Compared to the extremely excited Dragon Country audience, the scene in the Japanese live broadcast room seemed extremely desolate.

Wherever you look, there is a desperate and shrill wail.

After all, these Japanese audiences have never thought that Kurokawa Shenzang would die.

Before this, they have always maintained blind confidence in Kurokawa Shenzang!

After all, no matter what, Kurokawa Shenzang is the first person under Chu Feng!

But they obviously did not expect that the gap between the first and the second could be so big.

Everyone witnessed with their own eyes that in front of Chu Feng, Kurokawa Shenzang had almost no power to fight back and was killed by the latter with one knife after another!

And this also proves one thing.

That is... no matter how fiercely the wild dog barks, it is not the opponent of the lion.

And Chu Feng is the lion provoked by the wild dog!

At this moment, all the Japanese people are in deep despair.

"It's over, it's all over..."

"Kurokawa-kun is dead, our Dongying country has no future..."

"Alas, I've said it before, don't provoke Chu Feng, Longguo... is not so easy to provoke."

"This damn Chu Feng, why is he so cruel? He obviously doesn't have to kill!"

"You're right, he doesn't have any mercy at all! With such a person, Longguo is doomed to not go far!"

However, after this barrage of comments, the audience of Longguo immediately jumped out and chose to fight back.

"Cruel? No mercy? Hahahahaha... Are you kidding?"

"If I remember correctly, it seems that the first person to kill on the stage of the National Fortune Arena was your country's player, right?"

"What's more, if it weren't for Kurokawa Shenzang who had been provoking our Longguo, how could Mr. Chu Feng kill?"

After these words came out, the audience of Dongying country started to curse crazily like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

However, the people of Longguo were not angry at all. They laughed and chose to exit the Japanese live broadcast room.

Anyway, they are the final winners!

There is no need for verbal disputes!

In their eyes, these Japanese people who were so angry after being poked in the sore spot were just a group of jumping clowns.

It must be said that they finally got rid of their anger today!


After defeating Kurokawa Shenzang, Chu Feng went straight back to his seat.

Next, there are two more battles!

After these two battles, there are only five players left in the entire National Fortune Arena!

The champion of this National Fortune Arena will also be produced from these five players!

However, among the remaining few people, the only one that Chu Feng cares about is Yao.

He is very curious about what kind of strength this guy... has.

If nothing unexpected happens, Yao's strength should be stronger than Dun and Ying, and he is the strongest among the three.

However, even if he was strong, he was limited.

After all, if Yao really had enough strength to rival Chu Feng, he would not have come to negotiate with him.

But even so, Chu Feng did not dare to take it lightly.

Because the opponent might have a trump card that he did not know.

After all, Yao was a resurrected being from the last era.

It was not impossible for him to have some treacherous means.

Just like the shadow who had fought with him before.

With his strength, he could not compete with Chu Feng at all.

However, he forced Chu Feng to the point where he had to show all his trump cards.

The next two battles ended quickly, without even spending a morning.

As expected by Chu Feng, Yao also defeated his opponent very smoothly.

His opponent only had the strength of the middle stage of S-level.

Chu Feng even felt that Yao did not try his best, but he easily defeated his opponent.

This made Chu Feng feel somewhat disappointed.

Originally, he was still thinking that he could force Yao to reveal some of his trump cards through this battle.

Now it seems that it is basically impossible.


The final battle of the top five was scheduled for the afternoon.

In other words, they still have at least three or four hours of rest time before the game officially starts.

During this time, they naturally would not choose to stay in the arena.

Not long after, the contestants from various countries left the arena one after another.

The entire arena was once again empty.

However, at this moment, a figure in a black robe suddenly walked out of the shadows.

OnlySeeing him slowly walk to the body of Kurokawa Shinzo, he leaned down slightly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the other's body.

Then, an extremely hoarse voice sounded from the black robe.

"This is a good material... It's a waste to throw it here..."

Then, the black-robed man actually carried Kurokawa Shinzo's body directly on his shoulders and slowly left the arena.

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