After the red-gold face in front of him spoke, a frightening pressure was released towards Chu Feng.

This pressure was even hundreds of times stronger than the pressure emanating from the black shadow!

Fortunately, the opponent did not deliberately target Chu Feng, which allowed him to stand in front of the opponent.

Otherwise, Chu Feng would have knelt down long ago.

Afterwards, the red-gold face stared at Chu Feng for a long time again, and said in a deep voice: "You are very good."

Chu Feng smiled and said calmly: "Senior, you are too kind."

"No need to be modest."

The voice of the red-gold face was like thunder: "Since you can pass three trials in a row, it proves that you still have some ability."

"Presumably, you have also completed the three major atlases?"

Chu Feng nodded and said calmly: "I have completed the observation."


The red-gold face nodded and said lightly: "If you are willing, you might as well show me how much you have realized the power, wind spirit, and killing power."

"Okay, in this case, then I will show you my ugliness."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and pushed the Divine Elephant Prison-Suppressing Power in his body to the extreme!

The next second, he immediately burst out with all his strength, punched, and blasted forward!


When Chu Feng punched out, he also integrated the power into the front of his fist! !

When he punched out, even the space in front of him was shaken! !

Looking at the scene in front of him, a look of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of the red-gold face.

Obviously, Chu Feng's understanding of the power has reached his requirements.

However, this does not mean that Chu Feng's power has reached perfection.

Then, the red-gold face said calmly: "Being able to comprehend the prototype of the power in such a short time proves that your talent is not bad."

"But, have you ever thought that your understanding of the power is deviated, or... wrong?"

Is my understanding of the power wrong?

After hearing this, Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Isn't the so-called power the accumulation of power?

Chu Feng's understanding of the power is to accumulate all the power on one point, and then burst out with amazing power!

However, the red-gold face in front of him said that his thinking was wrong and he had gone astray.

How is this possible?

Chu Feng thought about it, but he couldn't figure out where he was wrong.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at the red-gold face in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Junior doesn't know, please teach me."

"In your eyes, the power may just be the continuous accumulation of power so that the power can be concentrated on one point and burst out. Am I right?"

Chu Feng nodded, he really thought so.

"In this case, momentum has lost its meaning."

The red-gold face said lightly: "Since you can burst out more powerful power, it proves that your strength has become stronger. What does this have to do with momentum?"

"For example, whether it is the momentum of power, the momentum of speed, or any other momentum, its most essential core function is only one, that is, amplification!"

"Momentum is an amplifier!"

After hearing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and began to chew on this sentence silently.

Momentum... is an amplifier?

Indistinctly, he seemed to have caught something.

However, this vague feeling was not enough for Chu Feng to really understand anything.

So, he looked at the red-gold face in front of him with a burning gaze, hoping that the other party could continue to speak.

"The reason why I call potential an amplifier is very simple."

"Because potential can increase your strength to the original level!"

"If your original strength is 50, then with the increase of potential, you can even compete with a person with a strength of 100."

"However, this does not mean that potential has turned your strength into 100. Do you understand what I mean?"

The red-gold face in front of him was like a mentor who was teaching Chu Feng the truth of potential.

"Take the potential of power as an example. The way you use the potential of power is to continuously accumulate your own strength. In the process of continuous accumulation, the power you can burst out will be even stronger!"

"Have you ever thought about using the same power,Burst out with more powerful power? "

After hearing this, Chu Feng's mind seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt!

It must be said that the other party's words can be said to have opened up a new idea for him!

The momentum of power is not to increase his power, but to make the same power burst out with more powerful power!

At this moment, Chu Feng seemed to have opened the door to a new world!

It turns out that this is the real use of momentum!

Then, a red-gold figure appeared in front of Chu Feng again.

"Watch out."

The red-gold figure spoke indifferently.

The next second, he slapped directly in the direction of Chu Feng!!

The power of this palm was not strong, it just made Chu Feng's figure retreat a few steps back.

Then, the other party spoke again calmly: "Next, watch out, I will use the same power for this finger and the previous palm. "

Then, before Chu Feng could react, the red-gold figure in front of him suddenly thrust out a finger!!

Chu Feng could clearly feel that this force was more condensed and the explosive power was more amazing!!

"Swish! !"

The opponent's finger actually pierced a blood hole directly on his shoulder!!

It was obviously two attacks of the same strength, but on Chu Feng, it showed completely different effects.

This... is the effect of the power.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, clasped his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your teachings, senior."

If the other party did not correct his mistake, when Chu Feng cultivated the power to the late stage, it would be more difficult to correct it again.

For Chu Feng, this instruction is worth a thousand gold!

However, in the eyes of the other party, this may just be a trivial matter.

The red-gold face looked at Chu Feng and said lightly: "Okay, continue to demonstrate the power of the wind spirit. ”

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