In Guishan's opinion, Chu Feng was now at his wit's end.

Unfortunately, he still overlooked one thing in the end.

And the point he overlooked was far more deadly than he had imagined!


Accompanied by a sound of flesh tearing, the wound on Guishan's back was torn open again.

And this time, the sharp blade pierced directly into Guishan's heart!

Once the heart was pierced, even Guishan would not be able to survive.

However, at this critical moment, Guishan, who felt the pain, immediately used his own muscles to forcibly clamp the blade that was about to pierce into the heart.

That's right, after reaching Guishan's level, he is now able to control every muscle in his body at will.

And the long knife that was about to pierce into Guishan's heart was clamped abruptly, and could not move forward even a little bit.

The one who attacked Guishan from behind was naturally Chu Feng's undead clone.

Unfortunately, although Chu Feng successfully seized this opportunity, he still failed to kill Guishan.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of metal breaking, the blade that pierced into Guishan's back was actually broken apart! !

You know, the undead clone originally only had 70% of Chu Feng's strength.

The weapon in his hand was not the real Chiyou knife.

It was completely reasonable that it would be forcibly broken by Guishan's own strength.

Then, Guishan pushed Chu Feng suddenly, then turned around without hesitation and punched him directly!

This powerful punch actually smashed the undead phantom in front of him into pieces!

"I really didn't expect that you would make me so embarrassed."

Guishan took a deep breath, and his calm tone was filled with uncontrollable anger.

"But it's time for your good show to end!"

Although Guishan was seriously injured, these injuries were not fatal to a strong man of Guishan's level.

At this moment, Guishan was ready to execute Chu Feng!

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Guishan completely released the anger in his heart! !

He burst out with all his speed, and his figure instantly turned into a residual image, rushing towards Chu Feng!

And the fist he was about to swing was facing Chu Feng's heart!

The soul of the monster he summoned had already exploded!

The undead clone was also torn into pieces under his fist!

So far, no one can stop him from killing Chu Feng!

However, just when Guishan was about to end Chu Feng's life, he suddenly found that in Chu Feng's eyes, not only was there no fear of death, but there was a look of dying.

Does this guy want to fight to the death with him? !

It's a pity... Chu Feng doesn't have the capital now! !

Just when Guishan rushed over and was ready to punch, Chu Feng also resolutely clenched the Chiyou knife in his hand.

However, Guishan has enough confidence in his explosive power.

The speed of his punch will only be faster than the speed of Chu Feng's knife!

Before the sword in his hand hit him, he might have already smashed Chu Feng's heart with one punch!

However, just when Guishan made a judgment, a change suddenly occurred!

The time around him suddenly became extremely slow as if it was stuck in a quagmire.

There is no doubt that this is what Chu Feng did.

He used the power of the law of time to forcibly pause time.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength between him and Guishan is too big.

Even if Chu Feng tried his best, he could only stop Guishan's time for a few tenths of a second at most.

Chu Feng did not use this time to draw his sword, but continued to accumulate the power of the sword!

A few tenths of a second passed quickly.

If Guishan's perception was not sharp enough, he would not even be able to detect that time was stopped for a moment.

However, even if it was just a pause for a moment, it was enough to make him feel frightened.

Because this means that the person in front of him has begun to master the power of the domain law.

You know, this is the power of the gods in the true sense.

Even among all the strong men in the Soul Realm, only a few geniuses can comprehend it.

And this guy in front of him, who is only in the Extraordinary Realm, has already involved in this field.

This is a genius among geniuses, a real peerless evildoer!

Fortunately, I am about to kill him here.

Even if Chu FengNo matter how evil, he will sleep here forever and will never grow up again.

At this moment, Guishan only felt extremely fortunate that he had made the right decision.

If Chu Feng was let go here, the consequences would be truly unimaginable.


Finally, Guishan's punch hit Chu Feng's heart hard! !

The pleasure of killing a peerless genius made him feel extremely excited.

However, while feeling excited, Guishan's eyes could not help but flash a hint of surprise.

Because... he didn't seem to hear the sound of a broken heart.

Logically speaking, with Chu Feng's strength, it is impossible for him to take his punch.

Just when Guishan was still confused, Chu Feng's voice sounded faintly.

"It's not me who is going to die... but you!!"

After hearing the voice in his ear, Guishan's face immediately revealed a look as if he had seen a ghost.

How could this guy still be alive? How could he be? !

In fact, with Chu Feng's strength, he really couldn't withstand Gui Shan's punch.

If he chose to resist, the only outcome would be a broken heart and death.

However, in this seemingly hopeless dead end, Chu Feng saw the hope of life.

Even... the hope of killing Gui Shan!

Everything he did before was not actually to kill Gui Shan.

Because Chu Feng knew in his heart that Gui Shan would not be killed so easily.

So, everything he did was just to anger Gui Shan.

When people are angry, they may lose their reason and judgment.

Naturally, they can't judge whether what is in front of them is an opportunity or a trap.

The reason why Chu Feng was able to withstand this almost fatal blow to him is also very simple.

It is because he used the third power of the Skeleton Demon Armor.

Dead body.

When the body of death is activated, Chu Feng can consume his own lifespan to help him resist the next fatal attack!

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