Chapter 56: Sneak attack, Su Chen exposed!

Investigate Su Chen?

When the other experts in the expert group office heard Wang Yanxing say this, they looked at each other in surprise.

"Then investigate, but I guess you won't find anything."

Qin Ming shrugged and turned his eyes back to his notebook.

He was not very interested in the video of Su Chen, a little police officer. Instead, he was fascinated by the reasoning method of the simulated murderer to deduce the location of the last piece of bones.

It is estimated that Duan Yu is also studying the hacker's attack technology in depth, otherwise why has he not been seen for so long.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

After Duan Yu found his opponent from the murderer group.

Qin Ming also felt that he had found his opponent, that is, the mysterious reasoning expert who deduced the location of the bones.

And the police officers waiting on the side also looked down and shook their heads slightly.

As a member of the expert group, Wang Yanxing's decisions cannot be interfered with by ordinary police officers.

However, in their hearts, these people have given Su Chen a high evaluation.

In terms of the police force selected by the experts, Su Chen is the most outstanding one, and his contributions are seen by the police officers.

Su Chen, a good man.

"Su Chen is actually a capable guy. He paid for the barbecue tonight in advance."

Zhao Long whispered to Wang Ping beside him, his words full of trust.

Wang Ping also nodded and said:

"Su Chen is fine. He stayed with us all night that day. He just went to the toilet in the middle. How could he have time to commit a crime?!"

It can be said that among the police officers, any one who is pulled out is more suspicious than Su Chen.

Wang Ping would rather believe that the dismemberment case was reconstructed by himself when he was sleepwalking than that it was done by Su Chen.

Besides, isn't the other side a gang, and there are people with special skills in it.

Normal people who want to be murderers may not have the ability to do it.

For a moment, everyone had different expressions.

But Wang Yanxing remained firm and said to Skynet:


[Entering Su Chen's facial information...]

The electronic sound of AI suddenly sounded.

However, immediately afterwards, it seemed that the words "Su Chen", "face", and "enter" triggered some special voice keywords.

The inside of the black box that was brought back by the police and placed on the table suddenly made an extremely subtle "beep" sound.

The moment he heard this sound, Cui Liwan's face changed suddenly!

The conditioned reflex brought by countless trainings made his body react one step ahead of his brain.

"Back off!"

Mr. Cui rushed forward, stretched out his hand to hold the box under his body, and then pressed it to the floor with his whole body!

Then, the front-line detectives around him also reacted, picked up the riot shields at hand, and then surrounded them layer by layer.

All this was done without any thinking, and was completely a subconscious reaction.

At the same time

There was a slight explosion from the black box, and a puff of smoke was sprayed out.

Finally, it fell silent.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the other experts all shrank.

"Mr. Cui!"

Qin Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he rushed over in an instant, trying to pull up Cui Liwan who had fallen to the ground.

However, he was rejected by the latter.

This sudden change scared the barrage.

[What the hell, what the hell, what happened, is there a dangerous item in the box? ]

[Mr. Cui reacted really fast, faster than the strong men around him, and he didn't look like an old man at all. ]

[I understand, this is a voice-controlled device. Once the expert team wants to check Su Chen, it will stimulate the receiver inside. ]

[Then what's inside is probably...]

"Let's see what the situation is, don't get close first."

Looking at the staff of the program group rushing out of the door, Cui Liwan's voice seemed a little weak.

He knew that this time, he was definitely hit.

As expected, the leading black-clad man pulled Cui Liwan up and opened the box that had been opened from the inside.

Inside, a small voice-controlled detonator was exposed.

In addition, there was a box full of solid explosives... raw materials.

Yes, explosive raw materials, these things, as long as they are mixed in a certain proportion, it is a real explosive.

But Su Chen did not do this. The various raw materials in the box were separated in sealed bags.

This was done just to tell the experts that he was fully capable of making a real bomb.

"The method is almost exactly the same... It's really him!"

Mr. Cui Liwan was speechless, and the shock on his face could not be recovered for a long time.

At this moment, he was extremely sure that Su Chen was definitely the murderer who blew up the distribution center!

"Mr. Cui, I'm sorry."

After seeing the scene in the box, the leading black-clad man was also slightly startled and worried about the show.

He said solemnly to Cui Liwan and several police officers around him:

"According to the program team's judgment, you are now dead."

"You can go backstage with us now. We will leave your simulated corpse for reference."

Hearing this, Mr. Cui Liwan stood there for a moment.

Then, he suddenly smiled and sighed deeply.

"According to the rules, any unknown mail sent to the police station must be checked for danger. I am really old and forgetful."

Then, he turned to Qin Ming and others behind him:

"Remember the lesson this time. If you deal with dangerous criminals, you will lose your life if you are careless."

That look really looks like a retired senior giving his final instructions.

For some reason, Qin Ming and others felt their noses sour inexplicably.

According to the scale of the bomb prepared by Su Chen, it can be seen at a glance that he is aiming to wipe out the entire expert team and Skynet equipment at once.

If it weren't for Mr. Cui's quick reaction, he and the police officers blocked the bomb with their bodies.

Then now, I'm afraid that everyone in this room would be eliminated by the bomb attack!

The expert team was killed by the murderer. This kind of thing is unheard of in the entire criminal investigation community.

What they didn't know was that when Cui Liwan heard the sound of the detonator, his brain didn't have time to think that this should be a simulated bomb.

He just subconsciously did what he should do.

The confusion after being pulled up was also his true reaction after seeing that the bomb didn't explode.

If this is the real situation.

Then, the old senior who was still chatting and laughing with everyone in the last second might have become a corpse at this time.

This is also what the front-line criminal police of Cui Liwan's generation often face.

There were no extra words.

Cui Liwan and his five police officers saluted the rest of the people.

Then they were taken down to the office by the man in black.

There was only an empty box and a ridiculous simulated corpse left on the ground.

However, the expert team and the surrounding police officers stared at the lifeless dummy on the ground for a long time.

[The experts' faces are not good...]

Even the barrage was a little cautious.

[To be honest, although this is a simulation, it is completely in line with reality. In fact, the casualty rate of frontline criminal police is very high...]

[Did they recall something in the past?]

[It was too sudden, too sudden. My father is also a criminal policeman. There was really a time when a colleague who was still chatting and laughing in the last second died in the next second.]

[It was a real farewell in the program. No one would feel good about it.]

At the same time.

The electronic sound of "Skynet" finally gave an answer.

[After face recognition, Su Chen has appeared in the camera more recently, so there is a delay... All information has been exported.]

Then, scenes of Su Chen's camera were projected onto the big screen.

And the sharp eyes of the experts and police officers were instantly focused at this moment.

On the screen, the scenes that appeared in sequence were the way to the Public Security Bureau, the inside of the Public Security Bureau, the power distribution center, Su Chen's office, and the surrounding area of ​​Jinling University...

The densely packed windows made everyone stunned.

How come Su Chen has been to every place where an incident occurred? !

Soon, the screen began to play.

The first screen was the street surveillance of Su Chen going to the Jinling Public Security Bureau.

Su Chen first knocked out the staff in the car, then took off the other's clothes and put them on himself!

Expert team: ? ? ? !

Qin Ming looked at the screen in front of him and felt his temples throbbing.

"Quick, go check the trunk of Su Chen's car parked downstairs!"

He held the walkie-talkie and shouted to the police officers downstairs.

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