Chapter 140 “Pre -feeling”

At the moment of Parker’s phonetic, a new type of prompt sounded in Qiao Yang’s ears.

“Recruitment reminder: You get the loyalty of” Parker “by the special crew” Parker “. The crew is classified as a sailor. Please check it yourself. ”

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that Qiao Yang has obtained new crew members other than the method of recruitment of ships. Because of this, he can’t know how Parker’s talent, but it is certain that it will never have its future. Stop at the legend, after all, the monster of the soul maggot is separated from its soul, but the upper limit of the latter is a semi -God.

Of course, Qiao Yang still has a more direct way to determine how Parker’s talent is, and the father will always drop God!

“Hahaha, I love to listen to this, get up, do you want to go further?”

Picker, who was kneeling on one knee, took advantage of this kung fu, and he glanced at his loyalty by the way, without accidental loyalty.

“what do you mean……”

Parker did not know Qiao Yang’s “blessing” ability. This was something beyond the cognition, and his face was suddenly full of doubts.

“Do you know what is it?”

Qiao Yang stretched out his hand and pointed to the golden qi that was floating up and down not far away, which is the evil divineness left by the mother of the soul maggot.

“I have understood, but I don’t know much, I only know that it is the key to God.”

Its eyes flickered a bit, with an unscrupulous desire, and the pursuit of strength is also Parker’s heart.

“That’s enough, your potential is far more than that!”

One -handed trick, the divine milk swallow, who once belonged to the soul maggot, drilled into Qiao Yang’s palm like the nest. The next moment, the sorrowful sorrow came from it.

“Ah !! No, please, let me go, I can make a soul oath and to you …”

A blurred face appeared, and the original cannot be disappeared and the high number of highs disappeared. At this moment, He looked like a wild dog that shakes and begging on the side of the road.

However, Qiao Yang is a kind person. He can’t hear this kind of words. Anyway, he is going to die. It is better to send Him to him early to reduce His pain.

Yes, the mother of the soul maggot is not dead. This can be seen from the battle information that there is neither killing tips nor killing experience, which is definitely wrong.

This has to be said to be the essence of the gods, a high -dimensional energy body consisting of divine, divine, and clergy.

If ordinary people are an organic binding composed of flesh and soul, then the gods are even more elusive and cannot be specifically defined.

This greatness does not specifically refers to what a great cause they have made on behalf of them, but that their existence itself is a greatness.

Therefore, he will not use him to represent the gender, she or it is to refer to the gods, so the initial generations of faiths specifically created a “H” to describe the existence of the gods, which means that it is impossible to describe.

Different from the complex human body, the composition of the gods is very single. Only the three elements mentioned just now, namely divineness, divine and clergy.

These things sound tall, but it is more intuitive to say it.

Let’s talk about divineness first, and people have souls, so the gods should have, and their soul is divine.

Of course, this is not particularly accurate, but probably the meaning is not much worse.

How important is the soul of a person, so the same is true for divine nature to the gods. If a deity of Gao Wei’s shore is instantly pulled away from the divinity, then He will also decline and decline. Of course, the prerequisite is that you can do it. After all, this difficulty is not lower than the god of the gods in the kingdom of God.

In addition, it is the god grid. When Qiao Yang made a new record last time, the endless sea rules rewarded a little divine. Basically, after possessing divine and divine grids, then transforming his own field and becoming a clergy, then you can choose a Yoda Ji Day to hold a sealed day to hold a seal. God.

It still uses humans as an example. The simple soul is very fragile. Even if it becomes a grievance of an undead creature, as long as there is no container, a little purity can kill a powerful high -level grievance.

The container of the soul is the body of flesh and blood, so the container of divine is divine, and the two are interdependent relationships.

Freedom divinity without restraint will be recovered by the rules of the world’s operation, and the divine grid without divinity will gradually decay, and eventually disappears invisible.

What is the upper limit of the gods does not depend on divineness, but depends on the deeds. Most of the believers are widely and far -influential gods have powerful gods. They can see all the leopards. There is no need to say more about them.

Finally, the clergy and derived divine power.

When the divine nature is complete, the clergy will automatically generate in the long years, and what kind of clergy will eventually depend on what the power of the gods itself is like.

The magical job of the sacred man is given by the world rules itself, but the clever job of the day after tomorrow is often related to their extraordinary occupation or personal tendency before they become God.

For example, the god of thieves Musk, He is a model of God in the long accumulation.

When He is still a mortal, it is a legendary thief who lives in the legend. The existence of all related occupations will treat him as an idol.

When He becomes a god, the condensed clever job is also related to theft and strange surgery. Once the worshipers also became His believers, which also made him go through the weak period of the new god of the new gods smoothly.

Not only the god of this thief, but also many similar gods. They are almost the same as that of extraordinary occupations or related or even the same in the mortal period.

Smart -oriented comparison of human occupations is also very different. They are all products formed by the height of the body and soul, and maximize the advantages of the former.

The derivative of the divine power is much simpler. People are living to eat. The existence of the gods also requires the support of the divine power. In essence Poor a fingertip galaxy.

The reason for explaining the soul maggot is very simple. Although he is not a god, he is not a god, but he has some traits of the gods, such as a similar resurrection, and this medium is divine.

If the deity of the soul -soul murmur’s maternal, the next existence that gets His divineness will be gradually changed by the remaining body will, and eventually become His resurrected container.

However, Qiao Yang found His fatal weakness in the image. The impact caused by the ability of the spoken in ancient words by ancient words is completely different from the spell of the caster. Therefore It has become a virtual, looking at a strong batch, but the crispy is the same as paper.

At this time, the last personal will of the soul maggot was destroyed, and the possibility of resurrection was completely lost. Only the simple evil spirit was left, and almost all the existence of the evil camp could be perfectly integrated.

It was not until this time that the relevant tips appeared in front of them.

“Tip: You killed [Soul Magnoma Mother]! The goal is a semi -God, and the target divine power is integrated … the target divine will be completely worn …”

“You got 3 evil spirits!”

“You got 1 point!”

“Tip: The energy of the target soul is being drawn …”

“You get 72500 killing experience!”

Compared to the coming of Kou Tao who had been killed, the divinity brought to him by the maternity of the soul maggot did not increase and decrease, but this was not surprising, but it was very normal.

Although the overall strength of Kou Tao’s advent is far less than the mother of the soul, his divine nature does not belong to it, but the part of the unknown ancient god.

The soul maggot mother is different. The divineness he has all is obtained through those distorted souls. The power of faith provided by this incomplete soul can condense the divinity. What bicycle?

Moreover, this guy was not surprised. After wiking the last personal will of the Mother of the Soul Terry, he actually provided him with a bit of God, and his mother made it numb.

“Reminder: You successfully killed [Soul Magic Mother]. Your background expertise [the son of chaos] has been improved to a certain extent, and your chaos tends to further displace.”

“You have completed a big event that meets the chaos camp again. Your reputation has been widely spread in the chaotic camp.

Qiao Yang, who thought that the end of the prompt, was ready to absorb the divineness and divine style with peace of mind.


Qiao Yang frowned and found that something was a bit simple.

Although in order to obtain the maximum interest and slaughter the mother of the soul maggot, the behavior of the mother -in -law is definitely the most likely to be happy, and the unsatisfactory son of chaos is definitely a good thing again. The person really made him a little uncomfortable, as if he was stuck in a fishbone in his throat. He didn’t like this feeling of uncontrollable.

After shaking his head, after confirming that there were no subsequent prompts, Qiao Yang began to concentrate on absorbing divineness and deeds.

Thanks to the expertise of evil, he has no obstacle to absorb evil spirits. After all, he can repeatedly jump in the two camps of chaotic neutrality and chaos.

During the absorption process, Qiao Yang suddenly thought of the records of the Yanling clan, the legendary race that was killed.

Their spiritual power seems to be very similar to the effect of ancient phrases. Did anyone really get a longevity after killing the Yan Ling tribe? Even if they do extend their lives, is it really from the characteristics of the Yanling tribe ~

This idea grew brutal in his mind like a weeds, and a layer of cold sweat was floating behind the shocked Qiao Yang.

He didn’t know why he had this absurd idea, but the premonition from the depths of the soul made him unreasonably let go of it anyway. Under the perception blessing of the nearly legendary field, any premonition was not unreasonable.

After exhaling, Qiao Yang forced himself not to think about it. He first solved the things in front of him, but how could you ask Orea or Parker.

“Well ~ the autumn of events.”

With a sigh in the bottom of my heart, the absorption of divine and divine grids took more than half an hour. This kind of deity of this kind of personal will can be absorbed by the divineness that can be directly destroyed by all traits. The latter can completely assimilate their own things with only a few breaths.

After the end, Qiao Yang patted his hands and woke up with some of the gods.

“Back to God, ready, send you a creation!”

Qiao Yang’s fingertips overflowed with a little divineness, exuding seductive light.

Parker showed an unexpected look. It was not stupid. Naturally, he knew what Qiao Yang meant. He wanted to send himself to the road of helling God. Why?

It was doubtful and did not press it, and said directly:

“Aren’t you afraid that your strength is too high and affect your status?”

His blunt words made the nearby crews couldn’t help laughing, especially Hans and Cui Le. They laughed loudly, but they were not malicious. Once upon a time, they were like this, um, simple.

Now seeing that the newly joined partners perform so much, they also make them think of themselves who once stepped up, and this newer newcomer will be surprised to be surprised after being blessed by the captain’s blessing. They are very good. Looking forward to this scene.

“I can’t answer this question, but you can communicate with Marquis. If you look at me, they will see me, and they are full of boats.”

Qiao Yang also smiled. If he put aside the legendary filter, Parker was unexpectedly simply. This may be the change after his peeling of confusion. This may be a change brought about by the long years.

“So, I know, in addition, I have a question to find your answer.”


“My revenge has ended. In the long -term killing, my heart became more and more empty, so I began to pursue the meaning of killing, but this pursuit not only did not change the status quo, but created that monster … ”

Its voice was as rough as ever, but Qiao Yang heard sadness and confusion, as well as the extremely heavy loneliness.

“Your goodness and evil are not pure enough, so it is painful.”

“You only kill the wicked people, and want to seek a mind comfort in this way. This is impossible. You can’t do the most extreme evil. Otherwise, you have long been integrated with the mother of the soul maggot and become a natural disaster for one party. You can’t do the extreme, so you have endless pain. ”

Listening to Qiao Yang’s words, Parker’s eyes became more and more brighter, and Maose was open.

“Okay, after the questioning link is over, I ask you a question again. If you want to keep the status quo, you still want to put aside all this and re -become human.”

“If you want to change back to humans, you will start again, no matter what, I respect your choice.”

After the experience of Baden and Seran, Qiao Yang also had different ways to deal with some special crew members.

“Which one is more helpful for you now?”

Parker did not answer immediately, but asked a word.

“keep status quo.”

“That’s it, you are different from all the captains, I believe you!”

Nodded, Qiao Yang waved his hand and whispered:

“I said, your road will never end!”

The familiar golden light fell, covering the Parker of Parker like the devotion, and together with the divine nature in his hand, it improved its talent to the extreme.

(This chapter is finished)

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