Chu Feng frowned slightly.

Then, he took the lead and asked, "If I remember correctly, you should be the companion of those two people."

"Are you coming to me to avenge them?"

Chu Feng had no scruples and chose to get straight to the point.

After all, if you don't know the other party's intentions, you can get more information by asking questions proactively.

At least, you won't be led by the other party.

After Chu Feng asked the question, Yao's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of hatred.

However, this hatred was quickly concealed by him, and even Chu Feng didn't notice it.

Yao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I don't blame you for their death."

"After all, this is the National Destiny Arena."

"Everyone who comes on the field is ready to be killed."

"They died in your hands, and they can only blame their lack of strength."

After hearing this, Chu Feng's eyes could not help but show a hint of surprise.

Because he obviously didn't expect that the other party would say such words.

In his opinion, either Yao didn't regard the two as brothers at all.

Or, he had other intentions.

If it was the latter, it could only mean that the other party's scheming was more serious than he imagined!

Thinking of this, Chu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, what's more...they took the initiative to provoke me."

"Even if I kill them, it's their own fault."

After he said this, Yao's expression froze directly.

After a while, he said, "Okay, don't mention it. I came to you today to make a deal with you."

"What deal?"

Chu Feng glanced at him and asked calmly.

"Give me the championship of this National Games Arena."

Yao said something shocking, and said in a deep voice, "In return, I will tell you everything I know."

"Is this the deal you are talking about?"

Chu Feng frowned at first, and then couldn't help laughing: "Do you think that the conditions you brought to trade with me are equal?"

"Just based on your few words, I will give you the championship of this National Games Arena?"

"Sorry, don't blame me for speaking directly... Who do you think you are?"

However, facing Chu Feng's provocation, Yao did not show any sign of anger.

He said calmly: "How do you know that the information I revealed to you is not worth this price?"


Chu Feng smiled and said: "Then tell me, what can you tell me?"

"If I am interested, then I might consider trading with you."

"Aren't you always curious about the origins of the three of us?"

Yao looked directly at Chu Feng and whispered: "My real name is Yao."

"And the two people you killed were Shield and Shadow."

"We...all exist from the last era."

After hearing this, Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but all the viewers in the Dragon Country live broadcast room were also shocked.

"The last era? What is this guy talking about?"

"My goodness, this guy is not in the late stage of Chuunibyou, right? He even made up the last era."

"He looks so serious, it doesn't seem like he is joking."

"Think about it carefully, the appearance of these three people is indeed a bit weird, as if they appeared out of thin air!"

"So, there really was a last era?"

"Oh my God, this is too scary, could it be that there were other humans on Earth before this?"

After a moment of shock, Chu Feng quickly came back to his senses.

Then, he said in a deep voice: "Even if I believe what you said, I would like to ask, when was the last era you mentioned?"

"And how did you... survive the last era?"

To be honest, Chu Feng did not completely believe what the other party said.

If the other party could not answer his two questions, it would prove that Yao's words were not credible.

Facing Chu Feng's questioning, Yao calmly explained: "I don't know how long the last era is from now."

"Maybe hundreds of millions of years, maybe billions of years."

"In the face of a time unit like an era, the number of years has no meaning at all."

"When all the creatures on the earth are completely extinct, it means that an era has ended."

"However,Destruction is also rebirth. In the universe, all things are in endless reincarnation. "

"Although our generation of humans was destroyed, your generation of humans was born again in a barren and dead silence, just like the tender green sprouts nurtured in destruction."

After hearing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but frowned.

He whispered: "Has the era you are in been destroyed?"

"Then I'm very curious, how many eras have existed on this earth?"

"And why... were you destroyed?"

Yao shook his head and said calmly: "How many eras have existed? No one knows the answer."

"At least, I don't know."

"But since time has moved to the era you are in, it proves that... all previous eras have been destroyed without exception. "

Yao's words were filled with an inexplicable sadness.

The destruction of an era symbolizes the disappearance of billions, or even tens of billions of lives!

This level of destruction is even comparable to the destruction of the earth!

"And why is the era we are in destroyed..."

Yao couldn't help but curl his lips and laughed: "Aren't you guys now... also experiencing the same process?"

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked: "What do you mean by this?"

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