Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 4: Switching bodies and sneaking into the police station

Chapter 4: Hiding the corpse and sneaking into the police station

In the picture, Su Chen was seen dragging out the staff of the program team with quick hands and feet.

The staff member's expression was numb, he looked like a salty fish, and he was at the mercy of others.

Su Chen opened the trunk of the car, carried him in, and closed it. The whole process went smoothly.

After a set of procedures was completed, most netizens finally realized what had happened and frantically commented on the comments.

[Holy shit, he directly attacked the people on the show team? Is this okay? 】

[He is too courageous. What he wants to do next will not be what I think...]

[The staff of this program team are also really miserable. They were originally the early stage guides, but they ended up being the victims, working two jobs by themselves, hahaha! 】

[What a blessing! Now audiences all over the country know him. After the show ends, he will definitely become popular. 】

[I would like to interview him. How does it feel to be the first victim? Ha ha······】

Next to the car.

Su Chen carefully cleaned the surrounding marks and straightened out the wrinkles on his clothes.

Then, he looked at the Jinling Municipal Public Security Bureau not far away.

I think I committed a crime under the eyes of the police.

For this program, the Jinling Municipal Public Security Bureau not only designated an office area as a meeting room for the expert group, but also provided a lot of police personnel.

These police forces, invited by the program team, are used by the members of the expert team to form their own murder teams.

After all, the program team strives to be real. It only has core members and no basic police force, so it does not conform to the realistic crime-solving configuration.

Su Chen stepped towards the door of the police station.

The most convenient way to get in touch with the expert team is to sneak into these police forces.

The cards used by invited members of the police force are also universal cards, the same as the ones in their own hands.

None of the policemen in the Public Security Bureau knew that the guy from the show was coming. Su Chen didn't even need to change his name in disguise to blend in easily.


On the second floor of the Public Security Bureau, there is a special office for the [Live Broadcast] program.

Solemn and quiet.

The lights on the ceiling were shining brightly, and the walls were painted with blue characters on a white background, and the slogans that can be seen everywhere in the Public Security Bureau.

[The police are established for the public and law enforcement is for the people. 】

Su Chen walked calmly and saw two police officers checking identities guarding the door of the expert team's office. He went up to them without stopping.

I originally worked here, and I feel as familiar here as my home. In addition, there are many colleagues I know, so I can't arouse any suspicion along the way.

This is also consistent with reality. After all, many people who commit crimes may be common and familiar people in our daily lives.

"Su Chen?"

The police officer guarding the door clearly recognized the colleague in front of him who often hung out in the file room.

He was a little surprised:

"It turns out you also submitted an application to participate in the show!"

"Yes, I was lucky enough to be selected into the police reserve team."

Su Chen answered with a smile and handed over the universal card in his hand.

The police officer guarding the door scanned the card with the machine in his hand and verified that it passed.

He handed the card back without any doubt and reminded:

"Hurry in, I guess you will be the last one to arrive. The experts inside have already started to choose their own team members. If you go late, you will be left behind."

Su Chen nodded:

"There was a little accident on the way, so we were delayed for a while."

Then, he left the police officer guarding the door and walked straight into the conference room.

At the door, the policeman guarding the door watched him go in, muttering something in his mind.

In my impression, this colleague named Su Chen has always been someone who doesn't care about foreign affairs and just reads files every day.

It felt as if not letting him see the file would kill him.

This time he actually took the initiative to sign up for a variety show?

The sun rises from the west?

I hope he can be selected and at least have some participation... The gatekeeper straightened his posture and withdrew his gaze.

What he didn't know was that his face was now appearing on the big screen of the murderer's live broadcast, being washed away by various barrages!

[Pfft hahaha, I want to know what this policeman would think if he knew that he had just put the murderer in! 】

[I really don’t blame him. On the first day of broadcast, who would have thought that instead of running away, the murderer would come to the door himself! 】

[Su Chen’s answer was also overwhelming. Was there an accident on the road? Indeed, he just stabbed a staff member in the back and switched positions with him, hahaha! 】

[This murderer is really calm. Let me do this, face the police. Not to mention weak legs, at least he won’t breathe too evenly. 】

[Entering the police station is definitely a risky move, but the experts on the team probably won’t consider this possibility right away. The first step was unexpected. This murderer is a bit interesting. 】

[Haha, whether he will win with a surprise move or kill him depends on his subsequent performance. 】

[The plot is more interesting than expected. A reality show is much more interesting than a spy movie. Su Chen is the whole show. I haven’t finished my work yet. What should I do if I can’t stop watching! 】

[Same feeling, originally I just wanted to join in the fun, but I didn’t expect that the director of the program team would be able to play. Su Chen was originally a police officer from the Jinling Public Security Bureau. He was chosen to be the murderer. What a talented director! 】


at the same time.

Task Force Office.

A total of one hundred alternative police officers lined up neatly on one side of the room.

These people are all elites selected from the public security system. Their expertise spans from front-line investigation to rear-line information investigation, involving talents in all aspects.

Several experts are selecting their own personnel in this queue.

The program stipulates that each expert has the right to use a certain amount of resources and can select three to five people from the reserve police resources to form his own pursuit team.

Anyone who is familiar with handling cases knows that in reality, police resources are the key to solving a case.

Two people have already formed their own teams, and not surprisingly, they chose the highest configuration, five people.

"Mr. Cui has a very sharp vision in selecting people. They are all front-line criminal police and special police elites. Their mobility is absolutely guaranteed and is several orders of magnitude higher!"

Teacher Guang Quan went over to interview.

The five people standing next to criminal investigation expert Cui Liwan stood like pine trees, with strong bodies and calm and serious expressions.

The old expert smiled and said:

"After all, I'm getting older and can't run on the front line like before, so I still need some help."

What Cui Lao means is that he wants to be the brain... Teacher Guangquan nodded secretly.

The old gentleman has a very vicious vision, and the five elites he selected are all annual champions of the public security practice drills, and their mobility is naturally impeccable.

Coupled with the personal guidance of the experienced Cui Liwan, the overall quality of this team is extremely high and should not be underestimated.

"I saw that Comrade Duan Yu had also formed his own team."

Teacher Guangquan moved in front of the cyber police expert.

"I wonder what measures Officer Duan takes when selecting team members?"

The microphone was handed to Internet police expert Duan Yu's mouth.

"The network project is huge and cannot be completed by one person. I need help from some relevant talents."

"This is also what my plan requires."

Duan Yu looked at the five public security network elites standing beside him, thoughtfully.


Teacher Guang Quan keenly captured the key words and his eyes lit up.

"It seems that Officer Duan has formed his own plan to chase the murderer. Audiences can look forward to it in the next session."

Work on forming the squad continues.

While the experts are busy selecting personnel.

The office door suddenly opened.

Su Chen walked in quickly.

For a moment, everyone's eyes in the whole room fell on him almost at the same time.

There are doubts and dissatisfaction.

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