Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 931 united as 1, strive for opportunity (seeking full order)

The next second, the three guardian spirits attacked Qin Feng at the same time...

"My goodness!"

"This... what's going on here?"

The South Alliance crowd exclaimed.

But the guardian spirit of the eternal threshold of combat power, the speed is very fast....

In the blink of an eye, the three guardian spirits fought against Qin Feng and the phantom clone...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

For a time, the sky collapsed, the void collapsed, the entire divine tree trembled slightly, and hundreds of millions of voids were shaking violently...

And the battle in the field, the light is dazzling, the figure is linked... .

The speed of Qin Feng and the guardian spirits was so fast that everyone in the SAARC couldn't see who was who.

Even the three gods of Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Batie are no exception.

In such a battle, they couldn't even see it clearly.

Despite this, everyone was still very nervous, their eyes widened, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Everyone prayed in their hearts that Qin Feng would never have an accident.

Today, Qin Feng is the support of SAARC and also the expectation for the future.

If Qin Feng had an accident, the SAARC would die.

The Yu Clan and Bai Clan in Guixu will definitely not let the South Alliance go...

At the moment, everyone watched the battle nervously...

I don't know how long it took, there were a few muffled hums in the dazzling battle circle...

In the next second, a figure was shaken out of the battle circle...

Everyone quickly looked around and saw that the person who was knocked back was Qin Feng.

The battle in the field stopped there.

The three guardian spirits looked at Qin Feng in surprise, and the phantom avatar disappeared, seemingly defeated...

"Level seven? Is this guy really level seven?"

A guardian spirit looked unbelievable.

"I didn't expect it! In this positive world, there is such a guy!

"Yeah! He obviously only has a seventh-level cultivation base, but it is incredible that he has an eleventh-level combat power!"

The other two guardian spirits were also amazed.

In their world, the seventh level represents the true god, the eighth level is the half-step god to the peak of the gods, the ninth level is the god, the tenth level is the half-step eternity, and the eleventh level is the eternal realm combat power.

Thinking of this, the three guardian spirits looked at Qin Feng with great respect...

Although the three of them fought back Qin Feng together, it did not prevent the three of them from respecting Qin Feng.

"Forward the world? What do you mean?

Qin Feng heard some signs and was very curious.

"Hehe! You don't need to know this!""

The elder guardian spirit, headed by him, smiled slightly.

"Are you all projectionists?"

Qin Feng tried again.

"Forget it! Friends, you don't need to inquire so much. We are your testers to you. If you want to get the remaining two spiritual fruits, you have to defeat the three of us together!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng was a little depressed.

With his own strength, it is almost impossible to defeat the alliance of these three people.

Could it be that he couldn't get the last two spiritual fruits?

"I want to ask, are you the manifestation of the will of the Divine Tree?"

Qin Feng inquired at the time.

"Sorry! We are law enforcement, not the will of the divine tree. Some orders are untouchable..."

"Then tell me, what method should I use to obtain those two spiritual fruits?

"Defeat the three of us to join forces, this rule can't be changed! Let me remind you that this divine tree will escape into the reverse world in another hour. If you want to get the profound spiritual fruit, you will have to wait 100 million years... "

These words are full of kindness towards Qin Feng.

The next second, the three guardian spirits retreated at the same time and disappeared strangely.

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning, feeling a little anxious.

There is only one hour left, and the spiritual roots of heaven and earth will disappear.

But the last two spirit fruits, he still has not been able to pick.

The idea of ​​him wanting to move the entire divine tree is even more extravagant...

"Lord Qin Feng, how is the situation?"

At this time, Zhenji God and others gathered around one after another.

"Something is difficult! 55

Qin Feng shook his head slightly.

The crowd was silent.

Everyone could see that it was almost impossible for Qin Feng to grab the Spirit Fruit from the guards of the three guardian spirits.

Unless Qin Feng can improve his strength in a short period of time.

However, there seems to be no means of improving Qin Feng.

At this thought, everyone was worried and whispered one by one.

"It's hard to do this time! There's only one hour left for Linggen to show up...

"Don't say an hour, even if you give it another day, Master Qin Feng may not be able to win the Spirit Fruit!"

"Hey~! Who would have thought that there would be three guardian spirits defending together, this rule is confusing, and it is too difficult! 99

"Yeah! Unless Lord Qin Feng's strength is increased by 20%, there may still be some hope..."

"Increase 20% of your combat power? Just... in just one hour? Do you think it's possible? This is too exaggerated!""

Many people shook their heads slightly and sighed.

Even Qin Feng thought it was impossible!

But he was not reconciled.

At this moment, the crowd was in a commotion, and the God of Nine Yuan stood out from the crowd and walked in front of Qin Feng.

"Master Qin Feng, there is a way for you to improve your strength.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "What can I do?"

"My lord, please accept these spiritual fruits!

Jiuyuan God waved his hand, and one hundred Spiritual Fruits at the beginning of Yuan appeared in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "No! These are the spiritual fruits allocated to you from Jiuyuan Mountain, how can I take them away!"

"My lord, compared to the Xuanji Spirit Fruit, these 100 Yuan Yuan Spirit Fruits are nothing at all. Besides, if your lord misses this opportunity, you will have to wait another 100 trillion years. And your subordinates lose these 100 pieces. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you only need to wait another 1 trillion years to have it..."

Qin Feng was surprised: "Why do I have to wait another 100 trillion years? You only need to wait another 1 trillion years?"

Jiuyuan God replied: "Sir, the maturity time of the spiritual fruit in the early Yuan Dynasty is 1 trillion years. The Xuanji spiritual fruit is 100 trillion years. In addition, the spiritual fruit of this heaven and earth spirit root has another characteristic, that is When they are mature, they must be in line with the laws of heaven.”

"There are three Mysterious Spirit Fruits, which are exactly the number of the three talents in the world. I once heard the Lord of Jiuquan Universe say that no matter which kind of Spirit Fruit is picked, it needs to be all picked at that time. fall off on its own.35

"In other words, the lord still has two profound spiritual fruits that have not been picked yet. When the spiritual roots of heaven and earth escape back to the back of the void, the two profound spiritual fruits above will automatically fall off. When the divine tree regenerates three more The profound spiritual fruit will take 100 trillion years..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

Qin Feng was also stunned.

If this is the case, if he does not finish picking the profound spiritual fruit this time, he will have to wait 100 trillion years.

100 trillion years!

too long!

Qin Feng can't wait.

After everyone heard it, they were also stunned.

However, they felt that Jiu Yuan's words should be true.

Jiuyuan is the direct descendant of Jiuquan Universe Lord.

And the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan once picked the profound spiritual fruit, and even wanted to forcibly transplant the spiritual root of heaven and earth. He knows more about the spiritual root of heaven and earth than everyone else...

"Jiuyuan, are you really going to give me this hundred spirit fruits?"

"Of course! It's just a hundred spirit fruits. We have obtained Jiuyuan Mountain many times, and this time is not bad. Wait for a maximum of 1 trillion, or we will have it again."

·0 Seeking Flowers··

"Besides, the lord saved Jiu Yuan's life, and I just can't repay it. Now, when the lord is in trouble, how can Jiu stand idly by? I hope you don't dislike it, please accept it!"5

Jiuyuan God said it very sincerely.

Qin Feng was moved.

It was at this moment that the True God Lord also stood out from the crowd, and handed over a hundred Spiritual Fruits from the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

"Sir, our True Extremist Sect is also willing to dedicate these hundred spiritual fruits to the lord to help the lord!

Qin Feng was surprised: "Zhenji, why are you doing this?"

True God Lord smiled and said: "Sir, as Daoist Jiuyuan said, just relying on his spiritual fruits is not enough. Besides, if we lose these spiritual fruits, we will have them in another 1 trillion years. Let the adults wait for 100 trillion years of good..."

As soon as these words fell, the eight top forces also stepped forward and took out the spiritual fruit.

"My lord, I am also willing to offer spiritual fruit!

Qin Feng sighed with emotion: "You don't have to do this! Everyone took risks and worked hard to come here, not just for these spiritual fruits. How can you give up your own interests and only use it to fulfill me? This is absolutely impossible. !"


"My lord, just as the True God and Jiuyuan God said, if we lose this batch of spiritual fruits, we can wait another 1 trillion years. If my lord loses this opportunity, we will have to wait 100 trillion years. 1 trillion years, We can't wait!

"If we can make the adults stronger this time, we will have adults as our backers in the future of the South Alliance, and we are afraid that we will not have resources? Are we afraid that there will be no opportunities?"

"Minglin Tianzun is right! In the God Realm, there are many opportunities, and there are many opportunities comparable to the spiritual fruit of the early Yuan Dynasty. It is not because we are weak in the South Alliance that we are excluded by those forces. It is also because of this that we Only the South Alliance ventured to return to the ruins..."

"But it's different now. We have Mr. Qin Feng in charge. When we return to the realm of the gods in the future, we are afraid that we won't have a chance? Now we only lose some spiritual fruits, it's nothing!

"That's right! Your lord is in need right now. It's only natural for me to contribute a little bit. If we can't achieve this unity, I'll be in vain as a member of the SAARC!"

The leaders of the top powers, one by one, spoke decisively.

Those subordinates also nodded, thinking that it should be the case.

Qin Feng watched silently in his eyes and was greatly moved.

"Okay! Everyone, Qin Mou has written down your affections! If you don't abandon me, I will never abandon you. Today, Qin Mou has set his mind here, and the spiritual fruit you gave me will be doubled in the future!

When these words came out, everyone was happy.

"My lord, this is what I wait for, and I do not ask your lord to return it!

"Qin does what he says, and if you treat me like this, I will treat everyone kindly in the future. In the future, Qin will definitely bring Nanmeng to the pinnacle of the God Realm and become the strongest force in the God Realm!

"I'll swear to follow the lord to the death!

The crowd was excited and cheered.

The solidarity is beyond words.

"Sir, please accept the spirit fruit and hurry up. The time for the divine tree to stay is running out..."

Jiuyuan God reminded in a low voice.

Qin Feng didn't say more, opened his mouth and took a breath, and swallowed all the 236 Spirit Fruits......

It was at this moment that a huge sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded in the distance.

Everyone was startled, and they turned their heads to look, and saw two huge beasts, flying towards this side.


Bai Wuchuan and Yu Heng finally arrived.

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