Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 32 The undiscovered body parts from 20 years ago shocked the world!

Chapter 32: The body parts that were not discovered twenty years ago shocked the whole world!

Late at night, vehicles roared past on the Jinling Bridge.

Qin Ming and Bai Su, using flashlights, got into the hole under the bridge.

Under the bridge, next to the first cement bridge pillar, the ground is covered with weeds.

The light of the flashlight swept back and forth in the darkness.

Qin Ming opened the map full of marks in his hand and compared it carefully.

"This is it."

He nodded to the officers behind him, signaling them to begin.

Immediately, several front-line criminal police officers who were also forensic scientists dug out from the ground with shovels.

In less than five minutes, it had been dug down to a depth of half a meter.

"Be careful not to damage the evidence."

Qin Ming warned.

Bai Su was on the side, staring closely at the bottom of the big pit dug by those people.

When they dug to a depth of less than one meter, several criminal investigators threw away their shovels and used small forensic spoons to dig.

Suddenly, Bai Su's eyes narrowed!

Something emerged from the bottom of the pit!

"Officer Qin, there is something!"

Bai Su said to Qin Ming.

But Qin Ming just glanced at the corner of the hole and was instantly shocked, pulling away the police officers who were digging!

"Don't move yet. These are the bones. I estimate visually that the death time is more than ten years."

Qin Ming nervously stopped the forensic police officers who were digging and whispered to one of them:

"This kind of corpse has been buried underground for too long and is extremely fragile. When exposed to air, it will quickly oxidize and lose information."

"Go to the forensic tool cart quickly and get the oxygen isolation vacuum box."

The forensic doctor nodded and then walked out of the bridge.

After a while, four people came over carrying a large and precise glass box.

This glass box uses the most advanced sealing technology and is equipped with a vacuum generator to protect the evidence in the shortest possible time.

Qin Ming brought another slender earth picker to find out the location and scale of the bones buried underground.

Then with a white marker, I drew a circle on the ground.

"Transfer the entire soil at this location."

He said:

"We will take out these bones in the vacuum box."

At this moment, both Qin Ming and Bai Su realized something was wrong.

They had previously speculated that the puzzle left by Su Chen should be the location of the last piece of pork he hid.

However, after just one glance, Qin Ming could already deduce that the bones had been buried underground for at least ten years.

Moreover, there are so many weeds on it and there are no signs of being touched, which shows that it was definitely not buried temporarily by Su Chen.

A kind of guess arose from the bottom of their hearts. Qin Ming and Bai Su themselves couldn't believe this guess.

Soon, the bones were placed in the vacuum box and taken out of the soil.

"Officer Qin, are these pig bones?"

A front-line criminal investigator asked. He was not a forensic doctor and could not see the tricks inside.

As for Qin Ming, the moment the bones were separated, he was stunned on the spot, looking at the evidence in front of him in disbelief.

After a long while, he shook his head slightly and stiffly.

"The bones are too thin and the curvature is wrong. These are not pork bones."

"This should be... human bones, and they are female human bones."


To the police officers, these words were like a thunderbolt in the blue.

Although the people present were all young and strong detectives, they learned that what they dug up were not clues to Su Chen's prank, but the bones of people from many years ago.

They still shivered in the cold night wind.

Because of that case, people in Jinling have an inexplicable resistance to this kind of thing.

"Then hurry up!"

Bai Su obviously realized the seriousness of the problem and shouted to the stunned people:

"Send these evidence to the Jinling City Public Security Bureau headquarters!"

"This piece of evidence is connected to a real corpse dismemberment case!"


That night, the Jinling City Public Security Bureau headquarters.

In the entire headquarters, all the criminal police on the front line of criminal investigation are here.

There was a circle of forensic doctors surrounding the sealed box. Not only those from Jinling City, but also the public security bureaus of several neighboring cities heard about the incident and sent forensic doctors over overnight.

They operated countless instruments and analyzed the newly discovered bones.

"Based on the degree of decay, it is estimated that the time of death was twenty years ago!"

"The bone calcium test showed that the deceased was a woman around 20 years old."

"The cuts on the bones are smooth, and the tools used by the murderer to dismember the body are consistent with the corpse dismemberment case at Jinling University 20 years ago."

"The body parts found were parts of the left arm, which is consistent with the missing parts of the body parts in that unsolved case."

"Skeletal and muscle recovery shows that the living weight of these corpses is about... five kilograms..."

In the expert team's office, forensic doctor Qin Ming and police chief Guo were slumped in chairs.

You can almost fit an egg into your chin.


All the characteristics are correct.

All the evidence shows that the body parts they found are the missing evidence of the corpse dismemberment case at Jinling University!

Evidence that has not been found for twenty years...

He actually reappeared in this live variety show of chasing a murderer!


The door to the expert team's office was suddenly pushed open.

Old detective Cui Liwan walked in with trembling hands, his old eyes shining, and he walked straight to the corpses.

His eyes were straight.

Of all the people present, only Director Guo and he had personally experienced the unsolved case of that year.

Director Guo had just been transferred from another province and was not directly involved, but he, Cui Liwan, was directly involved in the investigation of the case.

Spent the entire rainy and gloomy day!

The whole city was shrouded in the haze of the case.

That feeling of despair, every time I think about it, the pain in my heart is still vivid.

"The sky has eyes..."

Cui Liwan's eyes turned red.

All the details of the investigation at that time were recalled in my mind.

At that time, the foreign aid invited by the Dragon Kingdom, the famous Mao Xiong Kingdom criminal investigation expert Sugowov, said something to Cui Liwan when the case was determined to be an unresolved case and he returned in vain -

[If people can really see God after death, I will not ask him what the end of the universe is. 】

[I will ask him who is the murderer of the Jinling University corpse dismemberment case! 】

"Send a report."

Director Guo wiped his face with a wet towel and said to the assistant beside him.

The assistant asked cautiously:

"How to send it?"

"Of course I'll post whatever I have!"

Director Guo was rarely angry, and his voice suddenly raised a few points:

"Let's just say that the corpse evidence in the Jinling University corpse case has been completed, and the police will restart the investigation of this case in the last days!"

"in addition."

"In this murder-hunting live show, the person who plays the murderer is given extra weight and is commended as a mysterious person."

"He told us this clue..."


The assistant nodded hurriedly and walked out.


That night.

An urgent message bombarded the entire network of Dragon Kingdom.

Not only the Dragon Kingdom, but also people all over the world who pay attention to unsolved cases and criminal investigations are trembling!

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