Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 91 One after another, Su Chen's absolute advantage!

Chapter 91: One after another, Su Chen’s absolute advantage!


During the discussion in the live broadcast room.

Several members of the expert team, led by Luo Ji, passed through many mirrors and arrived at a place.

There were finally no those damn mirrors in front of him, but a slit through which only one person could pass.

Luo Ji paused, turned around and whispered:

"It seems that we have reached the exit."

Although their movements were fast, it took less than a minute.

During this period of time, Su Chen's figure in the mirror had long since disappeared.

"Relax, brother Luo."

Shi Yong stared at the exit in front of him and asked:

"We're back to the exit the way we came, right?"

Luo Ji nodded and said:


"That'll be easy."

Shi Yong walked up to Luo Ji and signaled to the experts behind him:

"Su Chen may be ambushing in front. I have more experience. I will take the lead this time and have my guns ready."

"When you see Su Chen, you don't need to fire a warning shot, just look at the torso and hit him. According to the rules of the show, once he is hit by a paintball, he will lose his mobility."


As soon as Shi Yong finished speaking, the two police officers behind him loaded their guns with a click.

The barrels of their guns were flat and pointed at the empty space in front of Shi Yong, forming a fire area for a three-person team.

This is an old training program for frontline criminal police. This formation allows three people to cover each other without leaving any visual blind spots.

Find the enemy and deal with it quickly.

After receiving the replies from the two police officers, Shi Yong waved his hand:


He rushed out first, pointing his gun directly into the darkness, looking for Su Chen's figure.

After walking through the mirror maze, their eyes have already adapted to the darkness.

However, he did not see Su Chen's trap as he expected, nor did he see Su Chen.

Not quite right!

According to what Luo Ji said, since they were returning the same way they came, the scenery around them should be familiar to them!

However, this place... the more I look at it, the stranger it becomes.

Shi Yong took a closer look and found a few thumb-thick iron rods standing in front of him, and he suddenly screamed something bad in his heart.

"Go back, go back, don't come over..."

He turned around, just about to let the rest of the expert team walk back to the maze exit.

However, mid-sentence, he froze.

Because the narrow passage behind him had quietly disappeared without knowing when.

Realized something was wrong.

The other members of the expert team immediately dispersed and looked around, only to find that dozens of iron bars had been quietly erected around them.

They were trapped inside and outside in this small space!

"Oops, this is a trap!"

Shi Yong's pupils suddenly narrowed and he whispered:

"I fell into that kid's fucking trick again!"

Beside Shi Yong, Luo Ji remained rational and looked around.

He was also stunned:

"How is this possible... My calculations are not wrong. We are obviously back to where we were when we came in. How did we end up here?"

"No, this is not where we came from."

"How could the road behind disappear into thin air?!"

Although I know that this is most likely Su Chen's fault.

However, several people on the expert team felt chills running down their spines.

This is so weird!

The live broadcast room was also confused.

[Hiss, this is just like a ghost movie. What is going on? 】

[Could it be that this was not the exit they exited through, and Luo Ji made a miscalculation? 】

[It seems unlikely. Since this was Su Chen's trap, he couldn't possibly have foreseen the error in Luo Ji's calculations, right? 】

[The light is too dark to see clearly. My cabinet moved and I stopped looking! 】

"Don't be nervous, everyone."

Wang Yanxing, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

He looked at the iron bars surrounding him, his eyes flashing, and then he turned to Shi Yong and said:

"Officer Shi, please shoot here."

Wang Yanxing stretched out his hand and pointed to the original location of the slit.

Shi Yong checked his magazine and said to a police officer next to him:

"I have used three rounds of bullets. This time, you shoot."

The officer nodded.

Although he didn't know what Wang Yanxing wanted, he still pointed the gun at the place where they came from, and shot out an Easter egg.


The egg passed through the gap in the iron rod and hit a place similar to a wall, and the paint spread out.

Qin Ming frowned:

"How could the road we came on turn into a wall..."

And the next scene made his eyes widen!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the piece of oil paint fired from the paintball gun actually began to move slowly.

Soon, it turned to one side.

"Can you say..."

Qin Ming was surprised and speechless for a moment.

"Yes, spin."

Wang Yanxing took a long breath and said:

"I just saw something was wrong here, and this moving Easter egg stain further verified my suspicion."

"The entire mirror maze we just stayed in is slowly rotating!"

This sentence instantly made others wake up.

I see!

In this way, Su Chen's entire operating technique can be reviewed!

"When we first entered the mirror maze, Su Chen had already started the overall rotation of the maze."

Luo Ji analyzed:

"It's just that at that time, because all our attention was attracted by Su Chen, we didn't notice the slow rotation of the mirror maze."

Shi Yong frowned after hearing this.

He had been using diversion methods before, taking advantage of Uesugi Caritas' temptation to sneak in and change things under Su Chen's nose.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen used the same method to divert his attention so quickly.

Thus entering his trap.

Shi Yong also fell into thinking:

"So, this is why Brother Luo didn't go back to the beginning when he took us back the way we came."

"Because the exit of the entire mirror maze has moved elsewhere with the rotation of the entire maze."

"No, it should be said that Su Chen deliberately made the exit of the maze connect with his trap!"

"So as soon as we walked out of the maze, we fell into Su Chen's second trap!"

Having said this, even Shi Yong broke into a cold sweat.

I originally thought that their surprise attack had exceeded Su Chen's expectations and caught him off guard.

However, I didn't expect that all of this was actually based on that man's careful calculation!

He controls the entire situation and controls almost all the resources in the circus.

And carefully designed ways to deal with the expert team.

The clown who kept helping Su Chen on the table was just the most conspicuous chess piece.

It is also the one that attracts attention, just like Uesugi Caritas.

They fell into Su Chen's attention trap!

In fact, Su Chen had many secret helpers, waiting for opportunities everywhere in the circus.

Traps, one after another.

Just when the expert team thought they had escaped one trap, they also fell into another trap!

It's simply impossible to guard against.

"It seems that Su Chen turned off the spin after connecting the exit of the maze to the trap, or asked someone in the circus to turn off the spin."

Qin Ming said:

"After we all walked out, he started spinning again. This caused the path we came from to disappear out of thin air."

"Actually, it's just moved elsewhere as the maze as a whole rotates."

So far.

All of Su Chen's techniques have been deduced by the expert team.

Anyone who sees this delicate operation will not believe it.

However, Su Chen did it.

He did every step of the way to calculate the experts.

At this moment, they truly saw how terrifying this man was!

I just feel a chill down my spine!

[Damn it, after hearing what they said, I seemed to understand a little bit, but I still couldn’t believe it. Can a human do this? 】

[It turns out that everything is in Su Chen's hands. I was worried about it for so long before. Su Chen, please accompany me in my relationship! 】

[I finally figured it out. It turns out that the longest road in the world is Su Chen’s thousand-layer routine! 】

[Su Chen, I admit that I loved you, but now we are separated by a sad and thick barrier called "IQ"...]

[I originally thought that when I was a child, my intrigues with my parents about hiding mobile phones were enough to make me lose my temper. But after seeing Su Chen’s methods today, I realized that there are people outside the world and there are mountains outside the mountains...]

[When I thought that people like this had been earning several thousand yuan a month before, I suddenly felt a little more balanced. 】

[It’s okay, I just can’t afford a house. Sister, I have a little money...Su Chen, come on! 】

【Blank! The rich woman appears! 】

[Sister, my stomach is not good either! 】

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