Purple mage heroes are rare and powerful among heroes.

The skills released are enough to cause devastating damage.

In the fish-man community, the fish-man priest is a water mage.

His status is no lower than that of the fish-man lord, and even the fish-man lord has to discuss many things with the priest.

According to the social rules of the Hundred Cities Federation, a mage of this level must come from a powerful family.

Why do you still want to run away from home?

"It would be easier to live in separate places, but are you sure she is trustworthy? Our secrets cannot be known to the federation." Fang Hao emphasized again.

Arrange a place to live, or keep her as your own.

But Fang Hao was very suspicious of the other party's true purpose.

"Oh, don't worry...! She is definitely not a spy of any force. When the Mage Association was fighting against the undead, she and I were the ones who went there. She said long ago that she wanted to leave her family." Li Rong replied again.

The teammate who fought against the undead together last time?

Apparently, I heard Li Rong mention this person, and he took good care of her at that time.

Now that Li Rong had spoken, things still had to be handled, and he asked again: "Where do you plan to place her? At my place, or in a nearby human city."

"You are crazy. You will scare her to death over there. How about arranging it in Lysis City? Rebecca is quite tough in the parliament, and it will be difficult for her family to intervene there."

Fang Hao suddenly thought of the school and immediately said: "The school in Lixis City has started. How about letting her become a teacher? She will teach students on weekdays and provide food and accommodation."

"I mentioned this matter to her, but she was a little resistant."

"Tell her to arrange for an honorary teacher to teach you if you want. If you feel it's not suitable, forget it." Fang Hao continued.

The other side disappeared for a while.

Then, a message was sent, "She agreed and plans to carry the package over tomorrow. You can make arrangements for her."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Fang Hao was also relatively happy.

A purple mage is very high in knowledge and ability.

For the schools in Lysis City, it can be considered a big gain.

"Okay, let her come over. I will tell them in advance." Fang Hao agreed immediately.

"Love you!"

After hanging up the chat, Fang Hao told Rebecca about the incident through the sound transmission conch.

A purple mage hero.

Even if he is unwilling to teach students, he is still a powerful fighter.

After Rebecca heard this, she happily agreed.

I heard that he was an aristocratic mage from Silver Wing City, and I specifically asked for his name.

Fang Hao could only say without asking.

Rebecca was scolded for a while.

Put down the telescoping conch.

I carefully recalled what I had to do before.

Yes, look at the properties.

Open the Book of Lords and view Beate's attributes.

[Spear of the Silver Moon-Beate (Orange Level 9)]

[Faction: Dragon Clan]

[Template: Gold]

[Racial characteristics: creature, dragon scale armor, immunity to lightning, dragon body, flying, dragon spellcasting, dual form. 】

[Legion Vice-President: Dragon Hero, Air Force Commander, Lightning Halo. 】

[Skills: Terrifying majesty, lightning breath, use of thunder magic, thunder righteousness. 】

[Inherent skills: Domain combat proficiency, Domain magic proficiency, Domain flying proficiency. 】

[Dragon Scale Armor]: Physical defense +55%, magic resistance +35%.

[Thunder Immunity]: Immune to all 'negative' thunder spell effects.

[Dragon Body]: Possess the powerful body of a dragon, with range resistance +25% and elemental resistance +50%.

[Flying]: This unit is good at flying.

[Dragon Spellcasting]: This unit is a natural thunder spellcaster. It can cast thunder spells such as [Thunder Seal] and [Thunder Strike] without learning and proficiency. It also has strong magic learning ability.

[Dual Form]: This unit can freely change between 'human form' and 'dragon form'.

[Dragon Hero]: This unit leads the dragon troops, with all attributes +45% and magic resistance +25%.

[Aerial Commander]: This unit leads flying units, with defense +15% and long-range evasion +40%.

[Lightning Aura]: This unit leads the army, with flight speed +20% and lightning resistance +20%.

[Terrifying Majesty (Dragon Type)] (Passive): Nearby creatures have a 55% chance of being unable to move due to nervousness, and a 90% chance of causing a 15% morale drop.

[Lightning Breath (Dragon Type)] (Active): Violent thunder lightning covers a fixed area linearly. Creatures in this area will be damaged by the dragon's breath, and the thunder and lightning effect will spread.

[Use of Thunder Magic (Humanoid)] (Passive): Proficient in most thunder magic.

[Tian Lei Zhengfa (Dragon Type)] (Active): The violent lightning turns into thunder spears all over the sky and falls from the sky, covering all enemies within the range and burning them to the ground.

(Description: The 'Silver Dragon' in her infancy is not as 'arrogant' or 'old-fashioned' as the dragons who sleep in caves all year round. She is willing to contact the merchant alliance, accept new things, and is convinced that she can change the boring status quo of the dragons. .)

Beate's attributes did not surprise Fang Hao much.

After all, he has seen all the skills with his own eyes, and even lost a demon doll to the thunder's breath.

But this can also reflect the power of the Dragon Clan.

The strongest race is not something you just talk about casually.

Hero's Quarters.

Milly listened to the tinkling sound next door.

Stepping on the stones, my little head poked out of the wall and looked across.

Before, her courtyard was closest to the edge.

Now there is suddenly an extra house, which also proves that new neighbors have settled in.

"Hey! Are you new?"

When Beate heard the sound, she saw a girl with white rabbit ears holding up the wall and talking to her.

"Yes." Beate replied coldly.

"My name is Milly, what's your name?" Milly's face was full of curiosity.

Beate and others were imprisoned in the Blood Prison, and the maids had never seen the human form.

In addition, in the main city, the daughter of the earth spirit also has winding animal horns on her head. From the appearance, she is actually not much different.

Beate didn't want to talk to her, but she looked at the other person's smiling face.

I feel like it's not good if I don't answer a word.

Still said: "Beate."

"Beate, your hair is so beautiful, it's sparkling."


"Did you just come here today? Have you ever been on a pirate ship? Do you want me to take you to see it? It's so fun. It's your first time playing. You can jump in line."

"Pirate ship? Is there a sea here?"

Lord's Mansion.

The light curtain lit up, and Amanda, the gold-eating queen, slowly walked out.

Wearing a golden crown and holding a golden scepter.

The majestic appearance is more like that of a leader than the lord Fang Hao.

This is still without an honor guard, otherwise the momentum would be even greater.

"How many dragons are left? I remember they were all released last time." Amanda's voice came out from under the golden mask.

Before, Amanda was worried about being retaliated by the Dragon Clan.

Now that I have come more often, I have gotten used to it.

Just do whatever you want, she can't change anything.

"It's the last one. Release the dragon hero and the blood prison will be empty." Fang Hao stood up and walked down from the throne.

"Are you going to let him out? Aren't you afraid of any danger?" Amanda's tone was a little anxious.

She agreed with Fang Hao not to kill the silver dragon, thinking that at least there was room for negotiation with the dragon clan.

But this does not mean that she agrees with releasing people.

Once out of control, the place will be exposed to unpredictable dangers.

Fang Hao smiled confidently, "Don't worry, I have tools to limit him, and I have tried them, and they are quite successful."

Seeing how confident he was speaking, Amanda could only swallow the rest of his words.

In the end, he only said, "Let's go."

The two of them left the Lord's Mansion and walked towards the Blood Prison.

In the blood prison, Ahiburn was still lying face down.

The footsteps of the two were heard.

Ashbern did not show any emotion and remained silent.

Fang Hao took out the 'Law Seal' and said, "Open a small space on him. I need to use the prop."

After waiting for two or three seconds, I saw that there was no change in the gold nugget.

Fang Hao looked at Amanda in confusion, but saw her eyes falling on Fang Yin in his hand, and she did not look away.

"Amanda, what's the problem?"

"Oh, no!" Amanda looked away and waved her hand.

On Ashborn's back, the metal flowed like liquid, and a gap the size of a bowl appeared.

First, his blood dripped all over the mark, and then he tore open the already somewhat torn clothes to reveal the skin underneath.

He took the square seal directly and put it on his back.

[Dragon Lord-Axiburn, joined the territory through the 'Mark of Law'. 】

[This unit will be bound by the mark. It will abide by the basic rules of the Golden Law and cannot have 'negative' basic thoughts towards this force and its leader. 】

[The effect of the mark can be canceled through the ‘Law Mark’. 】

Wait for the light of the mark to penetrate into your body.

Amanda stretched out her hand again, and the gold covering the body of 'Ashborn' turned into liquid.

It got directly into the space necklace around her neck.

Now Amanda doesn't seem to worry at all about the danger the other party will cause.

Fang Hao didn't even need to say anything, he just released the person directly.

[Dragon Lord-Axiburn, current loyalty to you is 35.]

Loyalty is even lower than that of Beate.

But it doesn't matter. With the blessing of the legal seal, there is no need to worry about him making any special moves.

"Axiburn, you can get up now. As long as you serve the territory with peace of mind for 50 years, I will let you go free." Fang Hao said directly.

Don't push people too hard, you have to give them hope.

Fang Hao also believes that in these 50 years, he can raise his loyalty to an appropriate standard.

Ashbourne stood up from the ground with a respectful attitude, "Thank you, sir. In these 50 years, we will keep our promise and serve you wholeheartedly."

"Well, let's go. I'll show you Beate and then build you a place to live."

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