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117 Abyss Black Industry Number and Five Series Recruitment

Chapter 117 “Abyss Black Industry Number and Five Round Recruitment”

“Roy, you bring the shipwriters to make the ship’s accessories, Kula, you come with me to build the ship’s main body, and let me get it. Tina, the materials are ready?”

“Followed by the boatman.”

“There are half roots of Fuyangmu, all of which are dead soul wood, and then Baden’s body and the body of the twelve high demons.”

After Tina followed Qiao Yang, her voice seemed to be weak. She now acts as a major deputy and helps Qiao Yang handle some trivial matter, such as resource scheduling, personnel resettlement, etc. She now understands how hard Marquis is usually. This is What is the work of people?

“Very good, everyone is ready to start!”

“Yes, Captain!”

At this time, most of the busy people were logistical. Because Baden’s legendary Barolan devil joined, the logistics pressure was small enough. Based on the principle of maximizing the use of human resources, Qiao Yang pulled them over to build a ship. It is also a professional, and it is okay when the work of moving materials is still fine.

These people have no opinion on this. After all, collecting loot after the war is also one of their jobs.

Time slowly passed. Under the blessing of rapid construction, this new ship with the legendary Barolan demon as the main body, supplemented by the twelve high devil bodies and many extraordinary materials. The assistance of the craftsman Kura took the eyes of everyone in just thirty minutes, and the crime of constructing purgatory blacks was shortened than him alone.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, a completely different sense of accomplishment rose in his heart. He finally couldn’t use his bare hands to slap his boat. What’s wrong with it?

“The chief of the boat, your idea is really empty, this is a nearly perfect creature. What is her name?”

Kura looked at the new ship intoxicated, his eyes were intoxicated. For the boatmiths, nothing could attract their attention than a perfect ship.

“Abyss Black Industry Number!”

Qiao Yang didn’t hesitate to hesitate, and he had a name that he had long wanted.

“Sin and karma burned in the dark field.

Kura flavored the name of the new ship. The words that made Qiao Yang’s teeth were sour on the side. He was ashamed in his heart. He thought so much.

However, Kura’s words are also reasonable. The birth of the abyss black industry is doomed. Since there is a devil crew, the devil crew can not run. Compared with the purgatory black crime, the construction of her main material is replaced by the legendary devil. If there is no error, you will definitely open the recruitment module of the devil crew in the end.

In addition, because Qiao Yang did not add the bodies of the legendary Black Dragon Clasio as the material, it caused the new ship to be the same as the quasi -fourth order, which is expected. The abyss of the nine rounds of abyss trial rewards can push it smoothly to the fourth -order, just like the former.

Take out the mini abyss of the abyss and activate it directly from the backpack. This process has experienced it yesterday, a familiar batch.

Three minutes later, there was also a huge obscure on the abyss black industry. The hot air waves were accompanied by the sulfur smell. It echoes the black crime of purgatory in the distance not far away.

After the Fangjian Mall and the Abyss Black Industry merged into one, Qiao Yang took out the demons to turn the pool, strode to the deck, and finally came to the place where it was reserved. Let’s place this precious and very special building,

With a black and purple light exuding, a pool with a diameter of about fifteen feet appeared in front of the eyes. The endless mourning and roar passed from the bottom of the pool into the ears. At the same time, the special taste drilled into the nasal cavity. It is filled with the bottom of the heart and gradually transformed into the deepest despair, which makes people unable to extricate themselves.

“A little bit, it actually comes with a certain degree of protection, people with unsafe or strong willpower come here, and it is estimated that it will directly become a nutrient for the demon transfer pool.”

As the captain, Qiao Yang will naturally not be influenced by the magic reincarnation pool, but according to his calculation, the willpower is less than 15 o’clock, the intelligence is less than 10 points, or the existence of perception is higher than 20 points. The influence of the spontaneous protection mechanism will become fertilizer directly.

It can only be said that it is indeed a special building that combines two outer layers. It is enough to reject some criminals with its own characteristics.

The demon reincarnation pool cannot move anymore after converting into a building, but this can only play its role, and it has all the characteristics of the building. Before the ship is sinking, there will be almost nothing to fight. Come here.

In addition, don’t worry too much about security. At that time, send a part of the crew to guard here. After all, no one can hang it like him. If you can find it under the cover of the comle of the square. It’s also on, otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

Special buildings also have a separate panel. You can view things like building states. As soon as you think, the relevant information appears in front of you.


【Demon Reincarnation Pond】

Rebirth energy: 1000/100000

Ordinary reincarnation: 0/120

Promotion reincarnation: 0/20

Current transformation demons: none


The introduction of the panel is not complicated. The only thing that I haven’t seen before is the reincarnation energy. After the consciousness is concentrated, the specific information is introduced into my mind.

“Anything with energy can charge the demon reincarnation pool. A normal reincarnation consumes a hundred to 1,000, and the upgrade is 5,000 to 50,000. I will dismantle it for you! ”

He has an inexplicable hunch that his liver can’t hold it anymore. How does this thing look liver and liver.

After shaking his head, Qiao Yang tried to remove this weird thought, and then came to the captain’s room of the abyss black industry. While opening the ship panel, he said directly:

“Don’t hide it, wake up, I need your assistance.”

“Hey, the abyss has seen the elder in the boat, how do you know that I have been awake? I should not be exposed.”

A crisp girl’s sound was directly transmitted into Qiao Yang’s mind. She was the Black Herbal Period of the Abyss. Under the same configuration, she also gave birth to a complete consciousness.

Different from the sin of the calm purgatory black, her personality is more lively, which may be related to her body is a combat vessel.

“You didn’t find it, did you have a senior before you woke up?”

“The elder in the boat, are you called me?”

After being called on the purgatory crime, it came here, and then the girl who had just been born was frying.

“Ah, who are you? No, how can you take over my body, you go out! The boatman, someone bullies me, you get revenge for me.”

“Oh, it’s still a small drama, I just came to see how the newcomer is, the result is not very good, it’s really disappointed, the big of the ship, see the purgatory, the purgatory is waiting for you at any time.”

“Don’t go, who do you say? Don’t think you can press it on me earlier than me. It is really impossible for you to be my opponent …”

“Hehe ~ It’s cute, little sister.”

“Ah! I want to duel with you!”

“Why are you in a hurry? Little sister ~”

Qiao Yang shook his head helplessly. The abyss black industry, who was also the fourth -order, could not be the opponent of the black crime of purgatory. It could only be said that the small drama was really right. He was too lazy to ignore it. The complete ship panel appeared in front of it.


“Abyss Black Industry No.”

Type: Fourth -order Superford Battleship

Durability: 50000/50000

Disdling: 452T (This is a combatant extraordinary ship. Compared with transport ships and comprehensive vessels, her storage quantity is limited, so as to exchange the powerful combat effectiveness and superior combat performance. Instantly pour out the devastating firepower.)

The largest number: 321 (including the captain)

Number of people: 1 captain.

Pulling weapon: Abyss Blasting Corner, Abyss Whale Hunting Gun × 8, Abyss Fighting × 4, Abyss Artillery × 72.

Comprehensive combat power: ★★★★★★★★

Functional buildings: Captain Room, Laotai, Driver, Kitchen, Forging Calle, Training Room, Material Card (Number 18), Water Caval (48), Cargo Caval (Number 2).

Special buildings: demons reincarnation pool, abyss square script, planting shed;


The abyss and inflammation collision (combined with the hardest bone on the high demons and the hull killing weapons made of the refined of the cold iron, which can cause a lot of damage to the building, the number is 1)

The Ballower Demon Boat Sub -sail (the sails made from the huge flying wing of the Barolan magic magic have no obvious blessing for speed, and can release the abyss and strong wind once a day, the number 2)

Abyss Triangle Sail (Number 16)

Abyss Four -corner sail (quantity 8)

Abyss Sailing (quantity 1)

Average speed: 75 section

Stability: ★★★★★ (A large amount of load allows her to have a strong stability, and no matter how powerful the natural storm cannot be shaken.)

Flexibility: ★★★★★★ (Powerful power and relatively reduced warehousing give her unparalleled flexibility. The huge body shape does not make her even more bulky. She is the most elegant dancer at sea.)

Boat capacity:

Yuan Ru Cang Prison: When the ship has no less than ten demon crews in service, the stability and flexibility will be increased by level by default.

Heiyuan Fire: Actively triggers, burning karma from the abyss on the ship, causing a lot of soul damage to all non -friendly creatures in the radius of ten sea.

Chaos World: Actively triggers, all enemies are “confused” for all enemies within ten nautical miles. When there is a dead body that does not exceed 24 hours, the corpse will be converted into abyss worms.

Six desires: absorbing the power of desire. When accumulation is sufficient, select the crew to transform the desire of the desire. The creatures that are killed by the desire will be turned into flesh and blood material, and an additional 200%killing experience will be obtained.

Personal swallowing: ships can devour the biological corpses or flesh nutrients to complement themselves and evolve to higher levels.

The apostle of the abyss: The ship’s default is regarded as the abyss of the apostle ship, which will cause all the abyss’s hostile camps, and the favorability is not dead, but at the same time, it will get the favor of the abyss lord, which is friendly by default.

The stare of the abyss: add a set of demon recruitment panels, which can be recruited by demons, and the number is half of the number of ordinary recruitment.

The hypocrisy of the abyss: Open a layer of camouflage enchantment. At this time, the ship defaults to the four ethnic groups (people, elves, orcs, immortal) warships, and the favorability of the four races is neutral.


A fourth -tier ship of the main battle has eight vessel entries like the purgatory black crime. The most important thing is that it can also evolve continuously. The difference is that the former is the evolution of the absorption of the original sin. Based on, in the future, his enemies will never even have bone scum left, perfect waste use.

Because the construction method is similar, some inherent entries are classified, but they are not the same. Generally speaking, the abyss black industry number is very in line with Qiao Yang’s psychological expectations.

There is an extra planting shed in special buildings. At present, there is no blessing of extraordinary attributes. The purpose of construction is also very simple. The only gardener in the fleet plays her role. Okay, never waste.

Without hesitation, Qiao Yang horses opened the recruitment panel non -stop, and no one could refuse the temptation of 24+8+16. Before the beginning, Qiao Yang called out the abyss that was still scolded in the air:

“Passing for a while, ready to work, mainly special crew members and gunners.”

“Oh, yes, the ship chief.”

The abyss stopped her words, that is, she has not been promoted to the legend yet, and there is no way to see her appearance. Otherwise, Qiao Yang will see a young girl gritting her teeth and watching the royal sister on the other side. This scolding The war ended with her defeat.

Because it was just finished yesterday, Qiao Yang was too lazy to engage in metaphysics at this time. He didn’t think about it.

The next moment, more than 20 dazzling lights fell in the captain’s room of the abyss black industry.

When the light column dispersed, the series of recruitment tips sounded in his ear.

“You recruited excellent artillers × 2.”

“You recruited excellent artillery × 8.”

“You recruited excellent sentinel sailors × 2.”

“You have recruited excellent gunmen and sailors × 2.”

“You have recruited excellent eagle tamer × 1.”

“You have recruited excellent boatman sailors × 1.”

“You have recruited excellent scimitar sailors × 3.”

“You have recruited excellent hook sailors × 2.”

“Congratulations on recruiting the legendary machete sailor -Bruno Cage!”

“Congratulations on recruiting the legendary sentinel sailor -Selma Ryte!”

“Congratulations on recruiting the legendary crossbow archer -Phil Cornson!”

More than 20 people were divided into three parts according to the gap between talents. Their shape gradually condensed. After seeing Qiao Yang, the confused look gradually became clear, and then kneeling on one knee and offering loyalty.

“I have been waiting for the elderly person, I hope your glory will never be immortal!”

“Bruno Cage wishes for you!”

“Selma Ryte will be your eyes that fall in the sky, and I will not miss any abnormalities.”

“Phil Cordon reports to you!”

The legends always have a more unique personality, and they can be seen from the opening remarks after their arrival.

Bruno is the second legendary machete sailor on the Qiao Yang ship. Bald head, one meter tall, very strong, and impressive with the hook with the eagle hook. Compared with Marquers, his appearance looks at his appearance. It is ruthless enough to get up, and it is more in line with the temperament of the pirate.

The sentinel Selma is an extremely rare female legendary sailor. She has a strong shape, beautiful appearance, and thin lips. This makes her face look cold and frosty. It can see obvious muscle lines through thin clothes.

Each qualified sentry is not the weak. They often engage in the most dangerous intelligence work, and the female sentry who can promote the legend will only be stronger, which makes Qiao Yang look forward to the future performance of Selma.

The last legendary crossbow archer Kolson is very interesting. He is a fat man, and it is not less than 400 pounds of invincible giant fat. His thick fleshy face does not look ugly and even cute.

However, the heavy crossbow behind him does not think so. Then the big guy is full of deterrence. Each crossbow equipped with two fingers has two fingers thickness. Scene, probably not a beautiful scene.

“Gift -free, go to the boat as a family, go to the navigation seashire Ahill first, he will arrange a suitable position for you.”

“Followed by the boatman.”

The new crew members had no opinions, and they led their commandments, and then left the captain’s room in an orderly manner. Everything was so natural, and there was no mess.

If this scene is seen by other captains, it will definitely be jealous, shouting, why?

There is no way, he has a variety of legendary titles and even a blessing of an epic title. Now recruiting human crew is to be loyal, even if it is the legend that should have been unruly.

After careful calculation, Qiao Yang has been in the sea of newborn for almost ten days.

In this period of time, as long as the level is not too thin, the captain has already created their own ships, but their situation is definitely not good at this time, even those children of those family. Advantage.

The level of crew recruited by the Captains of the Newcomer is uneven, and the initial loyalty will fluctuate according to the personality, and most crew members are qualified. This is a real sense. Less than third -order.

Therefore, for them, an excellent qualified sailor is really excellent. It belongs to the backbone of the ship and is worthy of paying resources for cultivation. Even if they know that their future potential is limited, they must be provided at the current stage. If it is not good, you ca n’t treat them, for fear that there is a problem in that place causing loyalty to fall sharply.

Some captains who are not good at running their hands secretly called these crew members as Diaomin. Not only are it difficult to serve, but there are more things. If you care about it, you will rebel up a little carelessly.

Since Lan Xing officially entered the endless sea, many of the newcomers who have been forced to become orphan because of poor management. There have been such examples over the years, which has been common.

In addition, there are some good luck captains who recruited excellent qualification crew members. They usually shout a takeoff, and then take pictures in the forum, which attracts a bunch of newcomers’ envy and jealousy.

Therefore, don’t look at the excellent crew members who seem to be very worthwhile here in Qiao Yang. In fact, this is not the case.

A qualified crew can be promoted to the fourth -order without bottlenecks. In the preliminary sea of primary students with relatively scarce combat power in the early stage, it is basically equivalent to a ticket to an excellent crew. The preciousness of high talents.

When the new people trial through the full moon, those who have long been prepared will also spend a lot of costs to trade these talents from the newcomers and adventurers.

These forces naturally have their considerations, because only in the sea of newborn can we see the specific talent.

In endless sea areas, in addition to the extraordinary ship, some recruitment places have been retained, and those who want to expand their men can only recruit from the local area.

However, this kind of trouble and wasteful recruitment method is naturally a lot of disadvantages. On the one hand, it cannot guarantee absolute loyalty, and it is easy to recruit other forces of spies. In addition, there is no way to determine whether they have the value of cultivation. The root cause of the crew is so popular.

However, these are not a headache for Qiao Yang. There are very few crew members who are less talented here. One is that most of the crew members he recruits are very high in initial talents. In addition, he can improve the talent of the crew under his hand. Now The research is how to face the hidden crisis behind the legendary crew. It can only be said that people are better than people, and they are furious. I do n’t know how many people want to take him to replace him.

After arranging the sailor, Qiao Yang continued to recruit the Baicheng seafarers. Qi Lan was purple.

“Black candle fleet welcome you to join, Baden!”

“Baden Ryan, I have seen the great captain, please allow me to give you the most sincere respect!”

A tall human man took the lead in spreading the light, carrying a humble long gun, kneeling on one knee.

He wrapped his golden medium and long hair, put on one side at will, and his blue eyes were like water, without any impurities.

However, his heart was somewhat strange. A heart -sized heart broke through his sternum and was beating violently. At this time, the empty captain’s room even sent out echoes, like drums like thunder.

The most terrible thing is that this heart and the outside world look at the thin film that looks very fragile across the outside world. It seems that he can take away his life as long as he touches.

Before Qiao Yang asked, the recruitment of related tips was late.

“You recruited the excellent pharmacist × 2 -Cui Xi; Ai Min.”

“You have recruited an excellent historian -Lu Deng.”

“You have recruited an excellent navigator -Kim.”

“You recruited excellent chef × 2 -Mike; Smith.”

“You have recruited outstanding whalers -Alman.”

“Congratulations on recruiting the legendary Yanyuan Knight -Baden Ryan!”

From the prompt sound, Qiao Yang also learned that the extraordinary career after the return of Baden, Yanyuan Knight.

“President to you ~”

The recruited seafarers’ qualifications are excellent. It is worth celebrating that there are two chefs on the boat. It seems that the poor Robert can finally be relieved from heavy work.

Historian Lu Deng should have a lot of common topics with Damian as a marine scholar. Two pharmacists can be used as a assistant to Katson, and new navigators can also reduce many pressure on Ahir.

In addition, there is a seafarer who looks very special, the whale language named Alman, which seems to be an extraordinary occupation that can communicate with marine life, especially whale communication. In terms of, the results of this recruitment are very good, at least Qiao Yang is very satisfied.

“Gift -free, Baden stayed, others went to Tina to report, and then called Sean over.”

“Yes, captain.”

The recruitment of seafarers is more like a random card pool. All professions can be found from the inside. The arrival of this group of people also makes the black candle fleet deeper.

Soon, with a hurry, Surn’s figure appeared in the captain’s room. He looked at the familiar friend, his eyes flickered, and he breathed a few times before he calmed down. He smiled and said:

“It’s been a long time, Baden.”

“Yeah, it has been a long time. It is really incredible. I still have a day back to human beings.”

Baden held his fist. This familiar and unfamiliar feeling made him a little unsatisfactory, everything was like dreaming.

“Okay, don’t like a sleepwalking, what’s going on with your heart? This seems to … it is the heart of the Barolan demon.”

Qiao Yang interrupted the two brothers’s old narrative and asked the doubts in his heart. Although Baden seemed to be no different from humans, this heart that was different from ordinary people really made him a little uneasy. With such obvious weaknesses, how do you fight?

“You are right, this is the heart of the Barlo Yan Mo, but it is also my heart.”

Baden did not deny this. After making a positive answer, he continued:

“My extraordinary career has appeared, um … very wonderful changes. I used to be a fourth -order knight, and now it is the Yanyuan knight. All the changes are because of this heart.”

“I separated the soul of the devil, but I did not separate the blood of the devil. If I had to say it, I should now be a special demon. This heart is the source of my power. If necessary, I can even transform into it. Cheng Barlo Yan Demon. ”

He felt the knowledge of the inheritance of the new profession, and probably explained the current state.

“You don’t have to worry about this become my weakness. Although I don’t want to admit it, this layer looks very fragile film, which is likely to be the hardest part of me. If the enemy is misleading, he will definitely pay a heavy price. “,”

Baden helplessly spread his hand and showed a smiley smile. This result was actually not bad for him. How can he be a demon for hundreds of years? He has been familiar with all kinds of talents from the devil. If it is lost suddenly, it will affect the combat power, and now this is good.

Qiao Yang nodded and expressed his understanding.

Compared with Surn’s unprofitable guy, Baden, who promoted the legendary devil early, is inseparable from this identity. Even if it is resurrected by the recruitment of ships, it will inevitably bring back part of the power of the demon. Yan Mo’s heart is the best proof.

“Can your heart be hidden? If it doesn’t work, some hidden actions may not be able to bring you in the future.”

“Not yet, but when I promoted to the third order, I can be freely controlled. It doesn’t matter, the elder of the ship, you don’t have to worry about me, you can return to the world again, it is already the biggest gift for me.”

He smiled freely. At this time, Baden really enjoyed every breath of air, beautiful and real.

“Well, then you go back first, Sean, then give it to you, take your good brothers to be familiar with the fleet.”

“Thank you for your efforts.”

Surn bowed to pay attention to who was the most excited now. It must be him. As the friend returned, the entangled nightmare finally dissipated. He could feel that the last trace of impurities in his mood completely disappeared. His blade has been re -renovated!

The recruitment of human crew is over, and the devil crew is over. He is looking forward to it, can he recruit a Barolan demon?

A total of sixteen recruitment opportunities, Qiao Yang closed his eyes, and there was no obvious distinction of light column falling down.

This scene is very similar to yesterday’s recruitment of devil crew members. It can only be said that it is very local.

Of course, this is not important. He just wants to know if there is a Barolan demon in the devil crew.

As the dark light dissipates, the recruitment results also appear in front of them.

“You recruited the Magic Magic × 2.”

“You recruited Yingying Mo × 2.”

“You recruited Flo Mo × 2.”

“You recruited the hiss × 2.”

“You recruited the Hunting Spider Mo × 2.”

“You recruited the Magic Spider × 2.”

“Congratulations on recruiting the Soul Devil -Dragon!”

“Congratulations on recruiting the six -arm snake magic -Fredhart!”

“Congratulations on recruiting Barolo -Laz!”

“Congratulations on recruiting Yan Mo -Karlos!”

It is expected that the Barlo Yan Demon has not arrived as scheduled, but the Barllo and Yan Demon, which are also high -spirited, have the opportunity to evolve into the Barolan demon, which is very abstract.

There are also two high demons, one is the soul demon that encountered in the eighth round of demon trials, and the other is the six -armed snake demon who has a relative relationship with Naga. When the devil did not appear in the recruitment, this could not help but make Qiao Yang extremely satisfied.

Of course, before that, he had to let these bones recognize who was inferior to recognize who was the boss!

With a violent coercion, these demons couldn’t even speak, and they fell to the ground and fell to the ground. This time was not long, about five minutes.

In the end, when Qiao Xie slaughtered a stubborn hissing demon, these unruly guys became his most loyal cluster, and presented the loyalty to the soul.

“I have seen the great master!”

This chapter data is slightly too much, but in this chapter, there are enough numbers in this chapter, and you are not allowed to spray me, hehe (﹃).

Thanks to the monthly tickets for the book friends, worship and thank you.

(This chapter is finished)

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