the other side.

The council was over, and the archbishop, as a giant, only then walked out of the venue.

Under the escort of a kind of Templar knight, he slowly boarded the carriage.

"Your Majesty the Archbishop, Your Majesty the Archbishop..."

Just as the carriage was about to leave, a loud shout came from the side.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Several sounds of drawing swords were heard, and the Templar knights surrounded the people who blocked the carriage.

Archbishop Milton opened a gap in the carriage curtain.

Then they saw Grote standing outside with a nervous face, trying his best to explain something to the Templars who were blocking the way.

"Let him come up." Milton's voice came from inside the carriage.

Immediately, an attendant ran over and brought Grote over.

After a careful search, Grote climbed into the carriage.

The Archbishop's carriage is very spacious and the interior decoration is extremely gorgeous.

In every space, you can see symbols and patterns related to the God of Light.

Full of faith and piety.

Grote got into the carriage anxiously.

He didn't speak, but knelt directly on the ground, his forehead pressed against the ground.

Use this method to repent of the mistakes you have made.

The carriage moved slowly, and you could feel slight bumps.

But Grote still maintained this posture and did not get up.

After a long time, Archbishop Milton took a sip from the water glass and said, "Is the evidence you gave me false?"

Parliament went well today.

The only thing that made Milton unhappy was the failure to identify evidence of the crime in Lysis City.

If Grote hadn't slipped up halfway, he wouldn't have lost face in public.

"It's true!" Grote replied hurriedly.

Milton pondered for a moment, his body flashed with golden light, and he continued to ask: "Tell me about this."

As an archbishop, he should not care about the affairs of a border city.

The Church of Light is not interested in whoever becomes the city lord.

The church focuses on preaching the faith.

This year, however, there was a problem with the faith in Lysis.

In other words, the temples in the city cannot continue to collect the power of faith for the God of Light.

This brought the city of Lysis into the church's sight.

Afterwards, the church began some investigations.

And coincidentally, Grote was also targeting the city of Lysis.

Then the evidence was naturally delivered to the hands of the Archbishop.

As long as this information is true, even if these criminal evidence can be found in any city, Rebecca can be pulled down with the Archbishop's influence.

By then, if we support a new city lord, the temple issues will be resolved.

But it was such a simple thing that Grote messed up.

At the critical moment, two guards were called in to testify, which made things go wrong.

By now, Milton no longer trusts Grote.

When questioning, [interrogation] has been used.

Any living being, under the influence of the Holy Light, will turn his words into his heart.

Grote still knelt on the ground, his heart even more pious.

He spoke softly, "The evidence is true. Last night I arranged for people to pick up five witnesses from Lysis City from the North City Gate. They are all important officials in Lysis City, and they are enough to testify against Rebecca's crime. But In the end, these five people, together with the people I arranged, all disappeared, which led to the mistakes in the parliament today."

Milton frowned slightly as he listened.

"You mean, Rebecca kidnapped the person in advance?"

There was some disbelief in his tone.

The security of Silver Wing City has always been very good. How can they, who have just arrived in Silver Wing City for a few days, be able to make people disappear without anyone noticing?

"Yes, it must be like this. I suspect it is that Fang Hao. He has many methods. Rebecca may not be able to complete it, but he may be able to." Grote continued.

Milton frowned and said nothing.

This was not the first time he heard Fang Hao's name.

Saint Xu Haide mentioned that Fang Hao has very strong strength.

"In the parliament, I used [interrogation], but Rebecca did not lie. How do you explain this?" Milton continued to ask.

According to him, Fang Hao has many weird abilities.

But Rebecca didn't have much strength. At the scene, he used the church's ability in front of everyone, but Rebecca said the evidence in his hand was false.

With the strength of the archbishop, let alone Rebecca.

Even high-level heroes cannot lie under his power. How to explain this?

Grote hesitated for a moment and continued: "I, I don't know, but the evidence I gave you is absolutely true. Even if I have the courage, I would not dare to deceive you, the Archbishop."

Milton looked a little thoughtful..., "So, what kind of treasure did Rebecca wear at that time?"

He recalled what Rebecca was wearing.

Rebecca is a woman who loves beauty, and she wore very slim-fitting dresses at that time.

Whatever items you are wearing can be found out by a body search when entering the venue.

Rebecca didn't lie, and Groat didn't lie at this time.

What's the matter?

As the carriage moved on, Grote's whole body began to tingle.

He was already weak and kept kneeling, so naturally he couldn't hold on.

His body began to tremble violently, even more violently than the carriage.

But Milton still didn't let him get up.

By the time the carriage arrived at the church hall, Grote's body was shaking like chaff, and the carpet was completely wet with sweat.

"Archbishop, we've arrived at the church." The attendant's voice came from outside the carriage.

The archbishop glanced at the prostrate man at his feet.

He said softly: "Go back to work. I will tell you what you should do in the next two days. I hope you will not disappoint me this time."

After saying that, he stood up and got out of the carriage.

And Grote, who had been kneeling on the ground, instantly collapsed, lying on the ground unable to get up.

The Archbishop is gone.

The Templar glanced at Grote, who was lying on the carriage, as if exhausted and covered in sweat.

He said, "Come down."

Grote gritted his teeth and slowly moved down.

Got off the carriage.

After the gorgeous carriage left, Grote called a carriage on the street and pulled himself back to his residence.

Sitting on the carriage.

The weak Grote showed a smile.

This time his confrontation with Rebecca ended in failure again.

But unlike before, he pulled the archbishop into the water and stood on his side.

"Rebecca, just wait."

The late autumn sun is still bright, but it is no longer as hot as before.

When it shines on the body, there is a warm feeling.

Fang Hao stood in the courtyard.

Declare what needs to be done tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

We will be returning to Lysis City in the next few days, so we still need to prepare the luggage in advance.

Moreover, he notified the four accompanying mercenary groups to start unifying his own team.

Don't leave a few behind when the time comes. The team will not change the time to wait for them.

The four mercenary groups have no missions in this short period of time.

There is no need for them to patrol and stand guard. They just go out and hang out every day, go to pubs to drink and find women.

It's time to go back. This member really needs to be found for a few days.

After assigning tasks, everyone was asked to prepare.

Spread out.

Fang Hao was also going to check on the horses.

When they came to the courtyard, they saw Anjia and Luo Li playing with a large parrot.

The parrot has colorful feathers, a red beak, and a red crest on its head.

It looks a bit mighty.

The parrot just landed on the table without any rope attached, and it didn't fly or run away.

Just waiting for the second daughter to feed it dried fruits.

"What is this?" Fang Hao asked approaching.

An and Jia turned around when they heard the sound and saw Fang Hao. They smiled and said, "Parrot, haven't you seen it before?"

"Uh! I know it's a parrot. I mean where did you get it? It's too big."

Looking up close, this parrot is quite big.

Even bigger than ordinary pigeons.

"I bought it in Chinatown today. An old man sold it to me. He said that after two days of training, he would be able to speak." An Jia said with a happy face.

Before, I saw that the guard captain had a talking parrot.

An Jia's face was full of envy, and she bought one back as expected.

"It can't talk. Can we teach it?"

Fang Hao said, wanting to reach out and touch the parrot.

The parrot took two steps away, then stretched out its left wing and blocked Fang Hao's outstretched hand.

This made Fang Hao stunned, he seemed quite smart.

Then switch to the other hand to touch.

Snapped! !

The parrot took its right wing and swung it away.

"Here, take this." Anjia handed over the dried fruit in his hand.

Dried fruits are fried cereals with some dried fruits mixed in.

It looks like it should be specially purchased pet food.

Fang Hao took one and fed it into the parrot's mouth.

This time when I touched it, the parrot stopped using its wings to resist.

Fang Hao also got his wish and touched the parrot.

The parrot is fluffy, but it is smaller on the inside than it looks on the outside.

It's just a lot of hair.


The parrot screamed, indicating to Fang Hao that it was okay to touch it, but don't forget to feed it.

"It's quite smart. What can you say now?" Fang Hao fed it all the dried fruits in his hand.

"Still teaching, soon." An Jia said.

Fang Hao's imagination was right. This parrot is quite spiritual. It shouldn't be difficult to teach him how to be so smart.

After all, they had seen the guard captain's parrot and it could talk.

"What's its name?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Anjia and Luo Li fell into deep thought at the same time.

It seems that I haven’t thought about it yet.

"Which one sounds better, Skull Crusher or Fire Blade?" Anjia asked with a face on his face.

Luo Li thought for a while, "The Fire Blade, it has a red head, so it's pretty much the same."

Hear the conversation between the two.

Fang Hao immediately interrupted, "Can't you two give me another name? If you have to, you can name it by yourself."

"You think the fire blade sounds bad?"

"This is not a nice or unpleasant thing. You name your pet after someone else's name. Isn't it a bit bad? When you see the Fire Blade in the future, they will look at you when you call them."

"You're right, then get one."

"I can't think of it either." Fang Hao shook his head.

"Then I'll go find Rebecca and let her think of one." An Jia stood up and made a move, and the parrot flapped its wings and flew directly to her shoulder.

The two of them strode toward Rebecca's room.


After An Jia left, Fang Hao continued to walk to the stable behind.

Their dwellings were large and their horses numerous.

There are many soldiers to take care of.

As soon as they got closer, they saw Asetti who was also checking the condition of the horses.

The two of them thought of a place.

"My lord!" Assetti saluted.

"Well, I'll probably leave the day after tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with the horses, right?" Fang Hao reached out and stroked the four-legged monitor lizard's neck.

The monitor lizard raised its head, looking naive.

"I just checked and there is nothing wrong with the horse," Arsetti said.

"Well, all the fodder we need when we return is ready."

"Understood, statistics are being carried out."

Had dinner.

After explaining everything, Fang Hao returned to his room.

Anjia and Luo Li were all in Rebecca's room, saying they wanted to give the parrot a more domineering name.

Fang Hao lay on the bed and opened the Book of Lords to kill time.

While looking at the chat channel, he was thinking about the Bright Church's attitude toward him.

It was obvious that the Archbishop had noticed the changes in the city of Lysis.

Otherwise, as Grote, he would not have asked the archbishop to help him do these things.

The most likely possibility is that only the church wants Lysis City to change people.

This time, fortunately, they were well prepared and handed [Light Feather] to Rebecca in front of the parliament.

Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Winter should be stable for a while, and any future actions of the church will wait until winter is over.

They can use this time to prepare in advance.

I have random thoughts in my heart, and gradually the moon rises above the branches.

Along with the darkness, the luminous stone began to emit a hazy light.

Squeak! !

At this time, the door was gently pushed open.

After hearing the sound, he saw a figure with graceful curves and some hesitation standing at the wooden door.


Rebecca was wearing a gray-blue loose dress, holding the wooden door with her hand, and stood quietly at the door.

Like a still sculpture, motionless.

White cheeks, eyes like autumn water.

The plump and bright red lips were obviously specially dressed up when they came out.

The loose long skirt outlines the perfect shoulder and hip curves, and the ankles under the skirt are slender and fair.

He just stood in front of the door, with a slight hesitation in his eyes, not knowing whether it was better to leave or enter the room.

Rebecca's appearance made everything that Fang Hao had just thought disappear in an instant.

Close the Book of Lords in your hand.

He immediately came over, took her hand, and let her into the room.

Rebecca's face turned redder as she was pulled into the room.

Together with his neck, it also turned red.

The two sat down on the edge of the bed, but their hands were still held together.

"Didn't Anjia and the others name the parrot with you?" Fang Hao asked curiously. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

Rebecca's willow-like brows frowned slightly, "You mean you don't want me to come?"

There was embarrassment in his tone.

"No no."

Rebecca pretended to be serious on her gorgeous face and said softly: "I gave them a few names and went back to the room to choose them myself. And Rebecca said she would stay at Luo Li's place tonight."

"Oh, that's good."

Hearing 'very good', Rebecca's face turned even redder and she punched him hard on the shoulder.

Then, just like a broken jar, he lay sprawled on the bed.

"bring it on."

Holy shit!


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