Global Sage Era

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Just when the whole world was sensational because of Xu Sheng’s full score.

A small group of students who are taking the college entrance examination are still fighting hard.

Without mentioning other provinces, just talk about Baiwan Province. At this time, hundreds of people are still continuing the college entrance examination.

Among these hundreds of people, the slowest progress is still struggling in the fifth wave, and the vanguard has entered the sixth wave.

Among them, there are a dozen people with the fastest progress, all of whom have the top ten strengths in the college entrance examination.

Even Zheng Jingjing, who ranked first among the ten hottest candidates, is not the fastest among the dozen people. The fastest is a person who never thought of it-Lu Yuan.

If Xu Sheng is a dark horse, then Lu Yuan is another dark horse.

When the first two results came out, it was unexpectedly squeezed into the top ten.

On the contrary, Xiao Ruiming, who had been optimistic about the sixth middle school before, fell to a dozen.

top ten!

If Xu Sheng hadn’t existed this year, such achievements would be enough to make all teachers and students proud of the Third Middle School.

Before the second model, Lu Yuan and Cheng Chuxue were regarded as two insurmountable mountains by all students at the same level in the third middle school.

In all the competitions, Lu Yuan always ranks second, and he never wins the first snow.

Especially after Xu Sheng turned out to be born, his light was completely covered up. Although he was also called the three most influential figures, he had the lowest sense of existence.

But it is such a person who has achieved far better results in this college entrance examination.

When he was in the third mode, he ranked only more than fifty in the city, but now, in the college entrance examination of Baiwan Province, he is ranked tenth!

In contrast to him, Cheng Chuxue ranked 457 in the first two results, which is a normal level.

After all, in their ranking, everyone is a genius, and it is not easy to surpass anyone.

“I don’t know if he has entered the seventh wave. According to his previous practice, this possibility should be more than 80%.”

Above the yellow-green Minor World, Lu Yuan watched the people fighting with the demon clan below, and couldn’t help thinking of the blockbuster behind the second model.

For Xu Sheng, he admired and never gave up the idea of ​​surpassing him. A momentary lead does not mean a permanent lead. There is still a long way to go in the future.

He turned and glanced at the three assessment teachers, and saw that they nodded slightly at himself as a sign of encouragement.

But he didn’t mean to talk to himself.

He was reminded by Dage that he knew that the assessment teacher could have limited communication without hindering the candidates, but most of the time, the assessment teacher did not have such a leisurely sentiment.

He recognized it very much. So far, the three assessment teachers have not said more than ten sentences to him, especially the cold woman on the left, who has never said a word from beginning to end.

He also expressed his understanding, Sage, he should have such an attitude towards high school students like them.

The fierce battle in Minor World quickly came to an end. Even if everything was done, Lu Yuan failed to pass the sixth wave of crushing forces.

Seeing his final “282 points” in the actual combat assessment, he sighed and tried his best. After all, he didn’t even see the seventh wave.

“You must be in the seventh wave now. This year is more difficult than last year. Even with your strength, the probability of passing is estimated to be very small…”

He muttered to himself, feeling a bit complicated, he wanted Xu Sheng to pass, but he didn’t want him to pass.

“These damn monster races are really hard to deal with!”

Zheng Jingjing breathed fire in her eyes and watched the rapid death of her people. She already felt that the chance of passing the sixth wave was getting smaller and smaller.

“No, no matter what, I will enter the seventh wave!”

She had evil eyes in her eyes, and she didn’t care about the people’s pleading, and ordered them to keep attacking.

Finally, in the end, she finally passed the sixth wave.

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, so that 290 points were obtained, and she still hoped to win the champion!


However, when she saw that there were only a few hundred injured people left, she couldn’t help but cursed: “It’s really a bunch of rubbish.”

She didn’t notice, just when she scolded these words, the three Sages who hadn’t spoken to her were unhappy in their eyes, but they didn’t speak.

The seventh wave came. Zheng Jingjing’s face turned white when she saw the three-headed monster at the beginning, but then she roared ferociously:

“The one named Xu Sheng, I will definitely not give you the champion, the champion will only be me, Zheng Jingjing!”

Hundreds of damaged subjects were impossible to get even one point at this time, but she still did not suspend the assessment.

The three Sages all felt like they heard a big joke.

She wants to compare with Xu Sheng?

That’s the record-breaking perfect score champion, and the most enchanting evildoer who is optimistic about the general inspection!

Whether it is satisfied or frustrated, more and more of the remaining hundreds of people have reached their own limit and withdrew from the assessment.

Among them are Zheng Jingjing, Fang Chengyi, and Su Linrui who have entered the seventh wave, as well as people such as Han Yu, Lu Yuan, Xiao Ruiming, and Cheng Chuxue who have stopped the sixth wave.

Their actual combat assessment results ranged from 271 to 291.

The so-called ‘1’ means that it has just entered this wave.

Throughout the seventh wave, only four people were finally seen.

Except for Xu Sheng, the other three are all 291, and the actual combat assessment is at the same level.

And just when they look forward to the factual rankings.

Before I had time to pay attention to own ranking, my eyes were all occupied by the top few lines of information, and then the whole person felt like the sky was spinning and couldn’t stand.

First place: Xu Sheng, Luyuan No. 3 Middle School

Minor World development: 300 points

Civilization of the people: 300 points

Actual combat assessment: 300 points

Current total score: 900 points

Those circles, as if they had magical powers, kept sucking their souls into them, and they didn’t even have the ability to think.

“How could it be, how could he be 900! I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!” Zheng Jingjing screamed and ran out of the maintenance cabin. In the entire examination room, everyone looked at her in surprise and pity.

“Could it be that the poor family really can’t get a good son? I’m not convinced!” Fang Chengyi raised his head and questioned the sky, this world is really unfair!

“Yeah, he’s too great! It’s even better than the teacher expected. I originally thought that the gap could be shortened a bit, but now it seems that the gap is getting bigger and bigger.” Su Linrui covered her small mouth, and then she felt a little depressed. Being with this guy is really powerless.

Lu Yuan’s pupils shrank violently several times, his fists tightened and tightened, and finally he shook his head with a bitter smile. Is this guy a human?

Han Yu of No. 1 Middle School had always thought that his talent was unmatched, but at this moment, after staring closely at those lines of information, it was the first time he felt depressed.

Too many people remember that name.

Luyuan No. 3 Middle School, Xu Sheng.

Even if some of them enter the Holy Realm in the future, and even become the sixth most holy, there will always be a figure standing there in their hearts.

Let them remember all the time, at the same time as themselves, there was an outstanding character who led the coquettish!

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