Global Powers: I Control All Elements

2 hundred and 68 chapters show their magical powers (4 more)

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became very quiet.

Qin Feng and Long Shang stared at each other blankly.

Everyone below was dumbfounded.

After a while, Qin Feng swallowed his saliva: "You don't have to give such a big gift! 95


Long Shang directly spit out a mouthful of old blood...

That's to liven up.

" don't have to be so excited! Even if you kneel down for me, I'm not going to forgive you!"5


Long Shang spit out a mouthful of old blood again...

" deceive people too much!

Long Shang wanted to stand up, but found that his legs were weak and he couldn't get up for a while.

"Did I deceive you? It's clear that you are going to kneel..."

"Who said I'm kneeling? I just want to sit down and breathe. It's just that the posture of sitting down is a bit non-standard.

Long Shang's face turned red, but he was still stubborn.

The people below were a little speechless.

This guy really sucks!

What a shame!

"Ha ha!!"

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, raised his foot and took a step up.

The laughter was full of sarcasm.

Long Shang listened harshly.

"Nine Eighty"

His sensitive self-esteem took another hit.

"Qin Feng, even if you climb a few more floors than me, you won't be the final winner..."

Long Shang sneered.

He still has a hole card.

Qin Feng gave him a disdainful look.

Long Shang's details, he has long been clear.

If the protection rules hadn't ended, Long Shang would have been dead long ago.

"What qualifications do you have to win or lose with the deity?!

Qin Feng sneered and continued to walk forward.

He was too lazy to pay attention to Long Shang.

A dying man, what's there to care about?

It is better to seize the time to strengthen the flesh!

"Arrogant! You are so arrogant! Didn't you win the first place three times in a row? You really think you are invincible!

Long Shang roared angrily.

"It doesn't matter whether the deity is number one in the world! It's more than enough to be ten times stronger than you!

"Ten times stronger than me? Did I hear it right?""

"You heard right!

"Haha!! Good! I'll see how you can strengthen me ten times this time! If you really want to be ten times stronger, I'll kneel down and call you father!

"Boring! Qin Feng moved on.

Seeing that Qin Feng refused to agree for a long time, Long Shang thought Qin Feng was afraid.

Immediately proudly said: "Haha!! I thought you were so powerful! You said so much, but dared not agree... It turns out that you are bluffing!

"Even if you insist on being my son. The deity also wants to recognize you! However, it's not bad to hear you call daddy. The deity will let you know the gap between you and me...'

Qin Feng sneered, stopped talking, and continued to climb.

"Humph! Arrogant!! If you can't do it for a while, I see how arrogant you are?""

Long Shang sneered and began to meditate.

In fact, he was very aggrieved.

By making this bet, he was already admitting that he was inferior to Qin Feng.

He can only find his broken dignity in this unequal way.

In fact, the dignity picked up in this way is ridiculous and pathetic.

No matter what, it was the last fig leaf for Long Shang. ,

Immediately, he swallowed a healing medicine and adjusted his breath.

This time, he couldn't be impatient.

He has to take his time and strive for a good result.

The better his grades, the less likely Qin Feng is ten times as good as him.

At that time, he will be able to disgust Qin Feng again.

Long Shang has become paranoid.

Of course, he felt that Qin Feng was absolutely impossible to succeed.

He estimated that he could reach more than 2,000 steps.

Qin Feng wants to be ten times more than him, at least to climb more than 20,000 steps.

But as far as he knew, in order to climb to the 20,000th order, the physical strength must reach the quasi-emperor level.

This Qin Feng is just an earth bumpkin, and his cultivation has not reached the eight-star level. It is not bad to have an eight-star level in the flesh, and he wants to challenge the difficulty of the quasi-emperor level, which is simply a joke.

The more Long Shang thought about it, the more confident he became.

Naturally, he didn't know that Qin Feng was already a quasi-emperor-level body.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary quasi-emperor-level physical body, but a quasi-emperor-level physique with eight attributes, which is unique in the world.

At the same time, the examiners below shook their heads one after another.

They were a little disdainful of what Long Shang did.

Even the three fainting organization members felt embarrassed.

However, Chu Chu, Luo Li and others were still a little worried.

"Sister Luo Li, is this Long Shang very powerful?" Chu Chu asked worriedly.

"Excellent! However, he is much worse than Qin Feng..."

"Then can my brother be ten times stronger than him?"

"'s hard to say!" Luo Li wasn't sure.

"Uncle Lu Ming, what do you think?"

Lu Ming grimaced: "Miss Chu Chu, I don't know either..."

Chu Chu looked at the others again.

Everyone looked away, not daring to speak.

Obviously, everyone is not sure, Qin Feng's performance can be ten times better than Long Shang's this time.

No matter how rogue Long Shang was, he was still a top expert.

This cannot be denied.

Want to surpass a top master ten times!

It's so hard!

Chu Chu smart.

Seeing everyone's expressions, she knew that everyone was not sure.

Even, they think Qin Feng is difficult to do.

Chu Chu couldn't help frowning, looking at Long Shang above, feeling unhappy.

From Long Shang's performance just now, she could guess.

Once the brother fails, this guy will have to break his mouth again.

Afterwards, the crowd stopped talking and went up desperately.

This assessment is about life, and no one dares to neglect them, crawling desperately one by one.

You can get an extra point for not climbing one step more.

However, everyone's climbing speed was obviously not as fast as Qin Feng and Long Shang, and they climbed as slowly as ants.

But the more so, the more people admire Qin Feng.

They couldn't imagine how Qin Feng could do it so easily.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

After Long Shang finished adjusting his breath, he continued to set off.

He looked up and saw that Qin Feng had reached the 1,500th order.

He frowned slightly.

This guy is so fast!

Immediately, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he sneered again.

Only 1,500 steps. 0

He can go too.

It is impossible for this Qin Feng to surpass him ten times.

Long Shang stepped forward and started chasing.

In the blink of an eye, another hour has passed.

Most of the examiners advanced more than a hundred steps.

At this moment, several physically fragile examiners have reached their limit, and they have vomited blood.

One by one had to stop and heal.

At this moment, Lu Ming couldn't bear it anymore.

He also reached his limit and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lu Ming sighed helplessly, and took out the Summoning Jade Talisman, ready to give up the assessment.

He still has thousands of points on him, even if he gives up, he will not die.

But at this moment, the voice of the jade unicorn sounded in the crowd.

"Remind everyone, climbing the ladder to the sky is an assessment and an opportunity. When the assessment is over, you will find that your physical body has been strengthened a lot... Everyone, don't give up easily! Otherwise, you will miss the opportunity...

With this reminder, everyone looked at each other.

The speaker is intentional, and the listener is also intentional.

In fact, the examiners also found out.

While their bodies are being destroyed, a part is also being strengthened.

These examiners are all of a single system.

While they were destroyed by the eight elements of dragon power, the same element was also strengthened.

Those destructive forces are meant to limit how high they can climb.

After the assessor has finished strengthening on a step, if he wants to strengthen it again, he needs to go up another step to endure stronger damage.

At the same time, their physique of the same system has also been strengthened.

until their flesh could no longer bear it.

This final benefit is of course extraordinary.

Being reminded by the jade unicorn, Lu Ming silently put away the jade talisman.

Everyone also understands.

Since it's a chance, it doesn't matter if you climb a little slower. It's also a good thing to climb one step higher as much as possible.

Just like that, five hours passed without knowing it.

The scene in the field has also changed.

That dragon 4.6 Shang climbed to the 1300th order.

He climbed harder and harder.

What surprised him was that Qin Feng climbed faster and faster, and he had already climbed more than 4,000 steps.

This made Long Shang a little uneasy.

What made him even more anxious was that the little wheel king actually caught up, and he was only two hundred steps away, and he had already climbed to one thousand one hundred steps.

This is entirely because Xiao Lun Wang is immortal.

He disintegrated with his flesh, rose again, and rushed up hard.

The scene was very exaggerated, the sound of blood explosions continued, and the blood mist danced in the sky from time to time, which was shocking.

Long Shang was panic-stricken!

This guy is so bloody!

He was even more worried.

If it goes on like this, his second place will not be guaranteed!

In addition to the small wheel king, the appearance of a dark horse also made Long Shang feel the pressure.

In fact, no one thought of this dark horse.

She is Chu Chu.

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