Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Feng could not help but be slightly stunned.

He obviously did not expect that such an abyss would appear in front of him.

No one knows what is under this abyss.

However, the abyss in front of him seems extremely quiet, as if it is bottomless.

Under the pursuit of the black shadow, for Chu Feng now, he must make a choice immediately.

Whether to choose to cross this abyss or enter this abyss.

Chu Feng hesitated for only three or four seconds and made a decision immediately.

He chose to enter the abyss to see what is underneath!

Anyway, even if he forced himself to cross the abyss, he would still be caught up by the black shadow.

Instead of waiting to die, it is better to give it a try and see if he can save his life!

Thinking of this, Chu Feng immediately gritted his teeth and raised his hand to release the Dark Cloud Shuttle.

Under his control, the size of the Dark Cloud Shuttle immediately increased, enough for Chu Feng to step on it.

It must be said that it was fortunate that he had the Dark Cloud Shuttle.

Otherwise, Chu Feng, who had no ability to fly, could only slowly climb to the bottom of the abyss.

After standing on the Dark Cloud Shuttle, Chu Feng did not hesitate at all, and immediately used his own mental power to control the Dark Cloud Shuttle to fall down to the abyss.

However, just when the Dark Cloud Shuttle just entered the range of the abyss, something unexpected happened!

The Dark Cloud Shuttle under Chu Feng's feet suddenly began to shake violently, as if it was disturbed!

And Chu Feng's figure also staggered, and he almost fell off the Dark Cloud Shuttle!

This sudden accident made Chu Feng stunned.

He tried hard to maintain his figure, but it was still useless.

The shaking amplitude of the Dark Cloud Shuttle became larger and larger, just like a malfunctioning aircraft.

Moreover, there is a tendency to fall down!

This abyss seems to be affected by the no-fly rule. No matter what kind of existence, it cannot fly in it.

Seeing that the Dark Cloud Shuttle has completely lost his control, Chu Feng's heart is determined, and he immediately jumps down from the Dark Cloud Shuttle!

He jumped directly and jumped towards the rock wall beside him!

Just as he was about to approach the rock wall, Chu Feng roared and directly stabbed the Chiyou knife in his hand into the rock wall!

It must be said that Chu Feng's strength is extremely amazing, and the Chiyou knife is extremely sharp.

This knife directly stabbed into the rock wall, and after sliding down for several meters, it forcibly stabilized Chu Feng's body!

After stabilizing his body, Chu Feng barely breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this does not mean that he can be completely at ease.

After all, below him, there is a deep abyss.

If he is not careful, he will be crushed to pieces.

He must rely on his own strength to climb to the bottom of the abyss step by step.

However, now he can be sure that this abyss must have its special features.

Otherwise, the Dark Cloud Shuttle would not suddenly fail.

Fortunately, if nothing unexpected happens, the black shadow cannot fly within the range of this abyss.

Therefore, he can only chase him by climbing the rock wall like Chu Feng!

After climbing for a while, Chu Feng soon felt that the efficiency of doing so was too low.

At this rate, it is unknown how long it will take to climb to the bottom of the abyss.

Fortunately, Chu Feng soon came up with other ways.

He took a deep breath and suddenly pulled out the Chiyou Knife from the rock wall.

After losing his support, his figure fell downwards again.

However, there was no trace of fear on Chu Feng's face.

Because, he did it on purpose!

After falling nearly a hundred meters, Chu Feng inserted the Chiyou knife in his hand into the rock wall again!

The sharp blade slid several meters inside the rock wall, which just relieved the impact of Chu Feng's falling body!

Chu Feng was preparing to jump into the abyss in this way!


In a blink of an eye, the black shadow chased to the edge of the abyss.

Looking at the abyss in front of him, his brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because, this abyss in front of him gave him a very uneasy feeling.

However, what surprised him even more was that after chasing here, he completely lost the perception of Chu Feng's soul.

This was obviously a very unusual thing.

Even Chu Feng, who had just entered the abyss, didn't know that this abyss, in addition to prohibitingIn addition to flying, it can also block the soul fluctuations of the entrants.

However, although it could not sense Chu Feng's soul fluctuations, the black shadow quickly discovered Chu Feng who was constantly climbing on the rock wall.

"Found you."

A cold color suddenly flashed in the black shadow's eyes.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately jumped into the abyss and wanted to approach Chu Feng's position!

Unfortunately, this black shadow did not expect that there was a no-fly rule in the abyss.

The moment he entered the abyss, his figure fell down uncontrollably!

"Damn it!"

"What the hell is this place?!"

A look of disbelief flashed in the black shadow's eyes.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, and his right hand instantly turned into a black claw, which was fiercely nailed into the rock wall!

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the black shadow, Chu Feng almost laughed out loud.

This guy, too, has this day!

"Come, chase me slowly!"

Chu Feng laughed and said, "I have plenty of time, I'll play with you slowly!"

While speaking, Chu Feng's figure fell down dozens of meters again!

After seeing Chu Feng's actions, the black shadow quickly imitated his way, trying to shorten the distance between them as much as possible.

However, compared to him, Chu Feng has already mastered the way of falling quickly.

The two sides chased each other on the rock wall. After a few minutes, the distance between Chu Feng and the black shadow was stretched by hundreds of meters again!

According to the current situation, when Chu Feng reaches the bottom of the abyss, he can buy himself nearly ten minutes!

To be honest, he is also very curious about what is at the bottom of this abyss.

However, before that, he must get rid of the pursuit of the black shadow.

At least, he must buy himself enough time.

Seeing Chu Feng's figure gradually going away, the black shadow was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could do nothing.

However, what made Chu Feng even more frightened was that even though he had fallen tens of thousands of meters, he still could not see the bottom of the abyss! !

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