To be honest, Chu Feng now has the confidence to fight even a supernatural ninth-level monster.

But he has never come into contact with a monster in the Soul Realm, so he dare not jump to conclusions.

After all, there is a huge gap between the Soul Realm and the Supernatural Realm.

Then, Chu Feng walked directly to the body of the Black Mist Hidden Wolf.

He was busy practicing just now, and even forgot to absorb the soul of this Black Mist Hidden Wolf into the Death Soul Ring.

This "Death Soul Ring" can absorb souls.

Chu Feng gently rubbed the Death Soul Ring, and immediately a black stream of light floated out from the body of the Black Mist Hidden Wolf and merged into the ring.

Then, Chu Feng merged his own mental power into the Death Soul Ring, and immediately summoned a Black Mist Hidden Wolf in the soul state.

This Black Mist Hidden Wolf is only half as powerful as it was before it was alive.

However, the most terrifying thing about the Death Soul Ring is that it can accommodate countless souls.

Even if the strength of a single soul is not strong, once the number forms a scale, it still has a very terrifying lethality.

Chu Feng's next goal is also very simple, that is to hunt down the magic beasts of the soul realm and collect soul crystals.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng immediately turned around and looked at Hei Teng, and said calmly: "Senior Hei Teng, in the next battle, no matter how dangerous I am, I beg you not to take action."

After hearing this, Hei Teng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

He knew in his heart that Chu Feng wanted to hone himself in this way.

Between life and death, there are great insights and great opportunities!

If practicing is compared to a game, only by constantly challenging the limit can you constantly break through your own technical limit.

And the existence of Hei Teng is like a plug-in.

Once the plug-in is turned on, no matter how difficult the level is, if you don't feel the pressure, your technology will not improve much.

"In that case, I wish you good luck."

Hei Teng said, "Not only will I not help you, I will also temporarily leave this Black Mist Forest to find some treasures for you to break through."

"I will see you again in five days."

"I hope that by then, your progress will exceed my expectations."

After saying this, the vines of Hei Teng fled directly into the distance.

Not long after, it completely disappeared in front of Chu Feng.

After Hei Teng left, Chu Feng also stood up and took a deep breath.

Next... it depends on himself.


The first day.

Chu Feng went directly to the depths of the Black Mist Forest.

Along the way, he also encountered several powerful monsters.

However, the levels of these monsters were all below the ninth level of the extraordinary.

Chu Feng easily solved these monsters and absorbed their souls into the Dead Soul Ring.

Obviously, even in the depths of the Black Mist Forest, Soul Realm monsters are not so common.

However, despite this, Chu Feng still did not take it lightly.

Relaxing vigilance in this environment is tantamount to seeking death.


The next day.

After a whole day of trekking, Chu Feng finally encountered a strong enemy, a nine-level three-eyed ghost tiger.

This ghost tiger is extremely fierce, and there is a third vertical eye on its forehead.

In battle, it can also emit a dark purple energy beam from this third vertical eye, which is hard to defend against.

After the advancement of the Divine Elephant Prison-Suppressing Skill, Chu Feng's strength and explosive power are completely comparable to those of the ninth-level monster.

However, despite this, Chu Feng, without knowing the ability of the monster in front of him, was still accidentally pierced through the abdomen by the dark purple beam bursting out from the vertical eye.

If it was just an external injury, it would not be a big deal.

The key point is that after being hit by this dark purple energy beam, Chu Feng only felt that half of his body seemed to be crushed by a high-voltage current, and he was completely paralyzed.

Obviously, this is the killer move of the three-eyed ghost tiger.

After Chu Feng's body fell into a paralyzed state, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the three-eyed ghost tiger.

Then, the three-eyed ghost tiger opened its huge mouth full of fangs and bit Chu Feng's neck mercilessly!

The bloody mouth was so close to Chu Feng that he could already smell the blood coming towards him.

Fortunately, although his body fell into a paralyzed state, Chu Feng's mental power was still usable.

At this critical moment, Chu Feng did not hesitate at all and immediately activatedWith his own mental power, he controlled the Dark Cloud Shuttle to slam into the Three-Eyed Ghost Tiger!

With a dull bang, the huge body of the Three-Eyed Ghost Tiger was knocked away!

During this process, Chu Feng's body gradually recovered from the paralysis.

When the Three-Eyed Ghost Tiger rushed towards Chu Feng again, the latter's right arm was fully movable.

A cold light suddenly flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

Then, he clenched the Chi You Knife in his hand, instantly fused the power of the Four-Layer Thunder Knife, and slashed towards the Three-Eyed Ghost Tiger!

The Four-Layer Thunder Knife, that is nearly three times the power!

And, at the moment Chu Feng drew the knife, the spirit of the Chi You Knife also emerged from the blade!

And the appearance of the spirit also pushed the power of this knife to the peak!

Chu Feng's knife directly cut off the head of the three-eyed ghost tiger!

The big head fell to the ground, and scarlet blood spurted out immediately!

Chu Feng sat on the ground, gasping for breath, but he could not hide his excitement.

Because this was the first time he killed a supernatural ninth-level monster with his own hands.

Although the process seemed dangerous, in fact, everything was within Chu Feng's plan.

Even in Chu Feng's hand, there was a hidden trump card that had not been used.

After killing this supernatural ninth-level three-eyed ghost tiger, Chu Feng was more confident in his own strength.

If nothing unexpected happens, next... Chu Feng should find a magic beast in the spirit realm to test his own limits.


The third day.

This was the first day that Chu Feng made up his mind to hunt the magic beast in the spirit realm.

It was precisely because of this that he spent all his time searching for traces of the Soul Realm beasts.

Even if a supernatural beast passed by him, Chu Feng was too lazy to chase and kill it, unless there was a blind beast that came to him on its own initiative.

Under this circumstance, Chu Feng didn't kill many beasts in a whole day.

Fortunately, in the evening of that day, Chu Feng finally made a discovery.

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