They have to continue fighting, but they don't have time to take care of this fat man.

The best way is to find a safe place for him and hide him first.

When the battle is over, take him away.

After hearing Fang Hao's words, everyone took action.

A well-preserved sarcophagus was opened and the body inside was taken out.

Two more ventilation holes were dug on the side of the sarcophagus, Eric was placed directly into the sarcophagus, and the lid was closed.

To ensure safety, two more layers of hard stone slabs were covered on top.

Even those white monkeys discovered Eric in the sarcophagus.

For a while, it was difficult to open the layer-reinforced sarcophagus.

After settling Eric, everyone began to prepare for the next battle.

22 gargoyle constructs and 4 Valkyrie constructs.

Even if Demitga and Anjia have no problem dealing with the construct, there is still danger for others.

Fortunately, there is a certain distance between the stone statue construct and the Valkyrie construct.

Judging from the distance, both will not be triggered at the same time.

They can take advantage of this and destroy the Gargoyle construct before dealing with the Valkyrie construct.

After carefully discussing the strategy with Demitga and others.

Everyone started to take action.

Fang Hao said to An Jia: "Don't get close to the stone monument and lure the gargoyles over. I will use a magic scroll. Don't take risks."

Since there is no skeleton unit in the team, and the skeleton gray bird is flying for a week, the construct is not triggered.

Therefore, the task of attracting monsters was left in An Jia's hands.

With her blue hero attributes, it would be no problem to trigger the gargoyle construct and lure it over.

"I know!" An Jia agreed wholeheartedly.

Since the relationship between the two has taken a further step, Anjia has become more obedient.

At this time, several bandits also ran back.

"My lord, everything is set up."

Fang Hao nodded and did not continue to drag it on.

Directly ordered: "Okay, proceed as planned, Anjia pays attention to safety."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

As soon as he finished speaking, An Jia's figure rushed into the 'Holy Light Cemetery'.

He quickly walked through the arched corridor and circled around the stone statue structure.

Click, click, click!

An Jia ran in front, and there was a sound of gravel rubbing behind her.

22 gargoyle constructs were activated, their bodies shaking violently and moving.

The dust on his body is scattered.

He casually tore off the vines covering his body and picked up the rusty weapon beside him.

Click, click, click! !

He turned his head slightly stiffly and looked at the intruder who was escaping not far away.

Immediately afterwards, he took heavy steps.

Chase in the direction of the intruder.

Harsh friction noise filled every corner.

Anjia activated the stone statue structure and did not go any further.

He took him in a circle, turned around and ran away in the direction he came from.

The gargoyle followed closely behind.

Regardless of his reckless rampage, he smashed the stone statues of maids and the arches of the flower beds along the road.

Debris was scattered everywhere.

Fang Hao looked at the distance when he reached the predetermined position.

He directly opened the magic scroll [Quicksand Trap] and pointed his finger at the feet of the construct.

The next second, a stream of yellow energy flew out of the scroll.

Submerged into the ground at the feet of the construct.

The originally hard ground began to become soft, forming a sand vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters.

It began to devour everything around it, including the constructs that walked into it.

In the surrounding flower beds, statues began to be swallowed up by quicksand, and the construct's forward pace slowed down.

It also started to sink a little bit.

"Detonator!" Fang Hao said again.

The bandit boy on the side, who had been waiting for the order for a long time, directly pulled the pulling line hard.

At the very beginning, they placed a large number of detonators at ambush points.

Constructs have no intelligence.

The detonator was placed in the open, and they would not retreat or avoid it if they saw it.

The pulling wire is pulled, and the lead of the ambush point detonator is also pulled apart.

After a burst of black smoke.


Boom boom boom! !

Earth-shaking explosions filled the entire cemetery.

Fang Hao and others evacuated quickly to avoid the crumbling wall due to the shock.

After the explosion, everything calmed down.

"Sure enough, there were too many detonators." Fang Hao cursed while covering his buzzing ears.

22 constructs, a bit too many.

Not wanting to cause any casualties, Fang Hao increased the number of detonators.

But I didn't expect that it was still too much.

The entire tomb was almost blown up.

The smoke dissipated and everyone recovered.

Looking towards the Holy Light Cemetery, the stone statue structure was no longer there, and even the quicksand trap had disappeared.

Huge depressions were left on the ground.

"Clean the battlefield and stay away from the central area." Fang Hao continued.

Everyone began to take action and collect whatever loot they could find.

[Harvest: 4 energy cores, 142 metal parts, 72 precision parts, 5 shadow stones. 】

The explosion doesn't care what part you are.

There are only so many items that can be collected completely.

The rest were all turned into pieces in the explosion.

Finished collecting the loot.

Everyone entered the Holy Light Cemetery.

Without the arched corridor, the line of sight is wider.

In the distance, you can directly see the tombstone and four female constructs in front of you.

The stone tablet is mottled, but the writing of the priest "Sidney" can be vaguely seen.

The time and life of death are obscured by vines and cannot be seen clearly.

On both sides of the stone monument, four structures in full iron armor sat kneeling.

It is different from the iron statue construct, that kind of bulky iron armor.

The height of the Valkyrie construct is only about 1.8 meters, and the armor armor all over her body is more exquisite, and it can even be seen that it highlights the delicate figure of a woman.

The waist is slender and the legs are slender.

Full body metal armor, carved with patterns of wings, branches, and flowers.

If it weren't for the slender iron sword in his hand.

It will be mistaken for a beautiful handicraft.

Fang Hao and others did not approach.

Instead, he stopped far away.

"The ambush just now was successful. There are still four constructs inside. It's better to set the trap first and pull the lead when they come in." Fang Hao continued.

With that said, he took out a large number of detonators from the storage space.

The gangster brothers became more familiar with the road for the second time.

At the predetermined location, start placing the detonator.

All preparations are completed, and there is no need for Anjia to attract monsters.

Fang Hao threw a fire arrow directly and hit the Valkyrie's chest. The fire arrow shattered and turned into little flames.

The Valkyrie's body began to shake slightly.

Then, with a kick of his ankle, he was ejected directly from the ground.

Holding the long sword in his hand, he turned his head towards the crowd.

The next second.


Four figures shot out.

Launched an attack on the intruder.

The speed was far beyond Fang Hao's imagination.

"Quick, pull the lead." Fang Hao was shocked and shouted immediately.

The bandit brother immediately pulled the lead.

Boom boom boom! !

But at the point of explosion, it still couldn't catch up with the speed of the Valkyrie.

The body had already missed the ambush point before the detonator exploded.

"Get ready to fight." Fang Hao looked solemn and ordered loudly.

The bandits instantly raised their shields to protect Convenience in the middle.

Dimitga and Anjia, on the other hand, faced the rushing constructs one on the left and the other on the right.

Demitga was on the left, facing the construct faster.

A sword slashed across the body, going straight to the construct's neck.


The Valkyrie kept her feet down, her body sank rapidly, she dodged the sword with a sliding shovel, and struck out with the same sword with her backhand.

Demitga turned his feet and took a step back to avoid the blow.

Valkyrie put one hand on the ground to steady her body, followed closely, and fought with Demitga.

Fang Hao stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes widened.

The tenth-level soldier is actually an orange hero with Dimitga, and there is no disadvantage in fighting against him.

Look at An Jia again.

The scenario is basically the same.

The Valkyrie construct shows super high combat capabilities and mobility.

They are more flexible than ordinary tenth-level troops, and can even complete some combat skills that others cannot achieve.

This is still a single-plate structure, and he is simply a highly skilled weapons master.

The other two Valkyries are already rushing towards this side.

Fang Hao looked serious and said coldly: "Dragon Breath!"

Roar! !

The two bone dragons lying down next to them stretched their necks forward, facing the oncoming Valkyrie.

The next second!

Black energy beams erupted from the bone dragon's mouth.

The two Valkyries were instantly enveloped.

The breath lasted for several seconds before the bone dragon closed its mouth and ended its breath.

And in the ruins in the distance.

The two Valkyrie constructs stood up unsteadily.

The armor on his body was orange-red, like red-hot iron.

Throwing out bursts of smoke.

However, it seems that it did not cause much harm to the Valkyrie.

He kicked his feet and continued to charge towards the crowd.

The Bone Dragon flew into the sky to attack, while the Grizzly Bear quickly directed everyone to form a shield array.

"Protect the lord's safety and wait until the two heroes win." Grizzly Bear said suddenly.

Chi! !

The long sword slashed out and slashed at the shield warrior.

There was a friction sound, and a scratch was made on the heavy shield.

The idea of ​​Grizzly Bear and others is very simple, they don't want to compete with Valkyrie at all.

The opponent is a construct.

Whether it's injuries or deaths, they're not worth it.

All they have to do is drag the other two heroes to help them after the battle is won.

But, the idea is a good one.

But he completely underestimated the fighting power of the Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie showed incredible fighting moves.

The long sword pierced through the gap in the shield, and screams came from the shield array.

Perhaps, the Valkyrie has its own judgment mechanism.

I found that the few people here were just defensive.

The two Valkyries immediately separated and attacked Demitga.

Here, there is only one construct left.

Fang Hao watched a bandit brother fall.

His face became serious, and after using [Frost Armor] on himself, he said: "There is one left, prepare to attack."


"Kill!" Fang Hao ordered.

The bandit brothers instantly dispersed, surrounded the Valkyrie in a semicircle, and launched an attack.

Fang Hao directly used [Giant Spirit Body].

The body began to be filled with power, a blue projection

A huge blue projection appeared behind him.

The two skills of [Summoning Wooden Spirit] and [Flame Spider] are used one after another.

In front of Fang Hao, three wood servant spirits and six flame spiders condensed.

The body of the giant spirit also condensed the same spell, but the body of the wood servant spirit was close to three meters, and the flame spider was also the size of a calf.

Pointing at the staff in his hand.

Various summoned objects rushed towards the Valkyrie.

The giant spirit's projection time is only 15 seconds.

Fang Hao once again condensed the fire arrow, the body of the giant spirit, and then condensed a burning flame javelin.



The arrow shattered on the Valkyrie's body.

The flame javelin penetrated the Valkyrie's body with a roar, and precise parts could be seen at the wounds it used to penetrate.

Valkyrie's body began to tremble and lag.

The summons swarmed up and engulfed the construct instantly.

With one successful move, Fang Hao felt happy for a moment.

This is really powerful.

There are still 5 seconds left in the countdown to the giant body.

There's still enough time for one blow.

"Dimitra, please don't move."

Fang Hao roared and condensed the fire arrow again.

Demitga understood and saw the right moment, sweeping his legs and knocking down a construct.

Fang Hao's fire arrows and flame javelins also came in response, directly penetrating the fallen construct.

The time has come for the djinn body.

The huge figure was instantly withdrawn into Fang Hao's body.

There were two Valkyries left on the scene, one each for Dimitga and Anjia, so there were no problems.

After 5 minutes.

The two Valkyries were also eliminated.

"It's not bad. What was that just now? It's so big." An Jia walked over, looking curious.

At that time, when Fang Hao made the totem, the black-footed cat ‘Luoli’ had just returned.

An Jia went to play with Luo Li at that time and did not see the effect of Fang Hao's experiment with the giant spirit body.

The rest of the people were also quite curious, after all, they had never seen Fang Hao take action.

I think it is relatively weak.

I didn't expect the skills released today to be so powerful.

Killed two Valkyrie constructs in one move.

"The body of a giant spirit, the power of a god, you don't think it's powerful." Fang Hao casually dispersed the flame spiders.

The wood servant spirit remained and could continue to protect itself if there was any danger.

"Just blow it." An Jia curled her lips.

Fang Hao smiled slightly and said without further explanation, "Okay, treat the wounded, dismantle these bodies and see what can be taken away."

Take out herbs and potions and give them to the injured.

Fortunately, these people only suffered some injuries and their lives were not in danger.

Not long after, the parts of the Valkyrie were collected.

[Obtained: 2 energy cores, 85 precision parts, 42 magic pattern parts. 】

From the Valkyrie, a new material called magic pattern parts was obtained.

It should also be a high-grade material.

After collecting the dropped energy cores and materials.

Everyone re-examined the surroundings of the Holy Light Cemetery.

Behind the stone monument, a gold treasure chest was found.

But Fang Hao was not in a hurry to open it.

As for opening the treasure chest, he was more curious about what was in the tomb.

Let the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group take risks and come here.

"Open this tomb and see what's inside, be careful." Fang Hao continued.

Bandits also do a lot of digging graves.

Several people helped to lift the sarcophagus out using ropes.

Open the coffin lid to prevent danger and retreat immediately.

After remaining still for a few seconds, I looked for Shuyuan and found no danger.

Fang Hao and others surrounded him again.

Check out what's going on inside.

Inside the sarcophagus was a mutilated corpse.

Although covered with stains, the bones were as clear and smooth as jade.

This reminded Fang Hao of the priest's left bone arm covered with runes that he obtained in the basement of the temple orphanage.

And this body is really missing two arms.

Inside the sarcophagus, a complete skull, sternum and legs are preserved.

"Could it be that they are the same corpse?"

This had to make Fang Hao suspect that the bone arm he had obtained before was the same skeleton as this one.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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