Looking at this scene in front of them, the audience in Longguo's live broadcast room couldn't help but widen their eyes.


"This is outrageous, isn't it? How is this possible?!"

"A white-haired old man could crush all the zombies just by the pressure he exuded?!"

"Damn, I didn’t expect that Mr. Chu Feng is a hidden master!!"

"You think this old man is the legendary immortal cultivator?"

"My dear, after hearing what you said, it seems that this is not impossible"

"Hahahaha, it seems that our Dragon Nation is going to rise! Where are those idiots who just mocked us? Why don’t they dare to show their heads now?"

"People of Long country, don't be so arrogant. The battlefield of national destiny has just begun. Why do you think you will have the last laugh?"

"Why? Just because old man Chu Feng can intimidate the zombies with his coercion, let alone this, can the players in your country do it?"In just a dozen seconds, tens of millions of comments flashed across the Dragon Country live broadcast room.

At this moment, no country's live broadcast room was more popular than their Dragon Country live broadcast room.

After all, the means Chu Feng showed were too shocking!


"Click, click……"

The sound of bones breaking kept ringing in Chu Feng's ears.

He didn't even make a move, but the pressure he exuded was enough to break the bones of these zombies and kill them.

In the blink of an eye, all the 100 zombies surrounding him died in front of Chu Feng.

"It seems that E-level monsters are nothing more than this."

Chu Feng looked around, and after confirming that all the zombies were dead, he immediately turned around and prepared to return to the city.

The strength of these zombies is far inferior to that of ordinary people.

The only advantage is probably the number.

If trapped in the encirclement of nearly a hundred zombies, even a special forces soldier with extremely strong physical fitness will probably die without carrying weapons.

Of course, even so, these zombies are not worth mentioning for Chu Feng who has learned the [Divine Elephant Prison Suppression Skill].

Chu Feng walked into the city with his white hair fluttering in the wind, looking extremely chic.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Longguo's live broadcast room once again ushered in a wave of barrage screens.

"Damn, Mr. Chu Feng is so handsome"

"I wish I could be as cool as the old man when I get old."

"Brother, wake up. They are old but still strong, old and vigorous, but when you are old, you will only be blind."

"Although I really want to scold you, I have to admit that you are right.……"

About twenty minutes later, a magnificent voice sounded again in the National Destiny Battlefield.

【The first wave of monster siege ends】

【The final scoring results will now be announced to all contestants!】

【The grading results are: E、D、C、B、A、S、SS、SSS level!】

【Countries that fail to defend against monster sieges will not receive any score】

【Moreover, according to the scores, the contestants and their countrymen will receive different levels of rewards! 】

Obviously, after the first round of monster siege, the announcement of the national destiny battlefield also appeared!

After seeing the announcement in front of them.

People from all countries are all looking forward to the announcement of the final results!

They want to know what kind of results the contestants who represent their country have achieved!

After all, this is a major event related to their country!

Under such circumstances, even the barrage in the live broadcast room has decreased a lot!

All the audience are silently waiting for the results to be announced!

Finally, a light curtain recording the ranking appeared in everyone's sight!

At the same time, the cold mechanical synthesized sound also rang in everyone's ears!

【First place, contestant from Dragon Country: Chu Feng!】

【Time taken: 2 minutes and 37 seconds; Number of monsters killed: 100 zombies】

【Overall rating: S!】


【Second place, American player: Alex!】

【Time taken: 12 minutes and 57 seconds; Number of monsters killed: 100 zombies】

【Overall rating: B!】


【Third place, the player from the Bear Country: Ivanov!】

【Time taken: 18 minutes and 47 seconds; Number of monsters killed: 100 zombies】

【Overall rating: C!】


【Fourth place, player from Japan: Kurokawa Kamizuru!】

【Time taken: 23 minutes and 55 seconds; Number of monsters killed: 100 zombies】

【Overall rating: C!】


The rankings of all participating players from all countries were announced on the screen.

After seeing the rankings in front of them, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The Dragon Country player Chu Feng... is really terrifying!!

Among all the participating players, only he has an S-level score!!

And the time he spent was only two minutes and thirty-seven seconds!!

It even includes the time he spent walking out of the city.

If only the time Chu Feng spent killing zombies is counted, it may not exceed one minute.

S-level evaluation, well deserved!

Alex, who ranked second, was directly left two ratings behind by Chu Feng!

After seeing this ranking list, people from all countries couldn't help but discuss it in the live broadcast room.

"It’s so scary, there really are many hermit masters in Dragon Country!"

"You’re right, after all, Dragon Kingdom is world-famous for its Kung Fu!"

"I suddenly remembered that when I traveled to Long Country before, I found that even the children in Long Country got up every morning to practice Kung Fu. They all gathered together and did a set of repetitive movements!"

"Now that you mention it, it reminds me that many students in Longguo often press their acupoints in their spare time!"

"Oh, God! No wonder there are so many masters in Dragon Country! This is such a scary country!"

"Uh... If I'm not mistaken, you are talking about radio gymnastics and eye exercises, right?"

Just as people from various countries were discussing in the live broadcast room.

The rewards for the first wave of monster sieges were also announced on the list!

【For contestants who have a comprehensive score of E, their country's food resource output will increase by 10% in the next seven days!

After seeing this reward, all the audience couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although 10% doesn't sound like much, and there is a seven-day time limit.

But the key is... this is the food resources of the whole country!!

Even if it is only 5%, it is already an astronomical figure!!

Moreover, no matter what time, food is the vital lifeline of a country!!

The increase in food production is a great thing for any country!!

More importantly, this is only the reward for the E-level score.

At this moment, everyone is thinking about the same thing.

That is, even the E-level score reward is already so considerable.

Then, how generous will the S-level score reward be?

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