Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 545 Rui Qilin's luck (for subscription)

It didn't take long for Qin Feng to return to the square.

There was no figure in the field.

Empty! Very quiet!

At this moment, the light and shadow of the water unicorn saint's inheritance, the jade unicorn came out.

Qin Feng turned to look at her, and his eyes lit up.

I saw that the jade unicorn was shining brightly, and its temperament was so clear that it was even more beautiful than before.

What is even more surprising is that the cultivation of the jade unicorn has broken through from the second rank of great perfection to the late stage of the god emperor, and the combat power has reached 100,000 trillion.

This has reached the threshold of half-step domination.

"The inheritance is completely integrated?!"

Qin Feng smiled and looked at the icy and clean woman.

This should be the temperament of Yu Qilin's previous life.

No wonder, the first time Qin Feng saw the jade unicorn, he felt that the jade unicorn looked pure.

"Well, that inheritance is my thing, and it blends very quickly. Master, do you think Yu'er looks better?

Yu Qilin smiled sweetly.

"Huh! What about the others?"

Yu Qilin looked around and found that there was no one figure.

"The star-level inheritance has been opened, where have everyone gone!"

Yu Qilin was startled: "Qin Feng, then let's hurry in! 35

"Don't worry! I'll give you something first!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and seven golden puppets appeared on the spot.

Afterwards, he took out the soul-calling flag and sacrificed it.

In an instant, the sky shook, and the situation changed.

From every corner of the secret realm, and even from the 10 starry sky corners outside the secret realm, the remnants of the seven great demon ancestors gathered.

This square is the center of the secret realm, and it is a good place to collect the remnants of demon ancestors.

After a while, in the sky, the magic power is mighty.

In the blink of an eye, seven phantoms of the demon ancestors condensed, standing among the demon clouds, monstrous and powerful, pouring down.


Qin Feng made a trick.

The phantoms of the seven demon ancestors turned into seven spiritual lights, and they were thrown into the seven golden puppets.

Gold is soaring!

In a blink of an eye, all of them reached 30,000 trillion combat power, and the momentum was linked together, which was earth-shattering!

"It's done!

Qin Feng was overjoyed and put away the soul-calling flag.

Then, he waved his hand and put the seven golden figures into a storage ring.

"Take the ring! These seven puppets can form a seven-star meteorite formation, with a strength comparable to a half-step master of 150,000 trillion, which will be of great help to you in seizing inheritance!"

Qin Feng threw the ring over.

Jade unicorn was overjoyed: "As the water unicorn saint in my previous life, it was easy to capture the inheritance of the water unicorn. Now with the help of this puppet formation, I can be sure of it!"

Yu Qilin happily took the ring.

"That's good! If you are in danger, remember to contact me! 35

"Well! Then I'm in!


At the moment, the jade unicorn released seven golden figures and entered the place of inheritance of the water unicorn with confidence.

Qin Feng also turned around and entered the inheritance of Rui Qilin.

At the same time, Rui Qilin is the place of inheritance.

This is a huge space.

In the sky, the auspicious air becomes clouds, and the seven-colored rays of light fill the sky.

On the ground, the birds chirped and the flowers were fragrant, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

Ye Tianzi and his party of more than a dozen people flew in the air.

Not far in front of them, there is a huge temple, standing on the plain.

"Xiao Ye, the inheritance temple is in front. As long as you get the inheritance of Rui Qilin, your luck should be able to make up for it."

The bald old man said excitedly.

His task is almost complete.

As long as he completes this task, the master will definitely arrange a good destiny for himself.

Maybe, he is also expected to become a star master.

Ye Tianzi was also excited.

"Senior, it seems that only our people came in, and no outsiders came in.

"Of course! You and Emperor Qin are the only ones who are qualified to win the inheritance of Rui Qilin. But Emperor Qin is still tossing around in the place where he dominates the inheritance because of small losses. Perhaps, this is God's help!"

The old man said with a smile, in a very good mood.

Ye Tianzi is also dark in his heart.

"Senior, what will the inheritance of this Rui Qilin be assessed?"

"Of course it is luck! That guy was only a low-grade star master before his death, but he was able to exert the strength of a middle-grade star master, and is the strongest among the Qilin three-lineage patriarchs. He relies on luck. That is his pride! 55

Ye Tianzi was surprised: "Only relying on the luck of superiority, the combat power can be advanced. The luck of this Rui Qilin is very strong!

The bald old man smiled and said, "It's natural. Back then, Rui Qilin's luck was the same as the Qilin Lord's luck, both were high-level orange luck!"

Ye Tianzi smiled disapprovingly: "I thought his luck was so powerful. Isn't he the same as me! I'm also a superior orange-level luck. So, I have to pass his test, it couldn't be easier. !

The bald old man smiled bitterly: "You have half of Zulong's luck. Zulong was a low-level red-level luck back then. Half of his luck is an upper-level orange."

"Speaking of which, your luck is stronger than that of many star masters! The luck of ordinary low-grade star masters is at the green level, and the middle-grade star masters are at the orange level.

"High-grade star masters are basically low-grade red grades, some are medium red grades, and some are even high-grade orange grades!"

Ye Tianzi was shocked: "It turns out that my luck level is so high! By the way, why didn't I hear the seniors mention the first red level? Is there no one in this universe who is the first red level luck?"

The old man nodded: "As far as the old man knows, no one is a high-level red-level luck, not even the master!

"Hey~! It turns out that luck is so rare!

Ye Tianzi couldn't help but take a deep breath and his expression became serious.

This luck is so rare, the inheritance of Rui Qilin is very precious.

The old man said again: "As long as you get the Rui Qilin inheritance and replenish your luck to the lower red level, then you have the hope of getting the Ancestral Dragon inheritance back.

"Junior understands! By the way, what kind of luck is that Emperor Qin?" Ye Tianzi suddenly asked.

The bald old man smiled and said: "He got a group of Rui Lin Qi, at most low-level blue-level Qi Luck, which is a lot worse than you. In the inheritance of Rui Qilin, there is no greater advantage than you."

Hearing the words, Ye Tianzi smiled without saying a word, and his heart was dark.

Unconsciously, a group of people arrived at the gate of the temple.

As they were about to enter the door, the old man and others were bounced out one after another, only Ye Tianzi entered the hall door alone.

Immediately, a majestic voice came from the hall.

"Those who are not lucky! Don't enter the temple!

Everyone was surprised.

Immediately, the old man smiled: "Xiao Ye, the first test of this inheritance has begun, and you are the only one who passed it. Go in!"

Ye Tianzi suddenly realized: "Senior, then I'll go!"

"Go! The old man and a few people are guarding outside the hall to prevent outsiders from entering and robbing you of your inheritance!

"Then trouble the seniors!"

Immediately, Ye Tianzi walked towards the temple with a confident look on his face.

After a while, he arrived at the main hall of the main hall and saw the spirit of inheritance.

It was a middle-aged man with a dignified expression.

In this heritage temple, he can rely on the temple's grand formation to exert the combat power dominated by the inferior.

Here, he is invincible!

Ye Tianzi looked at the Spirit of Inheritance confidently.

"Senior, I'm here to inherit the inheritance! Please check it out, senior!

The Spirit of Inheritance glanced at him lightly, and nodded with satisfaction: "Your luck is a superior orange-level luck, and you have passed the assessment in this regard. However, you still have to take an assessment!"

"What test?"

"The art of refining!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianzi laughed.

He is very talented at refining.

In the last weapon refining test, he won the fourth place in the Western District, second only to Wutian Ancestor, Zixing, and the bald old man.

"This is no problem! It's still troublesome for the first 170 generations to ask questions!

"Okay! My assessment is very simple. Within three days, a god emperor-level Yuanwu will be refined! If you succeed, the inheritance of this deity will be yours!

Rui Qilin worships the master of the unicorn, so he is very partial to the refiner.

Ye Tianzi was overjoyed: "Junior accepts!

It was too easy for him to refine a God Emperor-level Yuan Wu within three days.

He can do it in two hours.

"then you go!"

As soon as the Spirit of Inheritance waved his hand, Ye Tianzi disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, Ye Tianzi appeared in a refining room.

Closed all around!

No sound from the outside world can be heard.

He immediately started the refining test.

At the same time, outside the Heritage Temple.

Where are the bald old man and others waiting.

But at this moment, a young man in white descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

"It's Emperor Qin!"

The subordinates panic!

They looked at Qin Feng in horror.

The bald old man was surprised: "Hey! Why did you come so fast! 35

Qin Feng smiled coldly: "Are you disappointed?! 39

The old man laughed: "Haha!! What a disappointment! With the old man here, it makes no difference whether you come early or late. The old man will not let you in."

"Really? Then the emperor will try your weight!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Feng suddenly shot and slashed at the old man with a sword.

Ps: Although I didn't get the recommendation I wanted, I am very grateful to the brothers for their support, thank you all!!!!!

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