Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 693 This is what we should do! Why are you being polite?

Chapter 693 This is what we should do, you're welcome

Rifumore was stunned when he heard the noise on the hillside.

"Luo Ji, it seems, someone..."

Before Rifumore finished his words, three figures came out of the woods.

Luo Ji looked closely and found that the three people were carrying guns behind them, and they looked like patrolmen.

Three people walked towards Luo Ji and the others.

"Shit, we've been discovered..." Rifumore lowered his voice and reached into his clothes while speaking.

"Be careful, don't pull those things casually..."

"If the situation is not right, I will blow them up!" Rifumore's hand grasped the grenade.

"Wait a minute, the guns are still behind them, which means they don't plan to attack, don't get excited..."


"Don't speak for a while, I'll deal with them, your voice is too different from the original..."

Luo Ji's voice change is not fully learned, it's just a bad skill, but the original guy's voice is somewhat similar to Luo Ji, Luo Ji only needs to lower his voice to achieve 90% similarity.

This is also the reason why Livemore and Lao Qi never considered letting Luo Ji change his role no matter how fiercely they fought for the role.

Before Luo Ji finished speaking, the three people had already arrived in front of them.

"Oh, we were scared, we thought some outsiders had landed. It turned out to be two iron-blooded captains..." The leader recognized Luo Ji's face and spoke first.

There is a separate organization inside the Twelve Palaces, called the Guard.

The Guard is divided into many teams, each of which serves the corresponding leader, and the leader's most capable assistant will become the captain of the team.

The Iron-blooded Duo is such a role.

Although the two of them are very mysterious, and most people don't know which leader they serve, everyone knows their roles clearly.

After being reminded by this person, the other two people also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you see, it's a good thing that I didn't listen to you just now - I fired a shot first! Otherwise, I would have been in trouble! I said there wouldn't be any outsiders casually..."

"Okay, okay, you're right. By the way, two iron-blooded captains, why are you still here so late, is there anything?" A man behind asked.

"Nothing, we were on a mission outside recently and just came back. As soon as we came back, we heard from Lady Vanessa that someone might be planning to lurk in recently. In order to make her feel more at ease, we came out in person to take a look." Luo Ji said.

"What? Lady Vanessa?" The leading man showed a confused expression.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Luo Ji's heart sank.

It seems that these people don't know Vanessa...

What's going on?

Although Luo Ji had heard Su Chen explain before that currently in the Twelve Palaces, the "Judas" are the ones who are in charge on the surface, and Vanessa is just a character hiding behind the scenes.

But Luo Ji never expected that Vanessa hid so deeply that these external soldiers didn't even know her.

This caught Luo Ji off guard.

However, Luo Ji was not stumped by this question.

He suddenly had an idea and thought of the person Su Chen had contacted when he pretended to be the Iron Blood Duo before -

Michelle, yes, Luo Ji remembered, that guy's name is Michelle.

"Hey, I was too tired these two days and accidentally said it out. With your authority, you should only know Michelle. Just think that Michelle asked us to patrol." Luo Ji looked indifferent.

Sure enough, the three guys were really frightened by Luo Ji's appearance.

After all, they couldn't contact the core circle inside, so who knew what was going on inside.

Anyway, everyone knew that the Iron Blood Duo in front of them were high-level people, and Michelle's position was not low... Then what was the need to ask, it might offend people.

"Oh, we understand. Do we still need to continue patrolling? If necessary, we can accompany you."

"Yes, we should accompany you, otherwise it will seem that we are not responsible."

"Yes, I think so too."

The three people acted as if they were doing their duty and working hard.

Luo Ji waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary.

"No, we have already made a circle, and we will be done after we return to the dock. You don't have to worry about us, we will go back soon." Luo Ji said.

Hearing what Luo Ji said, the three people nodded without hesitation.

After all, what he said just now was just everyone's "attitude", and no one really wanted to patrol with these two people who were higher in rank than themselves.

"Well...if the two captains encounter any problems, just fire a gun into the air, and we will be there at any time..." said the leader.

"Are you sure?" Luo Ji asked.

"Of course, this is the standard and requirement of our external patrol army! Although it is a bit exaggerated to say 'arrive at any time', after our patrol team was equipped with motorcycles not long ago, it is actually infinitely close to 'support at any time' and 'arrive at any time'..." said the leading man.

Hearing the word "motorcycle", Luo Ji's eyes flashed with greed.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I won't bother you anymore." Luo Ji said.

"This is what we should do, how can we say it's troublesome! It should be said that it is our regret that we can't serve the two captains."

After saying this hypocritical polite remark, the three people smiled and waited for Luo Ji's response.

Everyone knew it by heart, and the next step was nothing more than a few more polite words, then say goodbye, and go about their business.

——This is a standard way to say goodbye and a way to leave a good impression.

However, the three never expected that the Luo Ji standing in front of them was a non-standard guy.

"Actually, there is no need to regret."

The three people who were laughing heard Luo Ji's words and didn't react to what he meant.

"Ah? What do you mean by no need to regret?"

"I said, you don't have to take it to heart, there is no regret, we really need your help."

Hearing Luo Ji's words, the three people were dumbfounded.

No way, it's just a polite gesture, but you really have to accompany us on patrol.

At this moment, the faces of the two people behind the leader turned black on the spot.

They were cursing in their hearts, cursing the leader - why are you being so polite, why don't you just turn around and leave.

The leader was also embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

"Ah... how can I help?" the leader asked.

"Where is your motorcycle parked?" Luo Ji asked.

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