Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 11 The bomb exploded, shocking the expert team!

Chapter 11: The bomb detonated, the expert team was shocked!


Out of the power distribution station.

Su Chen took off the peaked cap on his head and let out a long sigh of relief.

He walked along the streets of the university town towards his rental house.

After working as a police officer for eight years, Su Chen did not save enough for the down payment of a house and had been living in renting a house.

He rents public housing in a university town. The houses there are relatively cheap because most of the residents are students.

As he walked, he glanced at his phone and made some mental calculations.

It is now six o'clock in the evening, and the central power distribution station conducts safety inspections every six hours. The times are: eight o'clock in the morning, two o'clock in the afternoon, eight o'clock in the evening, two o'clock in the morning...

In other words, the bomb must be detonated before eight o'clock in the evening.

After the detonation, even if the blown monitoring power supply system was immediately replaced with backup equipment, it would take at least twelve hours to fully recover.

The time in between is his opportunity to act next!

Return to the rental house.

After running around all day, Su Chen was also a little tired.

He rested for a while, then washed his face, put on his police uniform, and prepared to return to the Jinling City Public Security Bureau.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

It's almost time.

Su Chen looked slightly serious, then he clicked on the dialing keyboard of his mobile phone and entered the number of the smart watch.

Then, dial in!


On the other side, the Jinling Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Office of the Murder Live Expert Team.

Forensic doctor Qin Ming changed into a pair of white gloves, stared at the two uneven rows of tea cups on the table, and frowned slightly.

Then he walked around the table and rearranged each cup at the same distance apart.

Even the handle of the cup was rotated at the same angle, facing outward.

After doing this, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of satisfaction and sat back down when he looked at the neatly arranged teacups.

He picked up the steaming cup of coffee in front of him, took a sip, looked at the two experts who were still at the table, veteran detective Cui Liwan and psychologist Bai Su, and said:

"I think we can make a rough guess about the murderer first and talk about our guesses about this mysterious person."

"For example, do you think the person chosen as the murderer has the courage to commit a big case?"

"It's highly unlikely."

Old detective Cui Liwan shook his head. He has very rich experience, so he knows that handling a case is not that simple.

"I have handled a lot of murder cases. Apart from those impulsive crimes, if you are planning to commit a major case, you must have enough time to plan."

Cui Liwan said:

"In some cases, the time span for the suspect's location and planning even spanned several years, but the program team gave our murderer only three days to commit the crime."

"Three days, not to mention planning, may not even be enough to dispose of the body. In other words, even if the murderer chooses to commit a major case in such a short period of time, he will leave loopholes everywhere due to lack of preparation and lock him down. "It's not difficult to catch him."

Qin Ming nodded slightly, and then looked at another expert, Bai Su, who was reading a psychology book with his head down.

To be honest, Qin Ming has always had doubts about this person, especially the way of giving the police officers a holiday, which makes people feel baffled.

"What does Expert Bai think?"

he asked.

Bai Su raised his head from the pages of the book, pushed up his glasses, and replied in a very official manner:

"Judging from previous experimental results, people with normal minds will be under extraordinary psychological pressure when they commit crimes. This pressure will cause 90% of people to give up halfway."

"If the live broadcast of the program team is also taken into account, the murderer knows that he is being watched by the audience to commit crimes, and his psychological pressure will increase exponentially."

"Those who committed murders in history had a process of accumulation of emotions. It is very difficult for normal people to directly commit major crimes."

The views of the other two experts reached the same goal by different routes... Qin Ming put down his coffee cup and said with a smile:

"Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the old friend we chased last time planned a kidnapping case."

What Qin Ming was talking about was the criminal master who had become a good man and the murderer who was chasing the live broadcast last season.

"Of course, this is based on the premise that he has already committed major cases and has certain psychological stress tolerance and experience."

"If the program team finds an ordinary person who has never committed a crime, it will definitely be difficult for him to commit a crime."

After listening to Qin Ming's analysis, the two experts agreed: "This is natural."

"However," Cui Liwan cheerfully changed the topic: "This old friend was arrested and brought to justice in just a few days. This also shows that committing a major crime in such a short period of time is extremely rare. Tan.”

Qin Ming nodded unequivocally, with disappointment flashing in his eyes.

In fact, he hoped that the murderer's behavior would be more radical, because as a forensic doctor, his main ability lies in the study of corpses.

If the murderer didn't dare commit the murder at all, his forensic knowledge would be of little use.


While several people were talking.

There was only a creak, and the office door was pushed open. Internet police expert Duan Yu walked in quickly with a smile on his lips.


Old detective Cui Liwan asked.

"It's done."

Duan Yu placed the tablet in his hand on the table.

The other three experts immediately came over.

A picture that brings together the surveillance network of the entire Jinling City is shocking to think about. You can see every corner of the city without leaving home!

Not to mention the addition of intelligent face recognition Skynet.

"In this camera-intensive society, it is impossible for the murderer to hide under the cameras."

Qin Ming stared at the computer screen with some excitement, although no image was displayed on it yet.

"As long as it is handed over to the subordinate police force to search for people with unusual movements, it is estimated that the murderer will be found soon and he will be arrested tonight."

Duan Yu nodded slightly and his men operated quickly.

Monitoring resources are loading...

Loading completed!


When technicians inspect technical achievements, they are often the most intoxicated.

Look at the prompt button that pops up on the computer.

Duan Yu smiled slightly, clicked on the button, turned around, and said to the experts around him:

"Now is the time to witness the miracle of the public security surveillance system."

Then, the button is pressed!


One second.

Two seconds.

The computer screen was still pitch black.

"What's going on?"

Duan Yu frowned, moved the mouse, and found that the surveillance resources of the South, North, and Central Districts of Jinling City had been smoothly deployed.

Only the university district was completely dark!

Tried a few more times, still the same result.

Several experts couldn't help but look at each other.

A bad premonition gradually rose from the bottom of my heart.

Something happened!

Just when a few people were wondering.

The door of the expert team's office was pushed open again.

Several men in black from the program crew of "The Murder Live" rushed in furiously.

A man at the head said:

"Everyone on the panel."

"Now the program team would like to inform you that just now, a serious explosion occurred at the University City Power Distribution Center."

"This attack paralyzed all surveillance and power supply systems at Jinling University, University Town Commercial Street, and Snack City. Therefore, you cannot view the surveillance in these areas!"

"We've cut off the signal!"


These few words, like a bolt from the blue, echoed in the ears of the experts!

They instantly realized that all this was done by the murderer.

But how? !

The originally kind face of old detective Cui Liwan suddenly turned serious.

He knew that although this was a variety show, the judging criteria of the program team were very strict. If the murderer had not really simulated what happened in reality, the program team would not have informed them.

"You mean, the murderer brought a bomb into the power distribution center."

"And, 'detonated'?"

Cui Liwan asked.

The staff of the program team nodded in disbelief.

Several experts looked stern, it was indeed the case.

"But the official control of explosives and dangerous goods in Dragon Kingdom is very strict. Even the sale of larger fireworks is prohibited. Logically speaking, this murderer should have no way to obtain bombs."

Bai Su held her small chin and said thoughtfully:

"Moreover, even if he can buy explosives, how can he pass through the levels of the power distribution center?"

"Yexu, is this a black market transaction? What does Officer Duan think?"

Forensic doctor Qin Ming walked up to Internet police officer Duan Yu and patted him on the shoulder.

The latter, for the dozen seconds he just heard the news, was stunned on the spot.

He never thought that the murderer's attack would be directed at his surveillance network!

The surveillance in that entire area was paralyzed!

After coming back to his senses, Duan Yu grabbed his coat and almost ran out of the office!

"Prepare a special car, I'm going to the University City Power Distribution Center to check the scene!"


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