This is only the third day since the opening of the novice area, and there is such a huge population and building complex. Others can't even think about it.

Lu Yun's development is far ahead of any newcomer in the whole server. .

0028 Cai Yi's request

Lu Yun's development is far ahead of any newcomer in the whole server. As for those old people after the novice period, how big is the black turtle? How many buildings are there on the turtle's back?

What size of troops?

Lu Yun doesn't know much.

But when I was wandering before, I saw some videos under a huge billboard.

It was a scene of two giant black turtles fighting.

The black turtles on both sides were extremely huge, at least more than one kilometer.

Then countless various arms began to fight fiercely.

Various firearms, magic, and artillery, fiercely bombarded each other and hit the other side's black turtles, the scene was spectacular.

In the sky, a large number of flying arms were entangled and fighting each other.

There was also a special device for spraying freezing, which sprayed directly into the sea.

It actually froze the sea water between the two sides very quickly.

Then a large number of land troops killed the black turtles in a mighty manner and fought fiercely on the ice.

There were giants, heavy cavalry, Tyrannosaurus cavalry, magicians, and so on.

The scene of the battle was extremely spectacular.

In the end, one side was defeated, and the victorious side took advantage of the victory to pursue and kill the other side's black turtle, destroying the other side's black turtle city.

This video is very well made, and it fully shows the fierce fighting scenes of the black turtle city lords in the later period.

Lu Yun thought that he was still far from that level of battle.

So, he had to work harder.

Not long after dinner, the [Technician's Hut] was finally upgraded to level 3.

The whole house was obviously more refined, and the roof was a pottery tile roof.

Lu Yun recruited 5 kiln technicians without saying a word and started working overtime to produce pottery tiles.

Sure enough, after the professional kiln workers worked in the [Kiln Room], the speed and quality of firing all pottery products were significantly improved.

—One thing worth mentioning is that after the cooking technician prepared the meal, Lu Yun took a portion to the mermaid Cai Yi to eat.

As a result, she couldn't eat it at all, so she asked Lu Yun to give her a few small fish.

This surprised Lu Yun. This mermaid actually eats raw fish?

But after thinking about it, people live in the sea, do they still cook fish soup in a pot?

At night, Lu Yun returned to the double room where Cai Yi was and asked about her physical condition.

Cai Yi answered truthfully: "Brother Lu Yun, I feel that my body has recovered very quickly. Did you give me some good medicine?"

Lu Yun did not hide it and said: "When I rescued you yesterday, you were already unconscious. I saw that you were seriously injured, so I fed you a pill of healing medicine that is very effective for us humans."

"I was worried that this medicine was only useful for us humans and would not have a good effect on you. Now it seems that this medicine is very good and is also very useful for your injuries."

Cai Yi was very moved when she heard this.

Frowning, she said worriedly: "Brother Lu Yun, you are so good to me, I don't know how to repay you."

Lu Yun smiled slightly, and said generously: "Cai Yi, what nonsense are you talking about. Did I save you so that you can repay me? I have never thought about it, so you don't have to take it to heart

Cai Yi pouted her lips stubbornly, and said stubbornly: "But, how can I not repay you for such a great favor? I must repay you!"

Looking at her serious look, Lu Yun couldn't help laughing, and said lovingly:

"Silly child.

Cai Yi suddenly looked at Lu Yun very seriously and carefully, and felt that Lu Yun was not only very handsome and tall, but also very good in character.

Anyway, she is now homeless and helpless, so why not...

So, she was moved, and the secret that had been buried in her heart was that she wanted to take Lu Yun as the important object.

She said frankly with a serious expression: Brother Mang Jiyun, in fact, I am not an ordinary mermaid. "Oh?" Lu Yun became interested and asked, "Are you different from other mermaids?" "Well," the little mermaid Caiyi nodded, "My mother told me since I was a child that I am the legendary seven-color mermaid who can bring luck to the people around me." "Seven-color mermaid?" Lu Yun was a little surprised to be honest. After all, he had never heard of such a term. "Well, but in order to activate my lucky ability, I must sign a symbiotic contract with an intelligent creature that is not a mermaid." "But I haven't found a suitable person to sign a contract with, so I haven't signed a symbiotic contract with anyone until now. Brother Lu Yun..." Caiyi suddenly looked at him with a dim look in her eyes, and Lu Yun immediately understood what she meant. Did she recognize me and decide to sign a symbiotic contract with me? Caiyi asked softly, "Are you... willing to sign a symbiotic contract with me? I will bring you endless luck, good brother. ”

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0029 Symbiotic Contract, Bring Good Luck

"Although I don't know what the symbiosis contract you are talking about is, I believe you. How can I sign it? Caiyi was extremely moved when she saw that Lu Yun trusted her so much and was not afraid that she would take the opportunity to harm him.

So, I immediately told him how to sign a symbiosis contract.

The whole process is not complicated.

They both cut their thumbs to draw blood, and then pressed each other tightly.

At this time, Caiyi will recite an ancient spell from their mermaid clan.

After reciting the spell, Caiyi will ask Lu Yun if he is willing to live and die with her and live together from now on?

Lu Yun only needs to answer: "I do."

This magical contract is complete.

The price is that from now on, their two fates are completely bound together.

If one of them dies, the other will die as well.

It is a true sense of living and dying together, and there is no possibility of living alone.

But the good thing is that the two have established clear communication in their hearts.

As long as you sense it through your heart, you can clearly know where the other person is.

And you can communicate with your heart. What you want to say to her, and what she wants to say to you, can be conveyed directly in your heart.

Different from other symbiosis contracts, because Cai Yi is a legendary colorful mermaid, once she lives in symbiosis with people, she will awaken some special abilities.

- Some magical abilities that are unique to her and only she can awaken.

This is why Cai Yi signed a symbiosis contract with Lu Yun.

Because she felt that only in this way could she repay Lu Yun better.

The ancient ritual was completed and the two signed a symbiotic contract.

Lu Yun could immediately sense Cai Yi's heartbeat, Cai Yi's mood, and Cai Yi's position.

This feeling is extremely wonderful. It is the first time for Lu Yun to experience it. It feels very magical.

At this time, Caiyi naturally felt Lu Yun's strong heartbeat, and she lowered her head in shame.

After a while, she became less shy.

Looking into Lu Yun's eyes, he took the initiative to ask: "Brother, how do you feel now? Is there any difference? "

Lu Yun answered truthfully: "It feels very strange, I can clearly know your state."

Cai Yi blushed and her heart skipped a beat, and nodded shyly, "Well, I can tell you too."

Lu Yun felt Caiyi's beating heart. It was the little deer bumping around. She must be shy.

"Huh?" Caiyi suddenly frowned, showing a serious expression.

"Brother, my innate ability seems to be really activated. Because now I have a strong feeling that there must be a treasure deep in this island! This feeling is very strong, but what is it specifically?

What a baby, I don’t know. "

"Oh? Really?" Lu Yun said in surprise: "Will Sister Caiyi bring me good luck so soon?"

Caiyi smiled, her smile was as charming as a flower, extremely touching.

"It's getting dark tonight and the island is not safe. Brother, let's take a rest tonight and go hunting for treasure at dawn tomorrow?" Lu Yun nodded and agreed to Caiyi's suggestion.

It is indeed too dark now, not only for treasure hunting, but also not very safe.

The most important thing is that if the treasure is on the island, there will be no one else on the island, so there is no risk of losing it.

So, it’s totally fine to postpone the treasure hunt until tomorrow.

With the full efforts of the five kiln workers, the 2,000 pottery tiles should be fired soon.

Lu Yun thought about it. He had been busy all day. It was so hot during the day and he had sweated so much. He should be ready to take a shower and go to bed. After taking a bath, you should be able to place the [City Lord's Cabin].

Then he said to Caiyi: "I'm going to take a shower first."

Caiyi asked in confusion: "What is a bath?"

Lu Yun was surprised, "Huh? You don't know how to take a bath? "

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