Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 561 The arrival of Emperor Feng, crossing the earth (for subscription)

Having said that, isn't that guy's capital too extraordinary?!

The Demon Lord slapped his head.

What are you thinking about?

What a shame!

For a moment, her mood was extremely complicated.

In fact, she and Avatar are of the same mind.

If it was her body, she would make the same choice in that situation.

It was just that after calming down, she felt somewhat unreal, and it was inevitable that she felt strange in her heart.

Meanwhile, on that barren planet.

Qin Feng silently looked at Zi Xing's back.

At this moment, Zi Xing became quiet.

That beautiful figure looks lonely in the wind.

Qin Feng felt pity and walked over silently, hugging her slender waist gently.

Zi Xing turned back, with a complicated look in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, she resonated with her own emotions, and some changes had taken place. .

Qin Feng didn't know that, but he held her gently in his arms, so that she no longer felt lonely.

Zi Xing hesitated for a moment, then gently broke free.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked up.

At this moment, he felt that Zi Xing had become different from before, and even the power of the contract between the two had faded.

How is this going?

Zi Xing looked at Qin Feng nervously, as if afraid that he would be angry.

At this moment, she was a little worried.

"What's wrong?", Qin Feng asked softly.

"I...", Zi Xing hesitated.

"I want to go back...", she said weakly.

"I know…"

"Can you go to Tianmo City to find me?" Zi Xing's tone was somewhat requesting.

"it is good!"

"Then I'll wait for you in Tianmo City! 35

Zi Xing pursed her lips slightly, smiling, very sweet.

She seemed happy that he would agree.

The next second, she disappeared in a teleport.

Qin Feng can feel the direction of space fluctuations, which is heading to Tianfu Star.

"How strange!"

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

He could feel a change in Zi Xing, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Forget it! You'll understand when you reach the Demon City and find the Demon Lord~".

Qin Feng muttered, and looked at the Chaos Star Domain again.

It won't be long before the Chaos Star Territory opens.

At that time, the entire cosmos, large and small, will participate, and there will be many star masters among them.

He should find a way to realize the Karma Divine Seal as soon as possible.

But in order to understand the divine seal of cause and effect, you need to ask Yue'er for help.

It will take at least a month to rush back to Earth from Tianfuxing.

Qin Feng was a little worried, it took too much time to travel.

He also didn't know how the starry sky teleportation array on the earth was built.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's thoughts moved, and he disappeared in place...

At the same time, Tianmo City.

The Demon Lord touched his forehead with a depressed look on his face.

Why did she talk to Qin Feng like that just now, as if she was worried that Qin Feng would be angry, and she was afraid that Qin Feng would not come to see her.

When did you become so concerned about yourself?

She is now emotionally sharing with Zixing.

What Zi Xing said just now is also what she meant.

Only after she finished speaking, she regretted it.

She herself didn't know why.

Inexplicably upset.

At the same time, in the east of the Cosmic Scattered Alliance.

This is the sphere of influence of the Starry Sky Clan.

At this moment, in the temple of Aries Palace.

The Aries Palace Lord sat on the futon with a confused look.

He just got the news that the Ziyun Mystery Realm is over.

He quickly sensed his incarnation outside his body, the ancestor Wutian, but found that the incarnation had fallen.

This time, he was dumbfounded.

The death of the incarnation means the loss of ten thousand years of hard work, but how do you explain to the star master if the starry sky armor is lost?

That is the master-level Yuanwu!

The lord of Aries wants to cry without tears.

But at this moment, he communicated that the jade talisman had moved.

He quickly took it out and took a look, his face turned pale.

Fuck it~!

Whatever you are afraid of!

Palace Master Aries put away the jade talisman with a bitter expression and left the training room.

At this moment, every corner of the universe, all forces have moved.

Tianfu Star Master received the call of Ziwei Star Master.

The five star masters of the Starfield Alliance gathered together to discuss the mutation of the Chaos Starfield.

At the same time, in the Demon Domain, the Demon Lord also summoned the major Star Lords and held an emergency meeting.

In the domain of heaven, God also held a meeting.

In the ancient domain, the ancient master also summoned all the star masters.

For a time, the entire universe held discussions on the Chaos Star Territory.

The forces of all parties are surging.

The atmosphere of the entire starry sky gradually became tense.

On the other side, Qin Feng returned to the small universe after sending Zixing away.

As soon as he returned to Zhongjixing, he saw Chu Chu and several people surrounded a woman, chatting excitedly there.


Qin Feng was stunned.

Isn't the moon on earth?

How did she come to her own little universe?

"Brother, are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Chu Chu looked smug.

"Qin Feng!", Emperor Feng looked at him fascinatedly.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

She has been thinking about it day and night.

Qin Feng was too happy to speak.

He was thinking about whether to go back to Earth and take Yue'er over.

Didn't expect to see it so soon.

If it wasn't for the two of them feeling the same, knowing that the opposite is a real person, he would have thought that he was dazzled.

"Yue'er, how did you get in?"

"Dad, Aunt Yue'er fell from the tree! 35

Qin Baobao said innocently.

Qin Feng was a little confused.


Yu Qilin couldn't help but smile.

Feng Di also smiled.

She was always cold and dignified, but she was still amused by Qin Baobao.

"Qin Feng, the baby is right, I climbed along the building wood, but I didn't pay attention at first and almost fell. Qin Feng, did you plant this building wood? Planted one?"5

This makes people wonder

Qin Feng was surprised: "You mean, the earth also has such a divine tree."

"Yeah? You don't know?"

"I really don't know! You can be specific!

Immediately, Emperor Feng talked about what happened on Earth.

Emperor Feng really climbed up the divine tree (from Zhao's).

After hearing this, the people were greatly surprised.

Even the jade unicorn, who has a lot of knowledge, is amazed.

Qin Feng became interested and looked at the top of the tree.

The canopy was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the specific situation could not be clearly seen.

"Go! Let's go up and see!

Qin Feng stepped into the air and flew to the canopy.

Everyone followed suit.

After a while, everyone reached the canopy.

I saw that the canopy was full of clouds and mist.

Above the clouds is a layer of transparent enchantment, like a water surface.

Outside the enchantment is also a canopy, and its appearance is exactly the same as the canopy at the feet of everyone.

In the blink of an eye, I thought it was a reflection in the water.

Qin Feng crossed the barrier with ease.

In the next second, he was in the sky above the earth.

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