better than the latter. , It is also the situation of being crushed by Xu Sheng.

It’s not just Xu Sheng, such as Lu Shan, Kong Yan, Wu Su, and Ruifeng who have been favored by everyone since the beginning, each of them showed overwhelming strength when facing their own opponents.

Regardless of the strength of the people or the understanding of own laws, opponents and them are not at the same level.

There is no need to show more about the deployment of the subjects, just by flat push, you can determine the great advantage and win the first point of own.

The progress of the parties is different. Except for the first group of people who are devastating, the other people are not easy to fight, and they soon fell into anxiety.

As long as the difference in strength is not huge, even if the strength of one party’s people exceeds one-half of the other, the balance of power can be maintained in a short period of time under the balance of various means.

Not to mention that the best condition for winning is to destroy the opponent’s energy crystal. If the attacker wants to defend itself and wants a frontal breakthrough, it will not be easy even if it is nearly twice the strength. At this time, it needs to understand the law and the people. Directly cooperated.

For example, stealing a home is not bad, even in the form of self-destruction, as long as the opponent’s energy crystal can be destroyed in the end, it is considered a success.

In terms of timing, a war can last up to seven days.

When the seven days arrive, the winner will be determined according to the percentage of their strength lost, otherwise the time will be too long, which will affect the subsequent battle with others.

Seven days is a round, and each round is separated by seven days in the middle, a total of 520 rounds, just to the last day.

With the depletion of the source, the gust of wind faded away.

A trace of unwillingness appeared on Wang Ke’s face.

Xu Sheng’s method was completely resolved this time, so he didn’t get any good.

The thoughts in his heart were also shaken, but he immediately cheered up: “Now my strength is indeed not as good as Xu Sheng, but I can’t give up because of this, the ending is not certain!”

This change in Wang Ke’s mentality made several high sages who were watching everyone fighting nod their heads. Although this student looked a little silly in his words and deeds, his mental adjustment ability was still quite desirable, no wonder he was able to obtain it with a more general qualification. Current results.

Wang Ke was placed among the 521 people, and his qualifications belonged to the worst category, but his strength was not the worst. This was related to his mentality.

Again, those who can come here are not the weak, everyone has something to do with it.

“I won’t let you near my base camp!”

When Wang Ke saw that Kuang Yuan and the others were still approaching, they used a lot of origin.

The origin is very precious in the sea of ​​the world, but it is nothing in this star chart. Each game gives the students a disposable share of 10,000 points, and after each battle, the origin will be reset.

Ten thousand points of origin is a number that is no more than no less, enough to allow students to let go, but not to make the origin of the war too much influence, at least the people also account for half of the proportion.

“He should be the origin of the earth…”

Xu Sheng has now figured out Wang Ke’s path. At first he thought that the opponent was the origin of the wind from acceleration and storms. Later, he discovered that the effect of the change of gravity was produced. He couldn’t help but be a little surprised. This kind of thinking is a bit different.

With the same source value, Xu Sheng and Wang Ke have completely different effects. Often Xu Sheng can use a little source value to match Wang Ke’s three points. Under such long-term consumption, Xu Sheng’s advantage will naturally increase. Bigger.

But Wang Ke couldn’t use it. Kuang Yuan had already approached his base camp with more than four thousand Practitioners. He didn’t have to wait for the two Practitioners to mix together.

Xu Sheng is different. The 0.03% rule of comprehension has allowed him to achieve precise release. Even in the crowd, he can protect every citizen.

This kind of ability is only available when he understands 0.03% of the law. At 0.01%, he can only release it in a wide range. It is still very difficult to “micro-manage” and the probability of failure is extremely high.

Even though Wang Ke tried his best to resist, it was in vain in the end. When Kuang Yuan brought more than four thousand Practitioners to break through his last line of defense, he made an unwilling voice.

Xu Sheng looked over and smiled and said, “It seems that I am ahead.”

Wang Ke stared down tightly and said firmly: “I haven’t lost yet, I still have a chance.”

At this time, Xu Sheng admired the other person a bit, which made him feel a lot better for the latter. People who work hard are always easy to give people a good impression. Such a person is quite suitable as a friend.

There are many traps arranged around Wang Ke’s base camp. He is the origin of soil, and the characteristics of his people are also soil. He is an expert in trap layout.


After several Huntuo Practitioners escaped the trap under their feet, they were hit by a series of traps just two seconds after they were happy. The body was shot into a sieve, and then it disappeared into a white light on the spot.

There are many situations like this, as Xu Cheng saw in a short time, more than two hundred people have been killed.

But he doesn’t feel distressed. Anyway, it’s just “playing games”. If you die, you’ll die. I hope they will increase their memory next time and don’t belch so quickly. At least they can accumulate more experience so that they can return to Minor World. Can speed up the breakthrough.

No matter how many traps there are, it is impossible to completely resist the Huntuo Practitioner. After paying the price of nearly a thousand casualties, the Huntuo Practitioner finally got in touch with the opponent’s Practitioner.

In an instant, all kinds of fighting sounds sounded everywhere.

Wang Ke’s people are strong, and their style is defensive.

Huntuo Practitioner should have been biased towards defensiveness, but the first talent Xu Sheng added to them was the bloody body. Such a wild war talent is naturally not the path of defensiveness.

The gap in the number of Practitioners is too large, and Huntuo’s single-player strength is also higher, so Wang Kezimin’s casualties are extremely rapid.

He couldn’t help it anymore, and several cultivators started to kill the Practitioner in large movies.

The body training Practitioner is too fragile in front of the cultivator, and only Qi Sea realm Practitioner can barely resist.

But these cultivators haven’t been rampant for long, and Yin, who has been hiding in the dark, finally took action.

One shot is shocking!

The faces of several cultivators showed horror, and a big seal appeared on their heads, and then they were suppressed fiercely!

There was a faint scream. Although these cultivators barely resisted, they did not resist for a long time before they turned into white light and disappeared.

The only cultivator in the early stage of Foundation Building did not resist for a while, almost turning white light with the front and back feet of the cultivator in the training period.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Ke’s face turned pale, his lips murmured, and finally he said dejected: “I lost.”

“Acceptance.” Xu Sheng arched his cupped hands towards the other party.

Soon, with a loud explosion, Wang Ke’s energy crystal was broken in the cheers of the Huntuo Practitioner and turned into dust and disappeared.

At the same time, Xu Sheng also received the notice.

“Congratulations on your victory in the battle with your opponent, and you got one point. Now your total points are: 1.”

A smile appeared on Xu Sheng’s face and he got one point. This is a good start. I hope that every point in the future can be scored.

In the entire first round, some battles ended quickly, while others ended slowly.

Some people’s energy crystal was breached, and some people fought to the last minute, and then waited for evaluation in unwillingness.

But no matter what, when the seventh day passed, all the dust fell to the ground.

this moment,

The central star stele, which had been silent for a long time, glowed with great light.

In such a change, everyone’s attention has been attracted to the past.

Then came waves of suppressed exclamation everywhere.

Everyone saw that there were words appearing on this star tablet.

Line by line, from top to bottom, clearly distinguished.

The uppermost character is the largest, and the further down, the smaller the font size and the weaker the golden light.

These up and down fonts represent the first round of ranking!

Everyone looked at the first line, and the words on the top line looked so dazzling!

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