After saying this, Chu Feng chose to leave without hesitation.

From the beginning, he had never considered making a deal with the other party.

The reason why he talked to Yao for so long was just to get more information from the other party.

In fact, he did get extremely important information from Yao.

The amount of information was so large that Chu Feng could digest it for a while.

As for the championship of the National Fortune Arena, if Yao really wanted to get it, then let him take it himself!

He, Chu Feng, never feared anyone!

However, just as Chu Feng turned to leave, Yao's voice sounded again behind him.

"Your arrogance will hurt you one day!"

"In our era, there were no shortage of geniuses like you."

"But now? They are all lost in the long river of history, and even their names are gone!"

"If you change your mind, come find me anytime."

Faced with Yao's retention, Chu Feng turned a deaf ear and left without looking back.

However, what he didn't notice was that Yao's mouth curled up a barely noticeable sneer.

The latter's eyes were always on Chu Feng.

And on Chu Feng's back, a black shadow appeared at some point!

In fact, he knew from the beginning that Chu Feng would not agree to his request.

However, his real purpose was not to negotiate with Chu Feng.

After all, Shield and Shadow all died at the hands of the other party.

Such hatred is unforgettable. Even if Yao is not a human being, he cannot allow himself to ignore the death of his brother in exchange for his own survival.

He also has other purposes for finding Chu Feng.

And his purpose is to attach the black shadow to Chu Feng.

You know, this black shadow is not an ordinary thing, but a treasure that Yao has obtained since the last era.

This treasure, called Curse Witch Spirit, is an extremely evil treasure.

The reason why it is said to be an extremely evil treasure is that this treasure requires the host to feed it with its own soul.

When he was still alive, in order to feed the Curse Witch Spirit, Yao's soul was almost always in a weak state!

It is also because of this that after he was reborn, the Curse Witch Spirit was also reborn with him!

Because, since he got this treasure, the Curse Witch Spirit has been completely bound to his soul!

The reason why Yao revealed so much information to Chu Feng was just to delay time.

After all, it takes enough time for the cursed witch spirit to attach to Chu Feng's soul.

However, once attached to the latter's soul, before the cursed witch spirit takes effect, the other party can hardly detect any abnormality.

Unless Chu Feng is a strong man who specializes in soul cultivation.

But in the previous battle, Yao did not see such signs.

It is precisely because of this that he dared to use the cursed witch spirit so confidently.

Moreover, the cursed witch spirit... is the key to his victory over Chu Feng!

Yao is not unaware that there is indeed a certain gap in strength between him and Chu Feng.

However, as long as the cursed witch spirit takes effect, then... when fighting with him, Chu Feng may not even be able to exert half of his strength.

At that time, defeating Chu Feng will be a piece of cake!

"Shield, Shadow... Don't worry."

Yao's eyes were filled with coldness: "I will personally avenge you."

"Even if he is the strongest person in this era, I will never let him walk out of this national destiny arena alive!"


After directly rejecting Yao's deal, Chu Feng went straight back to the lounge.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that after leaving the medical room, there was a cold feeling on his back.

At this moment, in the Dragon Country live broadcast room, almost all the viewers were discussing what Yao said.

"I never thought that there are gods in this world?"

"What gods? When humans encounter things they cannot understand, they always like to attribute them to theology. Perhaps... they are just creatures from higher dimensions."

"Those who can possess such great power, even if they are creatures from higher dimensions, are no different from gods in our eyes."

"If what that guy said is true, then before our generation of humans, at least several eras have passed."

"You said that god dragged every generation of humans into theWhat is the purpose of the so-called battlefield? "

"Who knows? Maybe... just to satisfy their own bad taste."

Although Chu Feng couldn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, he was also thinking about this question.

That is... the "god" mentioned by Yao, for what purpose did he pull them into the battlefield of national destiny?

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