At this moment, the second round of monsters had not yet descended upon the Dragon Country city.

However, the atmosphere in the Dragon Country live studio had become extremely tense and anxious.

"You guys think nothing will happen, right? This is hell level difficulty!"

"Honestly, I'm a bit panicked."

"There's no need to panic. Old Master Chu Feng is so strong, nothing will go wrong!"

"You’re right, we should choose to believe the old man!"

"Hehe, Dragon people, don't be stupid. Haven't you seen the strength of the Shadow Wolf King? Monsters of that level are not as easy to deal with as zombies."

"Prepare a few more coffins in your country, so that when the monster comes, you won’t be able to collect the bodies in time!"

"I want to see how you can survive the hell-level monster siege!"

In the live broadcast room of Longguo, many viewers from other countries were making crazy and sarcastic remarks.

After all, Longguo's current advantage is too obvious.

The only S-level evaluation!

The life expectancy of all citizens increased by five years!

Which country can not be jealous?

Even those small countries that are struggling to survive in the battlefield of national destiny are full of envy and hatred for Longguo!

Not to mention those countries that originally had bad relations with Longguo!

Faced with the ridicule and sarcasm of these people, some people in Longguo chose to curse back, and some chose to remain silent.

After all, it is useless to just talk.

Everything has to wait until the monster siege begins. The outcome will be clear.

As long as Mr. Chu Feng can successfully defend the city of Longguo, then the words of these people will not matter at all!

In fact, at that time, they will only feel the burning pain of being hit on their faces!

Responding with facts is the best way to respond!

However, what the people of Longguo did not expect was that the monster sieges in other countries were almost over.

However, the monster siege of their Longguo has not yet begun.

Is the monster siege of hell-level difficulty really that special?

Just when everyone was confused, a sharp wolf howl sounded from everyone's ears!


After hearing the wolf howl, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but change their faces.

Because, this didn't seem to be the howl of an ordinary shadow wolf.

It came from... the shadow wolf king!!

Along with the sound of the wolf howl, a giant demon wolf with black hair appeared outside the city of Longguo!!

Obviously, this is a C-level monster, the shadow wolf king!!

At this moment, the eyes of this shadow wolf king are flashing scarlet blood, like a ferocious monster that chooses people to devour.

However, it is not just this shadow wolf king that appeared in front of the city of Longguo.

One, two, three, four... one after another shadow wolf king appeared in Chu Feng's sight.

They all stared at the direction of the city of Longguo, with their eyes ferocious and violent to the extreme!!

The wolf pack in front of them was a dark mass, exuding an extremely terrifying sense of oppression!!

A full... one hundred shadow wolf kings!!

Looking at this scene, almost all the audience in Dragon Country couldn't help but flash a glimmer of despair in their eyes.

"Are you crazy? A hundred Shadow Wolf Kings!"

"Isn't it too abnormal for a monster of hell level difficulty to attack the city?!"

"How can this be defended?!"

"Hahaha, you deserve it, who told you to choose the Hell level difficulty, you stupid Dragon people!!"

"Now, it's your turn to pay the price for your arrogance!!"

"You self-righteous fool, just wait for hundreds of thousands of Shadow Wolf Kings to descend upon your country. That scene will surely be spectacular!!"

"Tsk tsk, I can't wait to witness such a 'spectacular' scene with my own eyes."

At this moment, the audience of Dragon Country was in despair, while the audience of other countries was gloating.

Of course, there were also some countries that were friendly with Dragon Country, and their people were silently praying for Dragon Country in the live broadcast room.

"May the Dragon Kingdom survive this crisis safely!"

"Dragon Nation, don't worry, we are with you!"

"You are right, your country is very friendly, and your kindness will definitely be rewarded!"

For a moment, in the Dragon Country live broadcast room, all kinds of people


Dragon Country.

National War

"Director Chen."

Chu Yuan stared at the big screen in front of him and said anxiously,"Please save my father, considering that I have dedicated most of my life to China's scientific research!"

"I have never begged anyone before, but this time... I beg you!"

After saying that, he actually wanted to kneel down in front of Chen Zhongguo.

It is true that a man's knees are made of gold. But it also depends on who you are kneeling for.

This time, Chu Yuan knelt to save his father!

How could his father, a nearly 100-year-old man, deal with so many ferocious giant demon wolves?

If he didn't do something, his father would really die in the mouths of those giant wolves!

But before he could kneel down, Chen Zhongguo held him up and said helplessly:"Comrade Chu Yuan, what are you doing?"

Chu Yuan's eyes were red, and he said in a firm tone:"If you are unwilling to save my father, then I would rather die here."

Chen Zhongguo sighed slightly, and said helplessly:"There is no point in saying more, you just keep watching."

"Believe me, I guarantee with my personality that nothing will happen to your father."

Hearing Chen Zhongguo's sincere tone, even Chu Yuan couldn't help but waver.

Could it be that the country has already made preparations?

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan couldn't help but put away some of his worries and cast his eyes on the screen in front of him again.

At this moment, Chen Zhongguo also turned his head and asked calmly:"Xiao Lin, be prepared to record combat data at any time, and try to analyze the strength of Mr. Chu Feng by establishing a combat model as much as possible."

"Also, I want you to give a rough rating of the old man's strength."


After receiving the order, Xiao Lin immediately operated on the system screen.

His ten fingers were very flexible, just like playing the piano, tapping the screen quickly.

Obviously, he is also a professional in data analysis!

And, he is the top one.

However, after hearing what Chen Zhongguo said, Chu Yuan's doubts became more intense.

Isn't his father just an ordinary old man?

What kind of combat power can an old man who is nearly a hundred years old have?

Usually, he even has trouble taking off his clothes, and he needs to analyze?

Just when Chu Yuan was extremely confused.

In the Dragon Country live broadcast room, Chu Feng had already walked out of the city gate.

He was alone, walking towards the wolf pack in front of him with a calm expression.

In his hand, he was still holding the Great Xia Dragon Bird!

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