Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 608, How about that little husband?

Olivia glanced sideways.

Her husband is a warrior hero, and his physical fitness has reached a level beyond that of ordinary people.

It can only be said that he is more powerful than the husbands mentioned by other ladies.

Who dares to use the word "all the time" to describe it.

Young, fair and tender.

She only thinks that Rebecca is taking care of her little husband's face.

"Hmph, it seems that you really like him. I'm a little jealous that you still take care of his face when we are together." Olivia said, pretending to be angry.

Rebecca said seriously: "What I said is true."

"You must have worked hard all night. No wonder he looks so thin." Olivia reached out and grabbed her buttocks.

Rebecca twisted her waist to dodge, "You are the one. You are becoming more and more like those ladies. You always like to talk about these things."

"You are the one!"

The two women quarreled in the room for a while.

Fang Hao's voice came from outside the door.

"Rebecca, it's getting late, let's not disturb Mrs. Olivia's rest."

The two people in the room started to fight.

"Okay, get out right away." Rebecca shouted.

Then, he whispered in Olivia's ear: "I'm going back. This outfit will definitely fascinate Doherty to death."

Olivia's face turned red.

Late at night, I put on my dress and stockings, and put on exquisite makeup.

Naturally, it was for her husband to see.

It was still a little embarrassing for Rebecca to say it directly.

"Oh, what are you talking about!"

"Okay, I'm going back, so don't come out."

After saying that, he opened the door and walked out.

Holding Fang Hao's arm, we walked out together.

Get on the carriage.

Started to return to his residence.

Rebecca consciously sat on the man's lap and put one hand around his shoulder.

Instantly, a burst of woman's fragrance filled the air of the carriage.

I don’t know what the two women were talking about in the room.

After coming out, her face was red, her eyes were like water, and her round and round figure was full of charm from the inside out.

Fang Hao hugged his slender waist and slightly raised a gap at the hem.

He reached under the light fabric.

Soft, creamy and full of tension.

"What's wrong? So enthusiastic..." Fang Hao leaned close to his ear and asked softly.

If he hadn't known that Rebecca and Olivia were serious best friends, he would have suspected that the two of them were taking advantage of this time to play some little game.

Rebecca exhaled softly and said softly: "No, I just miss you."

"Where are you thinking?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes and gave it a light slap.

"Have you spoken to Dougherty?" Rebecca whispered.

"We've talked. Judging from his attitude when we started talking to him, he has no intention of letting us enter the House of Lords. The previous nomination should really be a cover." Fang Hao said directly.

Judging from the attitude of the two people talking at the beginning.

Even Doherty has no idea of ​​letting them enter the parliament.

Therefore, Rebecca's previous efforts to promote an alliance with the vampires were in vain. …

Although the alliance between the vampires and the federation was already in the plan.

But I still felt a little uncomfortable after being fooled by the parliamentary pie.

Rebecca immediately became nervous when she heard that Fang Hao had a bad attitude towards Doherty.

"He doesn't agree?"

Fang Hao shook his head and continued: "I didn't explicitly say I disagreed. I promised to provide 10 organ cannons to the Hall of Justice. He said he promised us temporarily and we would discuss it internally."

"The dwarf's organ cannon? How much is that worth?"

Rebecca still knows some weapons and equipment, and the dwarf's organ cannon is also quite famous.

Fang Hao spread his fingers inside her clothes and pinched, "Fifty million."

Rebecca's eyes widened, "Are you crazy? Fifty million, give it to him?"

Fifty million is not a small amount.

Even if the city of Lysis saves for several years, it will not be able to come up with this money.

Moreover, this is the first one to negotiate, and it’s only 50 million. What about the other four people?

The House of Lords is over, but there is still a vote in the House of Commons.

There is no end to the money spent.

Fang Hao smiled slightly and said: "Hey, do you promise in advance? Just like he promised us to enter the House of Lords, and then there was a voting discussion, promise him first, talk about it and see how the situation goes. If it doesn't work, we will If you don't give me anything, then you will say that I am a pretty boy who doesn't understand anything and talks nonsense."

Rebecca looked at Fang Hao with some surprise.

This is truly fearless. This is the first time someone from the House of Commons has tried to deceive someone from the House of Lords.

But when I thought about it again, it felt normal.

With Fang Hao's current strength, Dougherty's is nothing.

It is normal to test each other and bargain with each other.

"Okay, okay, you have agreed, so I will listen to you." Rebecca twisted twice and continued: "I have already made an appointment with the archbishop. You can go and talk before noon tomorrow."


Fang Hao looked thoughtful.

It can be proved from the previous times that the church cannot detect the identity of its own camp.

Moreover, the Archbishop seems to have some prejudice against Rebecca.

Even if he wears the [Light Feather Dagger] in the past, he is not afraid of being interrogated by people from the church.

No matter what, the church did not dare to directly detain him. The Silver Wing City was still controlled by the Palace of Justice.

Then bring Demitga, who has the [Old Saint Gift] himself and is not affected by external conditions.

Speak with the Archbishop then.

Test the attitude of the church.

Just spend some money!

After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll go see the church's attitude tomorrow."

"Well, the most important thing is the attitude of the Hall of Justice and the church. If they agree, we will proceed to the next step."

"Okay... By the way, who among the members of the House of Commons do you plan to convince?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Rebecca thought for a moment and said: "The most important thing is the Mage Association. Although it is not a member of the House of Lords, its voice is even higher than the three city lords in the House of Lords. If the House of Lords passes it, we have to find a way to make it through. The Mages Association, as well as representatives from the Workers Association, and representatives from the Alchemy Association..."

The carriage moved forward in the night, and the luminous stones swayed gently. …

Rebecca roughly said everything she could think of.

However, there are many members in the House of Commons and they are also complex. If we want to talk about them, we can only focus on a few important ones.

And I don’t intend to talk about it all.

Finally, after a turbulence, the carriage returned to the residence.

Rebecca quickly adjusted her clothes and got out of the carriage first.

Fang Hao also got off the carriage and walked towards the room together.

the other side.

Soft collapse.

Olivia still wears makeup and is wearing a black gauze skirt. She has graceful curves and is mature and beautiful.

Somewhat annoyed, I kicked my husband aside, "That's all you have? I'm afraid of being embarrassed if you tell me."

Dougherty stretched out his long arms, hugged him in his arms, and said: "I am a little tired, otherwise my level would definitely be more than this."

"Hmph! You can't even compare to Rebecca's little husband. Thanks to your muscles, you look like a gorilla." Olivia said sarcastically.

Dougherty was stunned, and immediately looked at his wife with strange eyes.

I was just about to ask, how do you know if my little husband is powerful?

Then I heard my wife say: "Rebecca told me that her husband is better than you and can go on forever."

"Oh, you women always like to talk about this when we get together. It's obviously bragging, so why don't you mention it," Dougherty said immediately.

Olivia kicked him again and did not continue to pursue the issue of time.

He continued: "You talked with that Fang Hao. How do you feel about him?"

Dougherty was silent for a while and said: "This man is not a little husband, he is more powerful than imagined."

"Ah? What's going on?" Olivia also became interested, supported her head on her arms, and looked at him.

Olivia and Rebecca's relationship is something she doesn't tell herself, and Rebecca will tell her later.

Then he said: "This little husband you talk about promised to give me 10 organ cannons at the beginning. Do you think Rebecca can have such great power?"

Rebecca herself is a courageous woman, but she will never be able to carry 10 organ cannons.

"Ten artillery pieces or something, maybe it was Rebecca who told him to say that."

Dougherty shook his head, "Ten organ cannons and fifty million war coins are still something you can't buy with money. Can Rebecca afford so much money?"

"What? Fifty million? War coins?" Olivia shouted in surprise.

So rich?

Hear the news.

Olivia was even more surprised than Dougherty, who had a good relationship with Rebecca.

Privately, they are also friends who talk about everything.

But she really thought that Rebecca was tired of her past life and found a little man she liked to raise.

Now it seems that this little man is not as simple as imagined.

No wonder, Rebecca is obviously not young yet, she still acts like a little daughter-in-law.

"So, this man is not some kept little husband."

The room was a little quieter.

Olivia then continued: "Did you promise him?"

"I have agreed for the time being. We will discuss it later," Dougherty said.


The two stopped talking and fell asleep hugging each other. …

"Help them repair the temple? Isn't that bad!"

In the early morning, the two of them dressed up separately and talked about what conditions they would have to put forward this time to get the church to agree to the nomination to the House of Lords.

Rebecca swatted away the other person's extended hand and said, "A common method used by nobles is to donate money to repair various temples."

"Not good." Fang Hao shook his head, "This will expand the influence of the church and have a serious impact on our future development..."

Judging from the information currently available, faith is also an important resource.

There may even be a war over faith.

Now, he has noticed the power of faith.

If the temple is repaired and the church's influence is expanded, it will also increase people's popularity for the church.

This is much more serious than giving some equipment and equipment that can no longer be used after a year or two.

After Rebecca heard this, she felt that what she said seemed to make sense.

"Then what are you going to do?" Rebecca asked as she dressed.

"It depends on the Archbishop's attitude. It would be best to provide some clothing and utensils, but we cannot agree to fund the renovation of the temple." Fang Hao said after thinking for a moment.

"It's just these, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the church to agree to it. After all, the church never lacks people to provide clothing and supplies." Rebecca said.

"Then provide some armor. Doesn't the church have a Templar army? Give them armor."

The armor is better and he can make it in batches.

Of course, he is not afraid that the church will get the equipment and threaten him.

The federal coalition forces couldn't even defeat 'Otis', let alone themselves.

"Okay, you have the final say." Rebecca put on her coat.

The two hurriedly left the room.

Had breakfast.

Rebecca then went out in the carriage to find Olivia and meet the two congressmen together.

Fang Hao was not in such a hurry. He still had some time before he went to see the archbishop.

"Archbishop, Rebecca is dissolute and incompetent, and there are many problems in Lysis. Once she enters the House of Lords, it will bring danger to the entire federation."

In the bright and clean room, the Archbishop sat there calmly.

On the side, Chamber of Commerce member ‘Groot’ was bowing forward and talking about the purpose of his visit.

Although his voice was soft, his tone was a little urgent, and it was obvious that he was not calm inside.

Archbishop Milton shook his scepter and said: "House of Commons, what is your attitude towards this matter?"


Grote was stunned. He didn't expect that the first sentence the Archbishop spoke was to ask about the attitude of the House of Commons.

When did the attitude of the House of Commons become so important?

Although he didn’t quite understand, he still smiled and said: “Last night, I made an appointment with a few congressmen with good connections. They had the same idea as me. Rebecca has a special status, and Lysis City is ordinary. She If everyone can enter the House of Lords, then the city lords of other cities will definitely be dissatisfied."

With that said, if we talk about Rebecca's status and the development background of Lysis City.

It was never her turn to enter the House of Lords.

But it was Rebecca who solved the undead crisis, and Dougherty personally agreed on the spot.

"During this period, you have been investigating the city of Lysis. Did you get any news?" the archbishop asked.

Grote, his body bowed lower, "Not yet, Lysis City has been very strict recently, and there is no news coming back."

The archbishop nodded, thought for a while and continued: "Rebecca's husband, do you know anything?"

Grote thought for a moment and said firmly: "A time traveler who has developed well, there is nothing special about him. He helped Rebecca deal with the faceless man before, and the two of them knew each other. He is a pretty boy with no ability."

The archbishop nodded again and looked for Shuyuan but said nothing.

This was the same intelligence he knew.

"Okay, you go back first. If there is anything I need from you, I will send someone to inform you."

Grote still wanted to speak, but the Archbishop must not agree.

But when the words came to his lips, no words came out several times.

In the end, he could only salute and respectfully retreated.

Wait until the room becomes quiet again.

The archbishop asked to the side: "That Fang Hao, when do you agree to come over?"

"Archbishop, there is still about an hour." The attendant on the side said respectfully.

"Yes." The archbishop stood up, walked out of the room, and walked towards another room.

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