Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 698 A warm invitation from Vanessa!

Chapter 698 A warm invitation from Vanessa

Hearing this, Vanessa nodded with satisfaction.

She stretched out her palm, pressed it on Luo Ji's left shoulder, and said softly, "Don't be nervous, it's okay."

"I'm not nervous, I just want to know what I can do next," Luo Ji said.

"There's no rush."

Hearing these three words, Luo Ji cursed in his heart. Even though he said he was not in a hurry, he remembered to cut him off halfway...

If you have any shameless requests, just say them quickly, they are still brewing here...

Vanessa continued:

"The clone project, although I have never let you participate.

"But you must have heard about it before, right?"

Luo Ji nodded and imitated Michelle's words and said, "Of course. We usually don't even dare to discuss this topic without Lady Vanessa's permission. But now that Lady Vanessa has mentioned this matter, I can only Said - We all long for this opportunity of 'eternal life'."

"Very good! I'll give you the chance this time!"

Hearing Vanessa's words, Livemore swallowed.

Livemore could guess it with his eyes closed - nothing good would happen next.

Vanessa pointed to the equipment around her and said:

"Although we have a master-servant relationship.

“But I’ve always been honest with you, and this time will be no different.

"Before we start our plan, I want to tell you what is going on..."

Luo Ji and Livemore nodded in unison.

Because this is what they are most concerned about, and what Su Chen is most concerned about.

Vanessa continued:

“The replicant project is actually not an advanced technology.

“It’s just that it’s been buried because of people’s outdated concepts.

“This technology is already very mature in our hands.

"More than half of the people in prison have been cloned by us and re-entered into society..."

Before Vanessa could finish speaking, Luo Ji couldn't help but ask: "Going back? Then why no one from the outside world disclosed our information... I mean, aren't the people who copied it still themselves?"

Vanessa shook her head and said:

“This starts with the structure of replicants.

“To clone a person, the simplest thing is their torso – these things just require simple cell replication.

“The hardest part is the brain.

"For this part, our current approach is to first create a bionic brain, and then use a memory replicator to copy the original body's memory into the bionic brain.

“In this way, you can recreate an identical replicator, even the memory and abilities are exactly the same.

"But people cloned in this way also have a big flaw, that is, they have no emotions.

"They can only rely on memory and the data we feed them to process things in the moment, but they have no emotions."

Hearing the word "emotion", Luo Ji and Luo Ji looked at each other.

They couldn't figure out what the actual leader of the Twelve Halls in front of them wanted to do.

"Lord Vanessa, I don't quite understand, emotions? Is this important?" Luo Ji asked.

Vanessa smiled slightly and said:

“In the beginning, it didn’t matter.

“Because this project was initially used to replicate humans with special functions.

“Back then they were just ‘food’ with different flavors, and I didn’t need them to have feelings.

“But since reintroducing them into society, I found that if they don’t have ‘emotions’, there will be big problems.

"A lot of the time, it's even holding us back."

Hearing this, Livemore suddenly remembered the fake Statham he had seen before.

Indeed, as long as you spend enough time with the person involved and know each other well enough, the clone can be easily discovered.

Vanessa continued:

“In order to add ‘emotion’ to the bionic brain, we conducted several experiments.

“All failed.

“But I don’t think it’s a technical issue.

"That's a problem for the guys involved in the experiment.

“They are not loyal enough or honest enough!

“Because I have now discovered that the so-called ‘emotion’ is not a separate thing, it is human consciousness and the foundation of human beings.

"If they resist within themselves, I will never succeed!"

At this point, Luo and Ji already knew what Vanessa wanted to do.

She wanted Luo Ji and the two of them to be used as experimental subjects to continue the subsequent "consciousness transfer" experiment.

"I have thought for a long time that only you two are absolutely loyal to me.

“So, I want you to accompany me to overcome this difficulty.

"May I?"

Before Luo and Ji could answer, Vanessa continued:

"The 'immortality' they talked about before was actually nothing more than asking me to help them continuously replicate their organs and limbs.

“The splicing of the body even makes me feel a little nauseous. It’s not considered ‘eternal life’ at all.

"But you are different...

“If you wish, you will be given permanent rights to this project in the future.

"From now on, the project will occasionally copy and archive your brains.

"When your body becomes disabled or aging, I can help you prepare a brand new torso at any time.

"—a whole set.

"When the time comes, you only need to transfer your consciousness over, and you can return to your youthful appearance.

"From now on, time will no longer be a constraint for you."

After saying this, Vanessa looked at the two again, indicating that they could give her an attitude.

For Luo Ji and the others, this question was not difficult to answer.

All they had to do was pretend to agree with Vanessa, and then go into the follow-up investigation.

Then at the critical moment, create problems and call Su Chen, the fake Badoo, over.


The situation in front of them seemed a little wrong.

Soon after Vanessa finished speaking, the door of the hall was pushed open.

Four people wearing white masks came in, pushing two operating tables.

Behind the four people, there was another person pushing A tool bench with some syringes on it.

Luo Ji glanced at the tool bench and felt a tightness in his heart.

——In addition to the syringes, the rest on the tool bench was anesthetics!

It seemed that the other party did not give him any chance to delay...

The previous plan of everyone had no chance of success...

Because, these guys were going to anesthetize themselves and Livermore on the spot!

What to do now?

The unparalleled eyes on the white mask looked back and forth at Luo Ji and the other person.

Vanessa also stared at Luo Ji, refusing to look away.

"Now, you can give me an answer." Vanessa said with a smile.

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