Global Lord: Start As A Desert Lord

Chapter 117 Refining The Central Crystal Into A Soul Phylactery? This Is Going Against The Sky

Richard took a few deep breaths before suppressing the extreme excitement in his heart.

Just in case, I reached out to signal a bandaged mummy to come forward and check.

As the bandaged mummy slowly stepped forward, all the troops were ready at this moment.

Once the magic puppet wakes up, it will launch the strongest attack in the next moment.

After a few moments, everything is safe.

Gunter then checked again, and after a second confirmation, Richard stepped closer.

The Brilliant units of these 3 squads... now belong to him!

Inject mental power to bind puppets.

step forward.

Looking at the body in front of him as high as 5 meters, he held two heavy knives thicker than the door panels in his hands.

Warrior, a heavy sword with a strong visual impact, is full of emotions.

When he was an enemy, these magic puppets made him suffer.

After getting it at this time, I was very satisfied immediately.

Without a heroic commander, the number of heavy sword Warriors is half that of them, and they are also facing the desertification skills with Tianke physical damage, which have blocked them for so long.

Its combat power is so powerful that it needs no words.

The moment Richard approached, he even thought about how to create tactics for the heavy knife Warrior.

Stepping forward, looking up at the hollow on the opponent's forehead the size of a thumb, his heart moved.

Signal the dark gargoyle around him to crawl on the ground.

He stepped on the shoulders of this unit, slowly raised, and when he was level with the magic puppet, he stopped the gargoyle.

The right hand stretched out, and the thumb slowly pressed the hollow on the heavy knife Warrior's forehead.


It seemed that he had touched a mechanism, and there was a pinprick pain, and blood oozed from his thumb.

In an instant, Richard only felt that his spirit extended, and a symbol was imprinted in the magic circle driving the heavy knife Warrior.

At the same time, a wave of information flooded my mind.

In order to make the magic puppets he made more in line with his wishes, the ancient Mage spent a lot of effort in the manufacturing process and created a powerful feature.

When the magic puppet is activated for the first time, it can grant the opponent a skill.

The magic golem will engrave the bestowed skills on its magic core.

After repeatedly confirming the information, Richard was overjoyed.

There is such a good thing?

The yellow sand-like light in his hand diffused out, covering the heavy knife Warrior.

The next moment, the familiar system prompt sounded, and the opponent had successfully obtained the desertification skill.

It made his heart beat.

The magic puppets made by these ancient ruins are too perverted, right?

After the heavy sword Warrior turns on desertification, he will perform a spiral attack... This unit is against the sky!

When Richard was excited, Warrior's magic core quietly shut down.

At this point, the heavy knife Warrior is completely owned by him, and even the original maker can no longer change the rules.

In the future, the heavy knife Warrior can only be destroyed, and cannot be captured and disassembled.

Forcibly disassembled, the magic circle inside will be automatically damaged.

The ancient Mage, who made the heavy sword Warrior, obviously thought of all this.

Richard withdrew his mind, and immediately felt that he could control the opponent's body.

With a thought.


The heavy knife Warrior knelt down on one knee smoothly, and the two tailor-made heavy knives were stuck on the ground, clanging ~ sparks shot out.

This sudden movement caused the surrounding vigilant army to react immediately, and the sharp ax in Ax of the Dead almost fell out of his hand.

Fortunately, Richard stopped it in time, otherwise the army of mummies would have dismantled the puppet...

He stepped forward, stepping on the shoulder of the heavy knife Warrior from the shoulder of the dark gargoyle.

Afterwards, Warrior, who controlled the heavy knife, came to the second puppet.

It feels very easy to control the heavy knife Warrior, just like directing your own arm, without any instructions, as soon as the mind moves, the opponent will follow suit.

Smoother than commanding Common's units.

Richard was filled with emotion, those scenes where the ancient Mage manipulated these magic puppets to fight were probably incomparably spectacular.

While thinking about it, one after another, they took all the heavy sword Warriors of the three teams into their pockets, and at the same time bestowed them with the most powerful magical skill in Twilight City-sandification.

The power in your hands has increased dramatically because of the brilliant units of these 3 teams.

Brilliant armies... This is the dominant existence at this stage!

However, Richard was not happy for a while, and suddenly the heavy knife Warrior's movements became slow, and then he didn't move at all.

He was startled at first, thinking that there was something wrong, but after checking it again, he found that it had not been activated after a long time, and there was no energy...

I can't laugh or cry.

Immediately let the army open the energy chamber containing gems in Warrior's chest, and take out those gems that have lost their energy and turned into Common stones.

Start changing gems.

After being busy for a while, Gray came to report.

"Master, each heavy sword Warrior needs 300 gems to restart.

"There is a built-in magic circle that absorbs magic power. After it is completely consumed, it can absorb free magic power in the air to replenish it.

"The reason why there is no energy now is because the magic puppet has not been activated.

"The gemstone that is the core of energy has been consumed for hundreds of thousands of years, making it unusable."

Richard's eyelids twitched.

Need 300 gems each? ! ! !

I have a sentence that I don't know when to say or not to say...

Take a look at the properties panel.

Gems: 11500 units

Except for the remaining 300 units, the remaining gems are all obtained in the ruins.

It's good to play games, right? Stuck like hell...

He thought he made a lot of money, but he didn't expect it was all a bubble.

However, compared to the brilliant-level units, these gems are not so important.

With a wave of his hand, he took out 9000 units and piled the ground into a hill, which was quite dazzling.

After the army replaced the energy sources of all the magic puppets, Warrior, who had just lost power, immediately returned to normal.

The Baijin-colored luster emanating from his body became more and more conspicuous.

The huge body with a height of 5 meters, like a titan, has a strong oppressive force.

Even the three-meter-tall dark gargoyle looked much smaller standing beside the heavy knife Warrior.

Richard was content.

This time exploring the ruins, the heavy sword Warriors of these three teams alone made him a lot of money.

This is a glorious class of arms! !

It takes a full 5 million units of resources to upgrade from a rare-level troop lair to a glorious level.

Moreover, the resources required for recruitment are an astronomical sum.

But now, he has a combat power that can only be produced with 5 million resources.

I was very excited.

Let the army continue the search to see if there are any other missing items.

But obviously, the glorious units of the three teams are already exaggerated enough. Did not get any more treasures.

Two hours later, Richard came back to the central crystal.

Looking at the crystal exuding blue light, his eyes became solemn.

Now, down to business.

This azure magic crystal is the key to breaking the seal of the fire element lord, and it is also the key to exchange for a large number of rewards and leave the ruins.

He motioned for a bandaged mummy to enter it.

Try to remove the central crystal.

But what surprised him was that although the bandaged mummy could penetrate the magic shield, it was blocked by it at a distance of 5 meters from the central crystal.

The blue magic energy surging around the altar is like a magnet repelling each other, with a strong repelling force.

Can't get in at all.

Richard frowned, and reached out to change arms.

The scorpion Warrior stepped forward, but the result was the same, unable to get close.

Ax of the Dead, Dark Gargoyle, Heavy Sword Warrior, Cursed Pharaoh, tried them all...

But still no effect.

"Master, this may require powerful manipulative magic power skills... That repulsive force is formed by extremely strong magic power.

"For countless years, this central crystal has stored an incredible amount of magic power."

"The magic power is already so strong that it overflows, and the special design around here prevents this majestic magic power from escaping.

formed a special area. "

Gunter's voice came with a special tone.

"If you want to get that central crystal, you need to face that magical power..."

Richard narrowed his eyes.

"Gaunt, are you sure?"

He didn't want to send heroes to take risks. The units died when they died, and they could be recruited with some resources.

But where to find A-level heroes?

The mummy hero, covered in bloody bandages, nodded.

"Master, I have the phylactery of the soul, there will be no mistakes..."

Richard just nodded.

After gaining the power of the lich, Gaunt also inherited their most perverted aspects.


"Proceed with caution."

After Gunter responded, he stepped into the magic shield.

He gradually approached to the range of five meters, and the ghostly blue energy that surged like a wave began to repel it again.

But at the same time, Gunter took out the magic orb in his hand-his phylactery.

Richard frowned, what is he going to do?

In the next second, the phylactery of the soul exuding a gray light was like a black hole, frantically devouring the faint blue magical energy.

Those energies are like overflowing alpine reservoirs opening their gates to release the flood, pouring madly into the soul phylactery.

The energy poured in was too exaggerated, making Richard's heart skip a beat, for fear that the other party's soul phylactery would crack and shatter.

With the infusion of energy, the light emitted by the magic ball gradually deepened, and the breath began to rise.

five minutes, ten minutes...

A full two hours passed, and the five-meter-diameter Blue magic energy shrank to three meters, but it was still incomparably majestic.

At this time, the aura emanating from Gray's body gradually increased along with the soul phylactery.

The level was quietly raised to level 7.

Whether it is a unit or a hero, each upgrade will increase a large number of basic attributes, increase strength, blood volume, defense, etc.

The higher the potential, the more the improvement... Although there is no detailed data to show it, it is real to become stronger.

Gaunt's aura gradually triggered changes.

The central crystal floating in Blue's magical energy slowly moved towards him.

Richard stared at the scene, his breathing slowed.

Gunter noticed the change of the central crystal, and to everyone's surprise, he slowly let go of the magic ball in his hand.

The dark magic ball did not fall to the ground, but instead seemed to lose gravity and floated into midair.

On one side is the central crystal that blooms with azure blue light, and on the other side is the dark soul phylactery.

The two treasures seem to attract each other in space.

Approach slowly.

Under the package of countless Blue magical energy, they bumped into each other lightly.

There was a sound of glass clinking.

Afterwards, the two crystal balls seemed to be stuck together, and they did not separate again...

Richard looked carefully, the moment Gunter's soul phylactery came into contact with the central crystal, a wisp of gray energy escaped and entered the central crystal.

A thought came to his mind that made him short of breath.

Gunter wants to refine this central crystal into a soul phylactery! ! !

This guy is going against the sky! !

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