[Red Flame Martial God-Alen Lage (Orange Level 10 Hero)]

[Faction: Giant]

[Template: Gold]

[Racial characteristics: Creature, giant body, made of fire]

[Legion Talent: Giant Hero, Red Flame Leader. 】

[Skills: Change, Fire Movement, Fire Throwing, Fire Spellcasting, Divine Belief, Martial God. 】

[Inherent abilities: Domain command proficiency, domain warhammer proficiency, domain tactics proficiency, domain religious belief, advanced spell proficiency. 】

[Giant Body]: Bloodline of ancient giants, resistance to mental control, soul interference, curses, poisons, and other negative attributes +80%, physical resistance +65%, and magic resistance +50%.

[Forged in Fire]: Immune to fire damage.

[Giant Hero]: This unit leads the giant and troll unit units, with all attributes +50%, and ‘morale is always high’.

[Red Flame Leader]: This unit leads an army unit, with combat effectiveness +50% and fire resistance +50%.

[Change (Active)]: The Red Flame Martial God can change to a state equal to or lower than its own by consuming magic.

(In the new state, the status of giant body and giant hero will not take effect.)

[Fire (Active)]: After being released, it can switch positions with its own fire spells.

[Fire Throwing (Active)]: Quickly condense the flame giant spear and release a long-range attack at the target, with damage +75%.

[Fire Spellcasting (Passive)]: This unit is a natural fire spellcaster. It can release fire magic such as [Hell Flame] and [Crazy Fire Explosion] without learning and proficiency. It also has strong magic learning ability.

[Divine Faith (Passive)]: The formation of this unit stems from the belief in the gods, and this divinity makes them closely connected to the gods.

(This unit cannot be promoted through the ‘Trial of Merit’. It will gain strength and be promoted as it serves the gods.)

[God of War (Active)]: Enters the peak state, increases senses, can easily see the enemy's weaknesses, is immune to illusions, interference, and clone skills, all attributes +300%, lasts for 30 minutes, cools down for 24 hours.

(Description: The Red Flame Martial God is loyal to the spirit of law, dedicated to fulfilling God's will.)

Looking at the series of attributes, Fang Hao was a little stunned.

There is a new faction added, called giants, not trolls.

There is currently no such race on this continent.

If there is, you can definitely see it in the Merchant Alliance.

Among the racial characteristics of giants, there are two new characteristics: 'giant body' and 'forged in fire'.

[Giant Body] Judging from the introduction, it can be said that it is very domineering. It increases the resistance to various negative conditions. Toxins, curses, etc., which are useful to living creatures, all increase the resistance of the giant.

To put it simply, it means having good genes and a strong physical foundation.

The second [Forged in Fire] is immune to fire damage.

This is the same as the obtained fragments of godhead.

It's also a very good ability.

[Giant Hero] and [Red Flame Leader] are two legion skills.

The first one increases the attributes of giants and trolls leading troops, and the second one increases combat effectiveness and fire resistance at the same time.

There's nothing much to say, Fang Hao's side are all undead troops.

Even the bone giants belong to the undead, not to the giants.

‘Giant Hero’ is basically useless, but ‘Red Flame Leader’ still has some effects.

Continue down to the skills.

The first [change] made Fang Hao frown, being able to change into a state that was lower than his own.

In other words, the four of them can transform?

Transformation may not be appropriate, it should be said to be a change in physical state.

Can it be made smaller? The height of the giant is really a problem, and houses cannot be built.

[Fire Movement] This skill is deeply remembered by Fang Hao, and he can instantly switch places with the fire magic he releases.

My own priest doll was almost tricked by this trick.

The wings are damaged and are currently being repaired in the Organ Museum.

Continuing to look down, Fang Hao glanced at the [Flame Giant Spear] and then at the [Fire Spellcasting].

The flame giant spear is a means of attack, but I don’t know why it is not included in the ‘fire spellcasting’.

Fire spellcasting was a skill that Fang Hao was no stranger to.

In fact, it is similar to the Dragon Clan’s ‘Dragon Clan Casting’.

There should be some differences in skills, it seems to be the giant's fire magic.

Heroes with this kind of 'natural spellcasting' skill are basically powerful races.

[Divine Faith] Fang Hao looked at it carefully and followed the introduction.

These four martial gods cannot be promoted through normal channels. Instead, they need to be promoted by the gods they believe in, and they can be promoted accordingly.

God... refers to the dead old god of fire?

No, it should be referring to myself now. After all, I also have godhead, and the four of them have also sworn allegiance.

If his godhood improves, these four people will also improve.

In the territory, no one has advanced to 'Orange' to 'Dark Gold' yet, so we don't know how difficult it is to advance.

It is also impossible to determine which promotion is easier.

But Fang Hao always felt that this additional ability was a limitation of the system.

After all, these four people are heroes rewarded by missions, and they can be directly promoted to dark gold heroes as soon as they come out.

It's beyond the scope of rewards.

The last [Martial God] skill is a burst of ultimate moves, which increases all attributes by 300%.

It is released when facing a strong enemy.

All in all, the skills of the 'Red Flame Martial God' are pretty good.

Worthy of her tenth level of orange.

The addition of these four people also greatly improved the overall strength of the territory.

After reading the attributes, Fang Hao stood up and walked outside the door, "Call those four black-armored giants over again."

'Nisbet' outside the door responded and left quickly.

Not long after, four tall figures came over.

Looking at Fang Hao below, the leader, 'Arun Lage', said: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"I think you can change. Can you shrink your size to a size similar to ours?" Fang Hao asked, looking at the four of them.

"Okay, sir, do you need us to change?" Alan Lager continued.


The four of them looked at each other, and a ray of light covered their bodies.

Then, under Fang Hao's gaze, the size of the four people quickly shrank.

It has grown to about 1.7 meters tall, which is slightly shorter than Fang Hao.

Even the black armor on his body and the long-handled mace in his hand became smaller along with it.

It seems that it should also be classified as 'active equipment'.

"Is this okay? Sir." Alan Lager's voice came out from the armor.

It's not as deep and loud as before.

But the gentleness of human women.

"Well, how long can you maintain this state? Is there any burden?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

If you can maintain this shape, you can live a normal life in the city.

A lot of trouble was avoided.

"It's not a big burden, it's just that the combat effectiveness will be reduced a lot." Alan Lager continued to answer.

In this state, the status of the giant body and the giant hero will become invalid.

For these four people, without the 'giant body', their combat effectiveness is basically reduced by half.

"It's safe in the city. There's no danger. Just change back when the battle begins." Fang Hao looked at the four of them and continued, "Let's go inside and chat."

Leading four smaller black-armored heroes into the lord's hall.

The four of them were also a little curious about this place.

Especially because of my body shape, I spent the whole night squatting in the square last night.

Entering the hall, he started looking around.

Fang Hao's place may not be as good as the temple of the gods, but it is also very good.

The appliances are complete and there are decorations from different races.

"sit down."

The maid was not there, so Fang Hao went down to the cellar to get some drinks for the four of them.

When coming out of the cellar.

The four of them had taken off their black helmets, revealing basically the same appearance.

Hair color, skin color, child color, and even appearance are exactly the same.

"You guys look the same?" Fang Hao asked in surprise.

"Sir, we are sisters!"

Damn, the four sisters are so exciting...

Fang Hao became interested. After passing the fruit wine to the four of them, he sat down aside.

Continue to ask: "You are sisters, can you tell me about your previous life?"

Now it seems that giants were once a race, but due to some reasons, they withdrew from the main stage.

Only in system tasks can you see the appearance of giants.

"Last night, we also talked about this matter. Perhaps because we slept for too long, our memories are not complete. We only remember that the four of us are princesses of the Giant Empire and were selected to become the Martial Gods guarding the temple. "Alan Lager said softly.

"Oh? Then do you still remember the name of the country or the names of your parents?"

Bewilderment flashed through the golden eyes of the four people.

Finally he shook his head.

Can't remember anything.


Fang Hao frowned and briefly analyzed it in his mind.

This is not amnesia, but a limitation of the system.

It's like a recruitment scroll that can be used by time travellers.

The hero summoned by the recruitment scroll has knowledge and skills, and the only memory he retains is his own identity, and the rest of his memory is gone.

This was previously considered by Fang Hao as a way to protect travelers.

After all, you retain the memory of your loyalty to the king, which increases the chance of betrayal when you meet him again.

Now it seems that it is possible that these recruited heroes have disappeared long ago.

The memory also disappears.

"It's okay if you don't remember. Starting a new life again will reduce some of the burden." Fang Hao said with a smile.

The four of them looked at him with some doubts. Is memory a burden?

This is the first time I heard someone say that.

"By the way, who of you is the eldest sister and who is the second oldest, so I can get to know each other."

Arunlage, who always answered questions, spoke first, "I am the boss."

The second child is Amarager, the third child is Alrag, and the person he defeated is the youngest Aslag.

Fang Hao couldn't remember the names of these four people, but when he looked at each other, there was a message.

The five of them sat together and chatted for a while.

After introducing them to several important heroes in the city.

Then he took them to the residential area and built a house for them.

Although they are four sisters, they live in one house.

During the construction, the silver dragon Beate was still clinging to the wall and looking over here.

Showing his little head, his face was full of curiosity.

After the four people were arranged, they had lunch.

Fang Haocai went to Amanda's 'Golden City of the Holy Saint' and built the 'Shrine of Hades' for her.

After the construction was completed, 200 undead people selected in advance were sent into the building.

Rainbow Pearl Island.

The King of the Sea Tribe, Sainsbury's, sits on a golden throne.

Below, stood a group of ministers from the Sea Clan.

It had been half a month since the Giant Clamp Island was attacked.

People on all the islands of the Sea Clan were in panic, and the meetings of the Sea Clan were all talking about this matter.

While everyone was continuing to discuss the island's defense.

Outside the hall, I saw Hai Clan guards coming in hurriedly.

He saluted and said, "Your Majesty the Sea King, we have found the whereabouts of the giant ship that attacked Giant Clamp Island."

The king frowned, and the officials instantly became quiet.

"Oh? Where is it? Which force does it belong to?" the king asked immediately.

The soldier immediately replied, "The giant ship is currently docked on a small island near the Spiny Fin Sea. There are traces of the undead around the giant ship, and the hull is being cleaned."


In the spiny fin sea area, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com is the location of the fishman.

How could it be there.

"A fishman's ship?" the king asked.

"It's impossible to confirm at the moment. It's a certain distance from the Spiny Fin Sea, so it's unlikely that it's related to the fish-men." said the Sea Clan guard.

"What's the strength of the troops?"

"The number of troops that can be seen currently is more than a thousand."

"Okay, you go down first."

The guards retreated, and the king and the officials began to discuss the matter.

After the discussion.

The king immediately ordered, "Gather your forces and destroy the target giant ship."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

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