Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 87 Why is the magician's magic so successful?

Chapter 87: Why is the magician’s magic successful?

The strong man drew his gun very quickly. In just a few tenths of a second, his gun was already pointed at Su Chen.

In such a narrow corridor, Su Chen had no room to dodge.

And at the same time.

A few more figures came out of the darkness behind the sturdy man.

A lanky young man, four police officers, and a tall woman.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

It was the members of the expert panel, but without Caritas Uesugi.

Facing the silent Su Chen in front of her, Bai Su smiled sweetly.

"Long time no see."


Below the circus stage.

In the auditorium.

The top-shirted Caritas sitting in the front row raised her head slightly and looked at the circus staff on the stage, who cast glances from time to time.

A smile twitched her lips.


Thirty-five minutes ago, before the show started.

In the staff tunnel.

Shi Yong and his party had just caught Su Chen's eyeliner, and after interrogating him, they released him.

"Now all the employees in the circus are Su Chen's spies. Every move we make is watched."

Uesugi Mingai frowned and said:

"Now that he is in the dark and we are in the open, how can we act without being discovered by Su Chen and win by surprise?"

After hearing this, Wang Yanxing and police officer Zhao Long beside Shangshan Mingai fell into deep thought.

This seems to be an impossible thing.

As long as they make any move, Su Chen will definitely notice it.

However, Shi Yong smiled slyly:

"It's not that there are no ways, but the probability of success is not 100%."

Uesugi Caritas said curiously:

"Senior, tell me."

Shi Yong took out the military kettle, took a sip of water, and said:

"Have you ever seen magic? When the magician stands on the stage, all the audience's eyes are focused on him."

"Just like we are now."

Uesugi Caritas suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"The audience stared at the magician just as the circus employees stare at us now."

Shi Yong said:

"So why can the magician deceive everyone's eyes even then?"

"We don't need to talk about those magic tricks with large props. Let's talk about those simple little magic tricks. How are they done?"

"It's attention."

Caritas, who was wearing a shirt, held her chin and thought:

"Magicians are masters of diverting attention. He can guide the audience's attention to focus on the deception, and they cannot detect the magician's secret movements."


Shi Yong snapped his fingers and grinned:

"We don't need to hide. We just need to find an opportunity to focus everyone's attention on one place. By then, even if we do something small under their noses, it will still be dark."



Fifteen minutes ago, Su Chen and a group of beauties took the stage to catwalk.

"Can you confirm that the interpupillary distance is different?"

Shi Yong held the poster and asked Wang Yanxing in a low voice.

Wang Yanxing nodded and pointed to his eyes:

"Unless I can't see it, as long as I can see it, it won't be wrong."

"Got it."

Shi Yong nodded slightly.

He put away the poster and turned to Uesugi Caritas and said:

"Girl, remember what we said before, right?"

Caritas Shangshan looked at the stage and said calmly:

"Remember, let's find a way to make all the eyeliners inserted by Su Chen look away from us within a certain period of time."

"We need to be magicians to divert their attention elsewhere."

"Uncle, senior, what do you think we should do?"

"It's very simple."

Shi Yong said:

"Whatever matters will attract their attention, we will do it."

"Caritas, it's up to you to go up and test the chief beauty as boldly as possible, try to get close and touch her."

"In this way, if the beauty is really Su Chen pretending to be, then Su Chen's informants will definitely be very nervous."

"Their attention and sight will definitely be focused on you and stay on the stage."

"And in this free time, those of us who stay below the stage can do some small tricks."

Uesugi Caritas was stunned for a moment:

"Does that mean the test I went up to was just a cover-up?"

"What really matters is your actions."

Shi Yong said "hmm":

"It can be understood that with the power Su Chen and he have established, the probability of your test being successful is not very high."

Uesugi Caritas nodded:

"I see."

While the two were having a conversation.

The beauties’ catwalk has also been completed.

The host loudly said:

"Dear audience friends, are our beauties beautiful?"


"Put it up!"

The audience cheered loudly!

Taking advantage of this excitement, the host said loudly:

"Then, next, I will invite a friend from the audience to have a close encounter with our beauty!"

"Is there..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

The front row of the auditorium.

Uesugi Aya, who was beside Shi Yong, had already raised her hands first.

“I’ll do it.”

She said with a smile.

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