Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 26 Clues about Su Chen? ! Expert team dispatched immediately!

Chapter 26:

Seeing what Chen Qiming said, Nan Yewu and Lanshan Gangchang looked at each other.

Then, they all leaned forward and looked at the computer screen.

Director Chen Qiming watched the expressions of these two people change from relaxed, to confused, to solemn, to dull... He suddenly felt a little grateful to the young man named Su Chen.

Twenty minutes later, the video finished playing.

The two guests from Sakura Country fell back on their chairs and fell into silence.

Is this something a normal person can do? !

"Reality is indeed much more magical than fiction..."

Lanshan Gangchang stepped forward and bowed to Chen Qiming:

"I was hasty just now, I was short-sighted, red bean paste is in private Marseille."


At the same time, the scene in the live broadcast room switched to the expert team's office.

"Ha, ha, you are indeed my equal opponent."

Duan Yu had two dark circles under his eyes, and his hands flew up on the keyboard.

He looked at the dazzling screen in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. The temperature was obviously not high, but a large area of ​​his back was already wet.

The protective wall on the opposite side still showed no signs of being breached.

Qin Ming stood behind him, considered his words, and said:

"Officer is our progress going?"

Duan Yu didn't even reply:

"The other party's protective wall is constantly filling loopholes. Presumably the hacker master is also playing games with me in front of the computer."

"I think I have held him back. You should seize the opportunity to deal with other people in the criminal gang."

Qin Ming, Bai Su:······

I always feel like Officer Duan is a little over the top right now!

"Is it possible? I just heard that some programs can self-check and automatically fill in loopholes."

Bai Su tried to persuade Duan Yu in a roundabout way.

However, Duan Yu didn't get the meaning of the other party's words at all.

His men paused for half a second and began to think:

"Of course this kind of situation exists, but no one in the world can write such a program that can maintain self-checking under such a high-intensity attack like mine."

After thinking for a while, he changed his words again:

"No, there is one person who can do it, but he has been in prison in the United States for several years."

It seems that Officer Duan has remembered his old rival again... Bai Su thought to himself.

The defeat ten years ago seemed to have cast a huge psychological shadow on Duan Yu.

Officer Duan, who was completely in the dark at this time, did not know that he had been bombarded with barrage.

[Officer Duan, please take a break, I feel miserable just looking at you...]

[It turns out that the program Su Chen wrote down is actually so powerful? I really underestimated him. 】

[It’s very strange, why does he have so many outrageous abilities? If you can pick one of these at random, he will be at the top level, right? 】

[Speaking of which, didn’t Officer Duan’s two men track down the kidnapped girl’s cell phone signal? I wonder if there were any results. 】

[Yes, after you said that, I also remembered that Officer Duan just authorized the other two Internet police officers to use the police's black technology. 】

[I have to say that it is really convenient to have Internet police. 】

Locating mobile phone signals is one of the black technologies of the Internet police.

He can directly locate the location of a certain mobile phone, accurate to meters. This is how many fleeing prisoners are found.

This technology will not be used easily, and it can only be applied for use unless encountering extremely large cases.

It didn’t take long for this barrage to be sent out.

The door to the expert team's office was pushed open, and two Internet policemen under Duan Yu walked in quickly.

"We've got our location!"

One of the young Internet police officers in his twenties held a piece of data in his hand and his tone was full of joy.

After searching for so long, for the first time I got the exact clues about the murderer.

"Now, the little girl's mobile phone signal is at No. 251 Nanning Road in this district, where there is an unfinished building."

"The kidnapped girl was probably moved there by the murderer."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage was immediately shocked.

[Damn it, isn’t that place where Su Chen is? ! 】

[When the live broadcast room was switched just now, Su Chen went from home to an unfinished building. Now he was going to be caught by the expert team! 】

[It is very possible that the expert team moved too fast. After all, Su Chen was unable to do anything on his own. 】

[Oops, with the response speed of the expert team, they can get there within five minutes. This time Su Chen is going to be in trouble!]

[Can you switch the camera in the live broadcast room? What is this guy Su Chen doing now? ! 】

[Fuck, Su Chen, run quickly, your position is exposed! 】

And in the expert panel lab.

Everyone who heard the news was very excited, and finally, they were able to seize the time difference!

"Let's take people there now, the sooner the better!"

Forensic doctor Qin Ming said to Bai Su excitedly:

"Call all the police forces that can be mobilized now to surround that unfinished building!"

Bai Su nodded quickly.

After a while, the entire reserve police force of the expert team was called to the office.

Although it is already eleven o'clock in the night, these police personnel are still in high spirits.

Staying up late to work on cases is a common occurrence for them.

However, even though the hope of solving the case was imminent, the expert team still adopted double insurance and two-pronged approach.

Duan Yu was still trying to break through the information wall in the office and try to locate the murderer's computer.

Qin Ming and Bai Su, two experts, led the police force and drove to the unfinished building where the mobile phone signal was located.

[I have to say that the police's technology is really abnormal. It made me deeply understand what modern criminal investigation is. After watching it, I didn't even think about committing a crime! ]

[Su Chen's time difference advantage accumulated for so long was just smoothed out by the signal locator! ]

[This show is really exciting for me. You never know how the situation will be reversed next. The party with the upper hand will fall into a disadvantageous position in an instant! ]

[Su Chen, act quickly, don't be caught so quickly! ]

[Yes, what are we watching if you are caught! ]

During the time when netizens posted barrages.

Four police cars have already driven to the bottom of the unfinished building. In order to conceal, they did not turn on the police lights. Everything was done quietly.

They want to catch the murderer off guard!

"Have you located the floor?"

Forensic doctor Qin Ming followed several experienced criminal police officers, holding his toolbox in his hand.

A tall and strong man turned his head and whispered:

"It's on the sixth floor of this building."

After hearing this, Qin Ming and Bai Su beside him whispered:

"There are two staircases in this building. Let's split up and block his way."

"Okay, I'll go to the other side."

Bai Su nodded, and then left with half of the police force.

The two teams had a clear division of labor and moved upstairs at a rapid speed.

Second floor.

Third floor.

Fourth floor.

Fifth floor.

The audience watching this scene in the live broadcast room almost had their hearts in their throats.

[Ahhh, I'm a little afraid to watch it! ]

[But if you don't watch it, won't you regret it? This is the biggest climax of the live broadcast of chasing the murderer! ]

[This happened in the middle of the night, it really doesn't let people sleep! 】

【My palms are sweating now, what should Su Chen do! 】

At the same time, Duan Yu and Bai Su's teams had already climbed the stairs leading to the sixth floor.

They talked for a few words on the intercom.

Then, they rushed to the platform on the sixth floor of the unfinished building together!

"Don't move, you..."

Qin Ming shouted, but he was stunned before he finished speaking.

There was no one upstairs.

There was only a mobile phone, which fell to the ground and emitted a cold light in the night.

And where the light of the mobile phone illuminated.

There was a big black plastic bag!

Half of the raw meat leaked out from it!

Qin Ming's face became solemn in an instant.

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