The pseudo-dragon guard's brown-red scales glowed faintly under the afternoon sun.

The pseudo-dragon has high mobility, and its body makes various response movements in the air to avoid the arrows that are shrouded in the face.

However, the arrows cover a large area.

Even if the pseudo-dragons use various methods to dodge, some pseudo-dragons are still hit by arrows.

Amidst the painful 'neighing', it crackled and fell from the air like dumplings.

The scale armor still provides the pseudo-dragon with good defense.

The fallen pseudo-dragon shook its head, which was knocked unconscious, and continued to fly into the sky to launch an attack.

The pseudo-dragon, who also had a slight back, was directly penetrated by the dragon-locking crossbow arrow. There was a hole in his body as big as the mouth of a bowl, and he died immediately.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The second and third waves of arrows followed closely behind.

The arrows poured out as if they were free, and the pseudo-dragon was like a porcupine flying in the air, with its body covered with arrows.

At the same time, there were more and more pseudo-dragons that fell to the ground and never got up because they were seriously injured.

After the third wave, the number of pseudo-dragons has been reduced by half.

But there are still more than 100 of them, and they are killing them regardless of their own safety.

Soon, they reached the sky above the undead army.

The troll began to throw throwing axes, and 20 Nisbitts also used the [Strip Characteristics] skill against the pseudo-dragon.

In an instant, the heads of 20 pseudo-dragons were shrouded in black mist.

The next second, the wings seemed to be twitching, unable to fly.

After falling from the air, Nisbet stepped forward, raised the battle ax in his hand, and chopped off the head of the pseudo-dragon.

Fang Hao stood at the back of the team and looked at Nisbitt's skills.

The pseudo-dragons stripped of their flying characteristics fell from the sky one by one like Parkinson's disease.

"It's exactly what I thought."

This is the same as what I thought. The characteristics refer to the characteristics of the race, and there is no deeper interpretation.

The skill form released by [Stripping Characteristics] is more like a curse ability.

The effect is also like the loss of physical ability after a curse.

The battle still continues.

The giant skeleton bats began to move out, trembling with the remaining pseudo-dragon guards.

There are currently two confirmed ways of attacking the pseudo-dragon.

Bite and tail attack.

The end of the pseudo-dragon's tail is a scorpion-like tail needle.

The tail needle can easily pierce the skull of the giant skeleton bat, and the action is also very fast.

But the giant skeleton bats are even better because of their huge numbers and they don't know the pain.

He was entangled with the pseudo-dragon.

A large number of pseudo-dragon guards were left outside the queue in various ways.

And a small number of pseudo-dragons, covered with arrows, bypassed the giant skeleton bats, dived directly into the queue below, and started fighting in close combat.

"Change melee weapons!" Demitga ordered again.

All the archers put away their longbows and took out the melee weapons on their waists.

Anjia and Domina also led the melee team under their command and began to clean up the pseudo-dragons around them.

Even the pseudo-dragon that rushed into the team was killed faster.

It can be seen that although the appearance of this creature is close to that of a dragon, its personality is more like the instinct of a beast.

Strong aggression, low intelligence.

It is impossible to judge whether your side will have an advantage based on the number and equipment level of the enemy.

Even though they didn't have any advantage in the battle, they still launched the attack desperately, even looking like they would fight to the end.

Soon, a large number of pseudo-dragons were cleared away.

Some pseudo-dragons who only belatedly tried to escape were surrounded by giant skeleton bats and chewed into bones.

Bones and scraps of meat were scattered in the air.

"Sir, all the enemies have been killed." Demitja strode back.

Fang Hao nodded, "Well, clean the battlefield and collect all the corpses."

"Yes, sir."

Demitga took the order and retreated, and began to direct everyone to clean up the battlefield.

Collect arrows and dispose of the corpses scattered around.

While everyone was busy, Anjia walked over cautiously.



"You won't need many of these little dragons to transform them, right? How many will you keep?" An Jia said mysteriously.

Fang Hao was stunned and asked curiously: "Are you useful?"

"Ahem! It has nothing to do with me. I asked for Domina. She said she wanted to try whether this little dragon is delicious." Anjia said.

Fang Hao frowned, "Domina eat something?"

For edible food, Fang Hao will prompt ‘can be slaughtered’.

Since it does not appear, it may not be poisonous, but it is not within the scope of food.

"No, she said it would be given to the Giant Queen Spider in her camp, not her."

"Oh, then leave some for her." Fang Hao nodded and agreed.


Anjia agreed, walked to the front of the team, and explained to Domina in a low voice.

Then, Domina was seen commanding the spider warriors to wrap five well-preserved corpses with spider silk.

Tangled into a cocoon.

Not long after, the battlefield was cleared.

The arrows were recycled.

Also obtained 142 [Wriggling Spine].

Other than that, no other trophies were obtained.

"Sir, the scouts are back. No enemies were found on the road leading to the cave." Demitga walked over again.

Fang Hao nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, leave some people to take care of the items, and let's go up the mountain."

"Yes, sir."

The location of the treasure cave is halfway up the mountain.

Without the guidance of a map, it would be difficult to find the location in such a tall mountain.

The way up the mountain is not easy.

Carts and corpses cannot be carried at all.

Demitga arranged for people to stay at the foot of the mountain. In addition to guarding the items, they could also be careful of enemies appearing behind them.

Fang Hao and others formed a long queue.

The skeleton troll walked at the front of the team, with the battle ax in his hand chopping the thorns blocking the road.

Allow the team to pass smoothly.

All the way to the mountainside, we saw the location of the treasure cave.

Everyone came closer and looked at the huge cave.

The cave is very high. Standing in front of the cave, you look very small.

From around the cave, you can still see traces of excavation.

"Stay on alert, I'll go in and take a look." Fang Hao said.

After casting Divine Arrival, he used the Skeleton Gray Bird to enter the cave.

The skeleton gray finch is small and does not easily attract the attention of others.

Even if there are powerful creatures in the cave, there is a high chance that a small gray bird will be ignored.

The cave is dark and deep, with uneven stone walls on both sides.

Perhaps, I have been dealing with cemeteries during this period.

Fang Hao even suspected that this cave halfway up the mountain was also an ancient tomb or some kind of ruins.

The cave is winding and winding, but fortunately there is only one road.

Continuing forward, you can see some moss-like plants with light green fluorescence growing in the corners of the cave.

【Fluorescent Creep】

The deeper you go, the larger the scope of this carpet becomes.

It covered the floor and walls, really like a huge carpet.

Fang Hao controlled the skeleton gray bird and landed directly on the carpet without showing any aggression.

Probably, it's just a fungus that grows in a special environment.

Soon, Fang Hao flew deep into the cave.

Various luminous stones began to appear all around, and as his sight illuminated, Fang Hao's heart suddenly jumped.

This is a huge space with a very wide area.

The valley is more like a palace carved into the mountain than a cave.

The stone wall is no longer rough, and the ceiling is hung with luminous stone chandeliers.

There are some gorgeous patterns carved on the stone pillars supporting the top.

There is a huge difference from the stone cave corridor outside.

In the center of the palace is a huge rectangular stone platform, which is covered with a large number of furs.

Except it's the wrong size, more like a giant stone bed.

Surrounding the stone bed were piles of gold coins and gems.

The sparkling light of gems and gold almost blinded Fang Hao's eyes.


Have you found One Piece's treasure?

How come there are so many treasures?

The number of jewelry surprised Fang Hao.

After calming down for a while, Fang Hao suppressed the shock in his heart.

He flapped his wings and flew around the cave. Except for the gold and silver jewelry all over the ground, he didn't find any dangers or enemies.

After confirming that there are no enemies or danger.

Fang Haocai controlled the skeleton gray bird and flew out again.

After dispelling the divine presence, An Jia asked: "How is it?"

"There is no danger, there is a lot of money inside." Fang Hao replied.

"A lot of money?"

"A lot of money, the cave is full of gold coins and gems." Fang Hao said with certainty.

An Jia frowned and touched his forehead, "Did you eat some mushrooms..."

"No." Fang Hao also confirmed the light feather dagger he carried on his waist.

Make sure you are not cursed or mentally disturbed.

Then, I am not hallucinating, there is indeed a lot of treasure inside.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and made a large number of [Troll Stitched Marching Tent].

This kind of tent is made of large pieces of animal skin sewn together, and gold coins and gems can be wrapped and transported out.

"Go, go in." Fang Hao ordered directly.

Everyone took out the luminous stones and walked into the cave with the stitched animal skins.

I just walked a few meters,

Demitga suddenly stopped the advancing team.

Taking the luminous stone with him, he squatted on the ground.

"Sir, there are outward footprints on the ground."

Fang Hao and An Jia quickly came to Dimitja's side and discovered the footprints moving outward on the ground.

When Fang Hao came in before, there was no luminous stone lighting.

No footprints were found on the ground. Now that Dimitga said it, he realized what he wanted to express.

Someone left the cave.

"Judging from the footprints, the time was not long, just a few days." Dimitga analyzed.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Hao suddenly thought of blood hunting.

He evacuated the Dark Wind Castle while he was not at home.

Why do it again now.

Isn’t this ill-gotten wealth?

Fang Hao stood up and said immediately: "Speed ​​up and finish the move as soon as possible. Don't disturb others when they come back to rest."

The pseudo-dragon outside the door is the guard protecting the treasure in the cave.

Even if everyone is killed, the hatred has been forged.

Leaving now won't change anything, so it's better to do it more thoroughly.

"Okay, keep going." Demitga continued to order.

The large team moved forward quickly.

When entering the deep palace, everyone's expressions also changed.

Mountains of treasure.

How much does this cost?

"Move everything to the cart at the bottom of the mountain. Domina, you ride the bone dragon first and carry the body back and then come back." Fang Hao ordered directly.

"Okay, sir." Domina agreed and left directly.

The remaining skeleton trolls and spider-turned soldiers opened the huge stitched animal skin, filled it with gold and silver jewelry, and then used spider silk to seal the opening.

Transported directly to the location down the mountain.

Skeleton soldiers came and went.

Wrap the bags and transport them out.

As the number of jewels on the surface decreased, everyone found gold treasure chests and dragon crystals on the ground.

The moment I saw the dragon crystal.

Fang Hao also knew that the original owner of this cave was probably a real giant dragon.

Then the footprints at the entrance may be of another human being, or they may be a dragon that has changed into a human form.

Domina told herself before.

Many races will have the ability to change their human form after becoming heroes.

Maintaining the original body shape will consume a huge amount of energy. These races more often appear in humanoid appearances while retaining some of their original characteristics.

Like a humanoid domina, retaining insect beetles and spider legs.

It is very possible that this is a dragon that can transform into human form.

"Sir, we have finished moving everything and cleaned up the traces we left." Dimitga walked over again.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Fang Hao nodded and said.

"Sir, you can leave now. It's already getting late outside. I'm afraid we won't be able to return to the web-weaver camp until late at night." Dimitga continued.

The time spent fighting the pseudo-dragon guard was not as long as the time spent transporting it.

It was also 10 o'clock in the evening.

Night in the wild is very dangerous.

"Wait a minute, An Jia, can you write orc writing?" Fang Hao asked.

"Then what words should I read?"

"In this way, you write down the treasure on this pillar. My subordinates from the Black Stone Tribe will kill me if you don't accept it, you little dragon..."

"Hehe, you are so bad..." An Jia smiled and understood Fang Hao's intention.

Immediately, Fang Hao's words were carved on the stone pillar.

Halfway through carving, he turned around and asked, "How do you write the word chop?"

"You ask me? Then draw a kitchen knife..."


Demitga, standing behind, watched the two of them discussing how to replace the words they couldn't write.

I had no choice but to leave first and instruct everyone to prepare for the return journey.

Soon, the provocative words were finished.

The two of them went straight down the mountain, and the team began their return journey.

The large team moved quickly through the night.

Among the trees on both sides of the road.

You can hear the sound of creatures following the convoy, shuttling through the forest.

Fortunately, there are also a large number of undead in the team, and the team also has many people.

After following for a while, they all gave up following as they approached the web-weaver camp.

Domina arranged rooms for everyone.

Fang Hao and An Jia were assigned to a room in the sky fixed by white spider webs.

Because the spider-turned-soldier can't live in a bed.

The two also slept on the ground.

Just as I closed my eyes, I heard the sound of spiders crawling outside.

I felt uncomfortable in my heart.

Early the next morning.

Fang Hao walked out with dark circles under his eyes.

The giant spider cub was brought to Fang Hao with two barbecued meats on his head.

There are still dark red scales on the barbecue that have not been removed.


purple pen literature

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